
Character Behavior Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Going from ghouls kind of running like injured humans and generally shambling in New Vegas to them lunging and flinging themselves at you with terrifying speed is amazing."
"Batman really likes going in vents in this game."
"When you see how Wally doesn't touch, though, he respects her boundaries."
"I must say, I love when he swims. He takes his hat off because that would be unrealistic to swim with his hat on."
"Always sneaking, always stabbing his way through the shadows."
"SpongeBob is lust, now that I'm aware of this theory I actually look at these characters very different."
"There's something hauntingly sad about the music and Golden Freddy just twitching as he fades away."
"Miranda, you didn't have to do all that. She didn't have to do all that, but that's Miranda."
"Ellie does the proper thing by not abandoning Joel."
"Every time we see Soda in this anime, where is she? Yeah, chilling up in the sky watching over her subordinates."
"In mid-air, he flashes his lucky sticker at his fans, but more interestingly, he sticks out his tongue."
"The zombies in dying light genuinely seemed dumb as fuck and that's exactly how it should be."
"Goku tells him to finish Cell off in his weakened state, but Gohan says he wants to see Cell suffer much more."
"Well, there you have it. That's definitively how the show expects people to work."
"I loved the ending, there just wasn't a single moment where I was like I wish this would speed up or I don't know why the characters behaving this way."
"Cool guys don't look at explosions, but rainer likes explosions."
"There's going to be a scene where they're going to keep a little bit of the edginess and Blade is going to kill a room of vampires."
"It's classic behavior of a malignant narcissist."
"Later that night, Frodo pets the ring like it's a Furby and Gollum stands over in the corner beaten it just like he's just discovered his first."
"The second animatronic amalgamot will most of the time attack after revenant's end."
"Man, Sonic, what are you doing to your teeth? Are you just eating fucking rocks?"
"Serena blushes over ash a total of 46 times in the entirety of the X&Y series."
"Slimes bounce around like jelly, zombies and husks stumble forward like the undead mobs they are."
"These buffoons wander off by themselves, investigate strange struggle noises, get cornered in rooms, and miss zombies crawling on the floors beneath their feet."
"Sonic's legs going legs pedaling away wow absolutely talked tonked."
"Sometimes I wonder if she just lets herself get kidnapped for fun."
"It just feels kind of uncomfortable seeing these characters be so happy-go-lucky when the fate of multiple worlds hangs in the balance."
"That's not what Bumblebee would do, but Wedge would use his strength."
"You are about to see a glitched side of mommy longlegs."
"He takes that head, he's lugging it around with him everywhere."
"He'd have to understand that he can't throw all of this away because of what his friends did for him. It would make SpongeBob like the worst person ever."
"She's just angry! Where's Speedy? Freaking out?"
"Desires drive your character's actions in certain situations."
"Frustration would grow. Perhaps this explains why Link suddenly ran away from Saria after she gave him the fairy ocarina."
"Kirby attempting a prison break and then just doing a little jig is my favorite trope of the Kirby games."
"It's revealed that the mimic loves putting on costumes, just like you see in ruin."
"Spider-Man could be crazy if he wants to, it's not very family-friendly."
"Flash Man is very interesting... He leaves after a little bit of time or after you hit him a couple of times..."
"That's not disruptive, dude, that's playing his character, that's up."
"The scene in the colony house was a stark contrast to the drunkard in the confined space."
"A Charizard's battle strategy relies ENTIRELY on Red's decision and direction. Without his trainer, he would be as random and unfocused as a wild animal."
"Asked about Wonka's reaction to this, Mr. TV said, 'He was calm, unusually giddy, and always had a plan to fix whatever had been done to the children.'"
"In Dark Tide, we can be that frenzied Guardsman who can't hold back from shooting anything in sight."
"At Tony's funeral everyone rocks back and forth except for Mantis who sways in a rocking motion."
"This wandering trader might look innocent, but that's how they get you."
"Showing us the killers aren't actually drinking as they would need to stay sharp for all the slicing and dicing they're about to do."
"A shadow demon uses its insubstantial claws to feast on its victims' fears."
"What would Sonic do? He would save his files correctly."
"The Mask would break the fourth wall as you start."
"Peach made Bowser a cake, he honestly deserves it considering everything that he went through."
"Moblins near water have a custom idle animation where they will wash themselves and sometimes take a drink."
"So now Etrigan and us won again. Ah, he's back to rhyming."
"We don't need to kill him necessarily, but he has a good sword behind him that's gonna help us for the final fight."
"I am so fast, I get them, boys! I'm Sonic the Hedgehog fast."
"Perhaps it is actually these characters doing these taboo and anti-social things that allows the audience to sort of let their own id run free a bit."
"He's a starfish underwater and he's sweating, goddamn right. This is from torturing his best friend!"
"The berserker rage is essentially when Wolverine goes into a blind fury."
"We run like anime characters because we are anime characters."
"I love how Sims run everywhere, just makes me laugh."
"Does the muffin man eat his muffins in the muffin man song?"
"Even the Sole Survivor doesn't really take the entire situation super seriously."
"Legion thrives on that because you just naturally do well when you're aggroing creeps."
"Chica the chicken had bowed down to a kitty cat that she found on the wall."
"Taking the consciousness of a dead yaksa's stone heart and binding it into a living suit of armor seems like the sort of thing Detore would love to experiment with."
"Ah yes, the way of the lazy man once again. He's so real for this."
"Naruto, I can definitely see him like just rampaging even further, you know?"
"Remember how everyone lost their [__] when you cursed at Lucifer?"
"He doesn't assimilate with like the regular public, mhm. So you know that one scene where he eavesdrops in the shower?"
"Even if you can't get your Charizard to obey you."
"Lobo usually lives up to his promises and agreements but doesn't give anything more just the bare minimum of his deal."
"Gregory, you're a nasty boy and you need some parents."
"I never want to see that side of Tails ever in like actual video game."
"Shouldn't the villains and manga be stubbornly resisting or begging for mercy?"
"It's funny how Jesse making calls directly to the house becomes a recurring trend in the show that he never seems to learn from."
"Something worth noting: Optimus Prime tries to plead with Sentinel here and it doesn't work. Just remember that for later in the movie."
"...this is so insane do you see what I mean absolutely no gentlemanly behavior to be found he sniffed up her neck the way that if any man did that to me it would be a swift open-hand slap but but anthony bridgerton ooh ooh."
"We're huge fans of the Avengers and we know they never act that way."
"Nene is the most defensive I have ever seen her be."
"Some books are just... the plot is not as important as the behavior of the different people in that plot."
"Bonnie on a completely different level, she's sitting on top of the freaking table and just plate after plate just shoving it down her freaking mouth."
"Of course, Jason does what you would expect him to do, which is wake up and begin killing a bunch of people."
"The party room Knights will now dance on the table as they should."
"Steve or Joe modeled positive behavior, patience, and empathy, teaching children the value of kindness, sharing, and cooperation."
"With Chi-Chi around during training, she made sure Goku took the heart virus medicine as soon as he started showing signs of the virus."