
Ideological Critique Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"White supremacy destroys for the sake of destruction; abolition destroys for the sake of creation."
"The left needs the post-Cold War holiday from reality to continue indefinitely. What will awaken us is the rise of China and the impending fiscal crisis."
"Critical diversity is the belief that identity Marxists have the only relevant understanding of diverse perspectives."
"Nationalism and autocracy, these are losers' philosophies."
"Leftism is social Decay. That's what it is. Societies break down because things tend to over time. We're a fallen species and leftism is the ideological rationalization we give to our abdication to uphold our institutions. The chaos is the point."
"We want to let people know how white supremacy is like a religion and a belief system."
"Fantasy is not reality, ideology is not truth, men are not women. Most importantly, lies are not comforting."
"How should we react to the deaths of the backsliders, reactionaries, cool acts or ideological enemies? Oh yes, well it's like the Nazis saying how should we react to the deaths of Jews and gypsies."
"We are expecting anybody to be able to stand up on anything. There's no foundation."
"Don't Google trickle-down. It's a nonsense term made up by the left."
"The right knows how to talk about infrastructure, community, but they offer something else, they offer the swindle of fulfillment."
"Using critical race theory, I'm going to expose the secret of Marxism."
"Any kind of ideological absolutism is really, really stupid. Also, nobody actually believes in it, okay?"
"In itself is a horrible religion and has very many similarities to Nazism in the way it executed things in society."
"I think it's time to support the good institutions and build new ones and then get out of the ones that are captured by the ideologues."
"I figured it would make a well-rounded video since it is a laptop I'm leaving for Jan."
"The belief that there is one right way to live your life is itself a fascist belief."
"You need to call out the ideology for what it is, you need to expose it and you need to shut it down."
"It's important we talk about honestly and right now there's just a lot of propaganda going on in revisionism about radical Marxism."
"Political parties as a concept are antithetical to democracy."
"The point of my book is the ideological critique cannot work unless it's anchored in an understanding of people's actual interests."
"Rather than fighting one political ideology with another, they're fighting against ideology altogether, and defending some type of formless freedom or self-actualization."
"Tokenism only works when the left says that it works."
"I don't want nobody to lose their life, I don't want nobody to have to go through PTSD and all this. I don't want the environment to get destroyed over just some man's greed or some man's ideology."
"Terrorists do not worship God, they worship death."
"It is right to oppose that kind of inequality, yes."
"So, you take this concept and you merge it with the Marxist idea of equity, and you have just the perfect Frankenstein monster."
"It's not about whipping up everybody to follow an ideology, it's about reality."
"By actually changing the mechanics surrounding these ideologies, Paradox can finally escape from the propaganda cycle that these games have thus far been trapped in."
"Reason can prevail over ideology, consistency over hypocrisy, common sense over academic quackery."
"Collective delusion is the sole sustaining force of capitalism."
"The red pill philosophy... anytime you hear red pill and then one of those words comes after it..."
"If you're gonna identify deaths during the period of Stalin's government or Mao's, and you want to make a critique of socialism, then you would have to have as the balancer what deaths could you attribute in the same way to capitalism."
"We live this myth where we are spreading democracy and freedom around the world. It is not the case."
"The reason that we have this idea that the individual is the fundamental unit of society... is because we've been fed a bunch of lies." - Michael Knowles
"There's a big difference between the fantasy of the left and the reality we see all around us."
"The problem with ideology is it's a universal set of solutions and you think, well, that's great... except it'll eradicate the particularity."
"We are at war with Islamic fundamentalism because the fundamentals of Islam really are a problem."
"The problem with Cults like the People's Temple and communes like Jonestown is the fact that you can't just try to rebuild Eden and your own image and pretend that the fall never happened..."
"Idolatry blinds us from truth and prevents us from moving forward."
"There's a level of self-righteousness that comes from these centrist positions."
"Literature seen through political lenses, either condemned or celebrated based on ideological alignment."
"Some of these pastors and even from some conservative evangelical traditions have really fallen into thinking about the world in a Marxist sort of framework."
"The largest figures in the online left right now have continuously demonstrated to me that they either value the inability to defend your ideas or downright demonize the ability to do so."
"I was part of a culture groomed to propagandize the American flag in one hand and a Bible in the other."
"Hopefully, that's a shock wave for the system that gets rid of these weirdos who are obsessed about weird stuff ideologies."
"I do think that there's lots of logical inconsistencies within that worldview."
"Our job is to keep each other in check... ideologies like this open the door for people who have criminal pathology."
"The totalitarian aspect of wokeness can be much more dangerous because it can go through and reinterpret basically everything."
"If I want to mock Boris Johnson, I'll do that... her whole raison d'etre is to go after identitarianism in particular on the left."
"We need to have more scientific approach to our government rather than sort of this knee-jerk ideological approach."
"It's very interesting how these trained Marxists love capitalism... Once you get a taste of fame and once you get a taste of money, it's very easy to fall back into the capitalist America that you hate so much."
"The achievement of progress defies ideological indictment as well as justification before their tribunal."
"I don't think the answers to how to solve that are on the left."
"This ideology is tiresome, joyless, judgmental, anti-life, prim, prudish, dictatorial, and humorless."
"When your starting point is that China is run by a Marxist-Leninist regime that’s committing crimes against humanity and is actively trying to destroy America, everything falls into place."
"Communism doesn't know how: a critique of critical theory's impracticality and lack of understanding."
"The whole system, our whole system right of laws and whatnot that we have over here, a lot of the joint is tight but a lot of the jointers found on all kinds of you know racist ideologies and stuff like that."
"Evolution is the root of atheism, communism, Nazism..."
"The SJW is the perfect leftist, the perfect progressive."
"Marxism didn't have a correct understanding of relationships between humanity and society."
"Progressive my ass cheeks. You guys don't really care about this stuff. You're not principled."
"Hindutva ideologues base many of their modern claims on a history that is imagined and outlandish to a startling degree."
"Communists only know how to copy from capitalists."
"Democrats might actually know that they're dealing with ideological terrorists on the other side of the aisle."
"These progressives have become everything that they claimed that they were against."
"You're not being progressive. You think you're being high-minded, but you're just doing this broad-based smear of an entire group."
"Woke ideology at its heart is designed to remove the individual from the healthy support systems around them and is designed to take independent individuals and turn them into repressed shells that reject the healthy outlets around them."
"People are under a spell...once you say that some men are women...you cast a magic spell over the whole of society."
"Puberty is a cure for dysphoria...now you've got all these ideological actors...telling kids to stop puberty."
"We try to reject the essentialization of what it means to have Shia resistance or what it means to be Salafist and Sunni."
"Democrats want to give you something for nothing. And when you try and get something for nothing, you almost always end up getting nothing for something. That was his philosophy. And that is my philosophy."
"That's your answer, it's Marxism, it's a pretty simple answer."
"Give up the notion that you should mold the world with authoritarianism, with the use of force, and that things should be done voluntarily."
"The ideology is too idiotic to sustain itself."
"Magic, capitalism, socialism - the tangled web."
"California was once a symbol of American success today under the radical left fascists and marxists that run your it's only the seventh largest economy in the world."
"Cancel culture goes back to a Marxist worldview."
"The distance between a world in which it failed and the one we live in isn't that far."
"I feel pretty cynical about where our country is going. The main thing that gives me hope is the fact that fascism is ideologically incompetent."
"Lazy ideologues often resort to deceptive tactics."
"Orwell's greatest achievement was to have been brave enough to say... that what the Communists think is not just a deadly illusion but it's a poisonous delusion."
"All of this could have been avoided if you just rejected ideology and instead made great games."
"The virus has thrown us into a post-ideological moment where we are recognizing the emptiness, in some ways the contradictions of the previous set of political realities."
"Liberals and leftists are on the same, they're no different."
"Extremists are never correct and extremism is not ever the right view."
"Ideologies only take and they don't tell the whole truth."
"The gaze creates a political opening that ideological forces work tirelessly to obscure."