
Firmness Quotes

There are 162 quotes

"Have boundaries when you go into something, and do not negotiate on those boundaries. Be firm on them."
"Absolutely not. I will not do it. Let's not discuss it anymore, please."
"At Midas Touch, we are unapologetically pro-democracy."
"You can't negotiate with terrorists, never let them get anything."
"There will be no apology, there will be no buts."
"We have to be intransigent. Where there's a red line, we do not go."
"It is absolutely impossible to continue business as usual with Russia."
"You need to take authority and have the stability to say 'enough is enough'."
"These guys need to be held accountable in the strongest possible way."
"Remember to be patient and calm but you also need to be firm with these guys... they would do anything for you."
"If it's not okay then it's not okay. There are no exceptions."
"We have to hold the line on this. It is protection of kids."
"Islam doesn't bend. They're seeing the firmness of it."
"Decision reaching a determination, a firm stand or a decisive action."
"You don't negotiate with terrorists, you know?"
"Speak your truth, stick to your opinions, and put your foot down."
"She holds firm and demands that he only take one bag of rocks."
"The ride is so firm, you just feel absolutely everything that's going on underneath you."
"He who stands on tiptoe doesn't stand firm."
"I'm established. I'm settled. I'm firm."
"You want to be kind but you want to be firm."
"We're gonna change the bed, yes, and it's going to take time. That's life, and you're gonna do it, okay? I'm being a little firm today, that's fine, okay."
"Morality always has the advantage of expediency. Its purposes always reach down far below the surface and are therefore more firm and secure."
"Especially this F Sport version because the regular LS is just a little bit too marshmallowy soft for me, and the F Sport really does firm things up a decent amount."
"No, it was a hard, hard, hard no."
"The best strategy is to be firm but kind. Even in confrontation, loving kindness can de-escalate the situation."
"Allah will make Believers firm by way of the firm word. By using the firm word, Allah will give firmness to those who believe."
"Test everything. Hold fast to that which is good."
"...stay kind but stay firm and stay vigilant..."
"DMAE is probably the best ingredient to incorporate if you want that skin to be firm, to be snatched."
"Courage is about expressing your identity, knowing who you are and standing firm in it."
"It's firm but it's also well padded... when I put my weight on it, it feels really nice."
"The term durometer measures how firm or how soft the tire's rubber is."
"Easily the firmest car in its class."
"Steadfastness and firmness upon the religion of Allah is a huge blessing."
"Samson is a firm but fair and caring leader."
"You should have thought of that before you did that. I'm not willing to compromise on that, which makes me a little bit of a hard ass."
"Every one of my steps comes with a solid crunch."
"I accept," said the boy, his voice firm and his gaze steady.
"Daniel's Legacy endures because he stood firm."
"God held him out of the Promised Land not because he's a meanie, but because he's kind and firm."
"I will not reconsider my suspension."
"Sometimes you just have to be firm with yourself."
"Being kind doesn't mean letting yourself off the hook, being kind can mean being quite firm."
"Faith needs to be grasped firmly, like strapping a shield around your arm."
"The church needs to stay firm in its beliefs but offer grace and kindness."
"The strongest denial is always No period."
"I'm firm and kind. I'm kind until it's time to be firm. I'm firm until I can be kind."
"I'm looking to make an exception this time on the living part," Zion replied firmly.
"I made a firm decision, I love that food."
"You have to have your deal breakers and you stick to them. And you don't make exceptions. Your deal breakers are your deal breakers, and that's it."
"An anchor for the soul firm and secure."
"Know your standard of the type of people you want in your life and be firm with it."
"You guys are about to have a divine understanding about everything that you deserve, and you're going to be teaching yourself to stand firm because you do deserve this love that's coming in."
"'Do not negotiate with terrorists.'"
"Even if you do keep in contact with your parents and brother, be very firm in your boundaries."
"I told him he has a decision to make because I'm not changing my mind."
"Enough salt... helps to strengthen cell walls and therefore keep your pickle firm."
"I walked out the bathroom, and when I went back in, I said out loud, 'Oh wow,' because it really firmed up my skin."
"Oh God, so near so far, is our love not truly a celestial edifice firm as heaven's vault?"
"Hold firm to the vibration of the only thing that exists, which is unity."
"You have to love yourself enough to hold that boundary firm."
"We should be as gentle as we can and as firm as necessary."
"Stand firm therefore, having belted your waist with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness."
"We talk to China consistently, with a firm voice."
"Be unshakable, firm like a rock that cannot be moved."
"The tone is non-accusatory, very helpful but at the same time firm."
"These are 10 commandments, not ten suggestions, not ten recommendations."
"Feast upon His love, for ye may if your minds are firm, forever."
"Sometimes you set your non-negotiables, any non-negotiable that is not negotiable."
"Stay firm. This is not a debate. This is a decision."
"Shake their hand firmly. Look them in the eye."
"Every time I use this at night, it definitely feels more firm and like it has elasticity."
"We're not going to have unity by appeasement; we're going to have to stick with the rule of law."
"Be gentle yet firm like how the Tai Chi symbol symbolizes balance with Yin and Yang."
"King Hassan is straightforward and stern, refusing to be disrespected."
"When you shake somebody's hand, you squeeze it, you're a man, you look him in the eyes."
"Constructing a set of business policies and being firm with them is so important."
"Violence is not the answer, period, hard stop."
"The Sun's nature is considered to be benevolent but firm, like a good king."
"For Freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm."
"It's all about making a judgment call, making a firm decision about what you want."
"Don't try to hose me, Anita. You want the statue, that's the price, non-negotiable."
"You need to be very strong in your convictions."
"There comes a point where you've got to draw the line."
"Always be firm and polite in your messaging."
"My peace is not up for negotiation."
"If you don't fasten your seat belt, I'm not taking you guys anywhere."
"Make sure it's nice and firm all the way across."
"Just get that press nice and firm in there, and you'll be good to go."
"To be consistent means to be steady, to be firm, to be stable, to be constant, to be persistent."
"You need to be firm but not brutal."
"It's crucial after you exfoliate your skin and it's also going to help with the firmness of your skin, which let's be real, who doesn't want help with that?"
"Treason is a noxious weed, it must be torn up, root and stem and seed."
"The new Future Shock feels a little bit firmer because the middle rate spring is a little bit firmer than the spring that came with the prior Future Shock."
"My skin is bouncier, it is firmer, and it just looks fresher and tighter as a result of radio frequency."
"No child should be forced to marry ever, period, end of sentence."
"I do not like to be deceived," the Centaur's voice sounded harder than it had before.
"Compassion and respect do not imply lack of firmness."
"No ring, no bring is a rule that is tough, but I stand by it, like a hundred percent."
"John Brown was hung today at about 11 and a half a.m. He behaved with unflinching firmness."
"We will not be negotiating, we will not be giving discounts, we will be charging full price for delivery."
"Everyone talks about cutting people off, but no one talks about the grief that comes with having to stand firm on your decision."
"I'm giving Ruby Rose, okay? I'm giving you an inch, okay, no miles, okay."
"I'm pretty happy with how this is set up, pretty firm."
"Be firm and be confident and be undismayed."
"Speak slowly, firmly, and in a calm, soothing tone."
"I am a firm believer in the Constitution of the United States of America."
"Kill 'em with kindness, you know, be stern but nice."
"Stand firm in your liberty and don't be entangled again in the yoke of bondage."
"They're called The Ten Commandments, not the ten suggestions."
"I like things tightened up and almost dry on me because it just really firms things up better."
"No receipt, no help. How hard is that to understand?"
"It gets to a point where you got to draw a line."
"These do not feel like a rubber band. They feel very thick and very firm, and you can't squish them, which really helps when you're stamping."
"When it comes to my values, over time, I've gotten fewer of them, and they've become more concrete."
"They're so comfortable; it's like soft to step on, yet firm enough."
"Needle felt your piece till it's super nice and firm."
"Super potent serum foundation visibly improves facial firmness and appearance of wrinkles."
"You have got to be firm about your boundaries because people will take advantage of you."
"I feel they got to be spoken to firmly because my goodness they've got to stop it; they've got to start protecting these children."
"The lever should feel nice and firm when you squeeze it."
"Under no circumstances is bullying acceptable."
"Speedy trial is something that should not be messed with and should be held to a T and strictly construed."
"This Quran is guidance, guidance means there's stability here, there is firmness."
"You have to know your boundaries and you have to stick to your boundaries."
"The court will not consider any plea bargain agreements in this case without good cause."
"It just gives you like this really nice, almost like tautness to the skin. The skin looks really firm, glowy, and luminous."
"If you're looking for anti-aging, this is definitely a good one because it's gonna help promote firmness, elasticity, all that good stuff."
"All you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives."
"If you are firm in your belief, if you are firm in your values, and if you know your values, people are going to respect you more."
"My skin just looked tighter and firmer, like more snapped into place."
"God is kind, but he is not soft. In kindness, he takes us firmly by the hand and leads us into a radical life change."
"Retinol will help us regain that collagen and regain some firmness in the skin."
"For canning, you want them a little bit on the firm side, not super hard, but just a little bit on the firm side."
"He was firm in his words but ever so loving, full of joy, very light-hearted."
"Collagen is what gives our skin that firmness, that snapback and elasticity."
"This collagen face cream... improves skin firmness, suppleness, and elasticity."
"We remain firm, we remain steadfast for the sake of Allah."
"My body composition just seems a little bit healthier and firmer and tighter."