
Emotional Sharing Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"If somebody has good news, you actually feel joy for them. You don't feel envious; you actually share their joy."
"Sharing your pain helps others relate; if people are just watching happy people all the time, they wonder what's wrong with me."
"That's why I feel like I was happiest when I wasn't trying to pander."
"I'm so nervous to make this video but I feel like there's so many people out there who've been through similar things and I'm just ready to talk about it."
"You can lean on them. You don't have to hold these things in. You can tell them your worries."
"Y'all gotta get to talking to each other about your pain."
"I poured out my heart to you about what it's like to be a dad for the first time holding my baby son in my arms."
"Express yourself. Say what is on your mind... I think there is beauty in sharing your emotions."
"If fans sing after a game it's called happiness sharing moments with fellow fans let people support how they want."
"Never hide when you're sad, but always share when you're happy. You may even end up helping yourself when things get tough to see that sliver lining."
"Hopefully you guys get to feel the happiness that I'm feeling... you know hopefully you guys get to feel what I'm feeling."
"Communication and sharing something from your heart will bring success."
"Hearts can be broken but souls should be shared."
"You need to express yourself and you need to share how you feel."
"To have the feeling of wanting to share everything with you guys again, I didn't think it would make me this emotional but I guess it is."
"It's fitting, right? Anyway, this is going to be a very difficult video for me to make."
"Some of you guys just need to share your pain."
"Sharing my thoughts and feelings with others seems kind of magical to me. Oh, and who knows, maybe one day I'll stumble upon something truly priceless: real love."
"Your joy is overflowing a little bit into my soul."
"Open up about your own life and feelings with your family."
"She was somebody who instantly we met and took us in and welcomed us and wanted to talk with us and be open with us and shared her time and cried with us and explained her life, her story with us."
"It's incredibly revealing, I mean you really let people into not just your home, or backstage or into the studio, you let people into your heart."
"Thank you for your vulnerability... thank you for the gift of your story."
"I had been drinking, I was so upset that day, and I'll tell you why."
"Emotional osmosis or just the shared emotion that the laws, the terrible loss."
"Thank you all for joining me tonight, for allowing me to be a part of your days, evenings, and for listening to me ramble and go on every emotion known to us."
"Share with them about your day not in bulletin points but also try to share how you felt."
"I had a little heart to heart with y'all about where I've been and what I've been feeling for the new year."
"Feels amazing. Proud and honored to share it with you."
"Some artworks matter more than others. They deserve to be saved and shared instantly with your loved ones."
"I hope to make more videos where I'm open and talking about my personal experience and like my emotions with things that are currently kind of currently happening."
"Trust your girlfriend enough to share your emotions with her. If she's the most important thing in your life, you should be able to go to her with your emotions."
"I just want to share the message that was in my heart."
"I'm super excited but guys listen it's been a lot going on lately."
"I wanted to show you the ups and downs, but I also wanted to show you that we can get through this."
"Moving forward slow and steady, expressing yourselves, reaching out, sharing your feelings."
"Thank you for being here and sharing your soul with us."
"Guys need to open up with other individuals that share the same struggles."
"Either way, I'm open to a sequel or not... it'll be interesting to see where the story unfolds."
"Love is about giving, you share your completeness with each other. You don't complete one another."
"Sharing your story and opening up helps other people."
"Share that vulnerability with a good friend or a partner."
"Thank you for sharing your life story, this is real life."
"Happy to be back home, really happy, keep happy every day at every time, yeah, I know you are, me too, and I love you."
"I'm about to speak about my inner feelings like Kid Cudi."
"Vulnerability isn't sharing your problems... vulnerability is sharing one's insecurities."
"We all need friends that we can open up to about our fears, struggles, hopes, dreams."
"Thank you so much for watching. This was a little hard for me too."
"Intimacy is much deeper than sex; it's about sharing hopes, fears, and desires."
"From my heart to yours, have a great one everyone."
"You're all probably here for the plants but you're also gonna get my emotional journey."
"We share our insecurities, we share our fears with each other."
"I feel like I kind of feel a little bit too."
"Be broken, be honest, and have the audacity to share that brokenness with each other."
"When you share with them how you feel, there's only one of two outcomes."
"Often people want to talk about the experiences that have shaped them, even if those experiences are painful."
"Your wounds become your gifts with Chiron and you can share those with the world in which all of you cancers are trying to do."
"Trauma dumping is the process of taking your saddest and most unfortunate truths and making sure everybody knows."
"It's one of the biggest forms of intimacy, of sharing something emotionally with somebody else."
"I just wanted to share my birth story because it's traumatic and hideous, but thank you for listening because I think it helps a lot."
"Create intimacy with your partner by revealing your true feelings, dreams, and desires."
"I've never been one to not share what's going on with me emotionally."
"We got to communicate, yeah, tell me how you're feeling. Our relationship will only improve with that."
"Hate, sadness, and even happiness... to be able to share these things with another person."
"Empathy is stepping into the situation with the other person and feeling the emotion with them."
"Feelings are good. Sharing feelings are good."
"It's probably more painful for a person not being able to share than the actual pain itself."
"Communication is really important, but also sharing your emotions with each other."
"Music is about love and sharing the love."
"RM emphasized the value of acknowledging, accepting, and sharing one's fears."
"He opened his heart and showed you his pain and burden."
"I cried about stuff I thought I'd never share with people."
"I found ways to sort of share your feelings with trusted people."
"He's letting people know into his emotions; this is what I've been going through, this is the pain."
"It really makes being vulnerable all worth it when people appreciate it, relate to it."
"I'm glad you opened up about your feelings and about your past."
"I'm really sharing this moment of heart with you."
"You only offer up that cup to someone who speaks the truth, someone who will share their feelings and emotions."
"You need to share your emotions and connect on a mental level."
"Just give a little bit of your heart to me."