
Financial Autonomy Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"You're your own bank; you don't have a third party that you're sort of relying on."
"Bitcoin presents an opportunity for the first time in human history for us to truly own, control, and protect our wealth."
"If you decide to opt in for the freedom dividend, it might be very appealing because it's unconditional. $1,000 cash. You can do whatever you want."
"Don't let anyone bully you, Pete Light. It's your money, you can do what you want with it."
"He doesn't give a [ __ ] what people think and I think that's super important because he has his own money."
"When you're giving people cryptocurrency, they're able to actually spend it or they're able to do whatever it is they want to do with it."
"Crypto not only solves the government stealing all your money, but also middlemen."
"At the end of the day, if somebody buys into it and feels comfortable with it, it's your money to do with it what you will."
"Britney is done paying for all of this [expletive]."
"Why is it a central bank determines this financial future for all of us?"
"When you're working and making your own money, you have the most freedom to do your own thing."
"One of the things I often say is nobody really cares about your money like you. Nobody really understands and nobody really has love for your money like you."
"Digital currencies and censorship, and the fixed supply which is important in environment of excessive money printing. I think the fundamentals prevail."
"The advantage of it is the fact that it's not connected to any government."
"Bitcoin is escape velocity, beyond the reach of any government."
"Putting more financial liberty into the hands of the people will probably solve a lot of these incarceration issues."
"Smart contracts here have the ability to pay for themselves; that is next level."
"No one knows your finances and your money better than you. Sometimes we have to trust ourselves to make the best decisions."
"Take that power back and put it in the hands of the people."
"More rappers are being independent, more artists now being independent, they're making more money. It's all money in for them now."
"It's inevitable that governments will want to create CBDCs, but decentralized systems will always provide a choice."
"Maybe give someone spending money versus making a mistake with a gift they may not like."
"Kind of the thing everybody's saying don't need a man... she's just making money because she knows how to make money..."
"The days of Ottawa telling westerners to pay up and shut up will be over."
"DRIPs are the best way to get your dividend investments to work on autopilot, getting you that compounding exponential growth."
"In an Ideal World... let people keep 70% or more of their money."
"Giu's past shapes his present and techniques."
"We want to have money, but we don't want money to have us."
"Crypto Bitcoin was actually invented in the first place to stop exactly this sort of thing."
"If they control your money, if they can zero out your bank account with a keystroke, then you have no autonomy. They control you."
"Freedom of religion meant you could not be constrained to contribute to the support of a church that you didn't believe in."
"Bitcoin gives people individual sovereignty."
"It's hard for people to grasp a world where they could first of all control their own assets rather than have to entirely rely on an intermediary like a bank."
"At some point, the bond market will likely just take control of itself despite what the central banks do."
"You should buy whatever the hell you want because it's your money and you've worked for it."
"The worst thing that happens is I've earned my own money for once in my life. I mean, what do I have to lose?"
"Bitcoin: a decentralized currency, something that cannot be controlled by anybody."
"My definition of the American dream is controlling 100% of my Di and controlling my own Financial power."
"Social credit score tied in the digital scene turns, it says if you don't comply, digitalize money gets shut off and then severely shrink your world."
"This is genius right because it gets people engaging in the network it gets people to move their e-gold into self-custody it's encouraging good practices."
"It's my money. I'm allowed to withdraw from my own bank account."
"Who the hell are we to say someone's crazy so they shouldn't spend their money?"
"Crypto was invented to get rid of middlemen."
"DeFi allows anybody to be their own personal banker."
"Bitcoin separates money from State, and that's as axiomatic as saying that gold is element number 79 on the periodic table. It's a statement of fact."
"Your money in your bank account should be yours."
"We want you to have control of your crypto portfolio, not take custody of your money and hide what we do with it."
"In the cryptocurrency space, the ethos, the idea is your money, you can do what you want."
"Bitcoin was created for a payment system to bypass the middleman."
"Financial sovereignty is what we want to be looking for, we want to have control over our finances we don't want to be controlled by our finances."
"Bitcoin was not designed to make you rich, it was designed to make you free."
"That entrepreneurial challenge to build your own business, your own portfolio of dividend stocks... that's really exciting."
"I would have to pick the DeFi one. It's more being my own bank."
"It's your money in the end, and you are entitled to it."
"Donald Trump didn't owe anybody. Who did he owe? He didn't owe any banks, didn't owe nobody."
"Blockchain allows you to have full control, full complete access to your money without any gatekeepers."
"That's the reason you should be able to block recurring payments on your bank app. No more dark pattern, just stop paying."
"Cryptocurrencies take away the bank's control over the flow of your money, so you can have liquidity in the sea of commerce and trade."
"Bitcoin provides power over your own freedoms, which we're entitled to as human beings."
"Bitcoin just gives you this portal to another dimension where you can kind of opt out of the game when the game's disfavorable for you, and then you can go to a place where a jurisdiction treats you better and that more respects private property."
"All you guys that promote margin trading, you're helping these centralized entities take keys out of people's hands."
"Bitcoin is a natural right to own property and defend wealth."
"Crypto isn't only about trading or speculating, it's about having complete control and ownership over value that is permissionless."
"I like Coinbase as an exchange but remember that when you're dealing with crypto you are your own bank."
"At the end of the day, it's your hard-earned money so if you see something that you really like, buy it."
"It's more a question of like, do you have access to the money to use your discretion to invest it, or would you rather someone managing a retirement fund manage that money?"
"It's your money, you earned it, you get to spend it on what you want."
"If they don't respect it or not, I don't care. They don't pay my bills."
"But if you can't afford the program or if you don't want to join, that's completely fine. That's why I make these free videos, and hopefully you start making money from these free videos and you want to scale your business further."
"Ultimately, you do you. Do what makes you happy, spend your money how you want to spend your money."
"I'm not affiliated, I'm not sponsored, none of this I paid with my own hardworking money. Okay, I just want to make that very clear, put that out there immediately."
"As a woman, you must have your own money."
"If you have financial independence, the passing crowd can't economically cancel you."
"Do not let society or your parents or friends or teachers or anyone else dictate how you live your life and more specifically how you spend your money."
"It's your money, you can buy whatever you want, right?"
"It's your money, and you should be able to do what you want with it."
"We think people should have more of their own money to spend as they choose."
"I'm going to enjoy being single and never relying on a man financially ever again."
"It's not a waste of money if it's my money and I'm doing something I want to do with my own money."
"Up until 1976, women could not have their own bank accounts without a man's signature."
"I've always been so independent in wanting to work and wanting to earn my own money."
"If your bank was to tell you that you can't spend your money with a particular institution... you may well be quite annoyed."
"The money that the woman makes is hers as her own."
"Money has been waiting for your permission."
"You're not playing their game, you're not falling for the trap, you are living your life the way you want to live it."
"You should be your own financial advisor if possible because it's your money."
"I always wanted to work because I wanted to earn my own money."
"You can't tell someone else what they are and aren't going to pay; you can say what you will and won't pay."
"Do not ever put yourself in a position where you are financially dependent on a man."
"I can pay my own bill, that's good."
"Consumers have the right to manage their own finances."
"I make my own money, so I don't need your money."
"I would be with someone who's broke because, you know, I'm an independent woman. I like to earn my own money."
"We should stop fraud and we should allow people to make any decisions that they want to make financially speaking."
"When you make your own money, you don't even have to rely on nobody's money at all."
"We want people to be able to keep more of their own money."
"I'd rather have no money but be independent than to be depending on someone else's money."
"Owning Bitcoin is like having a bank account in cyberspace that no one can censor, confiscate, or devalue."
"It's important to have your own money, you have got to have your own account."
"Central planners are scared Bitcoin is quite literally the biggest threat to the existence of central planners because it enables individuals to opt out of a system dependent on trusting central planners."
"Everybody has a right to do what they want with their hard-earned money."
"Being independent means you don't rely on someone; you're not dependent on anyone financially; you are an independent entity."
"Women shouldn't ever be at a man's disposal when it comes to income and taking care of yourself."