
Colombia Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"In Colombia, Gustavo Petro, the country's first leftist president, was sworn into office on Sunday, promising to fight inequality and bring peace to a country haunted by feuds between the government, drug traffickers, and rebel groups."
"Colombia, the country that's long been associated with Pablo Escobar, cocaine, and violence is finally getting the credit that it deserves as one of the best destinations in South America."
"I never tolerate any cool Iranian forces in Colombia for sure."
"Colombia has become one of the most popular and trending travel destinations in the entire continent."
"The atmosphere is tense as tens of thousands of young Colombians are currently out on the street all across the nation to protest for their rights."
"Luis Carlos Galán, a man who many found hope as Colombia's next president."
"Cocaine is on Pace to pass oil and become Colombia's number one export."
"But every night you can probably get better fresher food in Colombia than you can right now in America, I guarantee you that."
"Which country cost the highest money for travel? It's Colombia."
"Colombia is [__] amazing dude, super [__] cheap, beautiful."
"Colombian drug lords began consolidating their businesses into partnerships known as cartels."
"One of the large reasons why I chose to come to Colombia was because those interactions were so positive. It really gave me a sense that the department was a collegial, friendly environment but one that strove to be the best it could be."
"It wasn’t long before he was suspected in another murder in Colombia, but he was never found."
"Colombia offers an attractive and affordable lifestyle for expats and locals alike."
"It's so important to the economy of Colombia that UNESCO have a World Heritage Site, which is the Colombian coffee-growing area."
"It's our last night in Colombia, we're going to live it up."
"The whole situation in Colombia was really friendly for me because people, these are such good and friendly people in Colombia. This is one of the friendliest places on planet Earth."
"Our adventures in Colombia have just begun and I'm very excited because I feel like we just are scratching the surface of this culture."
"When it comes to weather I think Colombia wins."
"Colombia is very diverse, there are a lot of things to do."
"Colombia has become a much different Nation than what the media portrays."
"The people are just amazing. They are warm and welcoming and friendly."
"Colombia is as good or better many times than what we had in the United States."
"Colombia, few countries hold a name with this kind of reputation."
"Colombia truly is nearly unmatched in biodiversity often being ranked third on the biodiversity index and only being beaten out by Brazil and Indonesia."
"This beautiful spot next to the crystal clear Rio Suarez ended up being our cheapest paid camp in the whole country at 5,000 Colombian pesos per person which translates to $1 23 US."
"Colombians are some of the nicest people on the planet. They are so hospitable and will really go out of their way to help you."
"Colombia has made significant strides towards safety and security, making it a haven for retirees."
"Hopefully the protests lead to a plan that'll ease the economic burden on the Colombian people."
"In late May, Colombian elections were marred by violent protests and riots after Cesar Gaviria won the presidency."
"It's no secret that Colombia has some of the most beautiful women in the world. Basically, you walk in the street, you see 10 women, at least eight of them are going to be very attractive."
"That is one huge point. There's access to so many more good-looking women here compared to other countries around the world because of the culture that Colombians have about keeping themselves up, looking beautiful."
"Is Cali, Colombia safe for visitors from around the world to tour today? In short, I'm going to give you my absolute answer, which is yes."
"Cali, Colombia is safe. It's a great go-to. It's a midlevel travel spot."
"Wherever we go, Colombians genuinely take pride in what they're doing."
"These regions agricultural of pure Colombian avocado we are already about an hour and a half leaving Santa Marta and the heat begins to get a little intense."
"We want you to fall in love with Colombia."
"The first toll that was imposed in Colombia under the instructions of Simón Bolívar."
"Colombia is definitely known for its fruit and it's because of its location. It's located right on the equator making an ideal climate for some of the freshest, most exotic, and tastiest fruits in the world."
"Colombia is one of the cheapest countries in all South America."
"Colombia is the second most biodiverse country in the world."
"Colombia is by far the richest place on Earth in terms of biodiversity of animals, plants, you name it, it's there, it's extremely rich."
"Talk about progress Colombia has made as a federation."
"Colombia is one of the most exciting travel destinations in South America."
"After our time in Venezuela, I went home, but James flew back to Colombia and spent another six months there, during which time it quickly became his favorite country in the world."
"The city of Barangay is a major seaport sitting at the mouth of the Magdalena River, home to over two million people, making it the fourth largest city in Colombia."
"The people of Colombia are dedicated to improving their reputation and are some of the most welcoming, helpful, and fun people we've met."
"A huge percentage of Colombia's drinking water comes from these Paramo ecosystems."
"The US war against drugs has been overwhelmed in Colombia after a decade of drug-related terrorism and assassinations."
"I like Colombia, Colombian girls, Colombian coffee."
"Colombia is a wonderful country, it's a great place, and I call it home."
"This is huge, not common in Colombia."
"This is Colombia, a country located right in the heart of the Amazon with a population that has been yearning for happiness for years."
"It's the GUATAPE village, just a 2 hour drive from Medellin. A green paradise where mountains meet lakes."
"This is why people in Colombia live by the slogan 'Live each day as if it's your last and cherish what you have.'"
"As an outsider who has traveled to Colombia, the daily routines of the local people can be incredibly fascinating."
"This city, once invaded by many pirates and empires, is now a tourist paradise where Colombian locals and foreign tourists mix and become friends."
"They found out that the quality of life in Colombia is a lot better than what we have here in California."
"I'm very happy for them; they're sending photos and videos every day, and Colombia does look like it's a very nice place to live in."
"Namaste to you too, sir, from Colombia, beautiful, beautiful, hope you guys are doing well."
"I'm also low-key planning on going to Spanish school in Colombia for the very first week of my trip."
"Colombia is not an easy country. We’re dealing with a country that preserves one of the greatest biodiversity in the world."
"Colombia is country known for other nice things, such as being the birthplace of great artists and writers."
"A country full of opportunities, and yet from the socio-economic point of view, the rates of poverty and inequality in income distribution and land ownership in Columbia remain very high."
"Look how visually stunning this place is, this town has to be the most colorful one in Colombia."
"What an incredible bike by the Colombian."
"26 years old from Pesca, Colombia, Miguel Angel Lopez, they call him Superman."
"Listen, Encanto is Disney's 60th animated film where they finally took the trip down to Colombia."
"A lost city was discovered in the forest of Colombia, way up on a ridge 5,000 feet above sea level."
"This is a bus ticket for the most beautiful bus ride in Colombia."
"It's one of the most iconic places here in Colombia."
"Everything is very colorful in general, that's really what I love about Colombia."
"Colombia is the most attractive and happiest country in Latin America and the world."
"An ordinary looking river in Colombia transforms into a liquid rainbow."
"The streets of Colombian cities have a constantly lively life."
"Welcome to Ciénaga, the capital of magical realism of Colombia."
"This is a really outstanding emerald from the Muzo mine in Colombia."
"Colombia, a land of breathtaking landscapes and vibrant culture, holds a treasure trove of secrets that might just leave you astounded."
"It is one of the world's 17 megadiverse countries, boasting the highest level of biodiversity per square mile in the world."
"Colombia is the only South American nation with coastlines along both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans."
"The world's most breathtaking river, Caño Cristales, undergoes an astonishing transformation between September and November."
"Colombia is the third largest coffee producer in the world, deeply rooted in its geography and climate."
"Some pretty incredible frogs just arrived from Colombia, and woo, they are hot!"
"Walking around this area, Salento is such a treat, it's very raw and you can feel the culture of Colombia here."
"Everybody's super friendly here in Colombia, I love it."
"A lot of people talk about Colombia being a cheap country to live in; we're going to cover if it's true or BS."
"The most dangerous thing about Colombia is that you don't want to leave."
"But if I am absolutely honest, I have to tell you guys, if you offer me a bus ride to Munchique National Park in the Western Andes of Colombia, that would be my dream birding destination."
"There's more to Colombia than that."
"The people in Colombia are amazing."
"It's been a year of firsts for Colombia."
"Makes me so happy to be Colombian, man, to see all the beauty this country has to offer."
"I love Colombia, love Medellin. I think that was a great experience for me, it helped shape my life in a very great way."
"Welcome to Medellin, Colombia, city of the eternal spring."
"It's a struggle for big people in Colombia; it's not easy."
"I have a huge passion for Colombia, it is a magical place where you can find from the coldest but charming places to the jungle and the Caribbean."
"For the first time we set foot on Colombian lands and we do it in a big way."
"Everybody is just proud to be Colombian."
"Colombia has every possible terrain... there's so much to discover in Colombia just in Colombia itself."
"Colombia is the world's largest producer of these precious green gems."
"Building community and really building relationships with people in Colombia is important."
"I help people that are moving to Colombia get settled."
"The government has definitely taken actions pro-tourism because they know Colombia has the tools to be a major tourism destination."
"If you're a Colombian mixed martial artist, you don't have to go anywhere. You can get all the training here. We have all the tools in Colombia."
"Colombians value family, which I think is a beautiful thing."
"Columbia is the only South American country with Atlantic and Pacific beaches."
"The fantastic Cuadrado of Colombia."
"All of Colombia's beautiful in my opinion."
"You are very welcome to Bogota. We are in Colombia."
"Immerse yourself in the culture, and Colombia and Cartagena, they have a beautiful culture."
"I'm absolutely loving my time here in Colombia."
"It's a mixture that is built into the DNA of what Colombia is."
"Colombia is one of our closest allies in the hemisphere, and today we reaffirm partnership between our two great nations."
"Insecurity has gone down significantly. Today, we have the lowest levels of violence of the last 40 years."
"Millions of Colombians have been lifted out of poverty."