
Spiritual Urgency Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The mercy of God is infinite, but the time of mercy is not."
"Maybe this is your last Ramadan. How do you know you will live? How do you know you will live the next Ramadan?"
"Marianne Williamson was doing something different than everyone else on the stage last night."
"Live in the truth and stay connected to Yah. Your time is running out."
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has arrived."
"I would say to anybody listening that is not a believer in Jesus Christ to get right with the Lord today."
"Believers need to hear this message right now."
"Remember, now is the most important time to preach the gospel."
"We're in a dark time, and I beseech you, and listen, I beg my brothers and sisters to not be used as dark matter for Satan."
"Time is short. Call upon the name of Jesus today." - The Watchman Channel
"If any of you don't know Jesus, you turn to him now with all your heart."
"There's nothing to wait for. Come to Jesus today."
"If you're listening to my voice right now and you have not yet fully surrendered to Jesus, beloved, now is the time."
"Step up your spirituality, now more than ever."
"Jesus is coming after those that are ready. Are you serious?"
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near."
"We need to wake up and confront the darkness, we need to pray like we've never prayed before, we need to get into the Word of God like we've never gotten into before. It's time to get serious."
"Have you ever just felt an urgency to pray? You don't know why all of a sudden you feel a strong pull to pray."
"The tragedy of today is that the situation is desperate, but the saints are not desperate."
"We need that imminent message all the time. We should be ready for his appearing at any time."
"The time to accept Jesus is now. Jesus is the only answer."
"The closer we draw to the second coming of Christ, the more urgent it is that we awake out of spiritual sleep."
"Heaven is telling us this time of mercy is now over."
"While you're still breathing that's you and if you're not saved today and you're watching this."
"Never has there been a time when your people have been as instructed as to the way they should go as is now and I pray that your people will wake up because the armies are surrounding Jerusalem at this very moment typically typically speaking."
"This is definitely our time... I think we need to be more concerned with he who can destroy the body and the soul."
"For some of you in this room this is the last opportunity that you ever have to come to have a relationship with Jesus."
"Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. I can't see how you can't see it with everything that is going on in the world."
"Jesus is coming soon, so wake up, sober up, suit up, be ready."
"We cannot afford to be lacking when it comes to Faith. There's too much on the line—our family members, our children, our friends."
"God can forgive, but don't wait until you die to ask for forgiveness."
"It's the last, we're at the very end, it's a late hour. What we need to do is make sure that we are not pretending to be the church, but we are the faithful church."
"If you want to drive people to Jesus, you've got to tell them about what Jesus is going to save them from."
"Come to Jesus while it's still day, while there's still time."
"If there was ever a time that we need that people need to give their life to Jesus Christ, it is right now."
"Don't be left behind, please don't be left behind because the Lord is coming."
"Live as if there is no tomorrow in the sense of having an urgency to see God's will done."
"Jesus Christ is coming soon. Now is the time for the world to repent and turn to God."
"We're in a crisis right now, we're in a mass apostasy right now."
"Are you living your life with an urgency for the things of Christ? Because if you truly believe that tomorrow is not promised, then you will live with a purpose."
"Time is short. Call upon the name of Jesus today. One day Jesus is coming."
"Repent; or else I'm coming to you soon, and I'll make war with the sword of My mouth."
"Warn the shallow fervently that deep roots are needed now more than ever."
"The brevity of our Earthly lives should awaken us to the urgency of seeking truth Redemption and Reconciliation."
"I heard another voice from heaven saying, 'Come out of her my people lest you share in her sins and lest you receive of her plagues.'"
"It's a very dangerous thing for people to reject christ now prior to the rapture."
"You must preach as a dying man to dying men."
"If you weren't sure about heaven or hell before, when are you gonna put your trust in Christ? Today."
"Now's the day of salvation, today is your moment."
"The next thing on the prophetic scenario: Jesus is coming, and we need to be ready for it."
"Keep hanging on to your faith because I am coming, and when he says I'm coming quickly he means you're not going to expect it."
"We need a prophet in every pulpit in the land today."
"Either we're going to have an atomic fire or we're going to have Holy Ghost fire. Settle for one or the other."
"People need to give their life to Jesus Christ before it's too late because it's a lot of evil mess going on."
"Respond to his calling now, now is the time."
"Now is the accepted time, today is the day of salvation." - Various
"We've got to get people set free... we've got to get people saved... It's incredible what's going on here."
"May this new publication enhance our appreciation for pure worship, may it continue to build within us a feeling of urgency with regard to the times in which we're living."
"Cry out to God and say Lord God I don't go to hell I want to be saved help me."
"Many and not a few are going to be lost unless we by God's grace urgently summon them to Christ and to authentic discipleship."
"If God calls you, answer the call immediately. Don't expect God to call twice."
"It's time now to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness."
"Live with an urgency to do everything Jesus Christ has set out for us to do."
"Our nation is unraveling; we're imploding morally and spiritually first and foremost."
"Pray the prayer of a man who thinks that he's not going to be able to pray another prayer."
"It's very important that you get out of samsara; otherwise, you'll continue on the round of rebirths forever and ever."
"Don't delay even if it means coming to Christ."
"Now is the acceptable time, today's the day of salvation."