
Legal Framework Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Good fences make good neighbors, and the Constitution is no exception."
"This law came about because people wanted somewhere safe and somewhere clean. It has nothing to do with your religion. This is a human issue."
"Copyright laws didn't develop just to settle disputes in court and without bloodshed, but they were also seen as a way to incentivize people to keep churning out exciting new work."
"Ordering a social institution or rearranging existing social structures by creating an entirely new kind of parallel framework for couples would require conception of an entirely different code, a new universe of rights and obligations."
"This is just a very good way of handling this, and hopefully now you actually appreciate how thought-out the jus framework was."
"Cynicism is not intelligence. In fact, I think it's kind of a closed mind."
"That's literally what the Constitution does, like it restricts the government from doing certain things."
"It's very difficult to have penalties without having a law to back that up or regulation to back that up. And what we have at the moment is kind of a wild west when it comes to fully autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles."
"Now it's being written down as a constitution for the first time."
"The Constitution secures five fundamental freedoms to We the People."
"These documents are written to limit the scope of authority that public officials have over the people."
"The Ripple test will replace the Howey test when it comes to crypto and crypto securities."
"Exploitation of our sisters needs to stop. It's time to break these curses and mend the wounds by coming to the truth, the law, statutes, and commandments."
"Salvation must be based on clear understanding, not complexity."
"Having that framework in our constitution is different than any other country."
"Elections are the cornerstone of our democracy and foundational to the rule of law."
"I mean, what makes our police state so unique is it marches behind the banner of Law and democracy."
"It was jay clayton's ico strategy, and the hinman speech was a core pillar of the strategy."
"The responsibility is to set up a framework of laws and of arrangements under which competition will flourish."
"The Charter of Rights and Freedoms now forms the cornerstone of Canadian human rights law."
"And the constitution sets forth separation of powers, and separation of power says that folks like me go out and get folks like you to vote for them to make the law."
"Section 230 should be a digital translation to constitution and amendments. Platforms must accept all speech."
"The SEC's current framework is unsuitable for crypto."
"The law is the rulebook that keeps ordered society from descending into chaos."
"The way that our rights talk seems to have evolved...is highly individualistic and very legalistic."
"Once you have law, you unleash the potential of a society."
"All treaties made under the authority of the United States shall be the supreme law of the land."
"We need to reconstitutionalize this government."
"Under the DTSA, the acquisition of a trade secret by improper means does not include reverse engineering or independent derivation."
"Freedom of religion is the first part of the first amendment of the United States Constitution."
"It is God's heart always to bless and always to be merciful; He just has to have a legal right to do it."
"The Iota ecosystem DLT Foundation has successfully registered under the adgm DLT Foundation framework positioning itself as a Pioneer in bridging digital and real world assets."
"Hammurabi's plan for administering justice was extensive, covered many subjects including commercial, family, and property law."
"It's a country of laws, it was... devised precisely for times like this to remove a maniac or a king from office."
"It's important to emphasize section 718 does not create any new offenses. It simply means that any existing offense in the criminal code like assault or sexual assault or murder if it's motivated by hatred could be given an increased sentence."
"Ignorance of Sharia is a reason for disputes when spouses don't have a point of reference to judge."
"The existence of numerous private military companies like the Vagner group in Russia openly involved in activities including assistance to the president therefore raises questions about the country's legal framework."
"Stability. Dubai has stability now with laws which suit Western clients."
"I think it would be a mistake to imagine that international law can be broken down into a series of regional agreements."
"The work toward sustainable development is leaving no one behind and integrating values in our legal framework."
"The nature of the limitation, the way the limitation is set up, can affect the substance of the right."
"The framers gave a good bit of thought to coming up with an amendment process."
"The comprehensive drug abuse prevention and Control Act of 1970 classified control substances into one of five categories based on their abuse potential and accepted medical use."
"The election act is the country's fundamental legal framework regulating Canada's electoral process."
"I'm very optimistic about the future of our women as we have done the most difficult job which was to create a good legal framework and provide best basic education for all."
"As soon as we manage to work in a framework of friendship and cooperation, working towards common goals through equality and based on law, we can move forward."
"I'm begging for the SEC to make the rules clear, do not lead by enforcement, lead by rules."
"The Constitution defines the government."
"The constitution of your family is your clearest chance of being protected."
"What we have been doing is actually providing avenues, options for parties to use as a framework to resolve their disputes and sometimes even prevent them all together."
"The New York Convention mandatorily requires all contracting states to recognize and enforce international arbitration agreements."
"Intellectual property is a framework that we've created as a legal system to say, look, we recognize that there's value in these things."
"Commissions are totally agreed upon by the parties; the law does not set commission rates."
"It's one of the easiest places to operate in Asia with English as an official language, few barriers to entry, and a strong, pro-business legal framework."
"The Constitution has an expansive purview to bring all people underneath a common umbrella of values."