
Technology Debate Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"The topic of the negatives of AI, the downsides, the scary stuff, the riskiness of AI that is the hottest topic in the world of AI right now."
"The idea that it's all a technology battle is wrong." - Rob Johnson
"As soon as you regard this technology, then you can start talking about it not in terms of you're invisible or you're not invisible but of all the pros and cons."
"Will artificial intelligence overturn Hayek and freedom?"
"Proponents of the software say it is highly regulated, necessary to combat common threats." - Pegasus Surveillance Software
"Personally, while I do prefer the convenience of having a headphone jack, removing it forces manufacturers to focus more on wireless headphones."
"Web assembly in the death of JavaScript and I'm gonna say no it's it's not gonna die..."
"I just want to promote productive discussion right yeah and I think Tesla's FSD beta program is an amazing kind of pushing the envelope with technology and it's a momentous important issue at hand."
"We're still not quite there to a point where we can say CRT is dead."
"True artificial intelligence will not benefit us, it will replace us."
"Is VR just a gimmick, or is it humanity's future? The answer lies in the evolution of virtual reality."
"Parlor claims they didn't use these higher level services. Taking that as true, there are still problems."
"Why invest in trains today when you might have ultra efficient self-driving cars tomorrow."
"The richer, deeper sensor is camera...camera is the way to go." - Lex Fridman
"The software platform is as important if not more important than the hardware."
"Physical versus digital has always been a major topic of discussion."
"The danger of AI in terms of societal impact does not hinge exclusively on it being angry, dangerous, or all-powerful."
"It's interesting this this dialogue about trying to get ahead of things because like AI has introduced that conversation heavily right."
"There's always pros and cons to any type of technology."
"Think about that for a minute as the march of progress accelerates Tucker Carlson's Resolute stance against unchecked artificial intelligence resonates like a rallying cry."
"Canon still makes better bodies, but Nikon's got it on everything else."
"Elon Musk... stated that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles were 'Incredibly Dumb' and others like Toyota have eventually agreed."
"You're complaining that you can game at 4k 180. Who cares if you have to turn on dlss because it looks better than native?"
"So there you guys go, share this video with the PC fanboys that say that shared memory is horrible, that slows down, that it's not the right way to go. Obviously, you guys see the real-world results."
"Do you think AI is dangerous? It's extremely dangerous."
"An electric car of course it still uses power, alright, so what's up with that? Why is it good rather than sort of neutral or bad or equal, right?"
"Change.org petition to Halt Smart City technology in Amarillo, Texas."
"Windmills: 14th-century technology to address a 21st-century non-problem."
"Windows powered by Android, but why not Windows Phone OS?"
"Technological advance has often been presented as a critically imminent crisis of apocalyptic proportions."
"It's really critical that this is discussed at large with society and everybody and the general public."
"They're much more likely to claim that AI is not an existential threat to humanity."
"OLED is the best you can't really debate that."
"We have two Futures ahead of us: one organic, one synthetic or Divergent."
"Big tech is functionally some sort of utility." - Joe Rogan
"No company can own the metaverse. This is a battle for freedom, a battle for open source, a battle for decentralized power to the edges."
"We can't live in a world where big tech bans dissenting opinions."
"Elon has said for years and years and years that lidar is a crutch and honestly it's not actually going to... just go all in on cameras and make your camera so good that you can actually accomplish the same task."
"The fingerprint reader is still a conversation."
"You don't prefer the PlayStation ecosystem over PC? I prefer the console experience over something like PC myself."
"Physical video games over digital video games: that debate is as hot as the Sega Genesis versus the Super Nintendo back in the early '90s."
"When does inferior technology ever overtake superior technology?"
"There's a very significant conversation going on right now about facial recognition."
"Now, I know that the whole kind of iPhone versus Android discussion is hugely triggering for a lot of people."
"What do you think? Do you agree with me? Do you not agree with me? Do you think this device spells the possible end of the wake word? Let me know in the comments below because I'm genuinely interested in what you think and whether or not you think I'm right."
"This whole Mac versus PC thing is an endless debate and I really don't feel like there's a solid right or wrong answer."
"The question dividing the visionaries is on the reach of neural networks: to what extent can we replicate the human brain?"
"The so-called war between analog and digital isn't lost, but is there even a war, and can't both worlds just live together in harmony?"
"Some people think the internet is a bad thing. What do you think?"
"Wired headphones last longer than any wireless headphones? Strong disagree."
"The web versus native debate is silly."