
Game Engagement Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"You might catch yourself thinking about the game and its characters, or even missing them when you haven't had time to play for a few days."
"If you haven't played the game in forever or you still haven't tried it out, I highly recommend that you do."
"You can play re4 for hours and hours and never get sick of it."
"Stick around until the end of the video to see if we can defeat Barry."
"Hockey Ultimate Team receives a lot of attention from EA Sports and feels fresh every week."
"The importance of getting it is huge because D&D is a very social game."
"The audience seems torn evenly down the middle between casual players and hardcore enthusiasts."
"This sort of atmosphere, this sort of a game, it just makes you want to believe in it."
"Sharing both high scores and little cool moments are crucial to a game's success."
"Do as much focus as you can on the story itself, focus the story, focus on the golden quests."
"Bayek and Aya, the voice actors behind them, deserve a very large chunk of the credit for getting me into this game and story."
"Straight up Among Us, I'm giving this an A, bro, I love that so much."
"I'm really interested in diving into this and seeing if this is a game that actually makes me care about the Harry Potter IP to at least one extent or the other."
"Cuphead is an amazing game. You'll come for the style and most probably stay for the substance."
"Absolutely fantastic. The only one that seems like he wants anything from this game at the moment."
"Your time is definitely worth spending in there but not good enough where you're really forced to go there unless you're a top-tier competitive player."
"A big part of what makes the Grand Theft Auto series such a favorite is the sheer variety of activities you can do."
"This kind of story that comes at the end of the news here on a lighter note... it's a feel-good story."
"I found it very enjoyable to be fighting against brute sporting my favorite armor for them in the series."
"This is going to be how not to be a noob when you start Morrowind."
"This small but important change will keep the difficulty curve increasing and the game interesting."
"It's definitely one of those games you gotta hurry up and get on the grind for."
"Customizations and extras category goes to Black Ops 2."
"Thankfully, we didn't have to deal with this problem because we actually do love each other, believe it or not."
"Bungie just actually wants you to engage with the stuff that they've made, you know like build crafting and mods."
"Wanting you to play more of it is just exactly what you want basically."
"This game has been a game that I will often times for years at a time have sitting out on the dining room table for anyone to just play with me."
"More of that please, that makes the game more compelling."
"I just literally want to do everything possible in this game, I'm loving it so much."
"That was way more fun than I even expected it to be."
"And it's super fun, and I am going to be building decks and playing the game. I'm going to teach Becky and maybe even we'll teach Ned. It's basically Magic light. It's very easy."
"I love sniping honestly it's one of the main things which keeps me coming back to play destiny day after day."
"The diversity and depth of the errands make it hard to set the controller down."
"Thank you for having me. I'm actually pretty interested to see what kind of weapons people discover when they play Cyberpunk for themselves."
"As good as Fontaine is, genuinely if Navia wasn't a character I never would have touched Genshin again."
"This pack is like bringing back my love for The Sims again."
"I still view the game as a competitive game."
"Time to build my Clash of Clans village, now a couple mortars, I need some walls and get giant."
"I just want to play the game whenever it's fun, that's it."
"There are tons of events and free rewards in BDO."
"It's a nice added touch that gives your background some importance and it's a lot of fun to try and figure out ways to get those inspiration points."
"Rocket League is one of those games that you're gonna constantly go back to."
"This was just good all the way through. It got me legit emotional. It has been years since a game did that."
"For as long as the game is not once am I ever bored."
"The writing is by far the biggest strength of this game and drives the whole damn thing."
"Everyone is an investigator, playing as detectives, uncovering secrets."
"There's always something happening in Jurassic World Evolution."
"The dialogue and the story is already pretty interesting."
"You can rewrite the future. That is really interesting."
"Play solo self found... really refreshed their love for the game."
"The only people playing the game currently are majority OGs who have been playing the game for a long time and know what they're doing."
"Nobody is strapping you to this game you can get up and walk away whenever you want."
"It's a game that does ask you to play over a long period of time in order to have the best things in the game have the most powerful masteries have the most powerful champions but in my opinion that's what makes it fun."
"You need to put something in front of your players that hooks them and makes them excited to play tonight. The way you do that is you find something you are excited by."
"I think that's why the game's worth playing from my perspective."
"Yo, this game is so sick. I know, I keep saying that!"
"Nunu and Willump are far more engaging now than before."
"I love all the crazy things that people do with this game."
"I never get bored going through this one from beginning to end multiple times a year in fact."
"I looked forward to major encounters like boss battles and rarely found fights a chore."
"Galactic seasons have been a great reason to return to older content or content that I don't normally play and have been a great addition to both the fun and the population of the game while they're active."
"I'm fully back into it. I can't get enough of it."
"I've found myself jumping into this game for 15 or 20 minutes at a time just between save points just because I want to see what happens and because I want to play more."
"I can't wait for people to really get their hands on this game... It is such a rich and addicting experience."
"I'm happy with it. I just want a reason to go back."
"Generally speaking, if somebody is going to engage your game for fun and then you pay them to do that a lot of people would think that the intrinsic motivation would go up."