
Emigration Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"Once you're in, you're effectively out of China."
"I would leave the country tomorrow and not come back. I never thought in my entire life that I would ever say anything like that."
"The real problem for Russia is that many of its best and brightest professionals and artists have fled the nation in droves, weakening its ability to compete in a 21st-century global economy."
"Since many Hong kongers are immigrating and remaining locals are spending less or going north to shop, the streets eateries and malls in Hong Kong are sparse and desolate."
"If you really want to leave America, you can just leave."
"I've had to flee my country, my home because of the ongoing threats and the lack of action from law enforcement."
"You don't have to stay in a country that no longer serves your interests."
"Americans will never comprehend the reality of despising the authoritarian government that you were born into and escaping them."
"Brain drain is the process of Highly Educated and productive participants in an economy leaving their home country to achieve better opportunities in another country."
"Fongling come with me to America there's nothing left for you China."
"These are just those silly Chinese that abandon their homeland, right?"
"Those who left Jamaica to come abroad became our heroes."
"Young Russians who were required to serve in the military began to abandon the country at airports and border crossings."
"America sucks what you don't leave when Trump gets elected y'all are complaining I'm gonna move to Canada if Trump gets elected and then you don't."
"Vladimir Putin's decision to partially mobilize announced earlier had prompted many Russian citizens to leave the country."
"How bad does it have to get? You know yet now you got black boys waving passports, you know the hell with us. I'm gonna take my passport and take my talents outside of this United States because it doesn't serve me anymore."
"America is so great that people who hate it refuse to leave it."
"Ponzi didn’t last long in his motherland and ended up in Brazil."
"I found myself at the airport with a single suitcase making the decision to leave friends, family, and country behind."
"We either live in this country and accept that's what it does, or we go somewhere else."
"The fear has driven this 57-year-old man away from his homeland. Safety is the priority." - Lee
"That's exactly why wealthy and educated people leave China in droves and that increase drastically under Xi Jinping especially right now."
"One of the realistic chances that you will ever fly back to Australia and resume your life back there? Probably zero."
"What if those people leave? Well, that's happening in Canada."
"China is already considered rich so why does it fail to retain its people?"
"The wave of Chinese tycoons emigrating to the West occurred a while ago."
"Maybe that's something very common for anyone who leaves their home-country."
"Plans to move to the United States because she was a newly engaged woman."
"The first thing that makes them leave the country is that they don't want to work in a system that is controlled in a feudal manner."
"It's a failing country in real time, and that's why I've left."
"It's just nice, a lot of people have no desire, they have no interest in living in a country like this." - Hitchcock 45
"As the ruble falls in value, Russia becomes less attractive as a place to move to, to work and earn money."
"It is sad when you think of entire families being split apart by mass emigration."
"Last year was the record for how many expats, how many people left the country."
"Politics is one of the reasons why people leave the UK."
"Are we treated like our own second-class citizens within our own country? Once upon a time, America was the place to be, but people are leaving America now for other opportunities because they're realizing that our government does not have our backs first."
"Didn't I know when I made my mark on that paper, I'd signed myself away from Ireland forever?"
"...Dick decides to leave the United States and buys a plane ticket to Greenland."
"I think California could be one of the best places in the world, but here we are, people are leaving, including myself."
"Home to perhaps the best country in the world for Americans fleeing the US. Americans in search of the new American Dream. You might have heard of it. It's called Portugal."
"Now people are getting out of the United States, they're realizing, you know what, this isn't really what I thought it was."
"The big thing that was always looming was fleeing the United States, but that has all but gone."
"In the 19th century, many Cornish tin miners emigrated, moving abroad to start a better life."
"There are ways to get out of the U.S that don't require you to have a passive income, a large amount of money saved, or your own business."
"Illinois is losing people, I mean more than any other state. People are leaving this state, and they're going where it's warmer and cheaper."
"Australia is like a game changer to us. It's just amazing. There are a lot of job opportunities, there is money, like money money."
"The last view of home for many Irish people and a welcome sight for others."
"Most South Africans that move abroad move for two main reasons: more opportunities and safety."
"Carl and Lena's daughter was adopted by a family. She grew up in Germany before emigrating to the USA in 1925."
"All the smart, all good big brains, they leave young and they go to other countries."
"You know I'm moving to America, right?"
"Now the new American dream is leaving."
"The High Cost of Living... it's a major reason especially why retirees are thinking about leaving."
"One of the biggest exports here in the Philippines is people."
"She decides to emigrate to Singapore because they enjoyed it so much."
"We thought their best chance for us to have a better life was to leave the country."
"Ireland was tough in the '70s... one in three people that were born in Ireland in the 20th century ended up migrating."
"Like a lot of Irish and English that come out here, I think they got very homesick."
"I'd always dreamed of leaving Nigeria, but now it was about survival."
"Sometimes your home country isn't the country you should be growing up in or starting a life in."
"Move abroad by force; the idea behind the book is to be able to help you study or move abroad on your own without the need of any agent."
"A lot of people are like, they just cannot deal with this anymore, and they just choose to leave the UK for Canada or even other countries."
"If they want engagement with the West... then the first priority for us is safe passage for those who want to leave."
"There are a lot of other factors that weigh up and make my decision to move to Canada."
"Life in Jamaica wasn't easy, but in pursuit of a better life, a mother made a bold move."
"I am born in Montreal, Canada. My mother is born and raised in Morocco, she's a Moroccan Jew, she emigrated to Canada in the 60s."
"What is the problem which makes our generation not stay in our countries?"
"Winners don't get on the boat... only the losers leave, and there's no shame in that."
"Super rich hate taxes. Super rich abandoning Norway at record rate as wealth tax rises slightly."
"In ancient times you didn't go abroad to become a farmer. You went abroad because you had a job in the army, in the military."
"Brain drain is when all the people who get degrees in your city leave because there aren't opportunities."
"This Hand Luggage show is dedicated to emigrants, isn't it? Not only them. This is a show about people who left with nothing but their memories."
"Leaving Sweden had been a matter of necessity, not choice."
"There is bravery in leaving everything in Russia and starting over abroad to stay human."
"Emigration has always been a big part in our nation's story."
"Africa has a lot to offer, and if I could bring my family there, then maybe we might have a better life or more life with less stress and more freedom and more opportunities."
"It takes tremendous courage to leave the land you've always lived in and to permanently move to another land."
"People might leave their country, unfortunately, and look for a more stable situation."
"The Arab population in Palestine was opposed to the increase in Jewish emigration and settlement."
"Paraguay is the most popular country for Germans to emigrate to in South America."
"It's no wonder every year 40,000 Brits flee our shores in search of a bigger house, more exciting job, and better quality of life."
"At last, we are safe, my love. We are going to America, the land of opportunities. Our future will be different now."
"I have written a book, and it's all about helping you move abroad by fire by force."
"The brave thing was leaving my country; after that, everything was piece of cake."
"This is an option for you for those who are looking to move abroad now and are seeking opportunities elsewhere."
"Life goes on, but not everyone wants to live in the US or Canada."
"As an artist, I have been moved by themes of emigration and displacement, crossing cultural, religious, and political borders."
"We're giving up our homes, friends, and everything. We don't know how things will go for us in another country."
"Leaving one's motherland is a serious decision... it is a decision that is worth taking."
"Once on Mars, the emigrant was guaranteed nothing, not even the certainty of being able to give up and go home."
"It occurred to me that the real reason these people were leaving this island was basically the same reason I had left St. Louis."
"There are times in my life when I think if I didn't leave my country, what would have happened."
"Leaving the people you love and leaving your family going out to another country alone to work."
"People will begin to think about what the amount of money can do for them if they take it and go to other countries and just start life afresh."
"People are even beginning to leave the UK, trust me, and more people might leave with all these things going on."
"So when people turn 18, they go abroad, and very few people come back."
"Young men and women are running away because Africa, African continent, and African countries do not create opportunities."
"Poverty is rife, and for those looking for a way out, Britain is the gateway to a new life."
"South Africa today has good systems in place for its citizens that they rarely travel outside in search of greener pastures."
"I have left Russia for an indefinite period of time and I'm currently based here."
"Like so many things just happening, reminding us of the fact that we just wanted to leave that country."
"Many people said goodbye to their family for the last time they made this journey."
"Why did you leave Sierra Leone?" "Because there is a war."
"Every year hundreds of British emergency workers fly into Australia to begin new lives down under."
"I left India in 1964 with a certificate in commerce and the equivalent in those days of $10 to my name."
"I'm actually really contemplating moving to your wonderful country because I'm so frustrated with our own."
"I'm trying to buy a second house; my goal is to get out of America."
"Most Americans, the reason they leave, it's for the adventure."
"America is a country so great even those who hate it won't leave."
"We're actually the country is facing a brain drain."
"For me, leaving Cuba was leaving my country. Everyone who has emigrated knows how hard it is to leave your country."
"All people who want to live from inventions, who want to be inventors, run from Europe to America."
"As my family is Jewish, we emigrated to Holland when Hitler came to power."
"The Irish potato famine led to 1 million Irish people dying and a million more emigrating mostly to the United States."
"I moved here in 2014. What brought you? Just wanted to leave Ireland, and America seemed good."
"There is no better way to provide aid to a developing nation than to allow its best and its brightest to emigrate and send remittances back home."
"Human capital flight, sometimes called brain drain, refers to the emigration of intelligent, well-educated individuals to another country for better pay or conditions."
"The term 'brain drain' was coined by the Royal Society in the 1950s to describe the emigration of scientists and technologists to North America from post-war Europe."
"It's usually the most ambitious people that leave their countries."