
Corporate Quotes

There are 387 quotes

"This all just screams dystopian corporate future."
"He encounters Zhao Yun Ru, the CEO of Tai Yong Medical."
"That's the kind of innovative thinking we need in this company."
"Lisa Sue took the helm, and for the first time in a long time, AMD had a focused, very good leader at the helm of that ship."
"Disney fell from its envied number one place."
"Philip Morris, products in over a hundred and eighty countries."
"It's not working anymore they have lost 900 million dollars in their last eight releases and just a week ago their stock price hit a nine-year low when it fell below 84 dollars in 2023."
"Here is the... it's Black Cube right. So what is Black Cube? Black Cube is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv and Madrid."
"But today was a good day for us." - Phil Spencer
"Why shouldn't we be able to criticize V-tubing companies when they mess up?"
"One of the major themes in The Outer Worlds is corporate culture."
"Certainly something you could see, even within the company."
"It's got that Blizzard are talking about this."
"I just realized something... this company makes other server rack batteries."
"Literally doing what Elon is accusing us of doing."
"If you're lately the CEO, you're training the people under you to become a CEO."
"Bob Chapek is the right leader at the right time for the Walt Disney Company." - Susan Arnold
"I think they've positioned themselves so fantastically here."
"Montpellier had previously played such an integral role in putting Ubisoft's name on the international stage that the company's executives were more than happy to show their support for their latest endeavor."
"Dear Mr. Unicorn, we read your Greenlight Capital Q3 '19 investor letter..."
"Female walked into YouTube headquarters, shot her boyfriend, shot two other women."
"This merger will benefit Gamers, employees, and competition globally, yet the FTC persists in its ideologically fueled effort to ignore settled law."
"The CEO Joe did come online and explained..."
"Thanks for having C3 AI and thank you for the wonderful and excellent questions."
"It feels like the company has done a remarkably good job."
"What's at stake for Elon Musk's lawsuit? It is six billion dollars of potential costs for Tesla."
"Frenetic activity in the face of a proxy contest is not a substitute for a well-considered corporate strategy."
"Our current emphasis on corporate profits isn't working for the vast majority of Americans."
"I kind of believe that no company should ever have that kind of power in today's society."
"Pan Am employees worried about losing their jobs, took out a full page in the New York Times."
"Baskin Robbins always finds out, bro. Baskin Robbins don't play."
"Over a period of four days, Bungie engaged in repeated urgent and escalating communications with Google."
"What happened to you is not new. What happened to you is a hazard that has been known by this company for a long time."
"Biggest company in the world by a significant margin."
"You've communicated perfectly the ideas that I hold as well, that Disney is a company that is deeply flawed and needs improvement."
"And I'm sure that G&G will be looking at those comments as well."
"Look at the slow, sad burning up, the Thanos Inc finally."
"It happens in all major companies. I'm just glad that we caught it."
"Let's start right away with Sony striking down a game on the Nintendo Switch eShop..."
"He's an executive from the IPC's Strategic Investment Department and a member of the legendary Ten Stonehearts – Mr. Aventurine!"
"These CEOs are the metaphors we need to focus on."
"I'm starting to like this corporate soap opera that they have going."
"These quick actions on his part helped save the company tens of millions of dollars."
"We're here to tell you a story about a company that once was at the forefront of everybody's thoughts."
"McDonald's Monopoly, a corporate event that I can get behind."
"You're a great asset to the company, you know I love this company and this company loves you."
"Maybe the company needs a rebranding."
"I haven't colored in the lines of a corporate picture."
"They have acquired educational institutions, utility companies, and retail chains, while bleeding taxpayers of hundreds of billions in subsidies made possible by bought-and-paid-for prosecutors, politicians, and regulators."
"Citrix is pretty aggressive and very corporate, but it's a really neat piece of tech."
"Cyber security is for the benefit of someone not necessarily you corporate."
"The corporate prayers of God's people can change the course of history I believe that."
"This is the difference between doing your own thing on your own terms and selling your show to a corporation."
"But from my understanding, these days, casinos are so corporate-run that they don’t wanna risk a lawsuit."
"That company's a monster, they got everything."
"I want us to see today that there's a symbiotic relationship between these two things: the personal part of your worship and the corporate expression of your worship."
"The corporate setting, once we were told, should be empty of any moral perspectives. Now that corporate boardroom is driving the moral conversation."
"I loved when people threaten to call corporate because corporate doesn't actually intervene"
"I do love seeing a corporation get its lunch pail thrown in the mud sometimes."
"When you buy 10 cars, you probably have some bargaining power. When you buy 20,000 cars, you're not going to the Tesla dealer, you're speaking directly to Tesla corporate."
"I think we have a dichotomy going on. Why should private companies' employees and executives make a lot of money and public CEOs, who have much greater difficulties, not?"
"Angela who is currently employed at evil Corp is taken aback by this."
"The third story: 'The Rise and Fall: loyalty, betrayal in the corporate game.'"
"...the way layoffs were conducted by these large companies was very impersonal."
"It's heartbreaking to see people invested their whole lives and careers into these big corporate machines."
"With the help of my lawyers, Apple's 30 day sentence was reduced."
"Corporate taxes need to come down... I think the agenda is spot on, right?"
"Greenwashing is not just one thing. It's actually can be so many different ways that companies try to pull the wool over your eyes or just misdirect you."
"Narcissists are rarely found in the lower echelons or lower levels of the corporation. They gravitate up."
"Ladies and gents, I give you LexCorp's Superman."
"Shareholder value thinking possesses the business world today, especially publicly listed companies, and it drives executives and directors to focus relentlessly on trying to get their share price up."
"This is Chevron and, I think, in many ways, putting its line in the sand, trying to freeze human rights and environmental activism, saying, 'You go this far, we will destroy you.'"
"when the corporate sponsorship started to come now I'm in your corporate apparel and you can't do things you can't say things and you just can't have so the fun when the money came the fund left"
"You don’t need a big greedy corporation to make an amazing game."
"A big company cannot afford to offend too many people so they're going to make sure that whatever product they put out is safe whatever that means."
"I never understood how people went so hard for those corporate jobs like that."
"I'm not doing this corporate [ __ ] I'm not [ __ ] here to listen to you waste a second of my time just tell me are you paying us back or not?"
"Now, could there be a costly mistake from a corporate perspective? Now you know that corporate easements can be transferred."
"I would say that in most corporate roles you're probably looking at the experience that a person brings to the table."
"Chevron's royal residents had to become more self-sufficient."
"The main issue here isn't with the reactors themselves but rather with the Fine Bros or whoever's running this absolute corporate monster of a channel."
"Disney declined to comment on the online discussion and reason for the price increase because people will pay it."
"It's less like corporate is bad and more are you doing something you're truly passionate about."
"95% of the Fortune 1000 companies utilize Active Directory in their environments."
"But with dino, a much larger corporate company, he won't be able to have that say in opening up that headquarters in Radiator Springs."
"Our corporation needs to modernize and have a better social media presence."
"It's the corporate view they teach people to be human beings but when you've been taught to be human what you actually are is pretending."
"Yeah, if Disney was looking at the operations company other suits coming in okay what is your five-year plan right?"
"The eggs were getting smaller, but the most outlandish part of the whole story is that Cadbury actually tried to deny that this is what they were doing."
"There's this huge divide between the audience and corporate Hollywood, corporate gaming, corporate comics, corporate news."
"Starship Troopers is fun and I get the whole corporate side like believe in the country and go to war because we said so."
"We are witnessing... a growth in the corporate takeover politically, that means that everybody is going to suffer at some point."
"Disney hoping to wrap up a bitter showdown over the composition of its board of directors."
"The principles of corporate prayer gleaned from those strategic prayer meetings are well worth learning for the dangerous times in which we're living today."
"You're competing against fortune 500 companies."
"...it's really good for team building communication problem solving in fact a lot of companies actually bring their employees to do escape rooms for that reason..."
"I learned to control my emotions and master stoicism, a skill that proved invaluable as a black woman in corporate."
"It's a free pass for big companies to make this kind of stuff."
"Top corporations must adapt to survive."
"That's when Greenfield heard Montanez's story and contacted corporate, an internal investigation was launched."
"Everything has become overly corporate and it's run by people that don't understand the audience, don't understand film history, and don't even understand what makes good entertainment."
"Door Dash wants more, all big companies do this... they want you to do more work."
"Burger King broke child labor laws."
"Money. Why is this so hard for Corporate America to understand? Do you know what's attractive? Money."
"I don't know how it was in other parts of the world but here in the states while Digimon Tamers was airing Saban which was the company that dubbed Digimon was bought out with Fox and Fox Kids as part of a major deal and yeah, you know who bought it, the mouse."
"One of the top... I'll go with top ten but it may enjoy top five... It's it ah most cynical half-assed piece of corporate whoring [ __ ] I know..."
"This is our corporate airplane, oh my God."
"Jamie talks about how although Dwindle was great, having the more layers of corporate structure made it slower."
"Shareholder unhappiness is a key to actually getting change in these companies, and you can see it happen in company after company."
"The more you heard, the more you were kind of sick to your stomach... you didn't want to hear about how bad the company was."
"Could you imagine if both those sides came together? If people at the corporate level entrusted people at the consumer level to actually be symbiotic to one another?"
"Many companies nowadays issue corporate codes of ethics."
"Corporate social responsibility: going further than is required by the law."
"Corporate governance: the way companies are directed and controlled."
"The corporate governance code says that there has to be a balance and this means really that at least half of the board have to be non-executive directors."
"Their fight against a corporate giant showcased ultimate bravery."
"Their lawsuit exposed the dark underbelly of corporate negligence."
"...what we can expect from the company moving forward."
"...fuel writer Suzanne Collins with an almost prophetic understanding of American corporate nature."
"Death saves Bill's company by tricking Drew into resigning from the board by pretending to be an IRS agent."
"Great teamwork eludes even the best and brightest teams in large corporations because individuals in the team don't act with a common goal."
"What we have are privatized tyrannies that we call corporations."
"My name is Louis and I'm from F-Tech USA."
"Active Directory is used in over 90 percent of corporations worldwide."
"I'm the president of the Knight Group. My name is Qi Yuntian."
"Human resources is not your friend, they are there to protect the company and that is it."
"It's nice to see that the company reached out and they're being supportive."
"Risk management involves requirement of risk awareness by senior corporate officers, a clear understanding of the enterprise's appetite for risk."
"It's a great model where in your corporation, you have experts in one domain create a component and then you can share it out with the rest of the company."
"At the highest level, it's both a disclosure document and a storytelling document."
"It becomes more of an opportunity for you to be strategic about what you do and why you do it."
"Making sure that it's clear that a senior leader is endorsing this work and behind this work."
"January 1, 2024, and the Corporate Transparency Act is now in effect."
"Her position is important in the company."
"She will protect him and the company."
"Corporate profits in the year 2021 were the highest they have been in 70 years."
"Tech Vantage Solutions is one of the most prestigious companies in the IT sector right now."
"80 percent of Fortune 500 companies use Azure services."
"Business is business in the corporate world."
"I want to work for a large company because there are many different opportunities within the company."
"On behalf of everyone at Mr. Builders, thank you."
"I am going to be starting a corporate job; my full-time influencer era is over."
"He saved the company a lot of time and money in the past, and I'm sure he can do it again."
"Corporate level strategy has to do with where we compete; business level strategy, also known as competitive strategy, is all about how we compete."
"We have a tremendous amount of support from several folks that are within the company."
"I feel much younger because I haven't got that stress bringing me down every day from the corporate world."
"Disney had their Q2 earning call this morning, and uh yeah, it didn't go very well for them."
"We sincerely desired to build an exceptional company."
"Accenture is the company that's going to help every company figure out how to navigate generative AI."
"The average pay gap between a Fortune 500 CEO and their employees was 264 to 1."
"It was a great company; they really take care of the employees."
"Most organizations want something much closer to a self-service experience."
"This event is delivered by Centric, which is a Dutch company with headquarters in 10 European countries."
"I'm so thankful, I appreciate the opportunities that the company has given me."
"The workforce from a corporate standpoint is under enormous amounts of stress."
"There's so much good we can do," she said. "That's why I've submitted my resignation from the Sun and Sutton Corporation board of directors."
"We do not have enough women in our boardrooms, and there's still a pay gap."
"Investment Banking deals with underwriting processes like mergers and acquisitions."
"I never felt the most important thing was that I was a woman. It was about being and doing the right things as CEO for IBM."
"You're one-stop shop for corporate promotion products, solutions, and graphic design."
"Universities are not these kind of collegiate democratic free speech hubs anymore; they're a corporate machine."
"YouTube is moving in a direction that only favors big corporate sponsored channels rather than the average content creator."
"The whims of Hasbro can directly affect what happens at Wizards of the Coast."
"They're probably gonna be a company that sticks around for a while."
"Corporate wellness is amazing because it also gives you the opportunity to serve a group of people who maybe have never practiced yoga."
"The entire board of directors was replaced, and the company made an impressive comeback thereafter."
"We can't have huge corporate interests deciding what information gets to flow freely and what you have to pay for."
"Google is one of the largest companies in the world."
"The Hudsucker Proxy is particularly upbeat, even though the plot hinges on the suicide of Hudsucker's previous president."
"Farside virtual purposely exaggerates feelings of corporate perfection."
"The five Morgan Stanley core values are: do the right thing, put clients first, lead with exceptional ideas, commit to diversity and inclusion, and give back."
"Corporate America refuses to believe that this is going to happen."
"When a company's making a lot of money and it's growing and expanding, that's when bonuses are doled out."
"Love and compassion are missing from many of our corporate cultures."
"It's going to be a historical moment for the company."
"Monsters Incorporated is working for a better tomorrow."
"Goldman Sachs chose GitLab to help the engineering teams to remove this complexity and accelerate the adoption of DevOps."
"Ninety percent of Fortune 500 companies trust a Microsoft cloud and with Citrix, you get nearly 30 years experience in delivering virtual desktops and applications to the enterprise."
"We work in the realm of the spirit... but there is a corporate working in the spirit."
"We're owning the messaging aspects of Microsoft Corporation, working very closely with teams like the Azure IoT team."
"We need an aggressive crackdown on corporate crime, fraud, and abuse."
"We are non-malicious specialized software, created with the purpose to show security issues inside of corporate networks."
"Elasticsearch is used by a lot of big companies and one of the major companies in the world."
"Amazon announced that it will spend 700 million to train 100,000 of their current employees."
"Corporate strategy relates the organization's efforts to its long-term future."
"The sudden departure of your CEO is incredibly rare."
"Ambassador Tim, you're gonna go to the country of Mrs. Jones and represent the company."
"DHL, the worldwide package delivery company, they're using PTV Group for their routing and purposes as well."
"They've thought of everything and they run their entire 12,000 person company on Zoho People."
"This is important for so many reasons when we look at corporations at public corporations and look at investing, we get to look inside because they're public, we get to see what they're holding in their treasury."
"Success in a corporate lifestyle today: you've got to have good people, a great product, a good marketing."
"I've already apologized to the board, the shareholders, and the employees."
"Few leave the corporate world with their lives."
"In the utopian world from which corporate finance is born, stockholders have complete power over managers."
"The idea that a corporation could own colors is ridiculous sounding on first blush."
"...the corporate activity of the society as a body which transcended the role of individuals..."
"Apple finally did something on our side instead of theirs."
"Enhance disclosure and transparency."
"It just does not get bigger than this, the national final of Tata Crucible for corporates."
"One of them will be crowned the champion of this corporate edition."