
Information Gathering Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"It's getting as informed as possible about the facts of the matter."
"This data-driven approach requires input from a wide variety of sources."
"I specifically looked at when is it that we've acquired enough information to make a choice."
"I mean, it's important to have the journalists being able to gather and report on that information."
"If you're interested in any of these, I encourage you to do your own research."
"Bloodhound: if you want the most aggressive properties and also want to be able to gather some info for the squad."
"Bloodhound is the easiest of the tactile and information grabbing legends... get a lot of information for the team."
"The more information an investigator can gather after a murder, the better they have a chance of solving it."
"Emerging from the water with the information that you've gathered."
"Just because you talk to the first person and you don't get anything out of it doesn't mean there's not going to be a ton more people who actually have a problem."
"It's about getting as far along in a profile to learn as much as possible."
"What they want with you is to get some more information off of you first before they come towards you with some sort of stable offer."
"Seeing that from a producer's perspective, I think that's pretty risky... When you do things that are risky and that risk pays off, you're just that much happier."
"If we can capture one, we'll have access to the information we need to escape with our lives."
"Don't form an opinion until you have all the facts." - Video narrator
"It doesn't mean a full stop no, it just means pause and get more information."
"I'm gonna find out a little bit more and see if I can start connecting some more dots."
"The main thing is just get as much information as you can possibly get."
"I'm just collecting some info on him before the game."
"Do you have any scoops or any other intel for us?"
"How can I get myself to be more enlightened by getting information so I can help make better decisions?"
"That's just my style is that I kind of want to be as informed as possible."
"It's responsible to wait for more information."
"We like to hear both sides of the story and then make an informed decision."
"It's just so so so so so easy to just wait for more information to come out."
"2020 was a year of collecting information and cleansing."
"Ultimately the best thing about OSINT is that it teaches you how to get better at finding things online."
"The January 6 House Select Committee is an investigative body... their job is really to gather information for a law writing perspective."
"Our investigators immediately began piecing together what happened."
"We were able to put pieces and pieces of information together... who perpetrated the crime."
"A mechanism meant to be a front-end for massive information gathering."
"Use these tools to help you find out those answers before you even press record."
"Discovery is the process by which you get information from the other side."
"It just gives us more information about what occurred prior to leading up to this horrible, horrible crime."
"We love speaking with the public. That's where you get the information, you know?"
"If you're trying to make a situation better or fix a problem you have to gather all the accurate information first."
"Great negotiators are constantly seeking information and always focus on possibility."
"Good leaders seek out the most timely information possible. They're proactive, not reactive."
"The more information I can collect up front, the better it better ensures that my client is happy with the end product."
"That's not going to happen anymore. It's really gonna be a lot more that if you find that player and you really key in on them at different scouting events you'll be able to gather a large amount of information." - Moonlight Swami
"These audits are mostly good news, developing good and helpful information to figure out what really happened."
"You should be trying to watch as much as possible getting your information from as many sources as possible."
"The purpose of this hearing today is to gather information from you, your records, and your guests."
"Lesion gives you so much information with those Minds."
"Delivers excellent results as expected images come out clear crisp with good color reproduction."
"It's like enough witness statements to do an investigation and you just need enough information to develop probable cause to make an arrest."
"Be an independent thinker, get the facts, and see it with your own two eyes."
"Be open and receptive to information; gather facts."
"I'm gonna get an expert's opinion on this for sure."
"You find witnesses who don't know each other that have the same information and you interview them at different times in different places."
"Every bit an information content is a treasure hunt."
"Sova is an agent that uniquely provides a lot of info, and teams that like to play slow and methodical value having such a strong informational skill set."
"The collective internet hive mind is collating the kind of intelligence that the CIA once had to just make up."
"Interrogation is not an argument. It is a subtle conversation with a lot of ploys, tricks, and roses to get the person to give you information that they are not aware they're giving."
"OSINT is techniques of the modern private detective."
"Interrupting their train of thought is unsettling for them but it's where you get the most information."
"The key is just going through like the countries and then just searching like the subject."
"You're out there you're throwing out the dragnet and you're bringing in all these different opinions."
"We need to gather as much information as we can, and we know where they have struck before. This is the correct choice."
"There's serious constitutional and legal problems with gathering information in this way."
"Every day is different and although my mornings often start out the same way as far as where I'm fact-finding and gathering information, the rest of the day who knows what's going to happen."
"I remember trying to do everything that I could to collect information without messing it up."
"Recon is the art of discovering as many assets related to a target as possible."
"There's plenty more to look into and research and follow along with."
"I travel a great deal across all of Penndor and keep an eye open and an ear open for interesting information that you may find useful."
"We should not feel like we know everything until we feel like we have all of the information."
"You're not wanting to go all in without all the information."
"I just need ages and current contact information, I just need to know."
"Go slow, and just research, research, research."
"That's correct and then so now with that information they started asking probing questions."
"It'd be very valuable in seeing what might be going on."
"It's okay to just sit back and wait for more information to come out."
"What you meant to do is go down a path that will lead to success and get information."
"Learning how to play for information, learning how to get into Rush spots to watch across, that's really, really important in this game."
"First of all, ladies and gentlemen, we have got a new gossip mechanic in which Yandere-chan can sneak about the school, listening and getting new bits of information that she can use in conversations against her rivals."
"Take advantage of that knowledge and dig up all you can find on forums specific to the platform you're targeting."
"We have to play his game to find out more information."
"Act swiftly upon inspired thought—gather information, then act quickly."
"Always make an informed decision. Have an actual opinion based on what you've seen."
"Open-ended questions open people up to valuable information."
"Never use one source. Use every resource you can."
"You make excellent plans now, you get excellent information on your next step."
"Variety of techniques are used to collect information to assess problems."
"Charisma I guess she wants to flirt with as many people as possible and maybe get some information out of them as bonus."
"Gather the information from many different sources and put it together in a clear, concise context."
"We trust the muddy and stealth cams... together to be able to collect any of that information."
"Before taking action, get more information."
"You just start gathering the information and, by the way, after a week or two or a month of doing this and you've collected all of this information, now you're the smartest one in the company when it comes to that computer."
"...how can we introduce like different like conceptual elements and I think something that's underrated here is like you know you can... it exists the information exists it's just like no one has collected it and like you get a real-time collector for you."
"And it turns out that collecting information about categories is essential to our survival."
"...if you're having trouble finding videos on your resorts... it could mean a couple things... one is that it's just not that popular of a resort... but sometimes it is... so if you're having trouble finding videos, you want to do as much research as you can."
"The better questions you ask, the better information you'll get, the better you can build value in your product or service."
"Gathering information helps diagnose the symptoms."
"Interviews are not about asking questions. They should be about stimulating memories and collecting the best possible information."
"Try to get as much information as you can from different sources."
"When I go into a room, I assess, I take in as much information that I can, purposefully."
"Great leaders do not go around the world with a list of questions in their pockets. They go around the world creating situations where uncomfortable information comes their way."
"In our analysis, we do our best to track what information came out when in the course of the interrogations."
"I want that man alive and talking. In fact, the more he talks, the better it is for us."
"Information is power, and I collect it."
"Social engineering involves leveraging the ability to trick, coerce, or extort a subject for information."
"I was not seen as a threat because I was collecting information from people who were ready to talk. All my guys were always ready to talk because they were trying to make a deal with the government."
"History of the vehicle, talking to your customer, knowing when the problem started, all significant significant information."
"You just have to make sure that whatever the time was that was reasonable for you to make the decision that you did, your best to make sure that you maximize the amount of information that you could gather in that time."
"When you decide exactly what it is you want, you start picking up information that you never would have picked up before."
"We want every bit of information that could be gathered from the past, because we will use that information to study the past."
"We have to reason a little bit, because we have to find some missing information so that we can solve this."
"The first is the most challenging information gathering task."
"Reconnaissance is everything, especially if we are looking at public programs."
"Direct approach: the interrogator asks direct questions directly related to information sought, making no effort to conceal the interrogation purpose."
"Gathering information is the easiest part of the job because people are more than happy to tell us what's going on."
"Information, you could not make a plan or make a good decision without Gathering the proper information."
"The more information that we can gain, the more knowledge that we can gain about a particular position, the more we can become aware of the potentials."
"You can understand a lot just by reading the URL."
"Not being afraid to just pick up the phone and get some information is always the more efficient way for me."
"I gained some good information, I got some great suggestions and feedback in the comments."
"Dating is data collection. It is about discerning their character."
"Don't be scared of it, before you dive in make sure you gather as much information that you can as possible."
"Build a relationship, then gather the information, and then make a decision or a recommendation."
"Gather information throughout the conversation, moving from open questions to closed questions, summarize and give clarifications when necessary to make sure the patient is understanding you."
"We're learning stuff, right? We're finding out more, but there are still so many questions connected to this case."
"Reconnaissance is the directed effort to obtain detailed information concerning the terrain or enemy activity in a prescribed area."
"Assessment is anything that garners information."
"To be effective, we've got to know the context and we've got to gather as much information from multiple sources."
"Before you start building the model, it's important to gather all the necessary information of all the equipment at the substation."
"The best thing for you to do right now is to shut up, log off, get all your information and facts straight."
"Requirement elicitation is a technique to gather information from stakeholders and users."
"Look, we have to take risks, man. The more information we have, the better."
"If all else fails, then recover any information he has gathered and bring it to me."
"Naruto was after specific information, namely he wanted to know everything he could about Akatsuki."
"The purpose of an interview is to get information, not to give it."
"Private investigators are really good at gathering information that people might not tell police."
"I'm trying to get all the information to prove his innocence."
"Assessment is gathering information, anything that gets you information."
"Bearded dragons lick everything... they are just collecting information about their environment."
"We only solicit private information from clients for compelling professional reasons."
"Don't underestimate the power of PubMed and Google to look for other information about your particular genes."
"Once we're satisfied we can fly, we'll research our route and gather any extra information we think might be relevant."
"We always try to find some new information."
"Research design is to do with collecting information about the world in some kind of structured and socially approved manner."
"Listen attentively, using opening questions to obtain information that's missing, identifying common ground."
"Prometheus as a single tool can be used to gather the information and we can also go ahead and send notification."
"Win or lose, for me, it was like, okay, I lost, but at the same time, I'm collecting information the entire time."
"Just wait for more information; it's that easy. Talk about it with caution."
"You're the indicator; you're the one who's discovering this information."
"You need to think about when you tackle a new problem, what core pieces of information do you need."
"We want to gather information... Once we have all the information, then we have a decision and we can move forward."
"It's been one of the longest endeavors that I have done; it's taken me like days and hours to find out all the information I needed."
"Entity extraction enables the chatbot to gather important details from the user's request."
"Hold back judgments in the immediate moment until you have actually gathered some more information about the person."
"She contributed the idea of there being a Clan lore-keeper who would be an information and resource gatherer."
"Seeking the correct information before making a decision is crucial."
"The parties are critical to helping us obtain information such as inspection reports which we need to carry out our critical safety mission."
"The surveyor will function for anywhere from one to three months, and in that time we should be able to collect more information about the moon than man has gathered during the last three thousand years."
"It's a really great opportunity to collect that information and preserve it."
"Purple dragons are always on the hunt for information."
"The classic way to deal with a problem is to gather lots of information, combine it with your own inputs and experience, and then project into the future."
"Do your research and get as much information as you can."
"The mission is really evolving, and the more information we can get at this stage, the better."
"Interview and interrogation... the actual definition is a formal systematic questioning of a subject for the purpose of obtaining information."
"Who, what, when, where, why, and the added how."
"He re-enters the chat room after discovering new information about the upcoming challenge."
"Design often isn't about drawing screens. It's about collecting information."
"The more data points that you have, the more information to close that gap that you're looking to close."
"Social engineering is the usage of techniques that will allow you to gather information from human resources."
"Persuasion or elicitation is when you try to persuade someone that has information to tell you part or most of the information you're looking for."
"Understanding the difference between enumeration, reconnaissance or active information gathering, and passive information gathering is very important."
"Often the state of the world is exactly unknown, but I'm able to somehow sense some information about that state."
"Just make sure you're researching."
"His ability to find out really weird information is uncanny."
"We're just taking our time to do our research and get all the information that we need."
"Basically, they can scan and gather information from any electronic or anybody he wishes."
"When you first detect that the application is not operating properly or that it's generating a fault, you'll need to gather information about the states of the components when the abnormal behavior occurs."
"When you collect all of those pieces of information in concert, you are usually able to resolve some of that conflicting evidence."
"You've got to do a combination of getting as much information as you possibly can as well as listening to your gut."
"As you get more information, start to make out what decision you're gonna make."
"The more information you collect, the better or the more likely you are to be tracing the correct people."
"We would go and research that relationship to give us information to use in the movie."