
Candor Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"The fact that it was so candid was just incredible."
"It's just a polite way of saying fuck you to be honest with it."
"Thank god somebody's saying it. Somebody had to say it."
"I've decided I'm not going to sugarcoat [ __ ]... Daddy can only take so much of that show."
"I look up to Candace Owens because even if she might be wrong about something, boy, she doesn't give one [ __ ] she doesn't give a [ __ ] if people don't like her for it."
"The most candid and caustic Royal Memoir ever written."
"They were shite, absolutely [ __ ] shy, you gotta love you some Tyson Fury."
"Don't hold your tongue for nobody, say what you gotta say and let it be."
"Football is a really, really, tell-the-truth-all-the-time."
"He was brutally honest about a lot of stuff."
"People stop buying things, they start worrying about the future."
"It's very refreshing to hear people called out like this."
"Y'all forget, I'm a goddamn Aries. Sometimes I gotta bring the hood back out, what I'm saying? I got tired of hearing the goddamn word favoritism."
"Just call it how it is, which isn't something you see often in the Call of Duty Community."
"In September, you don't give a [__]. You will say what's on your mind."
"She's been just dropping truth bombs right and left since she sat down."
"Saying it out loud, there's an odd sense of joy in knowing you're just as awful as me, maybe even more."
"They're going to be very honest with you."
"There is nothing I'm going to say behind your back that I won't say to your face."
"I don't sugarcoat stuff, never have, never will."
"I'm just being honest with y'all."
"So for me it really looks like she's going to start saying more I see her being more candid more honest."
"Getting closer to pure candor and pure truth is going to help you a lot in life."
"The candor of the word of God is one of the signs of its authenticity."
"He is saying the quiet part out loud."
"a real cander and like an enthusiasm and a kind of a truthfulness"
"I'm very honest about things, if I think something is stupid, I'm gonna say it's stupid."
"The vital behavior that enables most any organizational outcome is just candor."
"I get really bad f as well yeah cuz I just want to go there and like tell everyone what I think."
"Kids are just honest, kids and drunks will always tell you the truth. That's why when you need to ask somebody how your outfit looks, find a kid or find a drunk, 'cause they'll let you know."
"Barkley says things that we would think about and never say."
"Everything that's been bad in my life, personal and professional, was because I didn't have candor."
"I would rather be brutally, brutally honest about everything."
"Jujube still managed to stand out for her wit and candor."
"Try to promote candor as much as you can."
"I couldn't believe the candor of John Lennon."
"Let's not sugarcoat what happened."
"I'm [__] done, bro. Yeah, I'm [__] done. Enough to sugarcoat [__]. No more."
"...when someone's in a place where they have nothing to lose, that's when they start saying some interesting shit."
"They had the most incredible stories to tell and they could speak about death with a kind of candor that I had never experienced."
"I'll talk about [ __ ] no one else is talking about, because you know, trying to have no pride and no shame in your life is how people should be. It sneaks up on you, but they're both."
"You gotta love the candor from Tripp McKay, he's a great quote and a great personality."
"The appearance of candor with some facts thrown in draws attention away from whatever one chooses to admit."
"In a world where you gotta watch just about everything that you say now, they're like the unicorns where Chuck and Shaq don't give a [__]."
"Critical race Theory presidential politics toxic masculinity he's taking it all on often with uncommon Candor."
"He plays the personality of a hard-drinking Scotsman who tells it like it is when he's reviewing the movies or the TV programs or whatever he's seen."
"There's a lot of self-censorship nowadays. He's just saying exactly what you think; he's calling people out."
"When you real, you can tell the truth about anything or anybody."
"What that means for you cherished car guys viewer is that you get the opinion of someone who isn't a corporate shill or someone so desperate to get the next special Porsche that they're too afraid to speak candidly."
"It had a sort of sweetness about it. It wasn't vicious or malicious, but it was kind of true."
"He just told his truth in this raw, unfiltered fashion."
"I'm no filter; you can ask me anything."
"Without a legal duty of candor, injustices will continue."
"She's a straight talker in a way we don't often see."
"Although you were a little outspoken, you were honest, and that's a good quality to have."
"I'm not anti-Tory, I'm not anti-Labour, I'm just anti-bullshit."
"She talks very frankly and it doesn't seem malicious at all."
"Olenna Tyrell, I think what I liked about her is she seemed to be when you reach a certain age you just give zero [ __ ]."
"When guidance is great, I describe it as radical candor."
"I begin to think, Watson," said Holmes, "that I make a mistake in explaining. 'Omne ignotum pro magnifico,' you know, and my poor little reputation, such as it is, will suffer shipwreck if I am so candid."
"Radical candor does not get measured at your mouth, it gets measured at the other person's ear."
"The thing about Georgia people is they're not afraid to speak their mind."
"You have to have a very high standard for candor and integrity."
"She likes how he just speaks his mind, he's very honest and doesn't care about what other people think."
"Those things, class and candor, have never mattered when it comes to love."
"The truth needs to be said, you know what I'm saying, and I'm here for that."
"If something has steered me very well throughout my career, it's saying what I think and saying it bluntly."
"Politics does not need glamorizing or sugar coating, it actually needs real people who are upfront with people."
"Not all of us are nice and friendly all the time, really. It's almost like you're a human being or something."
"I just spent twenty dollars on some candy. I would be lying if I said I was lying."
"Unapologetically candid and genuine, she shunned superficial formalities."
"Let's have a little plain unvarnished truth."
"Thank you, but it was that thing of just being so honest."
"Just the ones I find annoying. So, everyone," she said flatly.
"We're done with the TV interview, and we're gonna get down to business about what we really think."
"Your candor... was extremely genuine, authentic, and real."
"Political correctness was thrown out of the window; he called it like he saw it."
"Days when you need to finally tell somebody what you really think, then pick up a bit of truth."
"Wall Street Bets is popular in large part because of the refreshing honesty, this unapologetic refreshing honesty."
"Talk about saying that quiet part loud."
"Someone who is candid will always tell you the truth even when you don't want to know the truth."
"I think it's refreshing that people are willing to speak bluntly like this. That's what America needs."
"I'm not doing it to get attention, I just tell it like it is."
"She's frank, she's honest, she's not afraid to confront."
"I love elderly people who tell it like it is, who are just like, 'I've been around too long and I've seen too much.'"
"You get all relaxed, you have no filter, and you just start dropping truth bombs on everyone."
"New Yorkers are kind of no [__] people, you know. They just kind of tell you where it's at."
"I think black women are more forward, more real, more genuine."
"Radical candor is HIP: it's Humble, it's Helpful, it's Immediate, it's In person, it's In private if it's criticism, in public if it's praise, and it doesn't Personalize."
"These days, I'm gonna just say what the [__] is on my mind."
"I'm not gonna hold back, I'm just telling you exactly how I feel."
"I love East Coasters, they bring it to you, they're honest."
"I just become too hot and I tell the truth because everything else after that is all nonsense."
"They don't like to sugarcoat things because they're very direct."
"The good thing about you is you tell everyone what you think about them."
"She is so honest, so honest, and she just spills in front of you. It's hilarious, she's amazing."
"Okay, can I be completely honest?"
"How wonderfully frank of you, my dear."
"Australia is a good friend with essentially the same values but will always be a blunt but loyal friend."
"We have to be active in managing this relationship with a spirit of candor."
"If you don't got nothing nice to say, come sit right here next to me."
"If I love it, I'm going to tell you; if I hate it, I'm going to tell you."
"I'm just going to be completely honest, and I've just always been that."
"I love her straightforwardness, she speaks her mind."
"I love old people, don't you love old people? They say they have no filter."
"Just to be brutally honest, it's really not that deep."
"We will always communicate, we will always be truthful, we will always be honest, we will be candid and not brutal."
"I'm gonna be 100% honest with y'all."
"Jesse Johnson's gonna tell it like it is, and he's not gonna sugarcoat a lot."
"Society is cooked, I'm not going to hold you."
"I'm not afraid to say what everyone else is thinking."
"I'm gonna give you the truth, the hard truth, no matter how popular the character or release is."
"I love Reddit because people just don't hold back."
"It gives us an opportunity to just say exactly what's fresh on our mind."
"He was a straight shooter, he always said what he thought."
"I went through all of the emotions, I'm gonna be candid here because I have a strong feeling and belief that lying or sugarcoating things is never helpful to anybody."
"I'm going to give you my complete honest thoughts, just like I always do."
"I am not writing to flatter parental egotism, to echo cant, or prop up humbug; I am merely telling the truth."
"I have to speak candidly to build value, but I do not want to offend the Muslim community."
"This is a time to be [__] honest at this point."
"A true speaker has no friends. I'm here to tell you the truth because you need to hear it."
"Listen to others, speak candidly, and benchmark against the best organizations."
"She's very honest, brutally honest."
"Apologize and reflect the duty of candor."
"It's not going to be sugar-coated because my name is not Willy Wonka."
"I like you, Brian. You actually say what's on your mind."
"You know what, at least you honest with it."
"It'd be a breath of fresh air though, like have somebody just tell the truth for once out there."
"The book was blunt and had an honesty about it, whereas the movie was just a beautiful lie."
"What I like about some of the old folks is that they don't give a [__] anymore about how things appear; they just say it straight up."
"I only know how to speak my mind."
"His brutal honesty, his candor was beneficial to me."
"He's a straight shooter, he says what he feels."
"You're offended by the things I say? Imagine what I hold back."
"I said exactly what was the truth, whether it was hard to swallow or not."
"The political arena is more interesting in a way because people tell you exactly what they think."
"She's a straight shooter and has no problem saying what's on her mind."
"I'm just saying what everybody else is thinking."
"It's almost like this person is funny because they say what everybody thinks in the room and nobody has the balls to actually say it."
"In conclusion, he urges the emperors to act with candor and justice."
"A person will be honest with you at three points in your relationship: when they're done with you, when they're mad as hell, or when they're drunk."
"They're just being real, it's kind of refreshing."
"I've never had a Baby Ruth in my life."
"I only talk to people who are real, like people who aren't afraid to say it how it is."
"He can be painfully honest; he just blurts it out, whatever the truth of the moment is."
"The fool is the only one that can say things to the emperor that they really need to hear."
"You say things that people are thinking, that others are scared to say."
"Angela was a real truth teller, there was no filter."