
Computer Graphics Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"The holy grail of computer graphics, Ray tracing, is now possible in real time."
"Ray tracing has always been the holy grail of computer graphics."
"Physically based rendering forms the basis of modern real-time graphics."
"All this stuff is possible through learning the foundations of programming and a little bit about how to do stuff with computer graphics as well."
"You don't have to use emissive meshes. You could just go straight off the direct light. Put the values in that you want, it'll generate bounce light straight off the sunlight."
"The 1080 TI is the GOAT, absolutely no questions about it."
"What a nice connection between the realm of computer graphics mathematics and physics."
"By the time Ed Catmull graduated from the computer science program at University of Utah, he was already considered a genius and pioneer in his field."
"Ray tracing allows for realistic reflections, accurate shadows, and indirect lighting."
"Ray tracing is not a scam... it's been a thing for decades... real-time ray tracing is the new frontier."
"DXR version has some upsides... shadows are accurately following... everything operates how lights would expect in real life."
"Ray tracing enables incredible detail not possible without it."
"Ray tracing will eventually become as important as the polygon triangle."
"By the end of this course, you'll be able to import basic 3D models... and have a firm grip on the basic concepts of computer graphics."
"In order to prevent that, we need to make use of an index buffer..."
"Throw a lot of geometry at the GPU in big batches rather than trying to sort of send piecemeal little bits of graphics there."
"Using an HDR can sometimes double your render times."
"Object instancing can significantly reduce memory usage and render times."
"I do have to commend Nvidia for pushing the boundaries of computer graphics."
"It's hard to overclock graphics, but it's fun to try!"
"Complex numbers offer a deterministic way to represent rotations, essential in computer graphics and beyond."
"We're going to look at how we can take a collection of vertices in three-dimensional space and form a surface of a solid object out of triangles."
"The look-at matrix allows us to position and rotate an object in our world space."
"This approach is called Flat Shading, and it’s the most basic lighting algorithm."
"Ambient occlusion adds shading to our scene for a more realistic look."
"Luckily z depth passes don't need many samples so they're very fast."
"There's gonna be one that's gonna be called CG only."
"Randomness or noise is at the core of many concepts in image processing and computer graphics."
"Blender is a very powerful cg package and can really be used if you have a correct pipeline with it."
"Perhaps the most impressive fact is that these vertices, textures, and lights are entirely composed of ones and zeroes that’s continuously being processed inside your computer’s graphics card or a video game console."
"The video game graphics rendering pipeline has three key steps: Vertex Shading, Rasterization, and Fragment Shading."
"Path tracing is about simulating every photon of light."
"Without numerical linear algebra, there are no good computer graphics."
"This image already demonstrates that we have multiple bounces of diffuse light."
"It will reveal the secrets of the seabed with stunning computer graphics."
"One technique for doing so, called fractal Perlin noise, has remained popular to this day despite being invented all the way back in 1983."
"In computer graphics, we're in the business of making things look pretty."
"We've all seen these images and we know they're fake, but can you imagine a computer generating something like this even five years ago?"
"Displacement, albedo, roughness, normal maps, we have a bunch of textures assigned to the shader to make it look photorealistic and beautiful."
"So, okay, why do I call this level three? It's obviously nonsense. I think we're moving into a new era of computer Graphics. We've nailed photorealism, right? That's under control. What really interests me now is what we can do in the computer that we can't do anywhere else."
"Lava is quite a difficult thing to do inside a computer. A physical model you can build it, you can look at it and you can light it and it behaves."
"LERP (linear interpolation) smoothly transitions between values."
"Understanding shaders empowers you to create stunning visuals."
"...fundamentally a two-level radiance caching system where we try to have very few rays, but make the most of every ray by caching the radiance and then using it for sampling."
"...we get some form of recurrent infinite multi-bounce effect for free, limited though because the reflector needs to be on screen for this to work, which is nice."
"This effectively gets the luminance of the new sample we've just calculated versus the luminance of the reprojected history."
"And this is the final comparison, the path tracer, running on that scene, and GI-1.0."
"We didn't include like doing direct lighting from say spotlights and directional lights, because as you've seen with comparisons with path tracing, probes they can't really capture anything very high frequency, only like smooth lighting."
"What I've described really so far can be referred to as diffuse interpolation, where we estimate the irradiance."
"Quads are amazing if you want to deform your mesh."
"Curves are pretty much everywhere in computer graphics."
"And then we'll need the 'Shader to RGB' node, which is going to give us access to a couple of outputs."
"So what is VGA? The Video Graphics Array (VGA) is a de facto PC graphics standard."
"The exclusive or technique doesn't distinguish erasing a sprite from drawing another nearby."
"...the crazy thing about this is it is set up in the computer technology behind this is the Unreal Engine."
"Now let's take a look at the before and after, so if I push 'M' on the keyboard."
"Define a rule, apply that to a blueprint, and create many particle objects using that blueprint. That's how you build a particle system."
"Computer Graphics were used in a few music videos but not as abundantly as Dire Straits."
"The graphics pipeline is a linear sequence of stages where each stage takes as input some data, performs some operations on it, and outputs the transformed data as input into the next stage."
"This is how the computer knows how to draw the image by graphing it with these little points and lines."
"Subsurface scattering is basically just the light that shines through your body and scatters through the skin and flesh in this really soft, dispersed nature when it's in harsh sunlight."
"I love the fact that you use CG animals in Indian movies."
"I'm going to switch to Karma CPU and there we go, you have our shader."
"A cube map is a kind of texture that consists of six individual 2D textures that are assigned to a 3D cube."
"If we work with CG elements and want to accomplish a photorealistic look in compositing, we can't ignore the physical processes."
"I got all these tentacles starting, and they're all following the mouse."
"Path guiding is an important sampling technology for indirect illumination that's been developed to help improve noise convergence."
"The sunlight from the HDRI image is properly coming through the glass because of the path guiding process."
"This right here is a simulation that would do really well with path tracing."
"This is the basis for the shadow mapping technique which was invented already in 1978 by the late Lance J Williams."
"Transforms are a very important concept, of course, for game engines and games in general."
"Like many things in computer graphics, it's not free."
"Allocating them as an array can let you allocate them more efficiently, because array elements tend to not incur as much wasted memory, due to texture alignment requirements on the GPU."
"SVG paths are complicated because they're made to be read by computers and put together in graphics editors and to be as concise as possible."
"Computer graphics was revolutionized as well with many new rendering techniques or faster rendering techniques, but also by working together with AI."
"Back to Front, we are basically using what we call the painter's algorithm."
"Looking forward to a huge new year of CG and motion graphics."
"Most of us graphics people think of ourselves as really doing advanced data structures; we do it so much, we invent new data structures for things."
"The computer knows which way the vertices are facing and where they are, so it connects them and creates faces that make up the whole of the mesh."
"It's a solid adventure but revolutionary with what they did with the computer graphics."
"For Gouraud shading, this thing works really beautifully."
"Just because something was animated on a computer doesn't make it any less artistic."
"Another way to increase efficiency in rendering is to reuse parts of paths that have already been computed."
"Finally, we can give a little bit back to rendering by using walk-on spheres to help us with subsurface scattering."
"HDRI was such an important feature of creating CG because it allowed you to store the values that would help create the realistic imagery of something that is actually lit with real light."
"A lower poly means it's more flat squares and shapes and triangles."
"We have been talking about shading... and how to interpolate normals so we can get smooth-looking surfaces out of our polynomial streams."
"This is what we've been trying to do... put everything that people were doing in computer graphics in mathematical terms."
"The rendering equation is the basis of all rendering done in computer graphics."
"Spatial acceleration structures... allow us to reduce the expected traversal time to something more reasonable."
"Each node's bounding volume is a subset of its parent's bounding volume."
"The purpose in USD basically defines what representation you want to use based on if you are rendering or visualizing the scene."
"The more you know about CG, the better effects artist you're going to be."
"We accomplish using the Z buffer and to make rasterization more efficient."
"We are now working in linear floating space."
"So if you're making a forest with some very high-res trees, you would need to turn them first into proxy to speed up and optimize renders."
"Point cloud is quite a basic representation used in graphics and AR/VR applications."
"Box geometry is a geometry class for a rectangular cuboid that has a given width, height, and depth."
"Matrices let us manipulate our objects into their correct positions on screen."
"We can use our model to render new views of the scene by giving different viewpoints."
"Rendering the whitewater volume adds an additional subtle look to it, but it's optional."
"The three pillars of computer graphics, as I like to call them, are modeling, rendering, and animation."
"Modeling is the process where we generate the data that we're going to use for all sorts of computer visuals."
"Rendering is the process of generating images."
"Animation can be done in various different ways."
"Visualization is a field of its own but it's also considered a part of computer graphics."
"Image manipulation is considered a part of computer graphics by most people."
"3D scanning is definitely a big part of computer graphics."
"Anything that involves some visual component is an application of computer graphics."
"This is an introduction to computer graphics course that will cover everything to a certain extent."
"Subdivision surfaces are extremely popular in computer graphics; they're used all over the place by companies like Pixar."
"The computer graphics are impeccable."
"Much of modern computer graphics is formulated in terms of what are called partial differential equations (PDEs) that use divergence, curl, Laplacian, and so forth."
"Rendering simulates light inside a model."
"We're learning how to render photorealistic graphics that involves a lot of math and it's also extremely visual."
"Ray tracing is a rendering technology that produces very realistic lighting and reflections."
"Inverse kinematics does appear quite a bit in computer graphics, even more so in robotics."
"WebGL is essentially OpenGL ES 2.0, which has been made JavaScript-friendly."
"The most common source of bugs in code in this area is if you want to scale and then translate, the scale goes on the right-hand side and the translate goes on the left."
"Homogeneous coordinates are not just useful for distinguishing points and vectors, they also have another really critical application in the computer graphics world."
"Shaders are basically pieces of code which run on our graphics cards."
"Perlin noise is a type of noise where it's a random number generator essentially."
"If that ray misses everything, we know we're not in shadow; we're in light."
"The higher your sample count, the better quality your render is going to be."
"What is a VDB file? Well, VDB stands for Volume Database, and I like to think of a VDB file as a 3D texture containing a grid of data points."
"Transformation is a very, very fundamental operation for computer graphics."
"What I define Ray tracing to be is I've cast a ray somewhere, I'm going to hit a surface, I'm going to collect some information from that hit, and I'm going to keep going."
"The computer graphics images that come out of the field of dynamics are beautiful."
"One of the sort of liberating things about the computer graphics world is we talk a lot about rendering in the physics of light."
"Learning from demonstration in the context of computer graphics is a fascinating intersection."
"The computer graphics industry is literally going through an explosion."
"That's such a good looking CG dog right there, it looks so convincing, man."
"Hello Internet, in this video we are going to be working on creating a grass Shader."