
Learning Opportunities Quotes

There are 226 quotes

"This will change how the world looks at China for years to come, and for sure we have lessons to learn."
"There's more opportunity now for you to learn a skill and get a high-paying job than in the history of humanity."
"Everyone has this big ego about what they deserve. It's not a loss if you're willing to be a student and get paid for it."
"Every opportunity is a teaching opportunity."
"There's definitely something to be learned from this."
"Anyone can learn from these people, these are the world's greatest people and you can apply it to your own life."
"A space for fun, a space for Community, a space for Learning, and a space for healing."
"Success is an opportunity to learn by example and proof that success is possible."
"Make sure to make money, you know, acquire money, right? But entrepreneurship could be learning something new."
"Finding out you're wrong can be painful, but it's not to be feared. It's actually maybe a good thing because you can learn something."
"There's so much learning to be had out there for free, just by being a sponge."
"Every mistake is a lesson in the school of life."
"Earthships are not going to be the one perfect solution to solving our climate crisis or housing issues. There is actually no one perfect solution, but I think we can learn a lot from Earthships, and it's a step in the right direction."
"Teaching withheld and giving: an opportunity to learn and teach, to receive and give."
"Admitting you were wrong is a moment of growth."
"When someone messes up, use it as an opportunity to teach them and help them grow."
"Your reward is ahead, this is a good time to learn to develop new ideas, new ways of doing things."
"Absorb as much as you possibly can because what you're gonna learn is happening in the divine timing."
"A really cool chance to I think really brush up on your skills as you're getting into the game."
"Are we not seeing that right now? Lots of lessons in the last week or so, what are we choosing to learn?"
"Our reactions are a huge opportunity for learning and growth."
"Bear markets give us time without distractions and hype to increase our knowledge."
"We haven't been doing these seminars because so many times people come up to us and say how can I invest with you guys how can I learn more how can I get an in on some of your deals so you came up with this idea."
"Every relationship is an opportunity for growth."
"It gives a lot of opportunity for people to actively learn about the origins of a subculture."
"The opportunity to be in a place where you can just observe and learn and take in and try to look at other techniques and see how things manifest over time from rehearsals to tech to performance is a rare opportunity."
"Mistakes at work are opportunities for growth and learning, not failures."
"You're supposed to be here. You had a near miss because you're supposed to be here. You're supposed to learn from that spiritually."
"Children are just showing you, hey, there's something big that you're missing."
"Starting off free at the very least allows you to learn stuff—it's not just a free trial, it's literally free indefinitely."
"Time is of the essence when dealing with a novel disease, but delays can lead to missed opportunities for learning."
"There's so much knowledge at your disposal now."
"I try to sift through to find the grain of Truth inside of every pearl of hate; there's something in there that maybe I can learn from."
"Most interesting opportunities have something to teach you, something that you're going to be able to combine with other things you learn later on."
"Forgive ourselves for not being more attentive... how can I learn from that?"
"Everybody makes mistakes and you should embrace them, you should learn from them."
"The point is to understand why, because I think any time people feel this strongly about anything, there's always something we learn."
"Do not worry, you are literally getting access to all of our courses."
"Can you move away from 'I'm right, they're wrong' into a 'well how is that position helping me grow, how is what they're saying helping me learn'?"
"Whatever it is that your child is expressing an interest in helping you do because they see you doing it, I encourage you to let them, allow them, encourage it, and revite them anytime they show an interest."
"You can learn anything and I have the connections that I've built."
"No matter what you believe about him, I think everyone can learn something from the other side of the story."
"We can create a society where everyone is free to learn and choose how they learn."
"There's always a lesson, always something to learn."
"Failure is not a reflection on you, it's an opportunity to learn."
"There is so much to learn from this situation because it's actually bigger than one Kevin Samuels."
"We are all here with a glorious possibility of learning something, becoming better, and facing our problems intelligently."
"Network with successful people, they love to learn other ways to make money."
"Everything in life is an opportunity...this is a chance for some education which never hurts."
"Learning doesn't always have to be expensive."
"There are many lessons that Ubisoft developers should learn from what From has done here."
"You gotta learn, y'all. He got a couple more days, about 30-something more days."
"This plan specifically in this project has a ton of different skills you can learn."
"Thank you for giving me this opportunity. Grow, learn, and break a leg."
"There are no such thing as mistakes, just opportunities to learn and grow."
"I want to give you some good news that on Saturday... the Fearless Fluency Club is going to open."
"There's no such thing as mistakes in makeup, it's just opportunities."
"If you don't give people the room to change or learn about your actions, that's never going to happen."
"We're willing to deal with the dead fish as long as you're willing and have the capacity to learn."
"The amount of Education you'll be able to get at this show is unmatched."
"There's never been a more crucial time for us to learn from one another and build new bridges."
"Failure is usually very clear... it teaches us where effort is wasted and encourages us not to repeat the same mistakes."
"It's the story of a monster, and there's a lot to be learned."
"I wouldn't skip it if I was you because we're learning some new stuff in there."
"MasterClass offers over 2,500 classes with over 180 talented and amazing instructors."
"An incredibly intense experience, an enormous learning lesson."
"That thing you've always wanted to learn is closer than you think."
"Anytime people feel this strongly about anything, there's almost always something to be learned."
"Failure is not death, it is an opportunity to learn and grow."
"Jealousy will have you hating on somebody you should be learning from."
"Each run is a dense experience packed with learning opportunities and hidden secrets for those willing to venture off the beaten path."
"The mistake there is also a learning point: it's really important to get this balance of doing stuff but then also learning about the things that you're doing to level up."
"Failure is not a setback but an opportunity to learn and grow."
"All of the hardest parts of my life that have happened I have survived I did not die and I thrived in those situations and I understood that they were learning opportunities."
"I think there are things that the rest of Europe can learn from that."
"One of the cool things about eSports is that you can learn a lot by looking to other eSports."
"We shouldn't shun away negative stuff in our lives, we should preserve it and learn."
"Hardship, pain, and suffering is a great opportunity to learn."
"Pay attention to what you don't know. Watch for the things you don't know. In that area lies growth."
"Thank you so much for taking the time... I hope you learned something."
"It's beautiful and I want people to look at it as an opportunity to learn something about who people believe that they are and what they value."
"Every single thing can be a learning experience in life if you're open to it."
"Failure doing this kind of thing is not bad failure is good."
"Identify your triggers as opportunities to learn more about yourself."
"I see criticism and feedback as an opportunity for me to learn and improve... There is always something new to learn."
"Trusting that you're going to learn something from anyone."
"The pandemic may be far from over but there are still plenty of lessons for us to learn."
"If we don't see it through all the way to the end then we don't get to learn from whatever the situation is."
"This is good this is good this is like America is missing is Nuance conversations that take different perspectives and actually come up with a place where we can all learn from each other."
"Even the mundane tasks can be teaching us for something greater."
"See it as a learning curve, an invitation to work."
"I advise anybody go learn from somebody they're going to teach you with some of the big companies."
"You do look bigger on TV that is true and and also but but it could be a learning tool you could get up the next morning and go over it like okay honey see when he did that when he turned around that was good rewind that like more of that."
"Mistakes are your light in the dark, mistakes reveal problems to be solved."
"Many scholars note that Alexander’s education under Aristotle was crucial for his future endeavors."
"If you bring me gossip related to the bourgeoisie, I'll tell you where to learn more about your estranged Armand."
"Errors and mistakes need to be viewed as opportunities for learning."
"There's always another opportunity to learn something."
"You guys are learning something new here that's going to bring in a lot of abundance."
"At the very least, it's going to be a learning experience."
"Here are the three biggest mistakes consultants make by far: underpricing themselves especially at the beginning, selling too soon, and staying inside the box and not taking on projects that require a learning curve or stretch."
"This class is unique... fields such as physics, chemistry, cryptography... You learn three things for the most part."
"Challenges are only the curriculum of life itself."
"Untold riches of learning might persist... just waiting for us to discover them."
"Everyone stands to learn something from his story."
"Nobody's perfect... you can learn from anybody and you can also learn from people's mistakes too..."
"Xbox will be swinging big again and we'll be acquiring Sega in 2021."
"I think we should start accepting that failure is a good thing."
"Learn from your opponents. If somebody has something good, you can benefit by adding it to your arsenal."
"Life is difficult? Great, you're learning and growing."
"I'm a big advocate of failure... it's the only way of finding where your limits are."
"Books were no longer a chore but an opportunity."
"Failure is just a sign that we need to widen our scope."
"If you don't believe it, it's never gonna happen. You don't try, you see tides kind of this learning curve."
"I like to encourage women in homemaking that it never has to be boring there are always new things to learn and explore and get better at there really isn't a more creative career than homemaking."
"Failing is the best thing that can ever happen to you."
"It's allowed me to meet and interact with a lot of people so I can learn from their experiences."
"The struggles that you've been through have been launching pads of learning."
"Every loss of knowledge is an opportunity for wisdom."
"Golden opportunities instead of painful lessons."
"We're excited to learn from these world-class studios." - Jade Raymond
"I love that she's learning... there's a lot for an actor to draw in and stuff."
"I can be extremely upset or, you know, feel defeated from a failure, or I can decide to see it as a learning lesson."
"Brilliant offers a wide range of courses for mathematical fundamentals to quantitative finance, scientific thinking, even special relativity. If you want it, it's there."
"If you can't think you can learn from an established editor, a lot of people could probably benefit from getting a professional line editor to do a line edit of a chapter."
"The possibilities are endless with Skillshare."
"It's doable for anybody who's willing to try and anyone who's willing to learn."
"There's an opportunity for you to learn something."
"Each moment in the day is a chance for sacred learning...pay attention to the details."
"Take the job that pays one-third where you're going to learn the most. You're going to learn about the business. You're going to learn from the ground up."
"It's an opportunity to show that we have learned."
"That extra learning experience that you are going to have is going to change everything."
"Every experience we go through are just lessons or blessings."
"Different people will teach you different things."
"Just being able to expose yourself to different media, I think, is wonderful."
"What most people call failures, I call findings."
"We have to be able to have conversations and learn from people and to be able to disagree."
"And every experience is the opportunity, the blessing, to remember to choose love."
"You should never have meaningless deaths. Whenever you die, something else around the map should have happened."
"I hope that there can be some sort of learning benefit from what's going on."
"It's not always going to be easy and it's not always going to be a simple 'yeah, let's go' sometimes there's some complications in there but the complications are there for you to learn from."
"There's really a loss here is not really lost, it's this is a very good example of you win or you learn, yes a hundred percent."
"I would love to know in the comments down below anybody that has been printing with PETG if there's anything new that you learned in this video or if there's something that I just didn't touch on."
"Anything which is irritating you, anything which is troubling you, that is your teacher."
"Hold on to your seats, you're going to learn a lot today."
"You can learn... getting to sit down at lunch and even just ask questions of people is amazing."
"TSM always pushed us to play more aggressive and to take risks especially in scrims and learn from taking those risks."
"It's not to break a guy down, it's about what can I learn."
"Being wrong is an opportunity for learning... You can actually learn to retrain ourselves to value being wrong."
"Best way to learn is from the mistakes of others."
"Embrace neurodiversity. There's a lot of things to learn from each other."
"There's just so much learning going on here..."
"No matter how hardcore or casual you are, you're definitely gonna learn some things by watching this video."
"All is not lost when you fail. God will bring that same thing round again until you surrender."
"Now is the go big or go home time of the year for you. If there's a skill or course that you've been thinking about taking, now is also a great time for learning something new."
"There could be a lot of success for you in learning."
"We have an opportunity to learn both from their mistakes and their best practices."
"But it's all here as a setup, as a game or play unfolding before us so that we can learn and we can grow."
"Recognize what am I learning from this? How am I going to make this new experience better?"
"There's a good chance I might learn something along the way."
"Why learn from your own mistakes when you can learn from someone else's?"
"There's always something to learn when [stuff] happens."
"I would definitely recommend going to the Floret website because you can learn all kinds of different things."
"You're not gonna miss out on things... there's so much to learn and so much you're not gonna miss out on."
"We may not agree on much but that doesn't mean that we don't need each other or can't learn something from one another."
"We want to get them the chance to learn and to build a successful career."
"Use it as an opportunity for experimentation."
"Putting your ego aside and listening can lead to learning and improvement."
"Games are built around giving players opportunities to confront and learn from new systems and ideas."
"I think she's gonna learn more things and achieve more goals, and make more friends."
"Cheating carries the lessons as every mistake does... make sure you stay there, maybe make them a cup of tea."
"2022 was not just about cases, but about principles and lessons."
"The beautiful thing about flying is no flight is ever the same which enables us to learn something brand new every time we crawl into a cockpit."
"The best conversations and moments of curiosity satisfaction happen when you're speaking with somebody who has a completely different experience from your own."
"There is something of great value to teach you in all of it."
"If something captures your attention, look into it because you never know."
"It doesn't matter if you guys are not Reinhardt players or tank players, you will still learn a lot from this."
"I really genuinely believe that even the hardest things that you go through can oftentimes be a gift because they can teach you so many lessons."
"Failure to you means growth. You don't learn anything by succeeding."
"You get to do what you love and grow and learn and expand."
"Struggle is natural only so far as it lends itself to learning lessons and overcoming interpersonal challenges."
"The best possible opportunity to learn. They are the ones who should be facing pressure."
"Let your child help unpack groceries for sequencing, sorting, and language opportunities."
"This is just a way that you can get some really quality people over to your website, establish some connections and you never know what you might learn just from talking to people."
"From beginner to pro, it just offers up a wide spectrum of application technique opportunity."
"Every case that comes along is an opportunity to learn new things."
"Everything's a teachable moment, and you can learn from some things that you hear people say."
"If you are a person that's trying to learn audio, learn production, learn music, you have more options than ever."
"Mistakes are opportunities for learning, not things to be condemned for."
"I hope that you learn at least one or two new roles that you may want to apply or check out."
"Education can be free in so many places."
"Whenever there's an interest, there's a huge learning opportunity."
"It's a pity to let a crisis go to waste because some of your best learning can come when you're most unsettled."
"The main focus of this trip is to meet new people and learn new things."
"Just being a part of a community is a great way to learn new things that you didn't know about."
"It's lovely to see change happen when education is offered to those who want it."
"It's a beautiful time to be a football fan because we can learn and see and do more and more."
"Every classroom session offers us an opportunity to learn more about the needs of our students."
"The bigger the mistake, the easier it is to see, and the easier it is to find a solution for it."
"The ways to learn are unlimited these days; you can find so many resources to learn and become professional."