
Astrophotography Quotes

There are 328 quotes

"If you're a photographer that has always wanted to try astrophotography but weren't so sure about investing hundreds or even thousands of dollars into a hobby before you knew if it was for you, well then watch this video."
"I just want to share my love of astrophotography and especially help newcomers to the hobby get started."
"I hope that you've learned something about taking short exposures and showing that you can bring out a number of nebulae in even wide field exposures with the right techniques."
"Well till next time, clear skies! This is Nico Carver from nebulaphotos.com."
"Astrophotography, the most fun and rewarding hobby out there."
"Shooting the Milky Way core, not just a wide angle landscape."
"In the dance of light and shadow, the Milky Way becomes our guiding star."
"Is it worth $4,800 if you're an astroimager with the right kind of setup for it?"
"Affordable APO triplets each one with matched flatteners and flattener / reducers."
"I really enjoyed making this image, it's just really zoomed in details on a familiar target to me."
"Pixel excels in astrophotography with built-in star tracking."
"Astrophotography is full of challenges, and I love a good challenge."
"This stunning vista of the cosmic cliffs of the Karina Nebula reveals new details about this vast stellar nursery."
"Is it possible to take a picture of another galaxy? Like, can someone do that who's not NASA? Can you point your camera at the sky and actually capture another galaxy? That would be crazy."
"You can photograph another galaxy standing on the back patio of your studio."
"Astrophotography is the art of photographing the night sky."
"That's something I love about astrophotography: getting both the grand perspective but then also being able to zoom in and look at smaller details."
"Astrophotography processing is very demanding and so having control over the stretch and even more importantly when you apply the stretch from what we call a linear space to a non-linear space is part of astrophotography processing."
"Deep sky Astro photography is all about collecting as much light as possible. It needs to be sharp, well exposed, and well framed with good data."
"The fact that the Webb primarily captures light in the infrared range means that its images have an ethereal beauty all of their own."
"This is called astrophotography, using my remote observatory."
"Find the darkest sky location using resources like darksky.org."
"Prefer shooting during the crescent or last quarter moon phases."
"Bright moonlight can wash out the night sky."
"Nebulas have fantastic shapes like cloud in the sky on a summer day."
"The Sombrero Galaxy, M104, is visible almost edge-on and has a lane of dark dust running across its disk."
"Starry skies you know you want that grandeur the Milky Way and all of those stars and nice wide-angle lens helps there."
"So, this for instance was their picture of two minutes on the Orion Nebula undisguised, that would clearly be better than mine."
"One of my favorites that he's added in is the astrophotography element."
"Night sight improves low-light performance, and astrophotography mode is ideal for capturing night sky scenes."
"Astrophotography can get really complicated really fast, but I want to emphasize that we can still take beautiful photos with more affordable gear and even free software."
"The ability to be able to just let anybody do astrophotography is fantastic."
"Astrophotography is a huge genre, and there's a ton of other topics like star trails, deep sky astrophotography, and a bunch of others that you can go into with a lot of interesting results."
"Telescopes tend to have pretty large apertures which means they can collect a lot of light which means they reveal a lot of detail, which is a good thing when you are photographing the black abyss of space."
"The Pleiades is one of the easiest deep Sky objects to photograph."
"A stock crop sensor DSLR like the Canon Rebel T7 is suitable for astrophotography."
"A star tracker like the Skywatcher Star Adventurer allows for longer exposures."
"ISO 800 is high, but noise is reduced when stacking images."
"Capturing about an hour on each target is enough integration."
"Astrophotography becoming more popular every day."
"The big trick to taking things to the next level is a star tracker."
"The secret to creating breathtaking astrophotography images is taking longer exposures."
"If you're taking astrophotography seriously, you should definitely get it. It's going to fix so many of your images. I use it twice in this tutorial. It's amazing."
"The Rosette Nebula is a stunning astrophotography target for your camera and telescope."
"Taking into consideration how that Milky Way is interacting with your foreground takes Astro photos further."
"Astrophotography has a way of grabbing you, it's addicting, amazing, so satisfying."
"It's great for that, it's also great for astrophotography."
"We love astrophotography so much, in fact, that every year we run the Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition."
"That's why we use star stacking or star tracker, but I prefer star stacking for much just easier so you collect a whole lot more light, you get a lot less noise."
"I've been doing night photography for like 10 or 11 years now, which doesn't sound like that much, but in the realm of landscape astrophotography, that's like an eternity because it's so new."
"If your aim is to shoot the night sky and you want the highest possible detail and sharper stars, then it's a no-brainer, a star tracker will deliver that."
"This is the complete package, perfect for both beginner and advanced astrophotographers."
"Look at that, this telescope took that with just a few taps of my mobile device."
"It's going to make astrophotography a million times more accessible to the rest of the population."
"Stacking my sky images... dramatically impacts on the ability of the software to remove the noise from the image."
"When it comes to astrophotography, I have myself just upgraded from the iPhone 10 to the newest and greatest at the time of recording this video, iPhone 14 Pro."
"The new iPhone 14 Pro with the 65% bigger sensor and with a true 6.3 focal ratio equivalent of a full-frame camera, it is actually capable of capturing quite a lot of detail for landscape astro shots."
"This is Andrew's very first shot of the Milky Way; you guys can do this, it's not easy, but it's definitely possible within the very first day of trying."
"Sky benefit from contrast a lot, especially Milky Way images."
"This is the beginning of Milky Way core season, and I'm so excited because this is one of the most relaxing and easy forms of astrophotography."
"I highly recommend looking at a light pollution map and planning a trip to a dark location."
"It's three o'clock in the morning, I can actually see the Milky Way with my own eyes right behind me."
"The dead tree star trail over Okanagan Lake."
"It's the fastest non-fish i14 to date, making it perfect for astrophotography."
"Sigma realizes this and pitches the 14 1.4 as being optimized for astrophotography."
"The Sigma 14 is designed specifically for astrophotography with a number of considerate features."
"I definitely recommend this lens if you do want to do astrophotography with it."
"Astrophotography is a far more challenging hobby."
"The price of a lens doesn't always dictate its performance in astrophotography."
"We're in the middle of nowhere because we're going to be shooting astrophotography today."
"Anything that can prevent you from actually manhandling the camera while you're shooting will give you super clear Astro."
"Astrophotography begins with the mount; it's the one thing you must master before you move on to anything else."
"Now I am a really keen astrophotographer, so this feature is quite close to my heart."
"It allows you to stack multiple exposure deep sky data and apply various calibration frames for an end image with more fidelity."
"Bias frames are used to profile the electronic read noise or the noise floor of your imaging device."
"What dark frames do is build up a profile of hot pixels, inconsistent pixels, bad pixels, and also column defects."
"Calibration frames not only help by reducing noise and cleaning up the images but they can also be invaluable for the actual alignment process."
"You can see the power of stacking because this is where we've ended up, which is a nice image of Andromeda."
"Astrophotography has helped many people, including myself, slow down this busy world and reconnect with the stars like our ancestors before us."
"This is Telescope Live's homepage, they're calling it the new home for astrophotography and remote imaging."
"I get excited with this stuff, guys. I love this stuff. I genuinely love this stuff."
"If you can improve on all four of these variables, you're going to see that your progress in astrophotography really starts to speed up."
"I use the same exact data from four years ago but I learned how to process it better and vastly improved the final image."
"You always need to double your total exposure time for a notable improvement in quality."
"Even if you're shooting from a light-polluted backyard, there is a fairly inexpensive and easy solution."
"Everything you need to take amazing photos of the Milky Way, to take legendary photos of the Milky Way."
"This video will change your Milky Way photography forever."
"Because in this video you will gain the power to always be at the right place, at the right time to capture that photo of the Milky Way you want to capture, that photo you have imagined, to tell the story you want to tell."
"The Galactic Center is the brightest part of the Milky Way, and the part of the Milky Way you want to have in the photo."
"A telescope is built for astrophotography."
"A star tracker is one of the best ways to capture higher-quality images at night."
"Once you have both images, one where the stars are sharp but the foreground is blurred and one where the foreground is sharp but the stars are blurred, then you can combine both photos and create a stunning final image."
"You're now going to start capturing amazing images with your star tracker."
"This is definitely the best investment I've made for astrophotography equipment."
"The difference in your images is really going to be amazing."
"That means there's no light pollution from the moon or the sun, obviously, so you're going to be able to get a lot more detail."
"If you're a bit more advanced and you're specifically trying to improve the contrast of emission nebulae, then the choice gets more complicated."
"Narrowband filters can be really effective for shooting nebulae."
"If you're new to Milky Way photography, I recommend you to plan your Milky Way photos without the moon."
"My name is Helena, and welcome back to my channel, Helena's Astrophotography."
"I have taken my images. I have actually settled for four images for the sky and one image for the ground."
"Consider subscribing to the channel if you haven't already. I post a lot of astrophotography related content."
"This is a gravitational lens formed through the interaction of different galaxies and different galactic clusters, creating this beautiful image."
"Welcome back to the beginner's astrophotography course."
"The Milky Way galactic core is the jewel in the crown when it comes to nightscape images."
"The moment you hit three, you see how it makes the Milky Way kind of pop."
"The telescope you choose early on can have a huge impact on your enjoyment and sustainment of astrophotography."
"Dithering is one way to really improve the quality of your stacked image."
"I'm going to take you guys out and show you how I capture the Milky Way with the S21."
"We love astrophotography so much... every year we run the astronomy photographer of the Year competition."
"You can tell by the star trails this is a long exposure."
"Through integration and image stacking, we can improve the signal to noise ratio."
"With the gear that you have, you can do really cool astrophotography, which is awesome."
"If you're gonna do real astrophotography, getting to a really dark sky is really important."
"You're shooting images of nothing."
"PixInsight is basically Photoshop for astrophotographers."
"Proof you all can do astrophotography."
"If you want to start off in astrophotography and you want to take it a little bit further, I'm putting some stuff right here."
"In today's video, her colleague Joe De Pasquale is going to show us how he processed this image of SMACS 0723."
"Here we are in the depths of winter, but one thing which this is perfect for is astrophotography and in particular the aurora borealis or the northern lights."
"There is really nothing that this film does badly except sports action and astrophotography."
"I've been able to focus planets when I'm out photographing the Milky Way."
"Star Sky AF makes astrophotography a breeze, allowing you to capture night skies like a pro."
"That's really gonna help your astrophotography images."
"With astrophotography, 16 often feels not wide enough, and you always want more, more, more."
"I would consider adding the 14 to 24 to my arsenal if I knew that I was going to be going to shoot Northern Lights or shoot astrophotography."
"There's nothing more exciting than seeing a star stack come together."
"Flaming star nebula, this was just about an hour of exposure time and I think it looks absolutely awesome."
"Personally, SE Stars 50 is a great tool for astrophotography, for those who are both getting into it and those who are already experienced."
"Never before has astrophotography been as accessible for newbies and amateurs as it is today."
"It's perfect for both beginner and advanced astrophotographers."
"I love shooting ultra wide landscape photography and I also love shooting ultra wide astrophotography."
"When starting an astrophotography, one thing becomes necessary eventually: a way to counteract the Earth's rotation so you can keep your stars sharp."
"Sigma is definitely designing and marketing this lens for astrophotography."
"It's really cool that Sigma is making lenses for astrophotographers."
"Astrophotography is a lot of fun and it's really rewarding, especially when you start getting really cool pictures."
"The Nikon zoom range really lends itself to astrophotography."
"This could make a claim as being the ideal deep sky imaging telescope."
"Astrophotography sells every one of these that they can make."
"My personal favorite type of photography is done at night; it's astrophotography."
"The key to this shot is to get the camera nice and low... facing straight across the Milky Way Galactic core."
"The ASAR Pro has been my favorite accessory over the last few years; it's really made my night a lot easier."
"That's why I was pretty excited to hear about the ASAR Plus, which is the next edition in the ASAR line."
"The ASR Plus has an internal storage of 20 gigabytes to store all your images."
"My number one goal at night is to capture as many light frames as possible."
"I'm just speaking to you as a normal astrophotographer because, as far as I can tell, they're the only company out there that's trying to make astrophotography easier."
"Regardless whether you have a really high-end setup or you're just getting into the hobby, you'll still be able to follow along with us and get a great final image."
"When we turn on our star tracker here, after we've attached all of our camera gear, the tracker is very slowly going to move our camera with the stars."
"That's what ultimately allows us to shoot longer exposures with our camera now without any star trails."
"One of the great things about astrophotography nowadays is that using the camera gear you might already have, you can still get fantastic results."
"The filters are designed to block out street lamps and other sources of light pollution while allowing light from nebula and galaxies to come through."
"Astrophotography is a fun and should be a rewarding hobby."
"Astrophotography is all about capturing light."
"That is what I think is the most efficient way to process your astrophotography images from ingestion to the computer to final product."
"The ASI Air shows that it is more than capable of guiding your mount and allowing you to do quality astrophotography."
"If you want to learn about all things astrophotography, start now by hitting the subscribe button and clicking the bell so you never miss another upload."
"Astrophotography is becoming so popular because tracking mounts just like this one provide such a versatile option for beginner hobbyists."
"Live stacking is a way to generate images of deep sky objects relatively easily without the complexities that you run into with astrophotography processing programs."
"I'm going to argue that this is a wonderful image of M4, and I would be very pleased to publish this."
"Tyler and I created Astroworks to create videos like this so that newcomers and intermediate imagers like you have the knowledge at hand to make them more successful in what can at times be a very technically challenging hobby."
"I've been getting into astrophotography recently and I really have been struggling with finding an easy and economical way to process my Astro images."
"Focusing can be fairly straightforward when doing astrophotography."
"Knobs are fairly simple to use; you either turn it one way or the other, and you find your focus."
"Hello and welcome to this beginner's guide to setting up a system to control your astrophotography equipment."
"Astrophotography is such a cool genre of photography; there's so much to it, you can go as in-depth as you want."
"There's so much to astrophotography, it's just a really cool thing."
"We have our contrast, we still don't have maybe as much of the tidal tails that we want, but now we have the contrast showing up in the Galaxy where we want it to be."
"Wherever this review takes you in your astrophotography journey, I just hope you found this review helpful."
"Astro tracer is a mechanism that allows the sensor to track the night sky in real time."
"So yesterday I was photographing the Milky Way from inside that giant hall behind me, that is Double Arch in Arches National Park, Utah."
"The job of a star tracker is to rotate your camera at the same speed that Earth rotates but in the opposite direction."
"That cancels out the motion of the stars in the night sky and allows us to track the stars as they move across the night sky."
"If you feel like your astrophotography is relatively limited by your gear, don't rush out and buy a new lens or buy a new camera; I highly recommend trying this method first."
"I've framed up on this tree... the Milky Way core coming up over the top."
"This is my main Milky Way lens, this is a fantastic lens."
"I'm kind of mad keen on people dipping their toe into astrophotography using the equipment that they've got with minimum additional expense."
"For somebody tempted to dabble with astrophotography, this is a really good starting point."
"This is a great beginner lens for deep space astrophotography."
"Compared to astrophotography, you can actually view dozens of objects in an evening."
"For tonight, I'm going to be connecting my DSLR directly to the telescope using a T-ring and extendable camera adapter."
"This software is going to allow us to process, stack, and enhance our footage of Saturn to hopefully bring out some nice details of its rings."
"If you get a cooled camera, and I highly recommend it, you'll be able to set the temperature you want the sensor to be at."
"This is going to be such a great setup for astrophotography."
"Stacking the moon photos definitely is a big help."
"I especially like how the dark nebula came out in this filter."
"Enjoy my photo of the Eagle Nebula, and I guess I'll see you in the next one."
"You can see how there we've captured that nice nebulosity."
"Tonight is a special night because it's time to capture the Eagle Nebula."
"You can do not only Milky Way photography with a wider lens but deep-space astrophotography with a telephoto lens or a small telescope."
"Good morning, I'm Walt, and this is Delta Astrophotography."
"I've also been doing a little experimentation with some astrophotography time lapses at night."
"Astrophotography is that every night you go to do something like this, you're going to improve with knowledge and experience."
"The Samyang has some specific features for astrophotography that allow you to get accurate focus even in the night."
"I live in this Bortle 9 zone... so when I make images, I have to do them over multiple nights."
"The image that's produced through here is more spectacular than you would see with a traditional astrophotography astronomy setup."
"It produces incredible images that I have no doubt will get many more people interested in this wonderful hobby."
"Astrophotography is one of those things where it's a multi-software application approach."
"The longer we image, the more detail and beauty within our deep sky wonders that we reveal."
"Telescopius is one of the best ways to plan out your photoshoots ahead of time because you'll be able to see how the image is going to look in your camera and lens."
"The number one tip for the camera settings is that you're using the maximum shutter speed without star trails."