
Divine Attributes Quotes

There are 329 quotes

"God is more forgiving, more loving, more merciful than any person, any human."
"He has no partners, he has no errors, he doesn't make no mistakes. He's infallible, he's perfect."
"Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary."
"Gorochu, with its god of thunder attributes, conveys a powerful and divine force."
"The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love."
"The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness."
"God is traditionally imbued with the following characteristics: omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence. What does that lack? Limitation."
"There's no contradiction between God's mercy and God's justice."
"Nothing increases your Iman like knowing your Lord and understanding His names and attributes."
"God's Mercy is as high as justice; mercy and Justice kiss each other at the cross."
"If you think of your heroes... if you stop for a moment and analyze why is it that I look up to that person... it's simply that you're recognizing gifts of God, attributes of Christ."
"I pray that we would love the truth about you, oh God, the doctrine that you know all things, control all things, you work all things for your glory..."
"God is knowing, powerful, and good. The purpose, elegance, and harmony of his creations witness his infinite love and his plan of happiness for each of us."
"God is so detailed but He's easy to understand."
"Apollo is an extremely well-respected God... with hints of healing thrown in the mix."
"Allah subhana WA Ta'ala never other than this prohibits something upon himself for Allah to distance himself from transgression and oppression."
"In times of difficulty, we have to remember God's nature. He is described as faithful, patient, caring, and loving."
"Allah is extremely merciful. Mercy and forgiveness come up so much."
"The attributes of God are logically reasoned."
"The god of the Bible is a god of all hope, a god of mercy, a god of love, a god of amazing grace, a god of wrath. Who is your god?"
"Numerosity of divine attributes does not entail polytheism."
"God, we thank you that you're a God of restoration, healing, and forgiveness."
"God can't lie, can't deny Himself, can't make mistakes, can't err out."
"If someone doesn't understand how God could demand something like this, I would argue that they probably don't understand the attributes of God."
"Any God who would allow children by the millions to suffer and die in this way either can do nothing to help them or doesn't care to. He is therefore either impotent or evil."
"God is full of compassion, God is light, God is love."
"When you see God's people, it will not be characterized by lawlessness. Peace, patience, kindness, goodness."
"Truth is self-consistent. Truth, if the properties of God are justice and merciful, it strikes me."
"Faith is the evidence of things not seen. I know you're good, I know you're sovereign."
"Focus on God's holiness, his Perfect Purity, his total goodness."
"If god exists, and he is omnipotent and omniscient, and he has allowed for everything and anything to happen, including wars, torture, and killing, than he is a sadistic monster not worth our affection or attention."
"I believe in a God who is omniscient and foreknows the future."
"Being compassionate and merciful is a divine attribute expected of every believer."
"Ultra ego's key is of the same nature as a destroyer Gods."
"God is real, God is love, and God is also just and true."
"People know Jesus but don't know the Spirit. They don't understand His attributes."
"God is the god of recompense, excellence, healing, and deliverance."
"I serve a God who is holy, kind, and suffering, but also a God of justice."
"It's time for you and I to get into the hand of God, to rediscover His goodness, faithfulness, and righteousness."
"Does he affirm like attributes... does he believe in a greater power?"
"God, please forgive me for lying. God, please prevent me from committing any future lies. God, you are the greatest, you are the mightiest, you are the wisest, you are the forgiver, you are the most merciful. Thank you, God, for everything."
"Charity never faileth, it's the one attribute that can always be depended upon."
"The cross reveals God's love as well as his wrath."
"How can Allah be infinitely just and infinitely merciful at the same time?"
"We serve an awesome, mighty, compassionate, loving, graceful God. Amen."
"There's no denying that, no one can deny God's goodness, no one can deny God's compassion, His mercy, and His grace."
"Attributes of God and man are in complete contradiction."
"We can infer a God with those attributes: transcendence, intelligence, great power... on the basis of the evidence that we have in the natural world."
"Allah's knowledge of all things and His wisdom balance His dominance and subtlety."
"Even AI, even AI, even a robot, but think about it right what would it be made out of, any material you have deteriorates, yeah, right so Allah never deteriorates."
"Humans often think we are gods, but we are just the creation. There's only one God, and he is all-knowing, all-powerful, and worthy to be praised."
"It will not change it is inherent and it is infallible."
"He is worthy of power and wealth and wisdom and glory and honor and praise."
"She recognized the attributes that only belong to God."
"Allah is the one who is all-knowing and the one who makes plans."
"Extraterrestrial intelligence or far future human would be indistinguishable from god because think of all the attributes we give to god."
"The grace and the mercy of God are beyond our comprehension."
"God is so faithful and just he wants to save us he wants us to save he wants us to come near to him."
"Our amazing God has managed to both hold absolute justice and absolute mercy in tension."
"Yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever."
"The one is infinite light, purity, holiness, stainless."
"He is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and has become higher than the heavens."
"Our God still speaks, Our God still heals, Our God still comforts, Our God still provides, Our God still creates, Our God still redeems, Our God still manifests."
"God's attributes are those characteristics of God, those things that describe who He is in His being and what He is able and capable of doing and what He does."
"God doesn't have foreknowledge; he just has knowledge. And if God just has knowledge of something, then there is no incompatibility between present knowledge and free will."
"I declare that I will never say or imply anything about God that is short of perfect. His mercy is perfect, His plan is perfect, whatever He allows to happen with me in this life is perfect."
"Allah doesn't only possess the attribute of mercy. Allah is not just merciful. Allah is the most merciful."
"God is a God of love and mercy, he's a God of planning, yes, he's a God of judgment, yes."
"May these blessings of Psalm 91 manifest in our lives in our homes and in our families... for you are omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient."
"The scripture gives the attributes of God fully to the spirit."
"The Condemned Soul knows about all the greatness, power, and beauty of God."
"Love and justice are not supposed to be at odds."
"Allah, the absolute and eternal." - Surah Ikhlas (Chapter 112), Quran
"Cleanliness is only one of God's many attributes; to become like God, we need to become more than just clean."
"God knows everything, sees everything, hears everything."
"Jesus Christ is outside of time, with infinite knowledge, wisdom, and ability."
"At the cross, you see God's love blending with God's justice, righteousness, and mercy."
"At the cross, you see all the attributes of God magnified, glorified."
"God has multiple attributes, all of which are separate and distinct."
"Our God is a God who has and shows compassion."
"The power that being will have will be unlimited, absolute power."
"Unto us a child is born, and he is the Mighty God."
"All glory, all power is yours. You're all wise, you're faithful. There's no one like you. You're worthy, you are so worthy."
"Verily I say unto you that I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the light and the life of the world."
"He lives, he loves us, and he is the giver of all good gifts and attributes."
"God is a god of speed, but He's also a god of efficiency and sustain."
"Love is one of the chief characteristics of deity."
"Allah is the one who is always forgiving, the one who is always merciful."
"Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace."
"You are the creator of Heaven and Earth, the beginning and the end of all things."
"What he has done for us, he can definitely do for you because he's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hallelujah."
"God is a god of love and god is a god of justice."
"He didn't say just Jehovah or El Shaddai or the Almighty. He said, the Lord, the Lord merciful and gracious, long-suffering and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression."
"He is a healer, he is a restorer, he's a doctor, he's a carpenter, he's a teacher, and he is love."
"Allah does not have appendages, he does not need limbs, he has no limbs."
"Divine Mercy is the greatest attribute of God."
"God has to have the greatest sense of humor in all of existence there's no other way you can tolerate us"
"The wisdom and power of the deity are in equilibrium."
"Allah is the only one who is Al Malik, Al Mulk, Al Aiz, Al Hakeem all in one."
"Patience is a reflection of the character of God, who is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love."
"God's hands are all over the Bible and the world it presents, and it is usually his right hand that is most active, rendering him a right-handed God."
"God doesn't boast, he doesn't have to."
"God is so patient, he deals with us with such patience and long-suffering, he's so forbearing with us."
"O Lord God Almighty, hear us in these our petitions, and answer us from heaven, thy holy habitation, where thou sittest enthroned, with glory, honor, power, majesty, might, dominion, truth, justice, judgment, mercy, and an infinity of fulness, from everlasting to everlasting."
"Grace to you and peace from him who is, and who was, and who is to come."
"God is not love... or this God does not exist. It's made up. It's man-made."
"Search for that God, for that God who is majestic in His holiness."
"God is always love, peace, joy, life itself."
"If you start to build these together, it's an amazing set of promises. The Lord that will provide, the Lord who will heal, the God who is my banner, God who is my peace."
"Allah Almighty is the highest, Allah Almighty is the most kind, he is the most forgiving, the most merciful, but at the same time he also is severe in punishment."
"Yahweh repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people."
"The concept of God as Father, God as spirit who is holy, God as Father...this is a glorious truth."
"For God to be God, He has to be all powerful, all knowing, and ever present."
"He is unchangeable, the same yesterday, today, forever - God Almighty, Eternal."
"God's mercy is tender, certain kind of mercy."
"You alone are the Creator, the Healer, the Savior."
"The greatest attribute that God possesses is mercy."
"God rested not because He was tired but because everything was complete."
"The reality is that the god of love in the New Testament is the god of the Old Testament. He's a god of love, justice, and wrath."
"God of wrath in the Old Testament, god of love in the New Testament? It's overly simplistic because it's actually quite complicated."
"The god of love in the New Testament is never mentioned in the Book of Revelation."
"The love of God is never mentioned in the Book of Revelation. He's not said to love anybody. He's never shown loving."
"You are the same God now and forever. You are the same God on how you reign. Oh Lord, you give me peace like a river. You are the same God, you never changed."
"Our God is omniscient. God knows everything perfectly and exhaustively."
"Our God is omnipotent. God is all-powerful."
"He is omnipotent, He is omniscient, He is omnipresent."
"The one thing you can appeal to is God's name and God's reputation."
"God made his intelligent creatures perfectly free. Forced love is not love."
"He's still way maker, a promise keeper, a miracle worker."
"God is not only your father, he is also the source of order, light, life, and every good thing."
"With God is wisdom and strength, counsel and understanding are his."
"God is not only loving, God is powerful."
"God is consistent. God is always the same, he does not change in character and God is a unique combination of justice and mercy."
"God's utter separation is not a prison; paradoxically, it is that by which God freely and truly relates to the world."
"My Mercy has overcome my wrath. Mercy is more."
"The fullness of His attributes are going to be put on display."
"God is not in any way resistant to showing Mercy or forgiveness."
"God is a talking God. He is a talking God."
"Divine voluntarism... he's focused on this idea of God being defined as omnipotent, omniscient."
"God is known by relationship and he's known by action."
"God's attributes mean I don't go through life unprotected."
"God's attribute of his goodness is that he always loves me and because he loves me, he's never going to hurt me."
"Nothing surprises God. He's also not only all-knowing, he's all-powerful."
"He's all-loving, all-wise, all-knowing, and all-powerful."
"Humans were put into God's world to be image bearers, angled mirrors to reflect the power and love and grace and wisdom of God into the world."
"God's sovereignty is rooted in his character, anchored in his justice, established by his purposes, and awesome in all his glory."
"Allah does not need the throne to rise on or to be high, Allah is high by nature."
"Our Dear Lord is the only one that could have justified anger. He was not angry ever for Himself."
"Justice is a fundamental part of God’s character."
"You might feel down but get back up because my God is a promise maker a Waymaker a promise keeper light in the darkness that is who my God is."
"Jehovah can actually sly limitations for himself and that he can choose to not know what will happen in the future."
"The goodness of God leads to repentance. He is longsuffering, giving us a chance to turn from sin. He endures with much patience, hoping that sinners will come to Him."
"Christ Jesus is a healer. If you need provision, your God is a provider. Nothing is too big and nothing is too small for God to meet."
"He's not only a wonderful counselor who solves my confusion, he is a mighty God who shelters me from conflict."
"His mercies are new every morning and his faithfulness is great."
"Look what you get. You get God in all of His power, all of His love, and all of the things we just described in His Word."
"His love is displayed in his Mercy."
"He sees, he hears, he knows, he acts, and he will deliver."
"Jehovah God is the one who sees, hears, and acts on behalf of those who trust him."
"God is a God of both justice and mercy."
"...evil and suffering raise questions about the nature of God because Christians start to ask how can God be omniscient omnipotent and Omni benevolent when evil and suffering exist."
"God has oceans of love and mercy."
"The angels worship him as the ultimate prophet, priest, and king."
"Allah sees, Allah cares, Allah understands."
"Excellence reflects who God is, his nature."
"Jesus displays the kindness and the severity of God."
"When God brings judgment, it is out of reluctance."
"God's thoughts are true, God's thoughts are just, God's thoughts are pure, God's thoughts are lovely, God's thoughts are of good report."
"The default of the early Muslim Community would be to not categorize the attributes at all, to affirm the attributes in a modality that is known to God, to not really think too deeply and to just narrate it and let it be."
"What marks God's character more than anything is his outrageous generosity."
"Every one of God's attributes is infinite; therefore, this attribute of grace is without bounds; you cannot conceive the infinity of God, why therefore should I attempt to describe it?"
"God is more than a God of love, He's a God of righteousness, He's a God of holiness."
"The greatest means to fix the heart is he, foreign, his attributes and his actions."
"God is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in faithful love."
"He's too omnipresent to be absent, too omnipotent to be weak."
"The rock is a symbol of changelessness, immovability, permanence, invincibility, and immutability. Only God can be called The Rock."
"God is called the Ancient of Days because there's no years no numbers to his age."
"For as His majesty is, so is His mercy."
"We shall see much more of His wisdom, power, goodness, and truth than formerly we had been acquainted with."
"Our God is a forgiving and merciful God; He is slow to anger and He is abounding in love."
"God is always patient with me, God is always kind toward me, and God is always good with me."
"The goodness of God, the love of God, the integrity of God."
"Sacred Music is Holy, imbued with the attributes of God, and lifts our minds to Heavenly things."
"All of the attributes of God come together to form His intrinsic glory."
"But You, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness."
"God is all-knowing, compassionate, just, and He will hold us responsible for the decisions we were able to make."
"God is Infinitely Merciful and Infinitely Just."
"God is love, and God is Divine will, and God is light."
"The Lord passed by in front of him and proclaimed, 'The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth.'"
"The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in loving kindness and truth."
"Miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness, my God, that is who You are."
"In charity therefore we are rooted and founded, to be able to comprehend with all the Saints, what is the length of the eternity, what is the breadth of the liberality, what is the sublimity of the majesty and what is the depth of the wisdom of the Judge."
"Moreover the highest power and wisdom and benevolence of the Creator glitters in created things."
"The notion of unlimited divine power evolves in concert with a whole cluster of things that you say about the divine."
"God cannot lie. God cannot sin. God cannot fail."
"When Allah says He is 'Samir', what He means is that He is aware of all voices."
"He's incredible, he's invincible, he's unstoppable, he's unshakable, he's unmovable."
"Through their revelation, their attributes and names, the revelation of God, His names and His attributes are manifest in the world."
"Allah's attributes are sifat kamal, they're attributes of perfection."