
Personal Narratives Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"When you read about these gulags, you're talking about millions of people that were tortured and murdered. Every one of those people is a person."
"We can never attempt to understand someone else's story."
"It's both an exhilarating time and a frightening time, but I think for me that is what gives me hope is that people can tell their own stories and it be heard."
"It's become almost something of a mythos in my life recently."
"Everyone tell their story, the truth is in the middle."
"Everybody's got a story to tell, absolutely everybody has a story to tell."
"It's the first day, you've been there like two hours. What do you mean there's a hot blonde who's developed a crush on you?"
"The personal stories of Mau veterans provide a poignant glimpse into the human cost of the resistance against colonial tyranny."
"I felt something rush right by me, look at my arms."
"Our lives never went back to the quiet life that I knew," Stephanie recounted.
"He took something that was sad and depressing for me and turned it into something beautiful."
"I'm happy dude was able to tell his side of the story."
"I just love seeing how people decide to tell the story of their life."
"Once you've hooked into that personal story, it's really, really hard for somebody to come out and disagree."
"Harry's memoirs are an ace in Megan's sleeve."
"Reality is equal to the stories we tell ourselves."
"Scars of Victory." - These are scars of Victory.
"They're not just competing in a category; they're telling their story."
"He wants to have like his little monologues and stuff too."
"My dad never really wanted kids, and then if he had a change of heart, it didn't seem like it happened."
"Life is about storytelling and the stories we tell ourselves."
"Life unfolds in chapters, phases, and cycles. Your life is a story, your year is a story, your day is a story."
"I genuinely love this story usually I'm Pro revenge you get stories of people like ruining other people's lives but this is actually bizarrely wholesome."
"There's so much to tell you, how did it all start?"
"It doesn't pay to be a savage from the six, but it does make a story that others can learn from."
"Empowering families to tell their own stories."
"We were forced to share our side of the story because other people try to create a narrative for our life."
"I want to tell you about what happens when a boy really, really likes a girl."
"We all know this, we spent our lives creating stories, people's stories."
"Tell the length story that aligns with something that you're proud of."
"You've got a new life, she's got a new life. That's it."
"Not all ghosts are products of Hollywood. Millions of us claim we've encountered them."
"Talking about it helps me sleep at night." - Christine Familetti, Retired NYPD Officer
"Our stories do matter; we all have a story to share."
"Love can look so different and so much more beautiful than The Narrative of the expectation of the story that we might have of something that we want to get."
"This film basically is based on the real lives and real stories that are self-told, self-narrated by these individuals."
"If someone fucks with me for years, then responds to me, it seems like I'm the bad guy. But they never stop to think why someone would attack without reason."
"The truth, or at least Steven's truth, will eventually come out."
"Breakups suck everybody has a story to tell themselves... and sometimes love looks like letting go."
"When I was writing chronicles and putting all this together, I didn't even assume simulation theory was a thing."
"This man had cancer of the mouth; she had cervical cancer; he had prostate cancer; she had an ascites tumor."
"2018 was probably the best year of Jack's life... people always say all of these things to discredit him when..."
"The majority of the distress that we experience comes not from the actual things that happen to us but from the stories we tell ourselves about the things that happen to us."
"Anyways, those are some of my stories and I hope you like them."
"They decide how their story ends, not anyone else. And they decide this is a two-man victory that they are inseparable and together, nothing can stop them on the long drive home."
"Everybody truly does have their own story, their own way of feeling about things, and humans are not data machines."
"We wanted to get you on the show we understood how big it would be for us but I think the other part of what we do is we want to tell stories about the humans right about the people that we admire."
"Take note: your life up until now has been the before Mr. Rude era."
"Everything tells a story, I mean some people's whole life was living and working in this plant, you know this is all they really knew."
"Everyone has a story. Everyone has a unique, interesting, wonderful, tragic story."
"Your existence threatens the story they've told themselves about their life."
"It's not about the monetary value of an object, it's the story that's attached to the object."
"Combining personal narratives with scholarly literature, reflective models offer holistic insights, enhancing professional growth."
"I'm not going to let that happen. I'm going to write these stories out, all these stories that I've heard. Now there's not so much of her in this book, this was more friends and friends of family, but that was what started it all."
"Three sides to a story: the one you subtweet, the one the group chat gets to read, and the one you come and tell me."
"People come to me who have had encounters with people who are not normal people."
"Every single person's got a good story, and I like trying to help people tell it."
"Part of self-discovery is trying to understand the stories you tell yourself about yourself and why those stories are so important."
"One of the most interesting aspects for me in these conversations with these players is the chance to hear these backstories from their perspective."
"Can we go back to personal stories about people?"
"Every single one of us has a story to tell."
"I just wanted to tell stories about my life."
"Everyone has a story; listen to her story."
"Both of these people, Harry in his own way, Megan in her own way, have created a fantasy and now they're trying to fit life into that fantasy regardless of whether it works or not."
"All of us matter, there's no hierarchy to trauma, there's no hierarchy to personal stories."
"Every picture in my store tells someone's story."
"Your stories matter, and I will help you tell them."
"Everyone has a story and I think it's just so important to share it."
"It was honestly just so inspiring and interesting to hear their stories."
"Everything will have a story, you know, a meaning."
"Everybody got a story, but they're telling them on Club Station."
"We're all just stories to each other, Mills, and the head doesn't tell the heart what to believe."