
Financial Warning Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"The auto loan crisis is a ticking time bomb. If we don't address it now, it will have severe consequences on the economy and the lives of everyday individuals."
"What we're seeing is a warning of all warnings, a warning with the financial system, a warning with banking, a warning with a little bit of everything right now."
"The warning signs are there when a company starts to struggle: earnings decrease, high dividend yield, and unsustainable payout ratios." - Ron Gross
"Shorters watch out, there is another short squeeze coming."
"When I see the next run on the shadow banking system... that'll be the sign that this cycle is over and that a disaster lies on the horizon."
"You are a few holds away from losing all your money if you're getting into this altcoin season."
"This is the reality: greatest bubble in history, crash."
"If this breaks 30 bucks, it's gonna get nasty."
"If you're having to pay later for the meal you're consuming today... it's probably not a good sign."
"Just stay away from that stuff even if you think you can make money in the short term with it a it's probably illegal and B you are open to massive risk if there's an exit scam so just stay away from anything that looks like a Ponzi."
"If you stay bankrupt long enough, it's gonna blow up."
"Steve Forbes warns of a big financial crisis incoming."
"This idea that there's not going to be a bear market is the most dangerous thing in crypto."
"I was warning about the financial crisis that real estate price collapse was going to cause."
"My results are not typical. Trading is risky. Most beginner traders lose money."
"Why would you want to short that? We're going parabolic; the green candles are getting taller and they're coming faster. If you short into a mania, you done screwed up, boy; you're gonna lose it all."
"If a scheme promises consistent high returns without being affected by market conditions, there's a good chance that it could be a Ponzi scheme."
"If you don't have impeccable risk management I promise you if you over leverage you're going to blow your account."
"Things are getting a little bit ahead of themselves."
"Average normies start getting into an investment? There's probably a bubble."
"You're paying money to do a job and then they take your money when you're done with the job."
"The most dangerous words today are 'this time is different'."
"If anything seen a particularly low share price is likely a warning sign to look into the business further."
"A new financial crisis on the scale of the 2008 collapse could happen in less than 18 months."
"Douchebank issues dire economic warning for America."
"This trend of credit card defaults increase into the future—that's a canary in the coal mine for broader economic problems."
"College is not cheap... a lot of kids are ending up in student loan debt."
"What does an investment Mania look like? What are the signs before the crash?"
"Major banking crisis coming fast. Gold and silver are a flight to capital."
"The digital devaluation of the dollar is coming, and it's going to be intense."
"Don't touch Evergrande distressed debt... it is toxic waste, it is garbage."
"It's clear as day that we're going to have an even bigger crisis than '08."
"This number is trying to tell us something - that bad times are ahead. This does not happen, this is not Bitcoin."
"JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon calls Bitcoin a 'fraud,' says people who invest in it are 'stupid.'"
"Dip buyers beware because central banks have lost control."
"And also when margin debt hit an all-time high, we had the 2007 and 2008 market crash because all market indicators are saying get out now while you still can."
"In crypto, something that's too good to be true is usually not something legit."
"The dollar at some point is coming to an end, ladies and gentlemen."
"Hyperinflation will wipe out any Fiat money any Fiat assets or instruments absolutely 100."
"This project is going to get out of control expensive."
"Closing the day below that line will be a severe ominous signal."
"Everybody with money on Earth is going to lose half their wealth in the next 48 months if they do nothing."
"This is why you need to seriously pay attention to these dark pools."
"Inflation is not slowing, it's maintaining a red hot pace."
"Just know that if you're earning over 523 thousand dollars, this could be a problem."
"Your lowest quartile is only responsible... they account for 40 percent of spending so there's a storm brewing."
"I think there's a really big warning sign flashing in the markets for what happens after this next big push because we're seeing a transfer of money throughout"
"The next Global financial crisis may be just weeks away."
"Try not to get too invested into these heavy RNG systems, especially if you are spending money on them."
"Don't chase the yield... if you see something paying a 20% dividend, be very careful... it's a falling knife... not sustainable... company is likely headed to bankruptcy."
"This chart is the scariest chart that might exist."
"Folks, we are heading very rapidly towards widespread failure of the financial system and economic implosion."
"If the banks are sounding the alarms, it's generally not what you want."
"Every government currency in world history has collapsed, folks, every one of them."
"This doesn't exist, guys. There is no such thing as another self-marketing, self-pumping cryptocurrency, but now we have one."
"This indicator is called the inverted yield curve, and today this inverted yield curve is showing some of its biggest warning signs that we have seen in more than four decades."
"You could spend a million dollars on some nonsense and be broke. Not saying you can't get a million dollars and go up."
"We're still not safe from another credit collapse."
"Major cracks are forming in the credit markets, suggesting we're on the cusp of another great financial crisis."
"Larry Fink warned of more seizures and shutdowns coming in the financial sector."
"Yield curve inversion is a big warning sign."
"This will be the black swan event that potentially crashes the markets around the world."
"It's been the marks of starting to cut that eventually led to the Big Falls coming for the markets."
"This debt grade, it's a big deal, it's also a big reminder of our noses should be on the grindstones."
"Creative financing usually comes with massive risks. If you hear creative financing and it sounds too good to be true, it's probably because there's a catch."
"Now, ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you what you are going to see: inflation like you've never even imagined it could be."
"Hang on to your butts because this is where things get real expensive."
"It leads me to believe that we may go off on one final blowoff."
"The U.S. dollar and financial system: a time bomb."
"The blowoff top Bull Run... it's coming and you have to be prepared."
"The VIX is sending you a message: we're about to get a major dump."
"If you do not jump on crypto, this is probably gonna be the biggest 'L' of your life, the biggest loss of a lifetime."
"If this becomes the standard you better be ready for rip your face off inflation folks."
"The deficit is going to get bigger and bigger and bigger... debt to GDP is at 250 percent and there's no end in sight."
"I hope you're prepared because central banks are they're gonna take us to minus four in a heartbeat minus 4 they're gonna attack your principal..."
"Modern gaming is hot as [ __ ] dude dice nea do not deserve you as a player they do not deserve your money."
"It could easily spark the next global financial crisis."
"I just gave them a dire warning. Mark says we're about to witness a historic stock market shake-up that can soon create devastating losses for investors who don't know what's coming."
"The IMF now is warning about that... hedge funds could be too big to fail."
"The collapse will come... it will definitely go down by more than 90 percent."
"All hell is going to break loose in the market."
"There's the big one... the prelude of the big one is the yield curve inversion."
"Morgan Stanley warns commercial real estate is headed for a crisis worse than 2008."
"I'm going to need a check today, otherwise you're going to have a lien on your house by tomorrow morning. Just letting you know."
"If you're living off of credit cards and personal loans, it's just going to be a matter of time before you have one hiccup in life and you default."
"A severe financial crisis is coming, one that will rival the 1970s and the great financial crisis."
"Loan payments coming back into effect this fall could be a very dangerous state of affairs for a lot of Americans."
"High interest consumer debt like credit card debt is not a good thing to have."
"If recruiting other people is a requirement for profiting, then that is what officially crosses the line into being a pyramid scheme."
"It is possible to lose all the funds deposited to your broker and could even incur losses beyond these amounts."