
Higher Consciousness Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"The third eye, also known as the 6th chakra, links us directly with the Higher Self, spiritual center, and ability to access the Akashic Records."
"It's time to connect into that higher intelligence."
"Your connection is a higher dimensional experience, a path of ascension to come out of this plane of duality."
"Everything can be made new, re-seen, re-known in a higher way."
"Act with Grace, act with higher Consciousness where you can."
"It's a pathway into these other dimensions, it's a pathway into a higher consciousness that puts us into the pathway of being in interstellar with other beings that are already at this level."
"Once you get to that higher intelligence, it communicates through feelings, desires, intuitive nudges, inspired actions, visions, and dreams."
"To me, more importantly, is I love to infuse whichever space I'm in with more positivity, more light, higher Consciousness."
"Manifest from a much higher paradigm of abundance."
"You are about to experience a significant point in your soul's evolution. You are ascending to higher levels of awareness, wisdom, and love."
"Crystals are kind of seen as a bridge to a higher consciousness, a physical connection to a higher dimension."
"Our mastery comes in knowing what's happening at that 3D level and despite that, still being able to hold a high vibration." - Pam Gregory
"Moving into this higher realm, we get to a place where we are just open, infinitely able to access whatever it is that we need without attachment."
"So much power is created when we get together and we are speaking on this higher level."
"We're moving into a higher Dimension higher Consciousness with love."
"The way forward is through developing higher consciousness."
"We have to come from a place not consumed with fear but with love and come from a place of higher Consciousness."
"The splitting of worlds: Some are ready to vibrate at a higher level, creating different versions of reality."
"Transcending fear-based collective energies into higher resonating frequencies gets us closer to the frequency of grace."
"By removing all assumption and insistence on the outcome, you let your own non-physical higher mind bring you what you need next."
"We're going to a higher vibration and a whole nother level."
"This person feels this telepathic bond, they feel this oneness, this reunion on the other levels."
"Forgiveness is the key to elevating your vibration to a higher level."
"Staying above 3D...joy, peace, love, compassion, gratitude."
"We're more so picking up on energy streams, picking up on frequency, picking up on ideas that comes from a higher level of consciousness."
"You're not delusional, you're at a higher frequency where you don't have to physically see it to feel it."
"The transformations and the ascensions never stop, you just keep getting higher and higher."
"What your soul needs to be happy is to be truly in its higher frequency."
"It's time to awaken to a higher perspective about connections because as you do that and you hold the space and you hold the light of that and you refuse to accept anything less than you shift everybody else."
"You might look like you're distracted, but you're actually sensing higher realities."
"The Earth is a great revealer of spiritual truth—a profound leader and guide for us in awakening to the higher consciousness of love that is part of our collective destiny."
"All religious teachings and truths come from higher states of consciousness."
"Submit yourself to your higher self. Trust your intuition above all."
"It really is like downloading some intelligence from a higher Dimension."
"Compassion supersedes polarity. It operates at a higher level of being because there's no 'I'm right, you're wrong.'"
"When you align with your Christ consciousness, you automatically begin to rise into the higher evolutionary timeline."
"Talking about vibrating at a higher level and how important it is for us to vibrate at a higher level, higher frequency."
"The solutions that come from higher Consciousness we cannot anticipate until we reach states of higher Consciousness."
"Embrace this transition into fourth density new Earth."
"The crown chakra is all about higher consciousness it's about leaving your animal nature behind your lower self behind and stepping into the seat of your power your true self because the crown chakra is about unity."
"The entire planet is going through an ascension into a higher vibration."
"Enlightened extraterrestrial groups like The Guardian host are in collaboration with the higher frequencies of the personal soul and monadic layers."
"It's a call to have an epiphany, to listen to your crown chakra."
"We are morphing... opening up to this higher Consciousness."
"Each successive stage represents a higher overall level of perspective, empathy, love, and consciousness."
"Ascension: Your spirits are joined on a higher level."
"Intuition is crucial for you to be able to step into higher timelines."
"I am your host Tom Karen and this is the Beast of the wonderful Studio of higher Consciousness where we help you level up and become the best version of yourself."
"Let your asking for higher consciousness swallow up all your other desires."
"As you evolve, you are not merely altering your own state of being but are actively participating in the global shift toward a higher consciousness."
"Once you have tasted the higher vibration, you will never actually like the lower one."
"That's working from a higher mind and a higher state of being."
"If you keep stepping in the direction of higher consciousness or evolution, things always work out for the best."
"Transforming our thoughts, beliefs, and patterns that no longer serve us into ones that align with higher consciousness is like turning lead into gold."
"If you think about a higher realm, it's bliss, it's love, it's joy."
"These individuals are not defined by their physical prowess or intellectual achievements alone, but by their ability to transcend conventional boundaries and tap into higher realms of consciousness."
"We don't have to live merely on that level; we don't have to be limited to what the natural world calls ESP."
"Intuition and those downloads come from a higher dimension."
"The being that you are is about to transform to integrate itself in a higher plane."
"The Creator is within us, it's in every single last one of us that taps into that higher frequency."
"Only when we acquire higher faculties can we become citizens of a higher world."
"It's a beautiful surrender of how higher consciousness works through us."
"We're on a higher frequency in life."
"The main reason for thinking there are forms of consciousness greater than our own is that one can experience them."
"Your higher conscious will tell you who it is and what it wants to be. And your job then becomes piecing that together, slowly over a very long period of time."
"Everything becomes about love and unity at that level."
"You're very spiritual, very high up there, creating, manifesting."
"We're going to see if we can collectively raise our vibrations, if we can tap into Spirit, into Source."
"Attune yourself to higher consciousness by choosing to access the purest frequencies of love within."
"The sufis claim that a certain kind of mental and other activity can produce, under special conditions and with particular efforts, what is termed a higher working of the mind."
"You're Awakening to a higher Dimension."
"When we love from higher states of consciousness and from our soul, we create a different kind of cord."
"Realigning your thoughts to a higher perspective and state of mind here in love."
"You're at a higher frequency, breaking generational cycles, chains, and curses."
"You are headed towards ascending to higher levels of awareness, consciousness, and experiences."
"There is no split between you and your higher self; you and your higher self are one and the same."