
Leadership Critique Quotes

There are 245 quotes

"Competence is held in very, very poor esteem by the ruling class in America."
"Our quarrel is not with the Russian people; it is with their leader, Vladimir Putin."
"Putin is not acting in their name. He is a dictator, he is an imperialist, he is a tyrant."
"It is so stupid because we are led by stupid people who do stupid things for stupid reasons."
"We have to remove the political leadership that currently exists."
"It sucks so bad that, like, the basic precautions, like, he refuses to even acknowledge that it would help. Doesn't wear it himself. Like, it's just... it, like, it's sucks, man. It really does."
"The evil of dictatorship always lies in the evil of the dictator."
"This election was a referendum on crime and an indictment on her leadership."
"I was a CIA director, we lied, we cheated, we stole." - Mike Pompeo
"I think she should go now. I mean, it's just embarrassing to watch."
"The pastor has become this unapproachable figure for those who are really in need of counsel and guidance leaders have become more concerned about the number of Instagram followers and Facebook likes than proclaiming the word of god."
"I think there's definitely some truth to it for sure."
"He has the war that he has imagined but he's also mortally wounded by it, he is no longer a strong man."
"Joe Biden literally said just a few weeks ago that if Donald Trump had done his job, every single human being who died of COVID in the United States would still be alive."
"Trump is screwed that nobody's really talking about."
"Reddit CEO Steve Huffman slammed subreddit moderators who continued to push back against the company's plan to charge for access to its API, calling them 'landed gentry' and saying they weren't considering the desires of their communities."
"If Biden gets elected and we get the same leadership at the federal level that we have at the city and state level, then yeah, that will be your America."
"Hitler's leadership style cost the Germans dearly... you have to wonder how different the war might have gone if Hitler had let the smartest people in his military do their jobs and do them well."
"Donald Trump doesn't deserve to call himself Commander-in-Chief for another four minutes, let alone another four years. Our troops deserve better, our country deserves better."
"Everything that Gavin Newsom touches, he destroys; everything that Justin Trudeau touches, he destroys."
"He was epically unhappy with our national leadership... our leaders were stupid."
"I've often been completely at odds with the direction that the leaders of my party have taken."
"Do your own research, people need to stop looking towards their leaders and start thinking for themselves."
"I think a bunch of my former partners said that does well like at the end of the day I was tricking myself and them this was a benevolent dictatorship that I tried to pretend was a democracy."
"The U.S banking system is not sound and resilient, Mr. Powell, you are not a good poker player."
"It's very, very important to call the people who are leading folks down a racist path."
"Despite the fact that Trump kind of makes a mockery of everything they claim to stand for, he actually stood up for everything they actually stand for."
"It's like watching Michael Scott do a meeting, it's just so... man, just don't step in a pothole, Mr. President."
"Never rely upon people at the top to do what's right. Always do what's right for yourself."
"We all knew really that Aubameyang wasn't captain material."
"Out now the CIA and everybody's coming out and saying no no no no we warned him we told him this would happen he didn't listen."
"Putin became the source of instability instead of being the source of stability."
"What we are seeing now is a merger of every white nationalist trope and group and ideology bound together by the crazy QAnon conspiracy theory into an American neo-fascist movement led by a fascist president of the United States."
"Humanity will look back on the Trump experience and say that was the point at which we decided we no longer wanted to make fear-based ego-based decisions."
"2012 to 2022 has actually seen China develop a lot of issues... Every bad thing that's happened in China has been under the leadership of Xi Jinping."
"He's the king of this party. He right now remains the cult leader. My former party is a cult."
"Is it all as Doom and Gloom as Toto wolf has made it sound I don't think so."
"This man is not good enough for the job. The job is too big for him, the job is clearly too big for him."
"We are at one of the only moments that will be in our lifetimes where the system is so stressed and so overextended and the leadership so clearly out of its league that we have the ability to make not reformative changes, but revolutionary changes."
"But as the president fiddles, people are dying."
"Our Founders never contemplated that you would have someone so utterly contemptible present themselves for the highest office."
"Donald Trump is determined to instill fear in America because Donald Trump adds fuel to every fire. This is not who we are."
"I think if Donald Trump is coming after you, you have to show that you can throw a punch back. You have to say, 'Look, Donald Trump did great things for this party in this country and stuff like that, but like he's a loser.'"
"For someone born to rule, you sure do lose a lot. Might even say it's in your nature."
"They have been way too quiet, and Kierstama needs to stop sitting on the fence."
"I want us to fire Brian Kemp because he's bad at his job."
"We are being led by people who are absolute pure evil to their bones."
"It's the biggest myth in American politics... Biden is a puppet."
"Every time we get elected officials, the condition of black people gets worse."
"On our worst day, nobody up on that stage could not do a hundred times better than Trump on his best day."
"I am short-term pessimistic and I'm long-term optimistic short-term I think that the democratic leadership in congress and this administration are really radical right now."
"Online colleges, a quarter of the cost."
"We had a person who's a, you know, instead of a commander-in-chief, a terrorist-in-chief."
"The agency of the crisis is evident and its people are dying and it's like leaders are playing games and they don't see the challenge that is happening." - Vanessa Nakate
"Joe Biden is now president, an extremely corrupt individual in my opinion."
"Evil isn't a force in the universe, it's what happens when a handful of sociopaths end up in charge."
"I think it's fair to say that Hitler doesn't take bad news very well."
"It's a different set of rules when he attacks a major leader of an allied country."
"Dominic Robb... accused by eight different individuals of bullying."
"An incompetent president has to be replaced."
"Donald Trump has not been a leader on any of the crises that have occurred in the United States ever. He hasn't been a leader in any International crisis that's occurred ever. He's just a loser."
"Donald Trump remains a looming existential threat to democracy."
"The president sucks. He sucks and is wrong all of the time, we know this."
"It astonishes me that this kind of nihilistic thinking has taken so much hold over the imagination of our leaders."
"I tremble for the future of my country. I cannot be an instrument to produce such a result."
"I am not worried about Trump destroying democracy. I'm worried about Joe Biden destroying the world."
"Vladimir Putin is a bully, and a lot of people admire the fact that you're a strong woman standing up to a bully."
"Trump needs to get off this and he could have done a better job."
"Trump needs to get off of this and he could have done a better job."
"What a horrid leader, Canada, get it together."
"Lordstown's founder and CEO Steve Burns was described to us by former senior employees as a con man and a PT Barnum figure."
"The reality today in Britain is that our political class are no longer fit for purpose."
"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f things up." - Barack Obama
"America is back," which of course means being governed by a venal mental defective.
"It's hard to fix this when we're embedded in, in my lifetime the weakest period of leadership."
"Listening to Trump talk compared to Putin... he's just a dumb fuck."
"Boris gets it for throwing away possibly the greatest opportunity that any prime minister within our lifetime has had."
"He's handed an amazing opportunity... and he's completely done the opposition."
"No room for pacing in this event." - Commentator
"I would tell Vladimir Putin the same thing I would tell Zelensky, this is both your fault because there were things that could have happened, everything is happening, every life lost, every building destroyed, everything didn't have to happen."
"She does not represent what makes the people happy and what's good in this world."
"What if you've hired a load of people who hate what they were condemned to die the day I realize you weren't a man of your word."
"They have the ultimate chance to be the heroes and prove that they will push legislation for the people, but they aren't."
"You can't be asking for money over and over again when you have the power and you are unwilling to actually use that power to help people."
"Dehumanizing each other has become the norm. We've allowed leaders to reach power selling the false premise that strength comes from degrading others." - Facing a poisoned country filled with outrage.
"He's a very Petty individual who will always put his interest ahead of the country's."
"Putin is capable of devastation on a terrible, terrible scale."
"We do need to recognize someone whose ruthlessness takes them into a moral sphere that the rest of us would find almost impossible to conceive of."
"Putin is dismantling the very authoritarian State he built in many ways and it does not bode well for Russia's prospects."
"If he had just acted one month, one week earlier, he would have saved 37,000 lives."
"Your leader is corrupt and your leader is a warmonger."
"Question leaders. That's the main point of the story."
"I find it funny that human beings want to rule other people. I wouldn't presume to know what's right for anybody else."
"Joe Biden was attending the tarmac ceremony where the remains of some of the Marines that died in Afghanistan...he seemed completely uninclined to take any interest in the proceedings." - Critiquing leadership and demanding accountability.
"Putin is extremely unsuccessful in international politics as well as in state administration."
"I think Trump really is the worst of the worst and now they're realizing there's a worst of the worst worst."
"When leadership is no longer about service but about maintaining power, individual freedoms are taken away, punitive measures are levied against the Citizens, and a cult of personality is eventually established."
"Bloomberg isn't the worst example of what happens when you stay in power for too long, but he's definitely the example I personally witnessed."
"Retired General Kenneth McKenzie observed that after the Wagner march, Putin was 'weaker today than he was 72 hours ago.'"
"Trump's ad is more than just a political stunt; it's a commentary on the state of our leadership."
"The slow progress is of course undeniable at this point and it appears that Putin can't even look beyond the fact that this Invasion has gone terribly compared to what it looks like they were expecting on the first day."
"Let's get over this obsession with leaders and be voluntary free individuals."
"Trump's ascension is a sign of the fall of America."
"Treat him like a baby with a binky in his mouth. Treat Trump like Mitch McConnell, treat Trump like Mike Pence if you don't like Mike Pence."
"You scared of bishop? That's right. You and your bishop will go to hell."
"You shouldn't hire somebody like John Brennan or James Clapper you should hire somebody competent."
"Americans overall dissatisfaction with the state of the country is on a downward trend. Joe Biden's presidency is a disaster."
"A clueless ruler, but a really nice guy." (Repeated for emphasis)
"A government without a majority, a prime minister who was never elected by the public."
"Trudeau's credibility has been destroyed across the world by his response to this."
"The decisions that those leaders in the West are taking are not the right decisions."
"Putin's war is a total failure, his paranoia still allows him to feel that."
"I can't stand bullies, I can't stand bullshitters, I can't stand power mongers, I can't stand narcissistic power-crazed maniacs."
"Trump is like a great car salesman; he sells the vaccine, but when push came to shove, he blew it."
"That's exactly it. He may have been an [] to his teammates but like it's way better like you could be an [] about if you win."
"Get over yourself, there are many more examples of women in power doing terrible things."
"Every decision... has been nothing short of disastrous for the American people."
"His own people who voted for him are throwing him under the bus at this point, and that percentage is a big percentage of people who voted for this guy."
"Your behavior, Mr. Johnson, makes a mockery of leadership."
"Schumer's strength is only when you are bowing down to him. If you do not bow down to him, he runs. So really, he's a piece of pushover. He's all bark and no bite."
"Mao was a mass murderer and people respect him and that's it, that's wrong."
"Our elected leaders are engaged in a massive project of looting."
"At the end of the day, look, okay, I get it, Joe Biden and the Democrats, they're politically inept, you know, great."
"They've made Trump into this fascist... We're being asked to deny what we see."
"Putin has essentially driven himself into a hole."
"One of Trump's strategies is to surround himself not with the smartest in the room, but with the idiots in the room." - Ben Micellis
"What the president did gain is the fact he’ll take a hit as our economy fails to recover this fall."
"Joe Biden is a bigger fascist than Donald Trump."
"We need someone whose first instinct is to back Liz Cheney, attack America First Republicans on the campaign Trail, and suggest that Donald Trump's path is one of resignation rather than resurgence." - Matt Gates
"Such a mistake cannot be forgiven," Sergey Shoigu declared, emphasizing the severity of the situation.
"Jesus said let them alone why they be blind leaders of the blind what do they do and if the blind lead the blind what did he say both shall fall into the ditch amen."
"Donald Trump is not the disease, he is the symptom."
"I just wish, because the American people are making the sacrifices, the politicians would step up and make their sacrifices too. And stop being a-holes."
"Trust me, it's worth every minute of your time. What's the big takeaway? Well, let me spell it out for you: our so-called leadership class poisonous, power-hungry, and downright dangerous."
"Donald Trump is a reflection of us in some ways."
"We should not be taking our direction from the Communist Party of China."
"In fact, his son Victor said that his father was like a ship with a broken rudder."
"If our leaders are afraid or unwilling to fight back against things that they know are wrong, maybe they are not leaders."
"Global leaders are blatant in their wheeling dealing and scheming."
"We are condemned on both sides of political leadership. It seems nearly impossible to imagine any sort of real democratic consensus to be forged from our options."
"Donald Trump gave the orders, 'Tank this economy.' You heard him say it."
"Nigeria is not poor. The leadership of Nigeria is poor."
"We can no longer continue to complain about what the heads of states are doing or not doing. The question is, what are you doing?"
"Put the Manchester back into Manchester United."
"Vladimir Putin is committing crimes against humanity."
"Why does he want to do politics? Does he actually care? Maybe about some things it mainly seems like this guy just wants another ego boost just wants to be in charge for the sake of being in charge."
"Even by their own standard, the progressives poll way better than Democratic leadership and by any standard Democratic leadership should be embarrassed, humiliated and immediately step down."
"There's no reason that we need to have a nuclear war with Russia or China, and yet that's the track that our leaders have taken us."
"We cannot and we are happy to see President Putin of Russia standing up to people that have bullied the world for years."
"Show us that you fucking care it's right now the fuck it all attitude that Vince McMahon has is actually hurting the company more than it is helping."
"Our national life is on every side distinctly poorer, uglier, meaner, for the kind of influence he exercises."
"Francis' leadership is questioned even among liberal circles, highlighting the need for unity and renewal in the Church."
"And now, let's take a look at the opinion from Shenna, the person who unilaterally decides Trump has got to go."
"In the United States, a country that was created because we didn't like being ruled by a king, this guy wanted to make himself a king, snaps."
"When you have weak leadership and a populace that's ill-informed, we are completely vulnerable."
"He didn't fail, he succeeded in doing what he wanted to do which was downplay the virus."
"I'd rather vote for Trump than Biden. I don't think he can handle anything. You're relying entirely on his cabinet." - Joe Rogan
"The successes have come despite, not because of the president's leadership style."
"That's not leadership, that frankly is cowardice."
"He's not that smart when it comes to planning and so on, he's very much somebody who likes being prime minister but doesn't want to do the work."
"Getting Trump out of there is not enough. We need transformational policies to fix us."
"Far from America being back, America at the moment is absent without leave."
"It blows my mind how quickly some of the leadership in this country has forgotten the critical role first responders play in our society."
"We have no leadership, the ones that are leading don't know a damn thing about what they're talking about."
"If this would have happened under Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, there wouldn't have been any talk of a mulligan."
"They are not in control, ladies and gentlemen."
"Joe Biden's an awful president. He has destroyed America in record time."
"A combination of incompetent liberals and top leadership with too much pride to back down is what is happening." - Tucker Carlson
"Matt gurney instead of saying okay guys there was a controversial column we ran an opposing point of view buck up campers it's an opinion page he didn't do that because he's a coward."
"Jeremy Corbyn, if he doesn't get off the fence in a second EU referendum, bears almost as much responsibility for that as Theresa May and the Conservatives."
"Trump must be removed from office because his style of leadership is an existential threat."
"Trumpism wasn't repudiated in one election; we've had America's greatest con man in history, one of its greatest demagogues in history, assume the power of the presidency."
"When the president brags that he won North Dakota and Indiana, he's in real trouble."
"This isn't Putin's Russia, this is Trump's slice of America."
"It's more important to defeat this force and this person in Donald Trump than almost anything else."
"I'd say to Justin Trudeau what do you think he should do and whatever he said I'd say do the opposite."
"President Trump is a failed leader. He will go down in history as the worst president ever."
"They're all pathetically weak, oh Trump came along, oh take my banana alpha monkey please take my banana."
"This is the last straw Markham Ollie out he's out of his depth we need a proper manager I'm sick and tired of hearing Ollie as a legend give him time worst manager in our history says soprano and Josh Citroen."
"This is not leadership. And I think the problem I have with Joe Biden more than anything this guy doesn't take responsibility for anything."
"This list is about incompetency as well as proving that problem leaders are everywhere, not just ShadowClan."
"Shame on them and shame on our 'leadership' in the White House."
"He has to learn how to run a social media company and I hope to God he fails."
"It's about the United States of America. How long can we survive the autocracy, one man, who is, this is a self-described, self-induced crisis that the President himself has created."
"I just personally think that being number one in this world is a political position more so than something you earn through your skills."
"It is both true and it doesn't mean what some of the leadership in DC thinks it means." - TYT merchandise
"We're in a severe political crisis because Donald Trump has basically hijacked the entire Republican Party."
"Be careful of leaders who promote the lawful instead of challenging people to the profitable."
"LeBron James is not in a single leader category. Not one. Not a single category unless we're counting turnovers."
"Donald Trump's moral behavior in the past... show that he's morally unfit to lead our nation."
"At what point do we dismantle this tradition of leadership controlling people?"
"Joe Biden is weak and will always cave to China."
"Twitter needs something to happen, and the direction that Elon Musk wants to take it in, I don't think is the right direction."
"The thing that is bringing Africa down is poor leadership."
"Promises made, promises kept. The strongest personality, the most foolish president we have seen in our lifetime."
"All politics is local... Trump is really not in charge of any of this stuff... he's basically a figurehead president."
"We're specifically targeted. They put in a black leader who works for everybody except black people."
"If there is anything positive you can possibly pull out of horrible tweets like this, is that it so instantly exposes the racism of these leaders, these talk show hosts."
"Under Donald Trump, that balloon would have been killed on sight."