
Audition Quotes

There are 176 quotes

"Betty gives a memorable audition, revealing that she is a tremendous actress."
"I got my audition tomorrow at 9:00 a.m... I better practice my lines real quick."
"I had to audition for a car commercial once that I did not get and uh... it was so... it seemed so stupid to me."
"Charlie Cox as bond season three prison fight scene is a whole audition tape he's in a suit and is incredibly brutal would be down for it."
"I came to my first audition wearing those because I'd actually been Luna for the previous Halloween so I had all my gear ready to go."
"It was actually a really interesting process getting onto the show, wasn't it?"
"So, FaZe Clan, if you're watching, this is his audition video: MLG sniper montage."
"The table dancing is what led Julia Stiles landing the leading role in 'Save the Last Dance.'"
"I think it was a really, really good first audition. Judging by their reaction in the room, I think the same thing will be people watching at home. They're going to want you to do well in this competition."
"I didn't know who Spelling was. I was always the kid who went into auditions like, 'Is this going to cut into my skateboarding time?'"
"In 1973, nine-year-old Melissa Gilbert joined over 500 little girls to audition for the lead in a new NBC series called 'Little House on the Prairie.'"
"I feel like she's helping me audition for whomever I'm auditioning for."
"You're not going into an audition trying to get a job, you're going there to do a job, hold your power, and then give it to them."
"Being one to never take no for an answer, I would try five hours for a two-second audition."
"If you're rotten, forget it. Now who wants to audition first?"
"It was one of those auditions where I just couldn't find it, as I know you guys have experienced. I could feel it, but I wasn't clicking with whoever I was reading with."
"It wasn't like I had to go out and hustle, and audition, and run around chasing auditions all the time."
"James Franco auditioned for the role of Spider-Man."
"It's just crazy to think that my life could change so much just because of one audition."
"In 1978, Patrick Swayze wowed casting directors with his audition for the lead role of Danny Zuko in the popular musical Grease."
"Chris Pratt's audition was so good he was prepared to offer him the role even if Pratt did not lose weight or get in shape in time."
"I actually auditioned to play Iron Man. It was a legit company."
"I think you should audition me because I'm not a jazz player and he goes, 'You're fine because my hands had gotten me so much notoriety.'"
"We're looking for hip-hop dancers to compete in a hip-hop competition."
"It's like having a match in a gym, the best audition for Glenn at that point was in the biggest show we did where there's 5,000 people there in a decent-sized arena with television set up."
"I felt like for my own dignity it was good that I auditioned for the director and not just how it'd be like yeah I want my son to play this and that's that so no no that was through this one the best studio auditioned."
"My audition song for most of my Broadway career was 'Corner of the Sky' from Pippin."
"I tell people all the time, every day is an audition to be great."
"I found that moment in the audition, I did a thing with my head and I remember Terry Winter told me the first time I met him that when they were watching my audition, David saw me do this thing with my neck and he said that's the guy."
"I remember when it happened, I went to this audition for this musical that I didn't end up getting, but I had this like moment of clarity in the waiting room."
"I got the part just from the tape, no callback, no screen tests, no chemistry read. It was just one of those Miracle things where the tone that I identified fit what Greta was looking for."
"I'm auditioning for my next role, a guy with allergies."
"I always in auditions tried to be memorable...if I was going to do it just how everybody else was going to do it, why am I?"
"I remember actually that when uh at the auditions we had an opportunity to read for a couple different characters...what was Brian's origin?"
"You know, it's all numbers. When it comes to acting, it's a completely different animal. It's how many times they see you before that audition."
"I had auditions around Christmas time right after Christmas time and then um I mean when it came in my email I was like yes yes I have to."
"I'll be happy to audition for your movie."
"You've just passed your audition with flying colors."
"This is my audition to become the official cook of the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"Matthew Lillard was cast as Stew after he was spotted by a casting director."
"The song 'Pulled'... had a chokehold on everyone's audition rep."
"No one wants you to succeed more than the person you are auditioning for."
"Smirnoff shaken, not starch. That's my audition. They're looking for a new guy."
"Bruce Campbell, who unbelievably had to audition five times to get this role."
"I mentioned in my previous chatty ketchup video that I auditioned for a short film I ended up getting the role yeah I genuinely did not think I was gonna get it."
"We came here to hear, to hear some talent, meet you, hello."
"No I didn't... my audition for David Bowie was that he was standing on the side of the stage watching me play with Frank Zappa and he said yes that's the guy I want."
"That's like going to audition for American Idol and having no idea that you have to sing."
"This is the audition. You have to stand out and show that you're passionate."
"Be yourself first and foremost. Make sure your audition is a really good representation of you."
"When he auditioned for the role he reportedly brought a real gun to the audition and pulled it out during a scene."
"I audition for other droids and I want to get out of here. I almost got the part of C-3PO."
"I ask, and then you gotta audition to get in."
"God, I love this audition. I really, really did. And I'll tell you why. Because you're fun, you're likable, great energy, great showmanship. Thank you, so I just find you too interesting."
"This was a perfect first audition and I feel like you can build on that. I can totally see you making a whole show out of this."
"So, when I saw that flick and then had an opportunity to audition for the show definitely and you know I didn't try to pretend like I was a Puerto Rican from New York which is really what they would have expected."
"In 2008, there was an open fan audition to play Carl."
"It was a big deal role. It was a great role. It was well written. Just like the show itself. So we went through the usual audition process."
"Some of these queens have been auditioning since years ago, some of them literally just started doing drag yesterday. What a gag."
"She encouraged me also to come and audition."
"I honestly can't believe it when Loretta called me to ask me to go through the formalities of auditioning but knew I was going to get the part."
"I ain't never had to audition to play me."
"Every time I threw a song at him, he knew it. He actually did his first audition and did 18 songs."
"She admitted that she had no acting experience to director Michael Curtiz, but he liked her audition."
"This is your audition for the Army Hammer biopic."
"He would have that magic when he walked into a room for an audition, but he came up during COVID and now everything is on Zoom."
"I really think you're gonna want me in this movie."
"I really think you're gonna want me in the role."
"I had an audition with Steven Spielberg for hook. I was going to play I auditioned was supposed to audition for Tinker Bell."
"You want to audition for the stuff that you're really confident in, that way you can get as much of that auditioning in as possible."
"Improv in your audition is fine, don't go crazy with it, but if you add some extra like the laugh, totally fine."
"I had an audition for the love interest of Liam Niss I love Liam niss so do why."
"Also, there was another very famous boy who was in the running to play Bruce Banner in this film."
"As the album closes musically, they had passed the audition."
"It's just a great way to kind of audition what you're doing."
"So even in those first instances, the opening series of this, which was produced by Nigel Lithgow, I think the catchphrase for the first series was, 'Nigel, pick me!' So one of the songs I did was like, 'Oh, not you. You know that I'm your man. And this is why...'"
"Oh my Lord, it's a good thing I'm not auditioning for the role of Stevie Nicks today."
"I had an audition a few weeks ago where I had to like be sobbing in it and I walked out of the audition I was just like why the [ __ ] do I do this?"
"Who's excited to dance our hearts out at the audition today?"
"Auditions over. Our newest member is Karma Grant."
"Their guitar player Rocky was the one that got me into ST, and I auditioned for the band. I thought it would be this massive audition with all these different players, but they were like, 'If you want the gig, you got the gig.'"
"Toughen up. You're going to go to an audition and not get picked some day. Get it?"
"If you want to be on this show, give me a buzz."
"If you have been at all curious about the Michi line, specifically the X3 reviewed here, I would urge you to audition it."
"We love being surprised, and actually, I think this is a great audition."
"It's a real short story because I was out of town when they asked me to audition... So Sakura... Yeah, so I don't know how I came up with that, probably a cold and probably too many cigarettes too soon."
"I'm going to give you your first yes, please, thank you."
"she had the figure she had the look she had this like softness and kindness about her acting when she looked at her audition that they really really took to"
"How did they cast you for the show? It's an open tryout. Oh, really? Maybe that was it. You just went to a gym and went to the Golden Dawn where we used the box at. They got a gym underneath there and that's where they had it."
"I passed the audition and everybody seemed genuinely pleased and that was so I don't have to tell anybody in this room what a great feeling it is to be appreciated for what you do."
"That was just such a great audition. You've got the goods to make a career out of this."
"So how did you get the part? Like, how did you get the role? What was the process? What were you doing at the time? Yeah, where? What was your situation?"
"This is so great, this is terrific, your audition, I love the books, this is fantastic."
"Damn, oh, okay Hawkeyes, this is your Avengers trial tape damn."
"I think he's good. I was the last person that auditioned, I was a very last person. The person that exited the casting room right before me was, I've talked about this, Nia Peebles."
"Everybody just split and I was like, oh wow, everybody's watching us and I'm like okay this is the dance audition."
"I actually have a show in a couple of days, it's sort of a try out to get into the main company."
"I auditioned when I was 10 but looked six."
"When you're on the opposite side where an actor walks in and you're about to read with them, you just want them to kill it."
"I had an audition for a television show that required a very specific accent that I had no idea how to do."
"That is how I self-tape an audition from beginning to end."
"Don't leave an audition thinking, I could have done better. You have to do your very best."
"Going through the first audition process to getting cut to getting back in training camp and finally putting on this uniform and having it be mine was totally all worth it."
"'Make an actual audition video where you talk about yourself. That's what we're looking for.'"
"I worked really, really hard and I persevered and I auditioned for five years straight."
"I'm delighted to meet you, Captain. Now tell me, are you a bass, baritone, or... Good Lord, finally delivered me a tenor!"
"Jerry Mathers's sincere, unfiltered character and honesty won over the producers the moment he arrived for his audition."
"I went in and kind of just like, 'Hey guys,' like I did it, but you know, like that cool factor kind of works better for you when you're not for the job, you don't care."
"Oh, come on. I know that you can find a way to get over your fear and unfreeze for one audition."
"So how did you get it? Well, I went to the audition, and they just picked me on the spot."
"He wanted people to fear his audition; he definitely had the wow factor."
"We would be pleased to have you audition, Amanda."
"If you're getting called back, you're doing something right, and then it's out of your control."
"If you could go back 12 years to the version of me that walked into that audition... just to let you know, this is going to be the biggest thing you've ever been in your life."
"We loved your auditions and we'd like to cast you."
"Sarah really believes that this audition is her opportunity for success in Hollywood."
"It was always a fun process, you know, from the auditioning to even the training process."
"Usually a first piece in an audition for principal horn would be a middle register lyrical solo demonstrating a smooth line and a lovely, beautiful singing sound."
"Welcome to another installment of Northern Audition."
"LA Reid was so impressed with Dinah's audition that he said that she took the song to places that Beyonce didn't."
"Are you ready to join the Smashing Pumpkins? Then stay tuned, auditions are open."
"She was the only girl that looked me in the eye on auditions."
"So Rochelle is top place for the solos anyway, and I just think that Rochelle really did bring it for her audition."
"She started with a bang, she came in after Noah introduced her into the circle, and it was memorable."
"I remember it was like a Tuesday, and I got this email from one of the producers saying, 'Hey, we love your audition tape.'"
"It's as simple as a little audition that you kind of went in for, and it can change your life."
"This is essentially what it's like to do an audition... you have to show us the character, you have to show us the mastery."
"The experience was very interesting. I never had a three-day audition process before."
"I was very happy to be able to tell Jackson and encouraged Jackson to go for his audition and follow his passion."
"You never know exactly what you're auditioning for, so always do your best because it could turn into something big."
"So here we are, my final open-call audition in New York City, home of the Great White Way."
"The one thing that really annoys casting directors and agents is that when you go into an audition, the person doesn't look like their headshot."
"It was fun doing an audition in a while."
"The sole reason for auditioning at all was to help my family."
"You're going to see the best audition that you'll ever see in your whole life."
"You sound so sweet and soothing; you really do have star quality."
"I'm going to remember this audition, and I'm really, really, really happy that you've auditioned on this show."
"I'm Making the Band right now, you want to be a part of it, let me hear your best voice."
"She really brought it, she knew it was an audition, she gave her best."
"So, halfway through that audition I knew... okay I really like this and this is my calling. I just didn't know."
"I learned something about me auditioning this time."
"Yes, I hope she does really well and gets the part."
"I surprised myself in the audition by going, oh I think I have a spark of something that I could bring to this."
"This is more than just a dance audition, this is you showing your passion that you've had your entire life."
"That audition actually changed my life."
"Showing that you're calm, positive, happy, you have initiative, and that you're willing to go in straightaway is the most important thing to bring to an audition."
"She auditioned for the Vietnam Idol, which is the Vietnamese version of American Idol."
"She showed a great range and I think that's what you have to do in an audition."
"I got into the live audition finally, so I was so excited and really motivated to do as well as possible."
"Everybody's amazing. By the time they audition, they are so technically unbelievable."
"Welcome to part two of the ghost gang tryouts."
"All I'm looking for is to break through the noise and to get an audition."
"I really want David Cornswet out of these Front Runners here going into this screen test very very soon to be the one who comes out on top as Superman."