
Design Patterns Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"One of the benefits of design patterns is that they help us communicate with other developers at a more abstract level."
"Studying and understanding design patterns makes you a better designer."
"Design patterns are great, they help us build maintainable, extensible, and reusable objects."
"This is the key part; this is what a singleton does, it only allows one instance of the class to be instantiated."
"You should avoid return values that demand exceptional processing."
"This is kind of like an ingredient or pattern you can use whenever you're trying to position an absolute element."
"Angular presents you not only the tools, but also design patterns to build your project in a maintainable way."
"Checkered patterns: a very prominent pattern in 2023."
"One great way of doing that is to use the delegation pattern."
"The pseudo-classical pattern in JavaScript combines constructor functions, the new operator, and prototypes for inheritance."
"Learn about design patterns and architecture to work on large systems and real code you'll actually see in a production environment."
"The goal is not to bend developers to the will of some specific pattern but to get them to think about their work."
"You have rules, you have principles, you have processes, and then you have patterns. There you go."
"The purpose of a design pattern is to have a name on a structure so that you can look at things in the code and identify them without having to go line by line by line."
"Factories in domain driven design simplify the process of creating complex instances while hiding implementation details."
"States in general for this implementation follow a pattern of overriding the functions we care about, ignoring the ones we don't, and responding to inputs or events where appropriate."
"...this is why we need Dynamic dispatch."
"That is the bridge design pattern, that is again one of these classic King of Four design patterns."
"People tend to over-focus on the building block patterns and get hung up on repositories and not so much value objects, but the aggregate pattern has probably had way too much press over the last decade."
"Patterns capture proven ways of structuring software, they help us communicate our code's intention through well-known patterns that help us encapsulate and abstract functionalities in ways that make it more digestible."
"Singleton essentially says, 'Hey, if you've created it once and you want to get it again later, then go ahead and retrieve that same instance.'"
"The repository pattern is essential for minimizing duplicate data's logic across our service and decoupling application logic from the data layer."
"There's more than what we just looked at that we can do from creating zigzag patterns to waves and a whole bunch more."
"Both of these issues are solved by object pool design pattern. Instead of allocating memory each time we create a new object, we create a big pool of available objects in the beginning."
"That's the idea of a factory pattern is that this factory is going to hide the which thing that you're going to implement that with the class that you're going to implement that with from the code."
"We're going to look at my favorite one, and that's the observer pattern."
"Hello and welcome to five design patterns with TypeScript."
"Let's talk a little bit about design patterns."
"Languages come and go, frameworks come and go, but design patterns stay relatively the same."
"We're covering three different design patterns, all of these are factories."
"Patterns are designed for people who live in software, who write software."
"Design patterns are common, repeatable solutions for solving problems."
"Decorators provide a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality."
"By using the decorator pattern, you can impersonate a class and add additional functionality to it without any of the users of that class actually knowing that it's any different than the real original class."
"The decorator pattern allows you to do this stuff dynamically and compose your object at runtime."
"The decorator pattern is a pattern that favors composition over inheritance."
"The observer pattern defines a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all of its dependents are notified and updated automatically."
"Factory pattern is one of the most used design patterns in real world applications."
"Design patterns are ways of organizing systems to optimize certain properties of the system."
"A design pattern is defined to be a generalized solution to a commonly occurring problem."
"We would like to be able to use design patterns to kind of reuse effective solutions given the constraints."
"Design patterns are really a great way to implement optimized designs."
"Design patterns is the writer's workshop for programmers."
"In object-oriented programming, the command pattern is a behavioral design pattern in which an object is used to encapsulate all information needed to perform an action or trigger an event at a later time."
"The decorator allows you to modify an object dynamically."
"Composition not only keeps your code dry but also flexible."
"When we create a struct or a class that has dependencies, instead of referencing the dependencies from within the class or within the struct themselves, we're going to actually inject the dependencies into the struct through the initializer."
"Choose the right pattern with solid technical reason."
"Patterns are a great means for architects and technologists in general to talk about stuff because they are a lingua franca."
"We are well into our series on design patterns."
"What Python has done for us is come up with a pattern that makes this a little bit easier, called the generator pattern."
"Favor object composition over class inheritance."
"The Builder pattern is useful especially when creating framework-like libraries for other developers to consume."
"Abstractions are very, very important."
"Don't make everything a singleton; in general, you want the per request which is basically a new instance each time."
"Design patterns present the core of a solution to a recurring problem."
"State design pattern would be the best solution here to keep the code simple, modular, and organized when swapping between different player states."
"Visual language can establish patterns in the world that communicate gameplay intent."
"Learning design patterns is going to make you take your application or your game to the next level."
"None of these tools are going to solve your problems; you're only going to solve your problems with good patterns and designs."
"You can organize your project however you would like; I'm just demonstrating MVC because it's a popular pattern."
"Design patterns are a set of patterns that you can use to write software."
"A UI design pattern is just a general solution to a recurring problem."
"The unit of work is a solution for that issue because we no longer have that same method as part of the repository."
"We're going to be sticking with a little bit of Model View ViewModel and Model View Controller in our project."
"We're going to talk about something called Command Query Responsibility Segregation."
"The singleton design pattern is one of the 23 well-known Gang of Four design patterns that describe how to solve recurring design problems."
"The goal with our game logic is that we want to try to define something like a pipeline."
"When you want to create your own utility class, you can consider this pattern: make it abstract and then create static utility methods."
"Patterns are everywhere. I already said that, right? But they are."
"It's all using domain-driven design."
"The web should evolve its own aesthetic and its own design patterns, and users should become accustomed to web design as a concept."
"Avoid the service locator pattern if you can."
"I'm pretty convinced that there's at least some utility to this pattern."
"Hello again and welcome back. In this tutorial, I want to cover common design patterns that we'll find across iOS and how to build them."
"The model-view-presenter... breaks your design up into three distinct elements: a model, a presenter, and a view."
"Building microservices... poses a challenge because there are certain architectural patterns and design decisions you have to follow."
"For a complex design, first we code all the modules in behavioral fashion, then one by one we replace those behavioral specifications by structural specifications."
"We'll look at another design pattern called modern view model view controller."
"The null object pattern is the active nothing; I want to plug in an object, an active nothing."
"The intent of the Observer pattern is to define a one-to-many dependency between objects."
"Good software developers leverage designs that have been applied successfully before."
"Patterns as a way to improve software quality and developer productivity."
"Mapping problems to solutions is crucially important in patterns."
"The best way to learn design pattern is by doing a project."
"Design pattern is nothing but learning object-oriented programming in a better way."
"That's where we get into something called a factory pattern."
"If you end up implementing best practices and these good design patterns at the beginning or the inception of your new applications, you're pretty much guaranteed that business continuity will be part of your overall architecture."
"MVC stands for Model View Controller. MVC is nothing but it's an architectural pattern where we divide our web application into 3 layers."
"The factory design pattern is an interface for creating an object in which you let the subclasses decide which class to instantiate."
"Design patterns are in software things that we can use as a reusable approach to a common problem."
"You can combine these patterns and that's where they start to get really powerful."
"Solid is an acronym: S stands for Single Responsibility, O for Open-Closed, L for Liskov Substitution, I for Interface Segregation, and D for Dependency Inversion."
"The entity pattern is really good for fast object lookups."
"You can take advantage of gradients to make background patterns with pure CSS."
"It's a pattern we typically use, and a pattern that works pretty well."