
Bats Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Inside were the bats themselves, but it was cool because they had to like reverse simulate night and day with the lights."
"The flying fox is the largest known living bat."
"Looks like bats have more than one life too."
"There's a curious thing I point out in the book about bats so bats are about the same size or even some of them are even smaller than mice and yet they live you know a bat has lived for 40 years."
"Out of those 1300 species of bat, give or take, there are only six bat species that have pure white fur. Okay, and that is what we're going to be talking about today: the Honduran white bat."
"Bracken Cave: home to the largest colony of bats in the world, providing invaluable pest control service."
"Miraculous escape made possible by convenient stupid bats."
"Welcome to your worst nightmare, bats."
"The bats' wings came from the front legs of some kind of rodents, but we don't find any fossils of that. There are approximately 1,000 fossil bats found, and they're all 100% fossil bats."
"These bats have a wingspan that can reach six feet."
"Oh shoot, animatronics! They're huge, bats too."
"These bats were not acting like normal docile bats."
"Contrary to popular belief, if you put up a bat house in your backyard, you're not gonna solve your mosquito problem."
"Bats are cute, almost all bats are cute."
"The best way you can attract bats to your own garden is providing, obviously, food for them in the term or in terms of moths and other insects."
"The bats, not the pigs and not the mosquitoes, were the real source of this terrible disease."
"Bats thaw out, then when they wake up they fly out of this egg crate and they fly to their targets."
"Protect the bats. Bats are actually cool. I think bats are such an underrated animal. Yeah, protect them. Don't kill them."
"It's crazy that bats don't get more rights than people."
"Bats have perfectly functioning eyes that are just as good if not better than ours."
"Bat houses can be used to enhance the current roosting habitat available to the bats."
"We benefit very immensely from having bats around."
"The main reason for putting up bat houses is that the bats eat insects."
"How do bats fly in the dark? Echolocation. Bats make high-pitched sounds that bounce off objects and echo so they can safely hear where they're at in the dark."
"How do bats fly in the dark? Echolocation!"
"Bats' eyesight is actually better at nighttime than ours."
"We knew immediately that the bat we had captured was unusual and remarkable."
"It's freaking bats, and I think this is the cutest thing I've ever seen."
"It's freaking bats, and I love it."
"I wonder, how do bats fly in the dark?"
"Bats... can not only tell that it's a tree but can also distinguish between say a pine tree and a deciduous tree like a maple or an oak tree just by their leaves."
"Bats may not be the hero everyone wants, but right now they're the hero we need."
"Bats have a very high metabolism and it burns through it very, very quickly."
"It's literally just freaking bats."
"These strange blooms are actually pollinated by bats in its native habitat."
"Bats sleep there in the daytime and fly out into the garden at night."
"Bats have a special skill called echolocation. They make sounds that bounce off objects and echo, so they can tell where the objects are and how far away they are from them."
"What's the only mammal that can truly fly?"
"It's a throne of bats, very cute spherical bats."
"Neat thing is they have the little tubes that go between the two enclosures, and the bats can fly back and forth."
"Austin has the largest metropolitan bat population... there's more than a million bats that live underneath the Congress Avenue Bridge."
"Last week I rescued a Western Pipistrel bat with a broken wing."
"There are over 1,400 bat species out there."
"Austin, Texas has the largest metropolitan bat population... and every September we get together, rent a boat, and watch the bats come out at night."
"Bats migrate, one of the largest migrations in the world just in terms of sheer biomass."
"We should view bats as allies, not as enemies."
"It's safe to predict that many more CoV-2 related coronas will be discovered in bats once surveillance studies are intensified."
"The air is nice and cool, there are several bats in the air that are flying about almost like birds on the wing."
"About 5 million straw-colored fruit bats migrate from the Congo Basin rainforest to Kasanka National Park in Zambia."
"Usually I'm scared of bats, but this one's really cute."
"Bats don't fly around in the daytime; they sleep during the day and only fly at night."
"What is Halloween without bats, right? Gotta have bats."