
Detail Orientation Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"Programming requires laying out in excruciating detail every single step that you want the computer to do in order to achieve your goal."
"There's so much going on in each of these little tiny scenes."
"The one thing we do that I think turns people off is we do go into that extra detail... that's what we do though."
"Hello, internet! Welcome to Film Theory: the show that does the dirty work of sifting through mountains of detail with the efficiency of a Wall-E robot."
"Every little piece of this is like a puzzle and it paints an overall picture of what's going on with that company."
"This is stuff that you don't have to pick up on but it's there if you're interested in the world."
"I decided that I was going to share my knowledge, share my passion and do things in such way where I provided maximum detail."
"Founders talk about being fanatical in the way they care about the quality of the small details."
"London, it's really quite something... the attention to detail is kind of astounding."
"Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater; find the devil in the details."
"The small things you do to make things believable go a long way to making me love the world you've built."
"There's just so much there, so many little things that add up."
"If you have a discriminating taste and you're willing to get into the details the AI it's going to be able to do the rest."
"From bugs to motors, it's all about creating a believable universe."
"I was looking so closely. Yeah, that's the idea."
"Throughout this painting process, while it's good to get up close and really work on those details, you're probably going to want to take a step back and make sure that you're just not overdoing it."
"An amazing animation technique... little things like this that add up."
"Not to say they don't do planning but they don't do very detailed and complex planning which I know that we're known for in the community almost in a bad way because we plan so detailed which I don't think is ever bad."
"Even in its most visually ambitious sections, [other games] had nothing on the level of detail that Scorn is delivering."
"It's one of the most detailed figures I've ever seen at a price point below 50 bucks."
"There's nothing wrong with being, you know, diving into the weeds a little bit and being a little bit more critical and asking a few more questions."
"JK Rowling is a phenomenal writer, and you can tell how much she cares about this series based on how much detail she puts into each aspect of the book."
"We want to be very detailed and communicated when we put stuff in."
"There's just a level of granularity on display with everything."
"There's so much detail in this universe that you could probably do like multi-hour videos just on all the little details and everything that you can look for here..."
"The braid is the be-all-end-all, really. Feeling every tiny little knock, every time you touch a little bit of weed or anything like that, you can just feel it."
"The more details you have, the better you're able to determine whether or not it's the right fit for you."
"It's a very small thing, but there is an honest difference."
"Advances in forensic science bring even the smallest details to light, revealing the fatal impressions that lead killers directly to justice."
"The sheer amount of detail in Night City is absolutely staggering at times."
"I'm thoroughly impressed especially in regards to detail."
"Keep descriptions focused and avoid mundane details and trivia."
"Every little detail in the book is brilliant."
"This is the kind of game what I really like about it is that if I pause the game I can notice like little things like the school bus the destroyed highway there like this is"
"It is unbelievable to the kind of level of detail progression development and to where this has got to to today's standard."
"The level of detail put into this game is honestly astonishing."
"I love by the way that he like puts it to his finger and then he holds for the finger cutting cam to get a shot."
"Deeply woven storytelling and attention to detail."
"You're figuring out the more specific details of what you want."
"An excellent example of attention to small detail."
"Changing the encounter based on small things like what you are wearing is such a great touch."
"Excel is all about details, and all of these little details will really enhance your use of excel."
"It fully converts into all three modes, that's some crazy attention to detail by 3-0."
"Consistent level of detail is important in flowcharts."
"The attention to detail is just insane; this is what we all love about Rockstar Games."
"Best of any game developer, the flavor on cards... just all of it, it's so good."
"The more you stop and look at it, the more easter eggs you'll find."
"So far so cliche but what really set Ikitozen apart from other battle manga back in the day is the care and attention that it pays to small details."
"It is mindblowing how detailed this land is."
"There's so much love and attention put into this mod with such great detail, it's truly amazing."
"Understanding the truth and focusing on the details and caring about the details and Truth is really important for engaging with the political system."
"And finally we've now added pedals and footrest in aluminium it's also a nice option that no one ever notices but if you're into that sort of detail there it is for $630."
"It really depends on what level of detail that we're putting into things... the day Nintendo announced the Switch... within four hours I had built one."
"The more simple and straightforward a process is, the more you need to go sort of deep in defining that nuance of it."
"Mercury goes from 16 to 20 degrees this week which means that we pretty much think through all the details necessary to make it happen."
"Pay attention to the details. There's a lot in between that's even bigger and more important than the actual big picture."
"Women have more of a tendency to fill you in with way more details."
"The CGI map is actually closer to the railway series map than the model series one shockingly, and that is actually going to make it a hell of a lot easier to piece things together."
"The game might look chaotic at first, but the attention to detail to sync the audio and visuals helps make Opus Magnum a finely-tuned machine."
"He's really just keeping a count of what's going on."
"Paying attention to details like limb movements enhances the animation."
"It's about the doing five hundred or a thousand little things right."
"You want commits that are very detailed as to what changes were made."
"I just love the attention to detail in this game."
"Attention to detail matters, truly matters." - A reminder of the importance of paying attention to even the smallest details in product design and presentation.
"The decals have a slight shine to them so to remove any reflectivity I missed all the decal areas with Tamiya flat spray."
"Keep things simple, pay attention to details."
"Master the ability to wait, prepare, and take care of the details."
"Sometimes you're too close to the trees and you can't see like the forest and the patterns throughout it and you'll just zoomed in on the details and what you need is a real change in perspective."
"For a truly sublime night raid experience, I'd love to see a game fully integrate all of these small details faithfully."
"Every stitch is exactly where it's supposed to be."
"The attention to detail in this... automatically increases the authenticity of the film."
"Significant progress was made towards finalizing the large forms as well as figuring out some of the finer details."
"We do need a little more micro management from that perspective."
"I've kind of missed just playing some Minecraft in a more detailed way, you know, like focusing on the detailing a bit and working on smaller stuff that is kind of awesome."
"Virgo's critical eye focuses on perfecting small details, whether it's about oneself or the surroundings."
"Early access was really, uh, really really useful and helping us just catch, uh, little details."
"I always aim for a high standard of detail and accuracy."
"Building is a tough little thing, you know? It's complicated. It takes time, a lot of time to figure out the details that you want. They're never gonna come easy to you. Nothing in life ever comes easy, so never assume that."
"That's what's fun when you just sort of sit and look at it, you see all these little details which are nicely done."
"The attention to detail on this is so amazing. I'm very happy with how it turned out."
"Every detail was though out in this house, like I mentioned, developers took extreme pride building this house."
"Every single thing that's depicted here means something. Everything, every curl, everything."
"This is surprisingly good, with a lot of detail put into this world."
"It's actually crazy how many details they packed into this little game."
"Smaller with as much detail as possible, let's just think smart and efficient."
"Mario is just so full of personality in this game, whether it's the incredible animation when he falls from a great height or the fact that his cheeks are comically puffed out as he holds his breath underwater."
"It's amazing what level of detail can be achieved with a tool like a 3D printer."
"The bigger the model, the more detail you can apply, and it's all those details that are going to really sell that sense of scale and realism."
"I get heated when we're having a conversation that actually has some nuance and specificity to it."
"You've got to look at what it says, and it said the Benjamin Franklin Post Office."
"I started with digital and I kept rendering everything to such a crazy degree."
"The attention to detail here is outstanding."
"Now that we've walked you through that, we would encourage you to go out and take a look in more detail at some of these services."
"The more detailed you are, the more successful you'll be."
"That's such a cool touch right there, attention to detail."
"I love that this is a bright white, but the details still stand out."
"It's a very intimate experience because you're spending so much time with these little pieces and the little details is what really matters now."
"Thank you so much for making everything look neat; you've got an eye for detail."
"Over obsession with details, you just go nowhere."
"I'm all about the attention to detail, lads."
"We can get caught up in the fluff and the details within our piece of work, which hinders the end result."
"The attention to detail is remarkable."
"It's all about the attention to details."
"Shane Dawson is one of the most popular YouTubers of all time; it's clearly possible to be successful without sweating every small detail."
"Virgos tend to be extremely detail-oriented."
"They can save you money, they can save you time and effort, and they can help you get those details right the first time."
"I think my strengths are being observant, detail-oriented."
"If you get that bigger picture overview of how the topic works and that foundation is set, you're going to be able to dive into those details and it's going to be able to make more sense more quickly."
"Attention to detail - you can really tell that Ivan, the guy who heads up Vario, just really obsesses over all of the tiny details."
"It makes the coat the focal point and the details of the coat, the shape of the coat, the structure, and the embroidery are the details that you will focus on."
"It's just creatively reusing where you can and just knowing where to put your detail."
"The level of detail on this is a little bit better than I was expecting."
"It's important to take time blocking out things and increasing and kind of going from the macro details slowly down to these micro elements in your scene."
"It's good, it has a good level of detail, it has good believability."
"We're starting with the big details and ending with the small details."
"Visualize that place and use real concrete details from it in your response."
"The more intricate the lines are going to be, the better the outcome will be."
"I don't know about you, but I have very little patience and very little interest in details until I understand why I should care about the details."
"I'm just so happy to put a spotlight on these dolls because they are actually super detailed and super beautiful."
"We have plenty of time to go into detail about the things that we're going to talk about today."
"Trading is really just paying attention to details."
"I'm obsessed with the little details that make a house a home."
"They've really utilized the slide molding techniques to push as much detail in as they can."
"Look at that, what a finely detailed figure."
"Every listing is different; it's always important to identify and specify each detail on the property, which will help you sell it in the long run."
"Anything that you saw when you are interacting with a suspect, you would write down, wouldn't you?"
"The details on the fit and finish of this guy are incredible... the GS lettering here actually seems like it has more depth than the Grand Seiko below it."