
Factors Quotes

There are 250 quotes

"Your weight will increase or decrease depending on hydration, salt or carb intake, hormones, exercise, your last bathroom visit, etc."
"It's an interesting question because I feel that the key to most businesses' success is a combination of luck, skill, and perseverance."
"It's definitely not the only factor but I really do think it's the biggest factor."
"It's not about what's best... it's about all sorts of different factors."
"I think it is a combination of factors, but at the end of the day, it is what you believe in."
"If you want to explain America’s economic growth in a nutshell chalk it up to G, D, and L: Geography, Demography and Law."
"Luck is the least tangible component of survival."
"Interest rates are a function of economic growth inflation and wages."
"At the end of the day, someone being considered an industry plant seems to come down to a couple factors."
"The two greatest drivers of long life are high levels of strength and low levels of body fat."
"All those so-called diamonds on Tekashi's chain may look flashy, but they sure ain't real."
"Inflation is not going away... it is about seven or eight different things that have taken place over the last couple of years."
"The taste of meat depends on a few key factors: the animal's diet, ecology, health, genetics, and what cut of meat you eat."
"We don't fully understand what factors contribute to differences in how people perceive soreness."
"We want to prioritize the factors that have the highest importance such as training adherence and consistency and effort."
"If we had to consider the factors behind every single decision we make, we'd go absolutely insane."
"Perhaps caused by overpopulation, environmental degradation, pestilence, war, or a combination of all, but this did not end Maya civilization."
"So this is based on every factor and then I'm especially putting into account my own kind of personal preferences since it's my opinion."
"Water Clarity, temperature, light penetration, wind direction, pH, cover, and parametric pressure to name a few and their factors the angler must consider if he hopes to improve the odds of catching these Critters."
"We can deal with all the factors that affect the brain diet, exercise, stress."
"There's always a way of paying attention to some of these factors."
"You have to take these factors into consideration as well."
"What makes a relationship last longer? Love, understanding, compromise, commitment, loyalty, communication, time."
"Most of the things that make great products are 100 golden BBs."
"It's roughly 50% because there's certain factors we can't control... inflation has been insane and all over the place over the last two years."
"Your income will largely be determined by three factors: the work you do, how well you do it, and the difficulty of replacing you."
"There's several factors to consider: corrosion resistance, the size of the thread insert, and the price."
"...I think with all the details you should be able to know what is most important for you when it comes to solar panels on your own roof if it's the looks if it's the efficiency warranty price or combination of all these factors."
"Different factors having different strengths on different days."
"The investigation revealed that the combination of the severe weather conditions and the challenging terrain played a significant role in the crash."
"The output of an economy is the product of the hours worked and the output per hour, and that’s determined primarily by factors like the birth rate and the rate of gain and productivity."
"There are basically three big factors: location, amenities, and price."
"Biological factors, psychological factors, and social and cultural influences all influence a person's ability to learn."
"Obstacles in your relationships can come from various factors, including family issues and financial instability."
"Inflation is caused by multiple factors. Inflation is simply the continuous increase in prices. Demand-pull inflation occurs when demands for goods and services significantly outweighs the supply for them."
"Nobody's life lives or dies by one thing. There is no one factor that's going to be the defining factor."
"There are seven lighting factors of beauty."
"A good song is not automatically a hit. Yeah, that's what it is. There's so many factors about it, and one factor you must never forget is luck, of course."
"What's the price, obviously? What's the weight? What's the ease of use?"
"As studies have shown, these factors create a perceived sense of quality."
"What determines plant growth is not the light intensity at any given moment, it's the integral—this whole thing in here, all this area under here."
"What an amazing drive, the perfect mix of talent, luck, the right people, the right machine, and the right time."
"Whether it's because I put my skin through too much, or my skin's just going through something, this is what I do."
"Success is not simply about talent. It's about what year you're born, the particulars of the culture you grew into."
"Seemingly insignificant factors influence our emotions."
"Depression results from a loss of these neurotrophic factors."
"Many other factors are not astronomical, such as evolutionary, biological, and chemical factors required for life to exist on Earth."
"If we want to get technical here, this beauty is especially in part thanks to three factors: the prominence of these mountains, their Glacier-formed nature, and their age."
"How I make my decisions is simply based on confluences."
"The people who do 10 times well cover the menu of factors like confidence, revenues, profits, free time, health, fitness, energy, reputation, capabilities, clients, customers, support, technology, and connections."
"Author Malcolm Gladwell argues that individuals didn't become successful just because they worked hard or were determined or super smart."
"It's important to remember that when it comes to raising your score in a big way, there are a few key factors that are going to make a substantial difference."
"An accidental combination of a whole bunch of factors."
"...you cannot look at just one factor and say that's the reason why this manifold is so good, it's a combination of a bunch of things."
"However, before buying, we should consider a few factors."
"Combining value and momentum are the two best factors that work well together."
"So when you're looking at suspension, there are a few things to consider."
"Stress, sedentary behavior, not exercising correctly, being stressed out, alcohol, poor sleep - all contribute to accumulating visceral fat over a period of time." - Dr. Shan Amara
"Absolutely and for a variety of reasons the first is factor four."
"The triple constraint refers to scope, schedule, and cost in project management."
"There are so many factors with baking—ingredients, time, temperature."
"Legitimacy is composed of four factors... reputation, values, benefits, and identity."
"I want people to understand there's really only four factors that influence weight loss. There are no other four that I know of. The first one is it's your food, the second one is your exercise... the fourth thing is a hormone."
"Cost, time, convenience, performance, safety. Five factors."
"The key factors are your credit utilization rate and debt to income ratio."
"What does it do so wonderfully well? There's a good few factors that come together to make a really good Redemption arc, so let's talk about them."
"Manchester City's rise can be attributed to many factors."
"... it's a mix of So Many Factors most of the time a weekend storm-stopping Word of Mouth people waiting for another baseball movie or tired from the last one."
"Names are just key important factors in almost everything."
"Even if some form of microbial life emerges fairly readily, intelligence may not necessarily follow and may depend on a vast number of mainly unknown factors."
"It's a transformation he credits to God, education, and volunteer work."
"So based on all the factors that we have given yesterday."
"I know having two very capable tuners on the market it can be hard to decide sometimes but those are the factors that I would look at in making a decision of which one to go with."
"There's more to a luxury SUV than simply how much it costs."
"Climate change, economic shifts, and conflicts with Native Americans contributed to the decline of Norse settlements."
"We're number three, so we said you have to check the physical, you have to check the psychological, but you also have to check the environment."
"By suggesting that diets fail because of low adherence, we're shifting the blame onto the individual when we know that there are a number of other genetic, social, metabolic, and medical factors that can influence someone's ability to lose weight."
"The value can vary depending on factors such as condition, coin grading, and error type."
"What are the five factors of success for growing these tricky but beautiful flowers?"
"The selection of an antidepressant really is not so much about efficacy, it's about safety, tolerability, and other factors."
"Regarding the predictable supply chain, to look at three factors as well."
"The reality is it was probably all these changes and disadvantages combined that drove Neanderthals to Extinction."
"So unemployment is affected by two things: there's the availability of jobs and then there's the availability of skills."
"The explanations for success... there were just nine that actually stood up to the test of being universally present in all of these 20 cases."
"There's lots of evidence that things like pollution, losing your job, early life conditions, exposure to trauma, etc., all affect people's mental health."
"...the third determining Factor surprisingly enough was the price."
"Attraction is subjective and based on so many different factors."
"Real estate changes all the time. There are four forces that affect change in real estate: physical, economic, social, and political or governmental."
"The market knows about what the... I mean, the market is discounting supply and demand issues as well. And it's saying, 'We don't care.' There's other factors involved as you said, Joseph. These markets are very sophisticated and complex."
"Differences in human cognitive outcomes are more influenced by surprising factors."
"This combination of value and momentum is a very interesting combination of factors."
"If x is a factor of 42, this is slightly different."
"Health is about access to food, exercise, education, healthcare, social support, and exposure to trauma, violence, and racism."
"...we're going to be looking at some of the factors that you need to consider when making these types of decisions."
"Their strong bond shared between the two lovebirds to date can be attributed to so many factors."
"The amount that a flow is stuck depends on what two factors?"
"There are really two important factors to remember when hatching any kind of eggs: the first important factor is temperature, the second is humidity."
"This remarkable prosperity was accomplished through a geographical advantage, supreme naval might, and the strategic focus on trade and wealth over bullish sovereign power."
"Remember that the success of the shot isn't any one ingredient."
"People who are favorable so have none of these five factors do better than the people who have three or more of these factors."
"If the wings are partially deployed though not fully deployed, uh, and the health of the systems in general would probably be a determining factor."
"Happiness equals your biological set point plus your circumstances plus the factors under your voluntary control."
"...the price, the look, the feel, the touch, the build quality, the reputation of the company, all of those things come into play."
"Your speed, revs, rotation, tilt, um, lane conditions, if you bowl on lanes that hook a lot, there's a lot of oil out there, if it's high friction, low friction, a lot of different factors."
"Parents, teachers, and consistency are the three factors that played the most significant role in my journey."
"It's unlikely that you're ever gonna get all five factors to align, but when they do, it's usually magic."
"Recognizing these factors and recognizing that they are real... can be an important component of what's going wrong."
"Complexity is often the result of human behavior system interactions technical Innovation uncertainty and ambiguity."
"Include factors like single-parent household, low-income family, non-English language at home, or being a first-generation college student in your application."
"We can use regression analysis for really kind of three reasons. The first one is about exploring correlations, and we kind of think about this as like casual correlation exploration."
"Genocide is not caused by poverty, climate change, or inequality."
"The three biggest things you can do to reduce the likelihood of divorce: college education, first marriage, and a woman between 25 and 32."
"Cities are gonna pop up and become really big for a few main reasons: defense, local resources, far-flung trade, and religion."
"Time, temperature, and water are key factors in baking success."
"Various factors, including cytogenetics, clinical presentation, and lymphocyte doubling time, help prognosticate CLL."
"Detroit's decline is due to a multitude of factors, from segregation to political corruption."
"Big bucks like this one need three important things to grow big antlers: they have to live long, they have to eat well, and they have to have the right genetic background."
"I will never blame my behavior on that. Was it a factor? Of course, because nothing is. Two plus two is everything's an equation. So was it a factor? Certainly."
"The exact cause is unknown. However, research is still in the works. The following elements appear to be involved: genetics, immune system response, environmental triggers, race, and age."
"Happiness is based on well-being, social support, GDP per capita, generosity, life expectancy, corruption, and freedom."
"If you can put these three plus the bonus factor in place, then your chances of having success are going to go way up."
"Comparing bullets solely based on ballistic coefficient can be misleading; muzzle velocity and other factors must also be considered."
"It's not just the alcohol, it's also the sugar level, it's also the intensity of the flavors on a wine, it's a lot of things."
"As we now understand, volume should be allocated based on these three factors."
"The most important factors come down to these five gleaned from this study and they are one overall nutrition two normal body weight three not smoking four being physically active and five alcohol consumption."
"Sometimes our decision making is not purely based upon specifications or statistics."
"This is just one factor in your decision as you are purchasing pencils and there's a lot of factors that go into my favorite pencils."
"Stability, security, and features are the key factors."
"The motion of the ocean depends on many factors."
"It's a different set of factors out there and there are different goals when you're out there."
"Properly provided and operated, some of these factors go somewhat unnoticed."
"Income is not the only factor contributing to well-being."
"It's not all about temperature, then there's ventilation."
"It's the complex interplay of environmental, biological, hormonal, and even cultural factors."
"The rate of a reaction will change depending on the temperature, the concentration, the pressure, or if a catalyst is involved."
"Factors affecting skin integrity include age, lifestyle variables, nutrition, illnesses, level of activity, therapeutic measures, diagnostic measures, and state of health."
"Factors affecting metabolism include growth, infections, and hormones."
"Hair loss can be caused by numerous reasons including DHT, stress, and inflammation."
"Stability is not the only factor."
"An appraiser will investigate economic, environmental, physical, and social factors when estimating the value for a particular piece of property."
"We have biological, psychological, and social contributors to vulnerability to addiction."
"There's always an element of luck in success."
"Your credit worthiness quote-unquote is based upon a number of factors. Name three of them: your income, yeah, your debt, and your repayments."
"Having a mixture of qualitative and quantitative factors allows us to reflect."
"So many factors to take into consideration."
"Factors in addition to competence are relevant in choosing a doctor."
"The global economy is in the beginning of a multiyear upcycle led by those factors I mentioned: rate cuts, liquidity, the reshoring of supply chains."
"Everything affects blood glucose levels, not just foods - exercise, hormones, stress, time of day, weather, caffeine, medication, illness, lack of sleep, decision making, etc."
"The only numbers with an odd number of factors are square numbers."
"It's a combination of genetics and society, environmental factors, socioeconomic status."
"Terms are things which are added, and factors are things which are multiplied."
"There are several factors that play a part in how much you can earn."
"There are a lot of factors at play, including your own personality type."
"It's not just about speed; it's about this factor right here."
"The biggest factors for your home pricing are generally going to be the location, the size, and the amenities."
"There are a lot of usual factors at play in the real world."
"People change every single day... so many things can attribute to somebody changing throughout their life."
"All the relevant factors come together to make a place hot, and right now, Bermondsey is as hot as it gets."
"Talent, confidence, practice, persisting through failure, and sheer luck - most people who achieve great success, it's a balance of these factors."
"What are the factors that contribute towards longevity?"
"Reaction rates are affected by a few key factors: concentration of reactants, activation energy, and temperature."
"Success doesn't boil down to career choices, but success boils down to three important factors."
"The success of a car is dictated by more factors than just how many people have heard about it."
"Pure size is not the only factor in a brain's cognitive skills."
"There are many things that contribute to a Pokemon card's overall value and not just its name."
"Each person has his own path to victory; the outcome is influenced by both intelligence and strength and just plain luck."
"The nature of the mix of these factors might change over time."
"There are many factors that come into play when somebody decides to move from one country to another."
"Unemployment depends on the minimum wage, the market power of unions, efficiency wages, and the process of a job search."
"If we're interested in peace, a lot of factors have to come together."
"There are many factors pushing food costs to stratospheric levels."
"Every success story is some combination of work, luck, and privilege."
"Fundamental analysis is the analysis of economic, social, political factors that affect a particular country's currency."
"Image sharpness is affected by several things including lens focus, camera shake, depth of field, and digital noise."
"When you're given the zeros, the factors are going to be x minus the zeros."
"Many other factors can determine what type of cheese is produced."
"Capacity of an individual vine is dependent on the vine age, the health of the vine, and the soil type."
"There's a lot of factors that are going to affect just how valuable that is to you as an investor: the yield of the company, the growth rate of the company, how fast the dividend is growing, what the dividend payout ratio of the stock is."
"Like many disasters, there are many contributing factors, and it may not be possible or wise to place blame on any one party."
"You can never ignore the human factor."
"In exploratory factor analysis... we let the data speak to us about how many factors are needed to adequately reproduce the correlations that we observed."
"It's really hard to disentangle which factor is most important for creating who you are today."
"Physical attractiveness is an important predictor of successfully forming a romantic relationship, but it's certainly not the only predictor."
"There are many other factors that you may want to consider when you're trying to decide between mower brands or models."
"What causes life histories to evolve? They result from the interaction of extrinsic and intrinsic factors."
"There is no absolute winner in this discussion, only the key factors which matter to you."
"The prognosis for curve progression is based on three factors: the patient's age, where the defect is located, and the exact type of anomaly."
"Not all Vendacious orchids adapt to the same or grow the same, there are some factors that will influence this adaptation which I think you should know."
"There are lots of factors that influence how much electricity your hot tub uses."
"When you're competing at the highest levels of whatever you do, everything's a factor."
"It's just so many things that go into it, the luck, the injuries, being in the right place at the right time."
"There's a lot of things that affect HRV, like activity level, stress, fatigue, and illness."
"The highest common factor and LCM, you need to understand the difference."
"Factors can go into the number, multiples are formed by multiplying the number by integers."
"There's absolutely validity to factor-based investing."
"Factor-based investing absolutely has validity to it."
"Experience and projects are significant variables for somebody's salary."
"In causal analysis, you identify certain factors which are affecting the demand and then you develop a mathematical relationship between those independent factors and demand."
"Cardiac disease is multifactorial; there are so many variables that lead to heart disease not just lipid profile but stress, sleep, insulin resistance, inflammation these are major factors."
"Random assignment... allows us to explore the factors that are being studied."