
Lending Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"You shouldn't borrow money if you know you can't pay it back, and you shouldn't loan somebody money if you know they can't pay you back."
"China has loaned $520 billion, making it a larger lender than the IMF and World Bank."
"So, the trade between lenders and the borrowers, is again, essentially the main driver of the financial markets."
"This is the most powerful method to redistribute wealth... it redistributes wealth from lenders to borrowers."
"Never lend anything you can't afford to treat as a gift."
"If there's a demand to go short but no one's really loaning it out, that's exactly when you see the cost to borrow also known as CTB go through the roof."
"They'll fix this, now that dude I loaned it from, you gotta send it back to Sig."
"I lend money to people who need to make their payments on the Lamborghini."
"You don't make much money. You need 20 but you gotta give me back 25."
"There's no guarantees in any world of lending and borrowing... you're taking on counterparty risk."
"Private lenders will pay the freight for new industries. The United States used to be a manufacturing economy and then it became a service economy. This happens all the time."
"China has become the biggest lender in the world."
"Build a good credit score; lenders will give you a lower interest rate."
"Crypto is the future for finance... Making loans is huge, that's just two, there's dozens of these."
"You lower interest rates you make the value interest rates at zero and you say come to me my friend I will lend you money at zero."
"I lent this book out to this person like five years ago... five years later it's back."
"You shall surely lend him sufficient for his need."
"Business credit, business funding lines of credit, millions of dollars they will lend you way more for your business than they would ever lend to just you."
"Love your enemies, do good to them, lend to them without expecting to be repaid."
"They see the opportunity for lending money to small businesses."
"Upstart considers your income and current employment to find you a smarter rate for your loan."
"Never loan a man money, never give a grown man money."
"We think of bankers now as just greedy, bankster gangsters. Morgan was maybe one of the greediest of all. But he also had this side of him which just said I have faith in men, I have faith in the country, and I am going to lend them."
"Almost nobody ever tells you that the dealer is getting paid by the lender, usually a bank, to bring them business. And that business is often structured around a higher interest rate."
"Be very very weary and know know who you're lending to in all situations."
"When you lend money, it should be with the expectation it will be returned to you in full."
"Everyone who has money to loan would hesitate to loan it to a borrower to buy luxuries instead of necessities, clothing, food, the payment of rent, doctor's bills, the purchase of material for business, the investment of money into a growing and successful business proposition."
"You want to be the person trying to get a loan, you want to be the person giving the loans."
"I'll never lend my vacuum cleaner again."
"Mortgage brokers have access to multiple lenders."
"Don't borrow, don't loan, and don't let people owe you."
"I'm not very possessive of my stuff, my kids know, my neighbors know, you can borrow anything you want with one condition: bring it back."
"Never loan your tools to the misses."
"...new Financial products that offer home lending with lower down payment requirements have been rolled out by Banks non-bank lenders and the government as an answer to this problem."
"Prosperity brings expanded lending, which leads to unwise lending standards, which produces large losses, which makes lenders stop lending, which ends prosperity, and so on."
"The principle of pawn broking is very simple a client brings an asset to us we value it and we lend a percentage of the item's value."
"If you have money do not lend it at interest but give it to one from whom you will not get it back."
"I'd rather just give him or her money more than like say like this is a loan that you're gonna have to pay it back because i know what will come after."
"If you're lending your money to a government that's going to be around or to a company that's going to be around, well, as long as they're making income and staying in business, they have an obligation to pay you back your money along with interest."
"Protip: don't lend to a man, lend to a woman."
"If the house is selling for $200,000 and you qualify for $275,000, the lender will only lend you $200,000 for that house."
"If someone comes to you, you have to be okay with never seeing that money again. You don't look at it like you're going to get a return 100%."
"I confronted him and he casually reminded me of how many times his best friend complained about his old junk car and he decided to lend him 7k to buy a decent car."
"Once you're able to build up your business credit, then you will have a much stronger ability to raise capital and lenders will be lining up to give you money."
"Can you take the pipe off and lend it to someone? The same size as you, bro."
"Lenders rely more on the unique information in the cash component of earnings for setting rates when the quality of the cash component is high."
"Banks are planning to be even more strict with lending this year."
"Love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return."
"If you're a wealthy merchant and you end up lending a lot of money to a king, it's probably not a good idea to try and extract property and titles out of him."
"You can lend out your idle crypto to earn passive income. KuCoin has one of the best lending platforms for US Dollar Tether."
"If you lend money to someone make sure you can afford to lose it"
"If you have money, lend it not with interest."
"You lend money to your friends, don't expect to get it back 100%. Yeah, I'd give it to people if they needed it and I think when you give people money, you've got to accept you may not get it back."
"If you have questions and they're diverting or they're not answering them directly or trying to push you off or they're too busy, then you need to find another lender."
"Every bank and lender has a different level of risk that they are prepared to take and a different profile of the type of customer that they want to accept."
"We've got a drippy man. He lends people his clothes."
"If you've got dollars you want to lend and nobody wants to borrow them from you, then that's going to give you an incentive to offer to lend at a lower interest rate."
"In California, lenders don't make mortgage loans anymore."
"Subprime loans cater to borrowers who don't fit traditional bank standards."
"They took your signature now and they loaned it out 10 times just like you would do fractional lending and they probably made 10 times whatever that money you owed them was."
"You don't let anybody walk over you. It's all right. I'm gonna lend you my car."
"We should loan money without interest to people in need."
"Absolutely nothing in these rules would stop your Banks from making loans to Working Families."
"Don't lend money that you cannot afford to lend. When you lend money, consider that money gone."
"If you still want to go ahead and lend money to your family member or your friend, the answer is you want to get everything down on paper, write every single detail down in a contract, and give that person a contract you go ahead and sign and also sign it at a notary."
"You do not lend money or help someone that doesn't want to be helped or in reality is not helping themselves."
"I've been lending for a good amount of years and I can tell you that these contracts I mean they have some really good exits like"
"If you want to give money to someone, just go ahead and give them the money, but don't lend it to them because basically it changes everything."
"...decreasing lending means increased financial hardship, and increased financial hardship means a reduction in opportunity."
"You cannot lend your way out of what is ultimately a solvency problem."
"Private lenders, on the other hand, only spend savings where it is economically defensible to do so. Because of this, private lending is more efficient in bringing out the strongest species and speed up the evolution in society."
"The new rules we passed restore what should be any financial system's core purpose: Getting funding to entrepreneurs with the best ideas, and getting loans to responsible families who want to buy a home, or start a business, or send their kids to college."
"You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. You shall reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over you."
"You shall lend to many nations and you shall not borrow."
"You actually can see that when you're going to run into a private money lender, you want to decipher which category they're going to ultimately be in so that you can move them or sway them one way or the other."
"The real reason why a financial institution would lend a useless demon money."
"God's best is that you lend and never have to borrow."
"Not all lenders are built the same, not all loan officers are built the same."
"A company's history is not going to be the key factor in whether you're lending. You might play a role in credibility of the company and the business it's in, but you're lending to the restructured company not to The Old Company."
"I think it's so important today as we're looking into uh the pandemic recovery that we understand that cash position of anybody that you're lending funds to going forward here."
"So let's start with the Anchor lending market. TerraForm Labs, the company behind Terra, supports this, provides funds for their year old reserve so that they can pay out a higher interest rate to lenders than the market actually wants to give them."
"Refusal to lend based on the demographics of an area is known as redlining."
"Don't loan any more money than you are able to give away."
"The beauty of this business is that we can talk to the borrower, the borrower can talk to myself and I can make that decision."
"If you're gonna lend money to someone, you're gonna want to lend it to someone reliable."
"Get three lender quotes, do not just get one quote."
"Amen, thou shalt lend unto many nations and shalt not borrow."
"These reforms taken together and pursued across the system, with some variation across the institutions, could generate hundreds of billions of dollars of additional lending capacity."
"When you do for the poor, you are lending unto God."
"You will lend to many nations but you will never need to borrow."
"The golden standard should be... check out a local lender and then of course check out an online lender."
"He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and the Lord will repay him."
"We teach you from Proverbs 22, don't loan money to people."
"Mortgage debt is one of the cheapest amounts of money you will ever be able to lend on."
"He that have pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again."
"Lenders want to see borrowers who have some skin in the game."
"He who gives to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will pay back what he has given."
"A good man showeth favor and lendeth."
"Lending money is tantamount to giving charity, the highest form of Charity because the person feels good about it."
"There is in fact discrimination in lending. There are tons of laws to prevent it, but laws exist to prevent something that's because you know it's happening, right?"
"Don't lend money that you're afraid to lose."
"Asset-based lending are loans made to businesses backed by a liquid asset used as collateral."
"What ABLs offer is a way to finance the business's day-to-day needs by taking out a loan on these accounts receivable or inventory."
"Every lender is going to ask you these three questions."
"If you come to me and say, 'Hey, I need to borrow five or ten thousand dollars,' and I know you're credible, I'm going to hop on that immediately."
"Our lending business... grew by over 15 percent and we funded over 100 million dollars in loans."
"Square is able to do this and still not be a bank because they've raised private capital under Square Capital to do that type of lending."
"Banks love to lend money to people who don't need it."
"The core sustainable cash flow of the business is what a lender cares about."
"For lenders, lending money is a way of collecting revenue streams from interest payments."
"Interest is what compensates the lender for taking on the risk of lending out the money and it's calculated as a percentage of the loan principal that's still outstanding."
"It has some value in fraud mitigation; it has no value in lending."
"If you lend money to any of my people who are in need, do not charge interest as a moneylender would."
"Not getting insurance in the borrower's name... the lender is going to require proof of insurance."
"If I lend, I'm always in first secured position, so worst case scenario, deal goes south, I still got the property."
"Thou shalt lend unto many nations; thou shalt not borrow."
"Diversification of risk is much less risky for me to lend through the bank than to lend directly to you."
"If you can get to 720, that is generally thought of as the place where you are going to get the best rates from most lenders."
"It's a personal library kit and if you have a lot of books and you lend them to people, something like this might be really useful."
"There's no origination fee with this lender, and there's no prepayment penalty."
"You really only need a credit score of 720 for most lenders to qualify with the best interest rate."
"The banks want you to borrow as much money from them and for as long as possible; that's how the lenders make their profit."
"When you give to the poor, it is Him you are lending to God, and God will pay you back."
"We're all deeply committed to increasing the amount of lending that we do to the minority community."
"Don't lend out something expensive unless you really trust the person you're giving it to."
"Only loan money if you are perfectly fine never getting it back."
"Lending Dry Bones a car is like lending a pyromaniac a blowtorch."
"Unlike other lenders, Upstart does look at your current employment and income to get you a smarter rate for your loan."
"We are fair to all of the borrowing countries in Asia."
"It's a signal that either businesses are too scared to borrow or that lenders are too scared to lend."
"Something my dad taught me is if you ever borrow anything from anybody, when you return it, you return it in better condition than when you got it."
"The point is if you bring it back to them in better condition, they are going to call you and ask you to borrow their stuff again."
"I lent them 100 pounds which I didn't expect to get back, but I did."
"You shall lend to many nations; you shall not borrow."
"We have an accurate and the full credit profile to be able to have risk mitigation that will help ultimately reignite lending in the country more quickly."
"Small Banks started to pick up their lending picked up very quickly."
"You will lend to many nations and borrow from none."
"You have to lend to people strategically."
"You never lend money that you cannot afford to give away."
"The creation of reserves versus lending to the real economy is simply a natural outcome of the dollar's reserve status as it's been structured post-1971."
"The world's first AI lending platform, backed by or chain, looks great."
"Our mission is to create capital efficient lending products and solutions that any user can access from anywhere around the globe at any time."