
Grading Quotes

There are 267 quotes

"This is what gives it a number. This gives it a grade."
"Participation in class is part of your grade."
"Max has put A stars on the board, seven A's and one B. That's it. Hasn't scored lower than a B."
"The certain grade will say it's a v2 but in reality, it is probably a v3 or v4."
"I think overall I would give this product an A+."
"Stop grading everything. If you have been told that you have to grade every assignment you give your students, sorry but I'm here to tell you, I'm too districts do tend to have a certain number of requirements for grades."
"I really respect him for giving me that C-plus."
"When it comes to efficiency, I'm gonna have to give this model a B."
"I think if I were to give it an overall grading scale from 1 to 10, 1 being terrible, 10 being freaking awesome, I'd probably give it like a 7 and a half to 8 at this point."
"Opening the box to get the PSA cards back, it's like another pack opening because you know what card it is but you don't know is it gonna be a nine, ten, eight, six, what is it gonna be?"
"He did a great job last night, I would give him an A."
"And bingo that is a c-plus rolled burrito right there."
"That's like a C, I think that to me almost is a D."
"I personally really like what the Reds did here... they get a B+."
"We have an A everywhere else for b-plus at a wide receiver three."
"I think abolishing grading is a step we need to take."
"There might be a hundred kids in the school who know two plus two equals four, but if only two of those kids can write it, then only two of those kids will receive A's."
"Grading is about proficiency, but it often gets conflated with behavior."
"Let's do that because then we can see what it grades."
"That's only 13 points above passing. If you really like a show, Ollie, give the show a C. It's essentially giving it a three out of five."
"Overall, way more positive about this show in my opinion, both nights than there was negative. So, I'm gonna give it a B plus overall."
"Disconnect the whole grade level thing from the subjects."
"I think overall and I might be in a minority here I think I might be too generous with this grade I want to give payback a C+" - Final assessment of the Payback 2017 event.
"I really have no choice I think but to give this an A+ it was so good and I can forgive those little slip-ups just because both women did such a good job."
"You don't have to be right in your essay. Just give me good reasons and I'll give you at least a B."
"This character could be a very interesting easy A."
"Proper performance from the Welsh, I think they deserve an A here."
"Your privilege... your free speech will be graded and a privilege will be assigned to you."
"All your answers are correct, so you get an A+."
"I'm going to give it a grade of an A+ absolutely."
"Getting cards graded definitely secures the card's value at whatever condition it's appraised at."
"I like their draft, I gave them a B+."
"The letter 'E' used to signify a failing grade."
"I'm going to give both Michelle and Zach an A. Yes, yay!"
"The majority of those cards came back nines, tens, or Black Label tens."
"We often recommend buying graded over raw because there's consistency in the condition of the card."
"PSA is still considered the ideal company in terms of resale value."
"I know you PSA, you send it to PSA, they're not going to upgrade their own card, I know that."
"I accidentally made a grading rubric for our art project where capitalism decides the value, and I... that was a mistake, but we'll keep going with it. I think that's fine."
"This one looks fine, I'll give it an A minus."
"You know what, fair, I'll bump it to an A plus."
"If you're ever unsure about whether you should rate a card good or again, I think it's good to have a policy of always leaning to the side of grading cards good."
"This one actually sold in beginning of 2023 for almost nine thousand dollars it was graded by Beck it was an 8.0."
"Passing score is 750 on a scale of 100 to 900 and all the questions are graded."
"You're getting a zero, how about that?"
"Professional grading can provide Assurance of authenticity and they also assign a numerical grade based on the 70 point Sheldon scale which can severely impact the coin's value in The Collector Market."
"This Umbreon from Skyridge is a PSA 10!"
"I kind of want to give him an A, most of my hate for him just comes from like in the fan base chatter of like how people hype up OP characters a lot."
"You know what? I'm gonna give you an A minus."
"Tolerance is always a good lesson, and with that in mind, I'm going to distribute your report cards."
"A plus is not even given out these days. A is good enough."
"That's the beauty of a pass-fail type anything."
"Let's get right into it: X-Men number 268, fantastic Jim Lee cover in a 9.8."
"Did you see SGC's news today? I did they are they're wanting to take a chunk 15 bucks for grading is very fair."
"Graded base cards can often be really, really good for you."
"This was a tougher one to come up with and ultimately we went with a B- grade."
"But we're giving it an A minus grade."
"I think I still like it, it can't go below B for sure."
"Don't worry about the grading. The final score will figure out. Just focus on answering as many questions as you can."
"The boy gets a C not for wrestling ability but for entertaining me."
"MS63 is a fine grade, I'll take it."
"My favorite part of the grading process is what we're going to be discussing today: those subtle nuances that can take a grade from good to great."
"By de-emphasizing grades, you show students that they still matter as a person, no matter their grade."
"If it's just saying blowing air then that has to be an A."
"I feel like we get an A-plus in science from this."
"The e-wing is getting an A+ and I feel like Shin hati starf fighter may be deserving of the same grade."
"If I had to give a grade to the ColourPop Pretty Fresh Foundation, I am going to go A-minus on this one."
"I make assignments worth more throughout the semester with the idea that kids who screw up early on can make it up later by working hard."
"Grading is a real, unpleasant job."
"Miss mark. This work is correct. Ten points."
"Ultimately, we gave the Bills an A minus grade."
"The Chargers get an A plus grade."
"I absolutely love this class. It is one of my favorites. The Los Angeles Chargers get an A plus grade."
"I can't think of a reason not to give this an A."
"I don't really remember it, so for me, I'd probably say like a D."
"I think I'm gonna send a lot of this stuff away to get graded this is going to be low pop."
"Anything mint nine or higher is gonna be worth money. The trick is to get them graded. You gotta get them graded."
"Life is not grading you on a 1 to 10 scale."
"I like collecting cards is doing PSA 1 through 10 sets."
"Some of these are a VG3, so if you sent these into PSA you'd be looking at maybe a two, three, or four grade."
"You wouldn't have grades. You'd have goals."
"Most of them, if I remember right, are BCCG, which if you don't know much about grading, this is the cheaper, low-end version."
"So I got to give this an A. I like it. I think that the fact that it's significantly cheaper than 2023 Topps Chrome is great."
"Be very stringent on yourself with older cards and grading. If you think it's going to get a high grade, probably safe to assume you're going to be a couple points off probably on the low side with older cards especially vintage cards."
"All in all, though, for that freshman year, if I had to give him a grade, I'd give him a B+."
"I can make very customized grades both for balancing and for creative looks."
"When we look at your essay we're able to i don't want to say quickly but usually fairly confidently determine whether your essay is going to live in the upper half of robie or the lower half of row b."
"It's beautiful to me, I give it an A."
"We're keeping that same theme here with the transparency in grading."
"If a kid brings home an A minus, that's still an A, you know? I mean, like, that's still a great job. You're still in the A bracket."
"V-log is a dream to grade in post. I've been blown away by the image I can get when grading with v-log."
"but sometimes your cards get graded and you don't agree with the grade while infrequent this does happen"
"That's all it takes to perfectly fair the curve."
"...Thomas Cole would have got a B+ in my class if we'd been taking it."
"This is kind of a tough grade. It's much more common in VF and XF condition, therefore, you know, it's the kind of coin that's a little bit more affordable in those grades."
"Yeah, I just graded last week's exams, and you scored the lowest out of anybody in my class."
"Grading and pricing can be very subjective and it honestly takes a long time to get really good at it, but it's essential."
"My first CDC graded book, a Hulk 180 came back 9.0. Kudos, by the way, on your first book and being key like that."
"When we did a completely public rating, there was just this massive grade inflation where everybody wanted to be nice."
"I love to give out A's, okay? I don't care if everybody in here gets an A, awesome."
"The lowest grade in Asia is B minus."
"So those are like 10, 15 cards in this grade."
"Everything on Arena Club is graded."
"Grading was actually one of the things that gave me confidence."
"I got another D, plus she smirked and congratulated me on my improvement."
"Back in the old days, like 67% was like a 'D' back in grade school. Now you can win championships in the modern days."
"It's not more work than staying up till 2 am grading."
"You must include units. Take it from someone who's graded exams for the college board: the number of points I've had to take away from ape scholars that have otherwise correct setup and answers but forgot their units truly pains me."
"What is the grading rubric that interviewers at Google and other big tech companies use to grade or score candidates?"
"Does this bag make my papers look graded? Look at how cute that is!"
"That's definitely a solid grade right there."
"I've yet to date to see anything that's proven with anything from anyone from anywhere that high-quality counterfeits that can fool grading or someone who's educated."
"My ranking system is based on the British school system of grading, going from A star down to F. F being failure."
"If you were to find one and it scored in the ms66 or 67 range there isn't any reason that you might not be able to get 500 to a thousand dollars for this coin."
"So what's the average? The C. But does that mean that this person right here got C? No."
"An A plus is very difficult to achieve in Miss Jenkins's class."
"These are the easiest cards to grade today so far."
"Three made it to like full blastocysts. Great quality, great grade."
"If I had to give a grade to the physician's formula, Butter Believe It, I'm going to give this foundation a B."
"I do not know why and will not ever know why the second half of the submission didn't get graded but the first half did."
"This channel is all about comic investment and speculation and one of the most important things about comic book investment is knowing how to grade a comic book."
"Don't worry about the military part. You're not going to be graded on poor military bearing or poor, you know, the way you wear your uniform in properly."
"Another one that's a surefire 9.8, this is Batman number 609, it's like a 20 to all the way to like a 40 high grade raw, CGC 9.8 are sound for like 130."
"I really like it. I'm gonna give it an A."
"I think that's like a high C, low B for me."
"That's pretty amazing to get a 10 on."
"This could definitely go to a B+ before the end of the show."
"Not be scared to give yourself a B or a C on the course scorecard if it needs it, so there's always a chance to learn."
"A nine for the grade is actually a lot better than I was expecting."
"This is supposed to be a grade book, so you put in a name, student ID, and course name, as well as the final score for the student."
"I'm gonna go B plus because he has the ability as a player to become remarkably special."
"This was totally not the assignment, but you never fail to make me laugh. Here's an 80."
"I'm going to give you a 95 for philosophy."
"A job this well done surely deserves a commendable A minus."
"Graders want to score you; they want to reward you for what you do well."
"So I'm gonna have to give it a commendable A minus."
"That might be the difference between a two and a three, three and a four, four and a five."
"It's not bad at all, PSA did a good job."
"Design wise, the 2024 Honda Prologue already snatches a good grade."
"Those two moves are enough for us to hand out an A-Plus."
"We got a beautiful PSA 10, this is the new casing with the new design."
"The World Health Organization has developed a grading scale for meningiomas."
"An A minus means you actually earned an A, but the teacher doesn't like you."
"I finally just decided to bite the bullet and get it graded."
"Card grading is hugely important to sports card investors."
"We're going to end up with a very trustworthy image that we can use to grade our images with confidence."
"This is a great workflow to get you an accurate, trustworthy image that you can have reasonable confidence in when you're grading."
"We grade on three explicit criteria: concept, functionality, and style."
"Mewtwo, you have passed the exam. I'll give this one five squirrels out of five."
"We're not just talking about varieties here; we're talking about coins that were sent off to be graded and they came back in a grade so high that they were worth a bunch of money."
"I didn't want a pass or fail system; I wanted to have a scoring spectrum."
"Pearls are graded according to seven factors."
"This one's a solid A, you guys. If I had to give a grade to the Kosas Revealer, I have to give it an A."
"I'd certainly give them a B, B+, A-."
"I'm going to give it an A, I'm stick with an A for the Raiders."
"I gave it a B because the Patriots got their franchise quarterback."
"I'm going to give this my highest grade an A plus."
"A B plus is really excellent, that's really good."
"This is my second favorite, so clearly my grade is going to be high. This is a solid A."
"That's pretty amazing, getting that many ultra rare PSA 10s in one sub."
"Grading makes all the difference; it's a big impact."
"Grading ensures that you're getting a certain level of quality with that card you're buying."
"Grading is critically important to the value of the card and the protection of the card."
"We're a big proponent of grading; we believe it's good for the industry."
"PSA is consistent grading scale, consistent encapsulation, no matter if it's a card that's 100 years old or a card that was printed yesterday."
"Keep these cards clean, you know, there's a huge difference between a nine graded and a ten."
"Overall, I think it is an amazing, amazing high grade."
"Your grades are 97, 98, and 100. Your average is 98.33."
"This project a hundred percent gets an A plus plus."
"That good? Well, I got a hundred out of a hundred."
"I would give this an A personally."
"My final grade for this is going to be an A."
"They are really harsh with their grading, but that is what you want from a card grading company, to have high standards."
"That's an A, yeah, it was almost an S."
"Anytime we can cut down on grading, I think that is a huge plus."
"This is the most ridiculous PSA cards returns ever."
"Exams are pretty much your entire grade here in college, especially for the econ and biz econ major."
"Pearls are meticulously graded according to five key criteria: the five virtues of pearls - luster, complexion, shape, size, color."
"You can't talk about grading without talking about contours."
"Ladies and gentlemen, there is your Exodia full set graded 999 9.5 9.5, not terrible overall."
"Overall, I'm going to give it an A."
"You don't have to be perfect to get grade nine."
"Now you know how to get up to grade nine."
"Creativity is 35% of your total grade."
"You don't have to write 250 to get full points."
"Overall, I like their draft; it gets a B plus from me."
"This is why they get a good grade for humor."
"If I see some good effort out of him, then hey, you get an A plus."
"Boom, it is an MS-61. That is fantastic, right? I am absolutely thrilled with that grade."
"As much as we've been talking about sophistication, please don't forget that there are five other points on the rubric."
"Yeah, a ten, Gem Mint Ten for Rayquaza, I like that a lot."
"It's a ten, we got a ten. We did it, we got it ten!"
"If anybody's getting over 90%, I always consider that those people all understand the material well enough to deserve an A."
"You don't have to be perfect; you can lose marks and still get a really good grade."
"Well, man behind the scenes, I'll give you an A minus."
"If you did not get a specific feature to work, please explain what you tried to get working, and I do give partial marks."
"In engineering, we live off part marks."
"How do we obtain objectivity in grading academic essays?"
"The AP graders love when you speak with context on these problems."
"You get paid based on your grade."