
Weight Gain Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"Sleep deprivation and weight gain... there's a very strong correlation."
"Weight gain can be a positive thing or a neutral thing."
"If you're doing a legit bulk and you're not gaining at least a noticeable amount of weight over a reasonable amount of time, kick it into gear."
"An increase in weight comes from an accumulation of mass, not an accumulation of energy."
"Insulin resistance explained: gradual weight gain over years."
"Weight gain happens when we consume artificial sweeteners."
"Eat to uncomfortability... the weight on your scale will change."
"A lack of sleep is strongly linked to weight gain."
"Hypno: Dream-eaters who gain weight on dreams, then chat over coffee."
"Put on a few pounds a year and just creep up on everybody."
"Just reading less meat and after a few years you can put a couple pounds on just because of that effect."
"So now they both popped up to four pounds, which is awesome."
"So that's a great Point yeah it'll kind of sell yeah like the person who's underweight will now put on nice muscle tissue."
"2020 has been the worst year of my life. What about you? I gained 100 pounds, so it was not a good year. I lost two because it's water, you guys."
"People gain weight when they're in a caloric surplus or they're consuming more calories than they're burning every single day."
"To gain weight and bulk up, you need to be in a caloric surplus."
"Looking at yourself in the mirror seeing yourself gain 30 pounds is tough mentally harder than physically not good for you physically it's not healthy."
"I train with many people that are using performance enhancing drugs and you can see they're not even the same guys when they're on it and when they're off their cycle, the difference is incredible."
"I got up to 200 pounds within 30 freaking days, one month, and I pretty much undid five, six months of contest prep."
"You know what happens after you eat a whole lot of food? You feel like you gained a lot of weight."
"Butter made me put on weight, and it did not make me feel as clean."
"If you are below a relatively healthy body fat range, you would usually want to eat in a surplus."
"Are you gaining a little chunk of chub-chubs from the quarantine and the isolation and these lockdowns?"
"If you're accumulating fat, you are obviously consuming more than you're expending but at some point you could fill that bathtub up and water can escape the bathtub and that's when really bad stuff happens."
"Estrogen dominance can also be a cause for weight gain, particularly in the breasts, hips, and thighs."
"Hypothyroidism slows metabolism, leading to weight gain due to reduced catabolism of proteins and lipids."
"Cortisol also makes us pack on weight around our middle."
"Goodbye cruel world I'm about to gain 30 pounds tonight."
"Have you ever tried to gain weight?"
"It's easy for someone like me to gain weight quickly. My body holds onto water and fluid because of my lipedema and lymphedema."
"That's funny. That's a good gift. If you're craving anything and you just hold the dish and it comes to you. I would gain so much weight."
"To gain weight you want to have a mix of green, bean, grain, and nuts and seeds... it'll help you gain weight and get good muscle complement you could actually get good muscle penetration good pattern of amino acids."
"Weight gain has helped, it really has."
"you got your winter fat I'm about to a hybrid Nate Wow"
"The evidence will show you that between the time that Maya Kowalski was seen on October 7th in the ACH emergency room and the time she was discharged three months later, she'd gained four and a half pounds."
"Body changes are normal, whether it's hormones or whatever. There's a thousand different reasons it could be that we put on weight. It doesn't matter, understand and know that that is normal."
"Food is what you need and weight gain will get easier."
"Eating a lot of sugar can cause you to gain weight."
"Ultra processed foods are a major contributor to overeating and weight gain."
"I put on like 30 pounds, and I was really happy with that surprise."
"I swear I'm going to gain so much weight here."
"Why are you eating a Kaltene bar? I'm not starving. Coach Carr makes us eat those when we want to move up a weight class. To make you gain weight like crazy."
"If calories in, calories out was correct, then the rules of calories and calories out dictate absolutely that I must have gained quite a bit of weight during that 14 days."
"It's not what you're it's it's it's never the quinoa you know like if people talk about how quinoa makes you know makes makes them gain weight like it's never the quinoa it's it's everything else."
"We've had many people come to carnivore underweight, even people with anorexia, and when they go carnivore, they start to gain weight. It's always healthy lean muscle, connective tissue, and bone."
"When you put on lots of weight especially rapidly skin has to be grown to fit around it all otherwise you would feel like a popping balloon all the time which would be terrible."
"A good reasonable suggested rate of weight gain for someone who has been in the gym a while is probably around like 1% of your body weight per month."
"I was 150 pounds, and he hired me and I showed up on set 210 pounds."
"Casey gained weight every day. In the first week alone, he gained 27.25 pounds of muscle."
"Weight gain, unexplained weight gain, can be associated with B12 deficiency."
"If we had barbecue like this in L.A, I think I would probably be 40 pounds heavier because I'd be eating this every single day."
"...weight gain can have a big impact on our health."
"Weight gain during the pandemic is not just a myth. It is very real."
"Even when we're not eating, our metabolism switches into fuel-burning mode, but overeating can lead to fat accumulation."
"Suddenly craving foods that I had never craved like all kind of Street Truck food fast food Chinese food pizza along with drinking I just gained so much weight and I wasn't even really conscious of it until I was far in like I'd probably gained 60 pounds by the time I noticed."
"The fear of weight gain was significant in the early 2000s."
"I constantly try to gain weight, I can't."
"I definitely gained all my weight in my middle, that was absolutely me."
"It's not that a slow metabolism causes you to gain body fat and gain weight. It's the other way around. When you gain excess body fat, it crushes your metabolism."
"If most diets are counting calories and I eat a 22 calorie scallop and gained 6 pounds or a 65 calorie egg and gain half a pound then how can a calorie counting diet help me?"
"Indulging in fried foods on a regular basis can spell trouble for your liver, leading to weight gain and increased risk of fatty liver disease."
"The sweet spot is based on how much of the side effect you're willing to tolerate for how much weight gain it'll give you."
"Menopause is not causing your weight gain."
"That's when he hit a new low. I mean, our Falcon last week, he's getting so [ __ ] fat, Tim. I'm sorry, God."
"If you give a fructose-fed animal a high-fat diet, it can really gain weight because the high-fat diet is energy-dense."
"We fed all the animals the same amount of food... What we found was that when you controlled for food intake weight gain was almost the same between the two groups."
"More food is going to mean more weight but it doesn't work that way."
"I'm actually getting a pound a week... and they're like well yeah that's gaining weight."
"The refrigerator, oh let me tell you folks, this is a biggie. The first year that I worked out of my home office, I gained 25 pounds."
"You know I was going to have one cupcake at this party and six months later I gained all the weight back because I completely fell off the wagon with that one cupcake."
"If you're starving and need to put on weight then you should eat it."
"Quarantine 15, I'm definitely gaining it, you guys let me know if you're gaining it too."
"Many people are salt sensitive. When they eat a high salt diet, the weight goes up."
"Let the future self worry about the weight gain."
"I seriously gain 10 pounds every time I cross the border into Wisconsin."
"Here's what I found. I found nothing. Almost nothing was there as far as menopause weight gain inflammation. But then I kept seeing this theme inflammation, inflammation, inflammation."
"If you can't seem to gain weight, you are eating too little."
"If you want to gain weight, you have to eat more calories than you burn."
"Overeating doesn't make you gain weight; the process of gaining weight makes you overeat."
"It's so easy to eat like if you ever need to gain weight for a movie role or something."
"This would be a great look, you know, 10-15 pounds heavier."
"The cause of weight gain is too much of the hormone insulin, which drives fat cells into a feeding frenzy."
"Without any exercise, people may gain weight and become less healthy."
"I'm eating for my health and I also want to gain weight."
"I was gaining weight at an alarming rate."
"Trust the process, it'll be tough to feel yourself gaining weight, but just stay with it."
"It's not fat that causes you to be fat; it's starch and sugar."
"If you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain body fat."
"There comes a time and point in everyone's fitness journey where you can accumulate rapidly a lot of weight and a lot of it can be quality."
"A toddler by 24 months should be gaining anywhere between four to six pounds per year."
"No wonder I've gained ten pounds over quarantine."
"If you hate being skinny, you are going to love your body after you start gaining weight."
"Having a support system... is very very important especially during the weight gain process."
"You know this when you come to Georgia, you will gain weight."
"Dieting is actually a predictor of weight gain."
"If you're overeating by 400 calories a day... that almost becomes 2,800 calories a week."
"If somebody eats more food, consumes more calories of food than one breaks down, they will still gain weight."
"If you sleep less, you may gain more."
"You gotta eat, man. Eat. That's the biggest thing people don't understand about putting on weight."
"To gain weight on the other hand, simply do the reverse. There's no magic there."
"You're supposed to lose weight when you breastfeed; I'm actually gaining weight like a beast."
"There's a reason why people gain weight as they get older."
"I'm so excited, I have gained so much weight."
"You can eat the same foods in a high-stress state and you'll put on more weight from them than if you eat them in low stress."
"I think I gained 5 lbs within like 2-3 days."