
Video Game Character Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"For the first time since losing his father so long ago, Geo smiles."
"A walking corpse or not, it doesn't stop Ethan from being father of the goddamn century."
"Valkyrie: if you are looking for a lot of aggressive Powers, tactical playmaking, and rotational power."
"Wraith: great if you want an aggressive but yet evasive Legend."
"Bloodhound: if you want the most aggressive properties and also want to be able to gather some info for the squad."
"Bloodhound has the complete package a useful passive for tracking enemies one of if not the best aggressive and support tactical abilities with their scan and an ultimate that allows intense speed and aggressive."
"The main draw of kindred is their rapid snowball potential."
"Zelda is consistently the catalyst for combat against the worst evil this world has ever seen."
"The gameplay of the Druid is probably best described as a walking freight train, he's an Unstoppable Force deleting immovable objects."
"If the UK truly is a voluntary union of equal nations, there must be a democratic way for any of those member nations to withdraw from it."
"Princess Peach Showtime Mario's mushroom matriarch takes the spotlight in a long overdue solo adventure of her own."
"Vanessa was the one playing fnafiar and has fallen under glitch traps control."
"Thank you, yeah, Ethan for whatever reason in this game is much faster. In RE7, he's so slow."
"Winston is incredible... best tank in OverWatch too."
"Wrecking ball he's really strong... honestly, it's one of my favorite heroes."
"Master Mirror is such an impactful character."
"I guess I'll take a risk and see what happens. Yeah, I'm just gonna do it. Screw it. It's time for chaos."
"Breath of the Wild 2, Breath of the Wild 1 too. For me personally, in my opinion and experience, for me, it's a masterpiece."
"Master Chief is the main focal point of every mainline game."
"Art is there to communicate with the inner meaning of life."
"Plushtrap really is just a haunted toy that goes on a rampage."
"Zarya just does massive amounts of damage, it's absolutely ridiculous."
"Beep is possibly the only optimist in the world of Kenshi."
"Kylo starts out with 750 health, which for a character like Kylo is actually pretty solid."
"Yoshi is going to be a monster honestly I feel that this character."
"Sobble makes me wanna sobble. Stop bullying my tadpole baby!"
"Sam Fisher’s distinctive gait as he crept up on enemies, the way he shoots out lights to create darkness to hide in, and the famous three green lights on his head meant there was no mistaking Splinter Cell with any other series."
"Sid is the best character they've had since Auron of Final Fantasy 10."
"This tension is best exemplified by Saint-14, the angry Russian Titan who made a name for himself by slaughtering Fallen—that's his thing."
"Ganondorf is one of Nintendo's most iconic villains, a highly intelligent manipulative Evil wizard with an insatiable lust for power."
"Crysis follows Nomad, a member of the elite American special forces group Raptor team"
"Lee Everett from The Walking Dead: a strong boy who rescues a little girl."
"Leon Kennedy: a smart boy with great fashion sense."
"Master Chief from Halo isn't afraid of anything."
"Gordon Freeman from Half-Life 2: powerful, strong, and beautiful."
"Donkey Kong: the first member of the DK crew."
"Doomfist is receiving significant changes that better support his role as the team's frontline."
"Hammond's movement allows for really long flanks, making him a nightmare for enemies."
"Turnin' Duck Hunt into a playable character, I think that's a pretty badass reveal."
"Johnny Cage is Mortal Kombat 11's comic relief."
"Raiden is the mentor to the Mortal Kombat characters from the very beginning."
"Super Sonic is far superior... able to fight and beat a Perfect Chaos without the need of the chaos emeralds."
"Piers, the first dark type gym leader we've ever gotten in the series."
"Aiden Pearce is a slightly chubby white guy who runs around a normal-looking City fighting crime using his cell phone and a police baton."
"Gigantamax Snorlax... able to get that G-Max Replenish to restore itself."
"G-Max Gengar is phenomenal... moves are very, very, very strong."
"Isabelle from the Animal Crossing series... Another very good doggo, Isabelle has become the unofficial mascot of the Animal Crossing franchise."
"Kirby from the Kirby series... Speaking of adorable, with noises so cute they make us forget all troubles, Kirby fits the bill and then some."
"Makoto Nijima, one of the most popular Persona 5 characters."
"Steve from Minecraft... the next newcomer to join the battle."
"The hero of the Wilds known for his adventures and sick climbing skills in breath of the wild."
"Moneybags is a round bell end who seems to exist everywhere all at once."
"Here we have a tale that actually manages to paint a member of the Mishima bloodline in a sympathetic light."
"Arthur Morgan is the embodiment of a selfish person every level dripping with the theme."
"Lexi is gonna be rather lethal with all the damage that she can do."
"Shodan is easily one of the best antagonists in a video game."
"Captain America Infinity War, so much utility on this lad."
"The new Ghost who is an awesome character, like so useful with her phasing in - back."
"Azir: the Michael Jordan of League of Legends champions, dominating every aspect of the game."
"The mech is crazy stinking awesome and of course I've showcased every imp character in the game."
"The shrimp imp is so good and I love love love his primary weapon."
"Urgot's new passive and ultimate cemented his new identity as a slow but brutal death machine."
"‘Soma’ is a game about a handful of things, but at the center of it all is a man named Simon."
"I could see Ribbon Girl getting in as well, and just more female representation and stuff like that."
"Olimar's style is less about his moves but more about the constant mechanic of managing the pikmin."
"Shulk's Monado Arts transform him into many different types of characters."
"Pokemon Trainer's ability to completely change their playstyle at any moment."
"Pyra is a trapper character on the ledge or in the air to get a strong hit."
"Mithra is a rush-down character similar to Sheik but with a sword."
"Kiriko also enables you to be able to play on the streets way better."
"Cloud still has a ton of range damage and kill power."
"Conker's first color scheme changes his fur color to gray and gives him a pink hoodie."
"Feenix has become a deadly weapon for his current organization, capable of not only incinerating any who stand in his way, but also striking fear into the hearts of both man and machine."
"Javik is the last surviving Prothean in existence."
"Garrus Vakarian: one of the few people to help you on your quest."
"Kung Lao... very aggressive, good combo damage, dive kicks amazing."
"Shang Tsung is a zoner... crazy good zoner with really damaging combos."
"I love her already, you can't not love Yuffie."
"Steve from Minecraft, again! Akinator has successfully read my mind. GG, Akinator!"
"Mesa has a lot going for her and remains as an A+."
"Bowser finally has some time to shine as a playable character."
"Isn't it kind of insane that he's gone on to have one of the most distinct and memorable personalities out of every Nintendo character?"
"Darth Maul just uses basic and destroy everyone by himself."
"Marissa is absolutely the heaviest hitter in Street Fighter 6."
"In Overwatch, McCree's belt reads BMAF which stands for badass mother effer."
"Nightmare is the only animatronic to have an entire night named after him in Five Nights at Freddy's 4."
"Greninja offers players a fun and charismatic way to play with both speed and fury."
"Honestly if there's ever anyone that deserves a crisis core style prequel all about him it's Laguna."
"Donkey Kong was now starring in a full platformer."
"Ellie sets off back into the treacherous outside world in search of retribution and justice."
"Liu Kang emerges unscathed, setting the stage for the next chapter in the MK Universe."
"That's a really good Morgana if I do say so myself."
"Frank Woods is one of the greatest characters of all time."
"Noob Cybot: a character designed for space control with decent range and powerful specials."
"As both a dedicated Mega Man main and a hardcore fan of everyone's favorite super fighting robot..."
"Come on, how long are you gonna sleep, Link? Do I have to wake you up every morning?"
"I am an Unstoppable, unkillable Speed Demon and if you happen to be in the same continent as one of my landmines you will be getting exploded."
"I hate you, Yoshi. Why did you eat that? I hate you, I hate everything."
"Evil Ryu declares his power to destroy everything will continue to bring him to new heights."
"Kha'Zix: he brings the same problems as Cho'Gath but he's cute."
"Zilean is the chill uncle you want as a roommate."
"Dread bear is here, that's why he was in the gallery."
"Oh, it's Ryu. Come on, Ryu may be the world's most well-known fighter."
"So these two abilities really define octane he essentially is a stem machine he moves faster he's a quick go-getter just crazy thrill seeker and his passive ability allows him to keep on healing."
"You play as Jesse, the new director of the Federal Bureau of Control."
"Number one: Crash Bandicoot, because I've always loved the character."
"Snake refuses; he would rather give the world a chance at peace even if it means eternally sacrificing his chance for inner peace."
"Deadpool in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 brings his whimsical nature, fourth wall breaks, and Deadpool-style humor to the fighting game."
"Wario in Smash Bros embodies the humor of the WarioWare franchise with his off-the-wall antics."
"Adewale is another character whose presence extends to more than one game in the series. After being born into slavery, he found a means for escape by joining a company of pirates."
"The much-loved protagonist Cassandra was a misthios, or mercenary. She was born as the half-sister to Alexios and daughter of Pythagoras in Sparta."
"Jonathan Reid, which is the character you play, is a famous physician and the game starts with him being a freshly converted vampire."
"Orianna has great utility, damage, and one of the most satisfying ultimates in the game."
"Mordekaiser also has some really solid 1v1 potential."
"Bard is known for being one of the fastest and hardest to catch supports."
"Mythoclast, destroyer of myths, really means destroyer of the Vex."
"Joker being not a boring mute protagonist, but he doesn't have a character shoved at him."
"Pac-Man... he appeals to generations old and new."
"Mewtwo... one of the most requested characters."
"Dixie Kong... she's female, she has unique moveset archetype."
"But out of all of these colourful cast members, perhaps none are quite as strange and unique as that of Blanca."
"Sora is the only one in the storyline who could use the Keyblade, so that's how it should work in Smash."
"The one character that truly stood out was Al-Mualim, and that's just because he was a cool villain, and his reveal as the villain is still one of the best in the entire series."
"Kaidahara Kazuha, light as a feather and swift as a blade."
"Kefka's nihilism grows stronger... as a monument to the pointlessness of existence."
"Ghost better return the next game, I like him a lot."
"And now we get to step into the fury-filled shoes of Keanu Reeves' best dressed, beadiest action hero."
"Herobrine is awesome and scary at the same time."
"Pikachu is broken. This character is so insane, it's actually incredibly frightening."
"Beneath the gruff exterior, there's a tenderness to Arthur Morgan."
"Aarian is the most compelling character in all of Baldur's Gate 3."
"Angelina Jolie is a good Lara Croft."
"I am Melania, blade of Miquella, and I have never known defeat."
"Sonic the Hedgehog is a character that was born in 1991 on the Sega Genesis."
"Paper Bowser was great; it's a shame they didn't use him more."
"It's Knuckles' job to protect the emerald that can control those emeralds."