
World Issues Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"You can't take things too seriously, most people do, and unfortunately, that's why a lot of problems materialize in the world."
"This world has a lot of problems in it that I would want to try to fix."
"We have to do some good in this [ __ ] up world."
"Scientologists want to save the world from doom."
"Hearts will go black because of this world, the darkness of this world, the sin of this world, the evil nature of this world."
"We talk about what's going on in the world... and then we also talk about the tactics that we use to actually win and solve these problems in the world."
"There's just a lot about the world that sucks and I think it's really cool to bring some light into the world."
"People over here have figured out what exactly is going on... we have to go and save the world from all these bad people."
"Evil hasn't gone away from the world... it's back."
"Woe to them that are at ease... in comparison to the rest of the world."
"We're very close to World War Three, but again, we're all crazy, right?"
"They saved the world, they also saved their corporations and made an awful lot of money."
"There's a lot of evil in this world, man, a lot."
"Imagine being a billionaire and choosing not to solve world hunger every single day."
"Elon Musk already solved world hunger last year."
"A world without guns, nuclear weapons, wars, terrorists, or religion."
"It's all hands on deck, this is God's last effort to save the world."
"This is God's last effort to save the world."
"It really just puts into perspective how [ __ ] up the world is."
"I don't know how we can fix a world where people have been so convinced."
"Why you know if there's these huge world-threatening problems why doesn't elements or just deal with it"
"That's the answer right there, man, straight up. People want to make up all this complicated stuff on what we need to do in order to fix the world, fix things."
"The world isn't always fun. Sometimes the world is really, really messed up."
"We shine a spotlight on this crazy chaotic World in which we live and recognize that the answer in the solution is indeed the gospel Proclamation."
"Just let the rest of the world burn while you chill in paradise."
"Can a small group of people maintain secrecy about world issues?"
"We will not solve the problems of the world with the level of thinking we were at when we created them."
"Their deepest desire is for things to just become much more peaceful in the world."
"God damn it, we need love in this goddamn world right now, it's going crazy."
"There's actually three reasons why the world is so hopelessly messed up."
"Crypto may suck, but the world sucks a lot too."
"This is some good art, you can really cure all of world hunger with this one piece of art."
"It's devastating and shocking. It's a crazy world we live in."
"Our world may not be perfect but love and confront of our problems are the only way out."
"There's enough negativity and sadness in the world."
"Most of the problems in the world are spiritual problems."
"We don't have to take on the world's burdens all the time."
"If people were more aware of themselves, all of the problems in the world would disappear."
"The world is desperately in need of true heroes."
"If everyone practiced meditation, if everyone reached a degree of enlightenment, this world would solve all of the world's problems."
"Number 1 - what has gone wrong with our world? And Number 2 how can it be put right?"
"We're looking at a world today that really needs healing."
"World problems are projections of the psychic pressures of the individual."
"The reality is that we can do more in dealing with the problems people experience in our world."
"What's going on in the world? What needs to be addressed? How can we make the world a better place or solve a problem that's important?"
"I think if anything's going to save the world at this point, it's not going to be technology or politics. It's going to be saints. We need saints."
"What the world needed was systems-level thinkers and systems level players."
"Insecurity and lack of identity is the greatest problem we have in this world right now."
"It's just, there are a lot of things that suck in the world right now."
"I think that the world has been messed up by smart people."
"99% of the world's problems are idiotic belief systems."
"You always try so hard to help, to fix everything in this dark, screwed up world."
"You can solve all the world's problems in a garden."
"The world is in pain and we need to fix it."
"The world becomes an increasingly dangerous place, and so I come to the crux of my argument."
"If you care at all about the world, you've got to speak out."
"Memes that distract me from the burning world around me."
"There's always something worse going on in the world, but that doesn't diminish the seriousness of other things."
"The Lord will do this by bringing an awareness of his culture to be in contrast to the failing culture of the world."
"We got a lot of things going on in the world, a lot of people are not that fortunate and unfortunately have been displaced during this season."
"More than ever, I think the world needs problem solvers."
"The entire world is driven by a broken principle, governed by win-lose metrics."
"Laughter is good for the world; that's what's the matter with it, it's forgotten how to laugh."
"We are not yet fit to visit other worlds. We have filled our own with massacre, torture, syphilis, famine, dust bowls, and with all that is hideous to ear or eye."
"I think the world will always have its problems."
"I'm not interested in politics. The problems of the world are not in my department."
"Let's just spread joy and positivity in this world because there's too much bad going on around us."
"The world is in a bit of a weird place, and it can be really hard to know what steps to take."
"Someone needs to fix this; this world's broken justice."
"Let's successfully discuss the matters of this beautiful world."
"We live in a world with problems that we feel driven to fix."
"If you're dumb, you wouldn't realize the horrors that's going on in the world."
"If I could solve one world problem, what would it be?"
"There is an evil in the world, a deep dark evil."
"I am now personally convinced the world is sick; we really have to do things about it, and there's no more time for argument."
"The greatest deficit in our world is a deficit of hope."
"Many of the ills in the world today are because of miscommunication, misunderstanding, and that's because people don't communicate."
"I'm going to choose to give you my time in the midst of a dying world."
"The world really is broken, but it can be fixed."
"Look around the world, all I see is double standards."
"The world's screwed up. You want to help or not?"
"End world hunger, end world poverty, end world... Yeah, we could use a reset."
"What is wrong with the world today? Dear sir, I am."
"I'm terrified to raise a child in this world."
"The world needs so much truth right now."
"This is just a terrible world sometimes, it's just heartbreaking."
"The world is filled with problems... that's an opportunity for you to step in and do something better."
"What's wrong with the world, mama? People living like they ain't got no mamas."
"It might be a bit bumpy; there are going to be things, but I think more people are going to awaken to the situation that the world is in and where we find ourselves."
"This right here is a solution to all the world's issues."
"Sometimes we forget that a broken world doesn't need heroes so much as it needs repairmen."
"I don't know why anyone would want to spread hate, especially the way the world is now."
"There's too much hatred in the world already."
"The world is such a sick and twisted place, that's why we're fighting to restore it."
"The whole world has been increasing out of control, and it can be such a beautiful world."
"We have to love ourselves enough to heal the woes of this world."
"God isn't just a happy daft old uncle... He's mad about racism and genocide and injustice and pain and the brokenness of the world."
"Let's hang out for 20 minutes, let's put the world to right."
"The world is fracked, it's upside down, somebody's got to turn it right side up."
"It's like the world [is] messed up, man, it need to be fixed."
"I'm sitting here trying to be positive. There's a lot of crap going on in the world that people want to escape from."
"It is responsible for most of the viciousness, violence, terror, and heart and soul breaking of the world."
"The world is a mess because we refuse to change anything."
"I'm a little bit upset about the world right now, but the sun is helping."
"Pray for our world, pray for our economy."
"There's a lot of things that we could be talking about in terms of issues and what we can do to better the world."
"I don't have solutions for the world, but I do want everyone to be safe in it."
"It is hard to avoid the conclusion that there is something fundamentally wrong with the world."
"Rising fears of war, diseases, pandemics, and unexplainable occurrences plague the world daily."
"The world is broken. People are looking for somebody to fix it."