
Reframing Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Everything is about framing...how you view a past situation may have been framed by your former self a certain way, but your current self can reframe it."
"We just have to simply reframe it so that it's used as motivation for us to do the stuff we need to do every day."
"Failure is just unpacking the label we've ascribed to it and learning from it."
"Reframe your pain so that when it's like, 'I'm afraid,' you love it."
"Reframing your circumstances, staying curious... these two are like the fundamentals, like the core of life."
"By reframing our perception, we can turn a shy, quiet, and somewhat antisocial person into someone who's insightful and empathetic."
"It's not a breakdown it's like a break through."
"Reframing our experiences is an act of profound self-compassion."
"Reframing anxiety as excitement can be surprisingly powerful actually."
"In category theory, all the categorical tools we develop are just to reframe the same stuff under a different point of view."
"I reframed my negative thought last night and honestly it helped so much."
"Make meaning of your pain; reframe it to 'this is for a purpose'."
"It's almost I always try to reframe this notion of body shape, which is it doesn't matter if you're an apple, a pear, or whatever, what matters is how you recreate The Hourglass shape."
"Reframe anything that doesn't work for you."
"Releasing unpleasant emotions is possible through breathing exercises and reframing."
"It's incredibly important to reframe past experiences, recognizing growth and learning."
"That's a great reframing of a bad situation."
"Reframe your thinking and this I usually."
"You know, I could torture myself for years with 'the doctor murdered my son' or I can reframe it."
"If you pretend you're a commentator on your life, you can turn negative experiences into something that it never was."
"When bad things happen to me, my first answer is good. Good. Supposed to happen. Good. And that's the ultimate reframe because if you're going to sit there and go 'Why me?' you're just wasting time, energy, muscles, everything."
"We've reframed chemotherapy to liquid sunshine because it really is a beautiful gift."
"Reframing everything yourself and checking your self-talk is a huge part of mental health."
"Communication is thought of as a necessary evil. I want to reframe that for people. Communication is the thing that is going to let us unlock unimaginable progress so let's look at it as the gift that it really is."
"And quite frankly, therapy for me was, more than anything, just an opportunity to really reframe how I thought about myself."
"I think the best thing is like reframing it and trying to see it as funny and trying to see it as endearing."
"Reframing it like 'how doesn't this feel like me' is such a better question to ask."
"Reframing is just a very good technique but it's sort of a layer above the mindfulness layer of just noticing that they're all just stories."
"Reframing and relabeling: Reframing belongs to structural family therapy, where labeling belongs to strategic."
"Reframing American patriotism on the boundaries of helping out the labor movement is going to be a decent thing."
"Reframe everything. Don't say 'I'm in pain,' say 'I'm in discomfort.'"
"Reframing things has allowed me to decrease my emotional reactivity to circumstances so that I can make better decisions in the present around people, business, etc. And so that served me well."
"Sometimes that stuff is good where it's like you rewrite your past you decide what happened and then you can like change it reframe it and say that a certain event never happen to you and it can be really empowering."
"Sevens are good at reframing negatives into positives."
"...reframing stuff works for mental health, happiness, high performance... reduce your sugar intake..."
"Cognitive distortions: catching and reframing negative thoughts."
"The power of reframing things cannot be overstated."
"Take steps to personally reframe your relationship with the things you love most."
"Camping is not always rainbows and unicorns, but discomfort can be reframed as a positive experience."
"It's almost trying in a way to take a somewhat negative situation and try to spin it and get a positive out of it."
"Reframe weaknesses as strengths: Instead of stubborn, they are determined."
"I love what you said about reframing your mind and reframing the situation and putting the power of a positive mindset. That is extremely powerful."
"Reframing anxiety as excitement allows you to move away from fighting yourself to calm down."
"hopefully it could also help people reframe the way we think about a lot of things"
"So reframe your divorce. Stop making it about you and stop making it about her. Blame the negative cycle of interaction between you. That gives you something tangible that you can work on going forward to have healthier, happier relationships in the future."
"Start small. Reframe fears into excitement. Fear and excitement are the same emotions with different stories."
"And suddenly, and some of you've experienced this. I want all of us to experience this eventually. Suddenly somewhere between the back of that cave and King Saul's back, suddenly his decision to kill and to murder King Saul was completely reframed."
"However, now I'm going to reframe the conversation to focus on what they did want."
"Now, what I just did was completely reframe the conversation from we're mad and sick and tired of agents to but we want to go to San Diego and now I've got some influence and now I can lead the conversation toward the yes."
"...switch the gears in your mind and reframe the thoughts of fear into thoughts of excitement and because you have a vision that makes sense based on what you're doing your brain buys it."
"Now you're reframing that trauma so that it no longer has that same hold on you."
"Reframing philosophy... turning a perceived difficulty or perceived inadequacy or perceived failure into a learning."
"If people ask me what is the single biggest high performance change I've made in my life at the past five years, it's reframing."
"Reframe your mindset... You have to start turning this around."
"Reframe nervous into excitement, it's very powerful."
"Imagine there was an infinite number of doors. That is one of the best reframing questions I've ever heard."
"To understand what a frame is in order to reframe it, in order to innovate, that's how you change things by reframing them."
"things are like, you know you can reframe things and get out of your funk for a few minutes or hours."
"...true objections are best overcome through what we call a reframe."
"Sifu didn't just teach me to keep pushing, but it also helped me reframe my life's failures."
"I'm learning so much about reframing. Like, I love it, it's, it works, I think."
"Reframing performance anxiety is a way to flip moments that make you nervous into moments that make you excited."
"What negative self-talk do you often engage in and how can you reframe it?"
"I love the idea of getting to do that inside work, to rewrite ideas, to reframe them."
"The ability to reframe is one of the greatest powers that we have."
"The more we can give ourselves acceptance, compassion, kindness, love, the more we're going to be able to cognitively reframe and shift our thinking."
"By reframing problems as opportunities instead of threats, you're allowing yourself to use your problem-solving skills in a really effective way."
"If I can reframe the problem rather than just seeing it as a threat, I reframe it as an opportunity."
"If we can reframe and learn to embody the habits, what this is going to do is just create resilience."
"Reframe any negative thoughts or feelings you have about a situation."
"The task is reframing, so that we can re-experience the social realities that are right in front of us from a different angle."
"Instead of saying 'I am scared,' how about 'a part of me is scared'."
"I instead of having expectations for myself and expectations for my life, I've reframed that to hopes and dreams."
"I began to point my finger at the Reformation as the beginning of a movement toward reframing everything about evangelism and the gospel."
"Understanding your fears logically is going to mean that you're going to start reframing some of the challenges and thoughts that you're thinking."
"Creativity is all about reframing the process of finding a move in terms of understanding the position differently."
"Cognitive reframing means you can replace thoughts, bring in opposite and noble thought currents whenever you are in negativity."
"Framing spiritual seeking as work can yield to framing spiritual seeking as play with good effect."
"Stories are magnificent at reframing things for us."
"Reframing... is evolutionary biology applied to the world of ideas."
"Human beings are phenomenally brilliant because of our ability to frame and reframe; we can reshape the meaning of something that was really painful and draw extreme value and power from it."
"Reframing takes threats and turns them into opportunities, positive challenges to be embraced."
"Reframing is the most constant way we exercise faith."
"Being able to reframe stuff in your mind is powerful."
"Designing your life is about reframing the notion of passion."
"The only really way to convince people is to ask questions because questions are what allow people to reframe their problems in a more useful way."
"It's so built into an astrology session because you can reframe using the chart."
"There is this ability to reframe or to have a better solution-oriented mindset in terms of creating the vision that you want."