
Otherness Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"For the philosopher Levinas, no matter how well you know someone, there is always something unknown about the other."
"It's just something so they might as well be aliens."
"Vampires are an enduring concept because they express the complexity of what it means to be someone who's different but also someone who is beautiful and powerful in that difference."
"In a way, it humanizes them, for although unlike those of us in base humanity in so many ways, they are nevertheless still our kin."
"The listener could well imagine two creatures conversing." - Aiden Mattis
"The only people on this planet who want to be ‘normal’ are those who are othered based on prejudice."
"They knew you wasn't from this planet."
"You really are not a human being."
"This is not Jonathan Sims, it cannot be. This thing... this is no man, this is no mortal, this is no human being, no human creature, no Avatar."
"For all our speculation they serve a narrative purpose that is important an obstruction to Our Heroes who are both dangerous and frightening but so different from us and inhuman that we feel no sorrow or guilt at their killing."
"Whatever it was, it couldn't have been human."
"How terrifying would it be as guests in another world to have warships arrive hell bent on killing you?"
"Omnipaths are inscrutably alien entities and impossible for Mortal kind to relate to."
"The Ophanim's unique appearance sets them apart, reflecting the otherness and separateness associated with God's holiness."
"I wasn't looking at an animal per se, I always had the impression that it was some type of intelligence equal to mine, but different."
"The stranger greeted him through dark hooded eyes, examining him with the wry curiosity of a scientist assessing a primitive creature."
"It's nothing to do with you; it's because other people are scared. They're scared of the unknown."
"Transparency forecloses engagement with the other because there is nothing to learn from the other when everything is already visible."
"Hey, I'm not the alien here, you are!"
"Everyone who encountered an 'other'... described that other in the same way as profoundly loving, profoundly accepting."
"I'm kind of awkward when I'm around people like you who belong to another world altogether."
"Travel is something that gives us that miracle, it's otherness."
"The word holy means other than or separate from, it is an attempt to describe the sense some people have of a reality totally outside and beyond their experience of themselves and the world."
"All horror stems from a fear of the other, something or someone which is unfamiliar, unknown, and therefore possibly dangerous."
"I am helped most, you are most helped, through a relationship with otherness."
"This otherness, this 'not being us,' is all there is to look at in the mirror."
"We don't have to keep projecting our worst knowledge of ourselves onto a phantom other and try to destroy them."
"I'm just the other woman, nothing, nobody. I'm just stupid enough to want something."
"Murphy feels a pang of sadness; after all, this is an intelligent zombie, one of his own kind."
"Reconciliation is not the subject swallows the object; reconciliation is precisely you accept the radical otherness."
"Human desire is the desire of the other."
"The other human being is experienced as an alien freedom."
"One of the key ideas... is the conception and the reality of woman as other."
"The category of the other is as primordial as consciousness itself."
"The very nature of matter entails an exposure to the other; responsibility is not an obligation that the subject chooses, but rather an incarnate relation that precedes the intentionality of consciousness."
"It seemed to me a very useful and effective way of getting at a story of otherness."
"You will live among humans but you will never be one of them."
"That thing is different; it has a song I've never heard and it vibrates wrong against my soul."
"The absolutely other is the human other."
"The dreamer is not a human being but a creature of an intermediate sort."
"Levinas is going to take the other very, very seriously philosophically."
"Ethics begins with our encounter with the other."
"The great mother has become the great other, and only through the powers of coercion and domination can order survive."
"Ghouls are a completely different species; their organs are built to digest only human flesh."
"The way that certain people are treated, the way that certain people are seen as other, are seen as different."
"They are more afraid of us than we are of them, I'm not afraid of them at all, they're just weird to me."
"You call them alien, they probably call you the same thing, alien."
"I will remind you, you don't belong in this world, monster."
"God's most exalted attribute is His otherness. He is completely unique and separate."
"It's a real book about prejudice, outsiders, and otherness."