
Better Life Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"My family moved from Louisiana to Oakland primarily seeking a better life."
"Let me educate my kids so they could have a chance to live a better life."
"Every parent wants a better life for their child."
"Reiner believed that if he did everything Marley said, he could one day earn a better life for himself and his family."
"Every single woman that comes through that door, that's their desire to give their child a better chance at life."
"God only wants us to change not so he can love us more but so we can have a better life."
"Whatever she had to do to live a better life, she was willing to do it."
"I feel like what I'm doing allows my daughter to have a better life."
"Just feeding, clothing them, everything, and making sure that they have a better life than you did."
"I just want him to have better than what I had. I had a good life even though I didn't have my dad. But I want him to have a great life."
"If you see a better life anywhere in the world, regardless of the love you have for that country, go there. Seek a better life."
"Our goal is to help people achieve a better life with serious illness and a better death."
"But some of these people go through just to have a better life."
"I just want a better life, the, the better life I guess that my parents imagined for me when they first immigrated here to this country."
"I just want her to be more confident and then also I guess I just, I want a better life."
"...go create a better life for yourself."
"...She got smarter, she got stronger, she found a better life."
"It's tinged a little with nostalgia, a little bit with that sense that there's a better life out there."
"She came to the UK to work to ensure that her son had the very best."
"My mom wanted us to have a better life, but she felt like she couldn't provide that for us."
"Everybody right now qualifies for a better life, all they got to do is believe it."
"May all who are suffering be blessed with a new hope and faith and a better life."
"We are just looking for a better life."
"We flee the country because the violence... we came here to try to seek a better life."
"We always dreamed about this better life, this better life."
"We thought their best chance for us to have a better life was to leave the country."
"He was putting in all that extra time and effort to earn my respect and authority so that I could have a better life."
"What else could you expect from someone willing to walk 300 miles to seek a better life?"
"I wanted to create a life where I can provide for my wife and kids, give them a better life than what I've had."
"The desire for your children to live a better life than you did is what we should expect of ourselves."
"A dream of a place where a free man could build for himself and raise his children to a better life."
"They are heroes, they are so brave, and they did all that to have the chance to become a better life."
"I'm going to work hard and have a better, happier life than you."
"Why would you do that? Why would you courageously risk everything? The answer is almost always the expectation and the hope of a better life."
"He'd make money from now on and he'd change their home to give her a better life."
"I want her to have a better life, and I want to know that if she ever makes a mistake, society would be forgiving."
"All those nights I laid awake, I pray for better life."
"We wanted our children to have a better life than we had."
"Live within your means, live off the money you make, it is a lot better life."
"Take action like you deserve a better life; your family deserves a better life."
"I'm gonna do anything to give my baby a better life."
"If you're trying to fill the same old holes inside, there's a better life."
"...we have hope of a better life, hope of a better land, hope in our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ."
"See that a better life is possible."
"To not send these kids to Angola. To try to help these kids so they can have a better life."
"Well, there's a better life, there's a better life."
"My parents crossed an ocean to make sure that I could have a better life."
"He's just a neglected dog who deserved a far better life than what he was given."
"I risked everything to come here to make sure that you guys have a better life."
"I work hard so my goats can have a better life."
"My biggest dream is just to get my family out there, you know me and my friends out there, you know, just try to get a better life."
"She refocused her energy on making a better life for her and her daughter."
"I do what I do so they can have a better life."
"I'm so proud and happy that my children have a different life than I do."
"Every single worker in this country aspires to a better life for themselves and for their families."
"My mom was actually struggling on her own and because she was a single mom, she decided that she wanted to look for a better life for us."
"We don't always know why things will happen in our lives, but I have a hope for the future that life will be better for all of us."
"You deserve a better life; you deserve to be out of pain."
"It is a promised land, definitely, you know, people are hearing about these jobs and they want a better way of life."
"I wanted you to have a better life."
"At some point farther back in our lineage, one of our great-great-grandparents took their children and became an immigrant and came to this country... to give them a better life."
"We just want Doll to have a better life than the streets."
"I pray that someday Kayla is remorseful and rehabilitated so that she can go on to live a better life."
"I believe that in the end, there is a life waiting for you better than this, better than the suffering you're putting yourself through."
"Stay hopeful, stay positive, know that you can have a better life."
"Life is that tough, right, but punch through it, beat the [ __ ] out of it, own it, and you're gonna have a better life."
"The Midas may not be the answer to all your problems, but it's a good start to a brighter future and a better life."
"It's a constant education, and it's the rare and few people that really are willing to put in the time and energy and figure it out, but boy, the other end of that is just a much, much, much better life."
"They weren't gold diggers, they weren't hookers, they just wanted somebody to look after them and they wanted a better life for themselves and their children."
"I want to marry this beautiful woman, I want to put my kid through better school, nice house, you know? She's always a princess in my life, so I wanna give her more."
"America is supposed to be a better life."
"What am I doing this for? It's to make a better life for the family."
"Everything I do, I just do it for her, so she can live a better life."
"People have the right to pursue a better life."
"Especially if you have children and stuff like that, you want to have something to do with protecting your kids and making sure that they have a better life."
"I love you, I believe in you, and your ability to create a better life."
"You're getting ready to be able to enjoy and cherish a better life."
"I don't like being this person. I don't like looking at myself this way, and I know that I deserve a better life, and I'm gonna make a better life."
"Making it through and waiting it out and seeing it on the other side and how much your perseverance, your love for yourself, your love of having a better life and wanting a better life actually turns out for you."
"We the people of Guyana need to stop taking and start demanding a better life."
"You're inspiring people creatively to live a better life."