
Teacher Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Teacher has headaches, so we're going to be very, very quiet."
"Anger that a teacher at Inderkum high school, and I will quote what he said, openly: 'I have a 180 days to make revolutionaries.'"
"Plot twist: the teacher was doing the graffiti."
"Just because you redistribute your 10-month paycheck into the summer doesn't mean you get paid for the summer. We're really like laid off in the summertime."
"There's really nothing like an amazing Professor or teacher right it can be life-changing."
"Embrace pain not as a foe but as a formidable teacher and ally."
"When no one answers the teacher so she starts calling on students randomly"
"Your relationship with your teacher is in the top three things that make an impact on someone's learning."
"Whoops, the teacher is not happy."
"Next time we brought him up here because of the one abusive martial arts teacher but accept no substitutes it's time for more Mr T in the t-force."
"Carla was awarded Miami-Dade teacher of the year for our outstanding work."
"I want to step forward as a teacher to try my best to help people in need of a great education."
"Surprise to the greatest teacher ever"
"Pain is actually our guardian angel. It keeps us from hurting ourselves. Pain is also our teacher."
"She's a teacher, she's an artist, she's just a whole different level of creative. She's insane."
"Life is a phenomenal teacher. You try to manipulate it, make it be what you want, or use it to purify yourself."
"...a truly fantastic human being and teacher of plant medicine."
"Johnny says, 'I won't be your karate teacher, but I'll be your sensei.'"
"The student surpasses the teacher."
"Students are 86 percent more likely to pass their exams with the help of a teacher."
"The teacher of death is a woman. Wow, since this moment, I considered the angel of death as one of my best teachers."
"The African teacher is a parent, a friend, a guide, coach, healer, counselor, model, storyteller, entertainer, artist, architect, builder, minister, and advocate. Africans never take teaching lightly; it is a sacred calling."
"I think pain was the best teacher."
"She was one of the nicest teachers I'd ever had. Just a very gentle spirit."
"It's an incredibly selfish move. You're hurting the child who actually needs to have this behavior addressed and you're hurting the teacher who has to put up with this behavior every day."
"It's almost impossible to remember what a teacher said."
"I think Oda must have been inspired by an amazing teacher or something that got into the world of mythology from a young age."
"You're a mouthpiece for God, a teacher, a mentor, and very divinely connected."
"Until we create opportunities for teachers as they move into the heart of their careers to be good earners, great earners, then we won't have the ability to keep the kinds of stars we want in our profession."
"She was a teacher any child would be most proud to look up to."
"I'm a high school English teacher and I'm here with my twin sons and I know I'm sure you can't imagine the impact you've had on teenagers growing up in America so thank you for that"
"The clown is a teacher, a trickster, what in certain native tongues is called a contrary, a heyoka."
"The teacher encouraged the students to continue practicing their writing skills by writing essays every week."
"My high school English teacher would hear something even remotely phone likee and explode."
"Jesus is a teacher, an exemplary human being, someone who embodies the truth."
"To be a teacher, you have to be a good student."
"Teachers always. Being a teacher is being a student."
"But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about him being a great human teacher."
"I love R like like I have miss my teacher."
"The best example, the best teacher, is a good example."
"Running has been my greatest teacher."
"I was very proud of myself uh I can I can tell you guys on patreon the time a teacher called my cell phone in high school and threatened to kill me even described how he was going to bury me and then he became a full-time teacher the following week."
"Experience is a hell of a teacher. In fact, I think experience is the greatest best teacher."
"I was actually a school teacher before."
"The influence of a good teacher can never be erased."
"...history is also our best teacher..."
"I'm too busy or I don't have time, I've got to run off and you know be a teacher, be a dad."
"...if I was still a teacher we wouldn't be going to Disneyland Paris this year it just wouldn't have been a possibility so it's M it means a lot thank you very much for your ongoing support."
"He became chief in 2000, the year I was in seventh grade and had him as a teacher. Mr. R was fired years later."
"Experience is a cruel teacher because experience will leave some scars on your behind that plastic surgery cannot get off."
"The teacher is always quiet during the test."
"Her first thought was for the safety and well-being of her students."
"A teacher can be absolutely critical at the right moment in your life."
"We should all bow in front of the Guru."
"It was an inspirational teacher named Sydney Pigdon who ignited Wright's love of football."
"A joyful Christmas, and may the blessing of the great teacher be with you."
"The idea of a guru, which means teacher, is very important in Indian tradition."
"This woman had a PhD, she attended law school and was a teacher at the Bel-Air Academy at which Will attended."
"I'm just really excited to do something different and be creative in my teacher planner."
"I am so much excited today that a world teacher like our Satguruji has accepted to guide us."
"It's grace of God that we have found a world teacher like you to guide us."
"The most important center is the teacher."
"She's just so excited to get there, get to school, meet her teacher."
"A teacher is good, don't get me wrong, but sometimes you can learn more yourself."
"A group of students having to kill their sensei who looks like a giant yellow octopus and can fly at Mach 20."
"Having a teacher who believes in you, who's also recognizing your accomplishments, even if they're little, is a good thing too."
"A teacher is also considered to be a curricularist."
"I really like my teacher, Miss Terry."
"I'm so excited to take you guys around for a day in my life."
"I really hope that everybody out there has like that one cool teacher because that makes school a hundred times better."
"I remember I loved my teacher and that's why it was like so fun because the teacher was so fun too."
"It'd be a great teacher gift as well."
"She was one of those teachers who probably show off cards and letters that she'd received from former students."
"When you accidentally call the teacher 'mom'."
"Seventy percent have accidentally called their teacher 'mom'."
"You were the best teacher I ever had."
"All I hope is that your teacher is really nice and that they enjoy teaching fun things."
"Shouldn't a teacher set a good example?"
"The most important thing is the teacher."
"A life presents a teacher when there's a lesson to be learned."
"Merry Christmas dear teacher Bob, I wish you great health and prosperity."
"He was an elementary school teacher."
"What makes this as tragic a story as you can imagine is that McGuire wasn't just a teacher; she was a stalwart of the whole school community."
"You know it's my favorite teacher," she says with a smile.
"Some curious warmth that was almost tangible shone out of Miss Honey's face when she spoke to a confused and homesick newcomer to the class."
"But scky was everything a good teacher should be: clever, committed, and caring."
"Because I'm a nice teacher, alright?"
"They're bonding over their mutual hate for the teacher, which I kind of love."
"Pain is a wonderful teacher; it teaches you to smarten up and not to take life for granted."
"You will be shown a guide or a teacher if that person hasn't shown up or appeared on your path yet."
"We all have that one teacher we will never forget."
"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know, the teacher did reply."
"He comes out of the public school system; he was a teacher, he was an educator."
"Fifty dollars can provide one teacher with a direct cash transfer to supplement their salary for one month."
"I look like I could be a really fun teacher who is like singing songs with your kids or something."