
Rectification Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that may have been caused."
"We can't accept it. Let's fix it, let's make it right."
"It's never too late to go back and fix early mistakes."
"Harry almost always makes the right choice or makes up for the wrong choice that he made before."
"Everything should be being done to take it back and make things 100% right for this person who has been falsely accused and frankly will never be the same."
"Finally, a terrible wrong is being righted, a miscarriage of justice is corrected."
"They've done absolutely nothing in my, and what I've seen, they've done nothing to rectify that image."
"Justice means an evil was done, a moral non-good was done, therefore we improve upon that, we correct that, we justify the situation, we rectify it."
"Compensation has to occur depending on where the wrong resides."
"Italy had been determined to rectify the humiliation and suffered during its first invasion of Ethiopia years prior."
"If you feel like you've been cheated out of something, things will be made right."
"There's a rot in the church, and we must face it squarely."
"The first step back... helped in part to rectify that."
"The rectified Scottish right aims to deepen the understanding of members' Christian faith."
"This movie rectified all of that."
"With their rectification is the rectification of the ummah."
"The Quran came down to rectify these lies that were done against God."
"Using diodes as rectifiers: Diodes can pass electricity only in One Direction."
"Hopefully, we can rectify and get right what we did wrong last time."
"Sam is asked to change history or rather make right what once went wrong."
"As soon as I noticed a mistake, I removed the post, contacted the designer, and requested an updated graphic."
"You can't make things right by Magic," said granny. "You can only stop making them wrong."
"I always been the type of guy that fixed whatever whatever mistakes that was made."
"...pick use cases that has a tolerance for getting it wrong so for example pick use cases that are internal facing or pick use cases that have a human in the middle so you can rectify if there are issues..."
"Yo, that's not snitching, that's just a little bit of straightening."
"Let's make it right. The only numbers he cares about are those numbers up there. And there's something you've got to know, they're wrong."
"We come here today to fix that mistake."
"This is exactly what we want to rectify today."
"I am pretty confident that I can rectify anything that I may or may or not have messed up unless it's the two right feet, but, you know. I'll just throw some shoes on it and call it a day."
"This is a situation that I think spirit is saying needs to be rectified. It's been unfair for a while. It's been not okay."
"Your proportions were just a little bit wrong, but you know, hopefully that's something I can rectify."
"What has been done cannot be undone but what can be rectified will be rectified today."
"The people who make things right when the people have corrupted them."
"You don't make any mistakes, it's pretty costly to go back and try and fix it again."
"It's been put right," Sharp replied.
"I'm doing what has to be done. I'm trying to make it right."
"The full bridge rectifier converts AC alternating current into DC direct current."
"Grandma used to say when you have a chance to make something right, make it right."
"If I did you wrong, I vow to make it right."
"...every single wrongly convicted post office operator would receive £600,000 in compensation..."
"He promised to help her find her real parents and make things right."
"So I'll hold on to hope, I'll hold on tight, for a chance to make things right."
"Rectify, return to the classic virtues."
"I'll make things right, I promise."
"We've all had instances where we've made mistakes... if those are mistakes that we can't rectify with the person that we made a mistake to, then we can try to rectify it through other means."
"I needed her to know that I was going to make it right."
"Whatever the answer may be, I'm still responsible for this, so I've got to make things right."
"Reparations are measures that seek to rectify a heinous injustice with an acknowledgement and an apology."
"It's the only thing I care about, making things right."
"They rescinded Arthurine Lucy Foster's expulsion from the University of Alabama April the 4th, 1988."
"Once those attachments are filed and opposing counsel is made aware of those documents, your procedural defect is cured."
"Rectification helps one live in peace with everyone."
"I wish he would pay us what we deserved for all the work that we did and I wish he would make right his wrongs."
"You got to make this right yourself."
"You gotta take affirmative action to correct the disparities from the past."
"You're getting a chance to write some wrongs here, to learn some truths."
"You're moving forward and you're going to get Justice because there was an injustice done to you."
"You have had the courage to rectify."
"Karmic justices that play here, so wrongs are being made right, you will be vindicated, getting what you deserve."
"Justice will be served, whatever is right will be made right."
"Things that were unjust will be justified."
"Justice is stepping in, and something's going to be made right for you."