
Policy Debate Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"The notion that corporations ought to be paying tax at all, in my view, is mistaken."
"Focus on the substance and let's have an actual policy debate."
"I think we can have a rational political conversation about balancing rights and risks and rewards of all these different policies, but I don't think that what we need to do is demonize people on the other side as being unfeeling."
"It's really important that the public gets involved in the debate on CBDCs...this is somewhat un-American."
"Imagine if a moderator asked Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren what are the costs of not doing the green New Deal or Medicare for all."
"Cutting the police budget is the most counterproductive thing pretty much ever."
"You can't do this. We can't keep this country closed."
"The future is too important for us not to embrace the discussion about nuclear, to change the laws and to let the economics and the other things be tested in the real market." - Unknown speaker
"We want everybody to have health care, we just agree on how to get there."
"Big government bad and that's why build back better is bad."
"No society can safeguard public health at the cost of the entire economy's health."
"We can reduce violent crime without gun control laws."
"If ten people a year got killed on a job site because a hammer fell off of a roof and hit someone in the head and killed them would we ban hammers? No."
"The scientific basis for greenhouse warming is too uncertain to justify drastic action at this time."
"What can even be reasonably done about the gun violence situation in America at this point?"
"Perhaps the best argument for getting rid of the nuclear sponge in the United States is that the money being used to fund it could go to other programs."
"The West should give more Military Support to Ukraine. Agree or disagree?"
"The left understood...that their policy prescriptions would not Prevail at The Ballot Box."
"I think you need both... you need free markets, but those people they need help." - Brian
"The default should never be the intervention without strong evidence."
"You don't want to shut down the country. You're going to hurt people. You're going to hurt more people by doing that."
"The superior wisdom of universal programs is being discussed on a much larger stage than ever before."
"They said well, we can't let Nazis, right? We can't let Nazis be out there."
"I think the policy of herd immunity is the right policy."
"This is how you properly frame these discussions and it's encouraging to see this being done now."
"We've entered the period where at the highest levels of our government, there's no real policy argument. They're simply my tribe versus your tribe."
"The Democrats have made very clear what their choice should be. I mean, the key Democrat here would be in the end Ilhan Omar who was explaining yesterday that sanctions on Iran are an act of war but sanctions against Israel are very good."
"So people are suffering or things are difficult housing costs are high uh money does not go as far as people want it to go but then there lie therein lies the debate on the policies of the future to try to ameliorate and correct that."
"Legalizing marijuana to make money, that's the latest version of an argument to legalize marijuana."
"Just the fact that there's criticism coming from both sides against the ESRB is something worth noting."
"We do not need for-profit middlemen in between us and our doctors."
"You're doing a great thing because you treat people as people."
"Listen, this is going to continue until we end gender affirming care."
"I'm prepared to go back to muskets. I don't think they envisioned high-capacity assault weapon magazines intended for battlefields."
"He was always going to win out any policy argument."
"More reasons to hope student debt relief when he was contemplating it every elitist came out everyone in the establishment came out and said don't do it if you do it the sky will fall."
"What are politicians doing, but haggling over - it seems the let me of ideology that have revealed itself to be bankrupt."
"If you give an inch they'll take a mile and you can never admit that you know anything is inappropriate for a school setting."
"There's no immediate prospects right now of getting rid of the forced speech element of this policy."
"It's not just about removing this book from middle schools; they want it out of all schools."
"Your job is to protect and defend the children, your job is to protect and defend the people." - What is it that you fear that you cannot support in a public school?
"Banning TikTok is like banning guns, you don't actually solve the real problem." - Using analogy to critique proposed solutions.
"Providing more power to local law enforcement is not going to fix delinquency."
"That's the most pressing issue despite everything that we've just mentioned: the pandemic, international relations, the truly failed economy."
"I think states rights do matter, but whenever you're talking about big issues like this, I think it should be decided on a federal level."
"We have to drop all these remaining vaccine mandates."
"Do you think it makes sense to spend twice as much per capita as the people of any other nation and be the only country in the world not to guarantee health care to all people?"
"I don't think the harm here is so obviously obvious and avert that is uh requires a change in policy."
"The tension between economic and environmental priorities couldn't be clearer than in the fight for and against pipelines."
"One of the things has always concerned me is, it's always been presented as a dichotomy which is, let's attack the root causes versus those who are actually committing crimes."
"This stale white guy named Mike, and yet another tax and spin reconciliation bill, the Democrat agenda alternates between attempts to distract the American people at best and outright misguided policy at worst."
"They oppose liberal policies in classical liberals."
"Instead of protecting the vulnerable, we made everybody shut down. It's an agenda of destruction instead of building up."
"I am sick and tired of trickle-down Economics it has never worked we're building an economy from the bottom up and middle out."
"European leaders are raising doubts over the United States's proposal to waive intellectual property rights for COVID19 vaccines."
"Trickle-down economics doesn't work and I think that that's really important because it's really important to not buy into this idea that Liz Trust is promoting which is that you know this is a difficult decision but it's going to work."
"I just have fundamentally different views of how best to address this issue and how we can achieve the goal that we both want."
"His perspectives on the issues like nuclear threats, border security, energy policy are vital contributions to the National conversation."
"Continuing the eviction ban unfairly shifts economic hardships to the backs of housing providers."
"Why would we allow some kid who just turned 18 to buy a gun that a member of the army is not allowed to carry?"
"The most controversial thing was what the plan of the government would be."
"You believe the policies voted for in Minneapolis are what Americans want?"
"A permanent lockdown is not a viable path forward and would ultimately inflict more harm than it would prevent."
"The scheme was so impossible to justify, three courts ruled against it and finally the administration lost in front of the Supreme Court and the question was dropped."
"It's incredibly easy to call for the banning of something where even if it takes one life... you see no benefit for that one life."
"Absolutely, their policy should be changed: zero policy unless the adult is doing it to the child."
"I would like to see uh something come out that basically limits uh sort of the concepts of government overreach in the space right."
"The debate over COCOM's Effectiveness was and remains of voluminous."
"I think it's good to have fights about policy and message out in the open."
"The statistics show that more lives are saved due to guns being in the picture rather than guns being taken away."
"Blanket bans won't work. Targeted restrictions and sound monetary policy are needed."
"It's a referendum on whether or not it's crazy to guarantee not just health care but also decent education and housing and a livable wage and a sustainable planet to all people."
"When the questions are asked, is the warming that's occurred primarily harmful, are you very concerned about it, these are the questions that drive the debate."
"Maybe we should stop tarring and feathering the very policies we want to see in the world."
"I guarantee you if we ever reached a point where European style commuter rail was actually on the table, that would be one of the naysayer talking points."
"Data illuminates our conversations, allowing us to discuss the merits of policies based on evidence rather than beliefs."
"Be consistent. If you're okay with interracial, you're okay with reparations."
"I urge my colleagues to support my amendment to cut wasteful federal spending by prohibiting funding for the bicycle subsidy benefit program at the Department of Interior."
"Knowing what you know, would you wish that genetic testing be reinstated in your state?"
"Human Health Care is important, but serial criminals shouldn't be involved."
"I think it has to be a choice and not a mandate."
"Getting rid of school police doesn't mean walking away from school safety."
"If you care about policy, blocking Sanders is an act of narcissism, period."
"Rather than turning the border patrol into the Welcome Wagon, why don't we let them do their jobs?"
"We reset the political debate and agenda and we actually got the clean break to be the most popular option."
"Make out nuclear power... reasonable standards... same price as coal power... pensioner can afford it... poorer Australians at the moment renewables I can afford it but many people won't be able to."
"Every other country in the world guarantees healthcare as a human right. Here in America, we guarantee contracts that deny us healthcare if you don't pay for that contract."
"When it comes to gun violence, firearm violence, we find a way to make excuses to save lives in this country."
"We actually need to have a conversation about where do we spend money well, compared to where do we just spend money and feel virtuous about ourselves."
"The proposed increase in the minimum wage looks like being the first casualty."
"Gas stoves are not a hill that I'm going to die on but I will die on the hill of not allowing government to overreach into our homes."
"For years since the assessment's introduction, a third of those who were claiming incapacity benefit have been found fit for work. But is it just weeding out the undeserving?"
"Enoch was saying send them all back from the last 20 years."
"College students should be allowed to carry on campuses so they can protect themselves."
"Why not both? I don't know. I definitely want a special focus on demilitarization. I also don't think that defunding should be a boogeyman."
"Nationalization seems to be a pretty popular thing amongst the public."
"You can't defund the police, you have to support the police."
"It doesn't seem like a good idea to legislate interpretation."
"The democrats are the ones calling this an anti-poverty plan."
"Defunding the police does not bring us one step closer to abolishing the police."
"Biological boys, I've said from the beginning should not be playing in women's sports. We need to protect women's sports."
"I don't think it's worth wrecking the economy over."
"...it's been amazing to see how mainstream the debate over green hydrogen incentives has gone."
"I'm fine with arguing about each of these policies... it's a matter of incentive structures not per se morality."
"We've rushed ahead in the debate to questions of access and affordability when we should take a few steps back."
"Ideally, policy debates would be more substantive without being overly technical."
"The people who disagree with me profoundly on a policy issue... are not bad people; they're okay people too."
"Just because something can be harmful doesn't mean that we have to ban it totally."
"That, Madam Speaker, is solid policy. What we've heard from the opposition is emotional claptrap."
"I approached from a policy perspective, so if you disagree with me, do not disagree with me based on my party or my race or my religion, but disagree with me based on the policy grounds of what was being discussed."