
Cultural Practice Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"Barbecuing is no longer just a pastime; it is an integral part of North American living."
"We pay homage and give honor to them, starting on the 24th of December."
"We grant ourselves. You see, we practice the fourth principle of Kwanzaa, Ujamaa, cooperative economics."
"Nearby in the house of the village elder, butter lamps are lit as they are every morning."
"Arranged marriages have a far higher success rate than any non-arranged marriage."
"Women are kept apart from the men in a separate passage, an area reserved exclusively for girls who died still virgins."
"Seppuku is suicide by disembowelment originally used by samurai in battle..."
"She was very old and the only one that had the right to wear that fur her purpose out there that night was to teach two young skinwalkers the art of skin walking."
"Could you pass the bullet ant test? It's not much unlike sticking your hand into a nest of honeybees."
"Each flower was supposed to have a different meaning, so you could put together a whole symphony of ideas in what you had in your bouquet."
"If she believes in Guru Sahib, she wants a methi adat, she wants to go around Guru's charan, then either you have to accept the Guru or not."
"Cormorant fishing: an ancient practice dating back to 960 A.D."
"This ecstasy of coming together and singing and chanting comes in the age of Kali Yuga as harinam sankirtan."
"When you're in the Souks and the Medinas, don't expect not to haggle—it's all about bargaining."
"You take the egg, wash it with alcohol, and you're supposed to do the sign of the cross, rub it around your head."
"For centuries in China, part of a woman's beauty was expressed by binding their feet."
"The next time you knock on wood, know that you're not just partaking in a quaint ritual but echoing a melody of human resilience and hope."
"Being one who is a blackness practitioner right which is a queerness practitioner right it opens up a particular kind of field of possibility."
"Freedom should be celebrated and that's just what we do."
"When people pour libation what we are recognizing is that we did not make ourselves."
"It's okay to have faith, it's okay to light the Hanukkah candles."
"It's a good and respectful practice no matter where you are on the Earth."
"We'd love to have a picture of Christ in our home always."
"Over our Neolithic past, most cultures and religions have had fasting as an integral part... of becoming pure of cleansing our minds."
"A push present is basically a way of gifting the mother of your child."
"Indians also practice eating on banana leaf and plates made of sun leaves which are not only eco-friendly but also offer numerous health benefits."
"So I'm going to say a quick prayer in Zuni and we'll go from there."
"Tea leaf reading has been done for hundreds upon hundreds of years in many different cultures around the world."
"Jumping off bridges is a culture too, but does it mean it's the right culture?"
"I'm really kind of nervous about this is why I didn't want to get an Irish praktice"
"It is a unique blend of Roman Catholicism and African tradition, practiced predominantly in Haiti and Louisiana."
"The French tend to do what's called 'Faire Le Pont' or make the bridge so they tend to take long weekends during the month of May."
"It's a national thing, they think they're impressing God by keeping different laws."
"For generations, the Himba of Namibia have been making a strange paste called ojitse, which they smear on their bodies and hair."
"A virtuous and the demonic this game exemplifies the Chinese practice of moral relativity."
"Arranged marriages have a divorce rate of only four percent."
"No it's like superstitious stuff that they're religious I think there's gonna end up being a reason why but you're right like that is on Face weird but let's you know you gotta go with it this is the way."
"A ritual is a repetitive activity."
"Tea holds a deep significance in Chinese history and culture."
"You must know one thing about Finnish culture, you have to know about sauna."
"Everyone agreed to visit the temple the next day to pray for safety."
"Every bite of dumpling has to be with kimchi."
"We use potlatch now as a sign of resilience."
"This is something that's missing from our culture; we need to sit down in the squat more."
"The Haitians say the catholic goes to church to speak about god; the votan dances in the home for to become god."
"They are indeed a deeply religious people and they give thanks to Eru Ilúvatar, the One, whenever and as often as they can."
"Food tastes better when you eat it with your hands."
"In Egypt, everybody pampers cats."
"Hidden behind these little curtains are the prayer wheels that you are supposed to walk past and roll for good fortune."
"More than the Jewish people have kept Shabbat, Shabbat has kept the Jewish people."
"Incense burning was discovered in India as early as 3300 BC, used alongside worship and prayer."
"In our culture, you want to engage to submit."
"In Japan, they'll use up to 30 different species of moss to make the surface of your bonsai appealing."
"Cultural burning is a real legitimate tool, one of the few legitimately scalable tools that we as human beings as a species have to actually combat things like climate change."
"Shave your moustaches and obey the laws."
"Whaling is both a practical endeavor and a spiritual process."
"If someone was misbehaving, they burn chili peppers in a bonfire, and the kid has to breathe the smoke."
"Theory works a little differently within Nishnaabeg thought; theory is generated and regenerated continually through embodied practice."
"Canning tomatoes is like a process that a lot of Italian Americans like, a pastime they engage in."
"The only way to drink hot tea is like an Iraqi, where it's piping hot, very dark, and you have it with salty nuts."
"I remember we're like dancing, it's crazy, and I get a tap on my shoulder, and it's my rabbi, and it's Akiva Ganter, and Akiva has in his hand a pair of Tefillin."
"There is a place in Japan where when somebody dies in the town, they make a doll to represent the dead person."
"The fact that you do it and you live in a westernized country like here, I respect everyone that does it 100%."
"The Yao women have been using rice water as part of their haircare routine religiously for centuries."
"Guinea pig meat is rich in protein, amino acids, trace elements, and vitamins and has high nutritional value."
"It's not as simple as just putting a scarf over your head... it is very, very different."
"It's not illegal to throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain; it's encouraged."
"Food is supposed to be eaten with hands; the enzymes in your fingers give it a different taste and enhance flavor."
"The science of the constituents of the herb to be able to bring about the effects, so the mental components, the spiritual components, the physical components, and the cultural aspects within the society were important in this practice."
"New Zealand Tea break is a thing."
"In Thailand, people don't wear shoes in their home, they won't wear shoes in a temple."
"Everybody here in Thailand wears a mask religiously."
"It's more like a tradition, it's kind of fun."
"When you go to a wedding and you throw rice over the bride and groom, you are practicing hoodoo."
"Americans have to sing the national anthem every day in the school, look at the morning, yeah, every morning."
"I wear the wigs because they are permitted by Jewish law."
"Remember if you have a drum, don't forget to play it, don't forget to use your voice."
"Making merit is an everyday part of Thai life."
"It's not Christmas if you don't have Turkey, that's a tradition."
"I am thinking I should make some herb pouches and hang them in Yanxi Palace, with hope that they will get rid of evils and disasters."