
Life-changing Impact Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"There is another person across the room that if they heard that story, for them, it might be life-changing."
"He changed my whole life. So, that's why I call him dad."
"My true power lies in my thirst for knowledge, because, you see, I believe it only takes one book to change your life forever. You simply must find it."
"Jiu-jitsu took him from this frail little kid to a superhero... saved my life."
"Had I not found parkour... I very much suspect I'd have been dead at the age of 18."
"Kindness is always just around the corner and often it can save or radically change someone's life."
"The look on their faces and their eyes, you've changed their lives."
"Cryptocurrency has put the idea in millions of heads that getting to an opportunity like this early on can change your whole life."
"It changed my life, it's given me motivation, it's set a standard that ultimately can't be reached but you're still going to try every day."
"One conversation, one text message can change the trajectory of somebody's life."
"This is really the channel that saves lives, changes people's lives, and makes you wife-changing money."
"When you hear which I'm sure you've heard millions of times have you changed someone's life it's like how can you pay for that you know."
"Love the show, thank you. You guys saved my life."
"You quite possibly saved the world. You probably saved my career. You saved yourself by saving your mom's job. So just thank you for being a person."
"When you know not hope not think not belief when you know it's a done deal Everything Changes."
"The iPhone changed everything and when I say everything I mean it literally changed life as we know it."
"Therapists have saved my life, they've been wonderful."
"Everybody who grasped on it the way that I did, with techniques and a down spar and take it for real, for real, it changes your life."
"Changing that person's life and being able to bring them here at the children's hospital is making a significant difference."
"The power of one is the power that one decision that could change your life for good."
"You've actually changed my life, you've helped me to get to a happier place."
"It just takes one single piece of content to change your life."
"The support on the channel has been absolutely incredible you are changing my life people and I have so much love for all of you so thank you so much."
"I've received at least, probably 50,000 emails and fan letters from people who said, 'I read your book, and it changed my life.'"
"It's all about this kind of attitude that could change the drummers young drummer's life."
"It builds your self-esteem, it builds your self-confidence, and it's a game-changer."
"I fully went for it and the rest is history. You guys quite literally saved me."
"This person is going to rock your world; they're going to absolutely really change your life."
"This is probably going to be your best bet to a diet that actually works when it comes to losing body fat and getting shredded. I promise you, completely changed my life, I know it's gonna change yours."
"One shoe can change your life... just ask Cinderella."
"I've had conversations with plenty of men who have said that I've changed their life for the better."
"The impact it has on their life is devastating."
"It will not just change your life, it will also probably change the life of everybody that you play chess against in the future."
"Metal Gear Solid 2 saved my life because one time it decided to randomly snow in North Carolina I was snowed in so I couldn't go party."
"You guys literally changed my life and I will always be grateful for that."
"When one of them people hit me back and tell me, 'Man, you changed my life,' I'd be mind blown."
"Every week there's at least one or two people that say thank you for doing this show, you know, it's changed my life."
"Not many things you can do in life are as impactful as giving someone a kidney."
"They feel their life started when they met you."
"That was the most beautiful thing ever. I think I just got reborn."
"Thank you again to NH Dentistry for changing my life and elevating my smile."
"It's not just a product, it's something that's changing lives."
"This series has changed my entire life and that's not an exaggeration."
"That's why these things are so important. You completely changed the trajectory of that young woman's life."
"I don't know of any other thing in the world that has had the impact on me like this has. Nothing comes close."
"One decision can change your entire finances."
"Supporting Grindstone Ministries changes lives."
"Rory changed my life in more ways than one, beauty."
"What matters to me is when I have people come up to me and say hey like you changed my life."
"We're changing lives and to see that kid, it was his last wish, I mean think about that, your last wish."
"I got a feeling that God is about to blow your mind, he's about to rock your world, he's about to carry you higher."
"How cool would it be if you made 10k a month and then you'd tell your parents they don't have to work ever again?"
"Sport has the real power to change lives."
"You gave me a new purpose in life to form bonds with others and protect them to the best of my ability."
"You guys all have the potential to be great, you have the potential to be amazing, and you have the potential to not only change your life but other people's lives."
"I'm so thankful for you guys... you guys have just changed my life and inspired me."
"It's the best experience you'll ever get in your life when you can change someone's lives."
"Shake saved my life, bro, he made me feel like I could do anything."
"The story you write is going to change a million lives."
"Be your friend, tell a friend something nice, uh, could change their life, goodbye."
"I am aware that being a doctor is a huge responsibility as the impact of your decisions can be life-changing."
"If they only had the tools to really change these kids' lives and give them the knowledge, then they probably would."
"Aaron's kindness had saved her and given meaning to her life."
"I'm here because it's changed my life and it's changed hundreds of girls' lives."
"I genuinely think it could change your life."