
Sasquatch Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"I now believe that what chased those deer in front of my truck in '94 was a family of Sasquatch."
"Deep in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, a team of researchers discovered what they believed to be Sasquatch nests."
"The Sasquatch are trying to communicate with people, you know, they're trying to let us know that they're there."
"The stories of Bigfoot or Sasquatch as he has been called have been around for centuries."
"The Sierra Nevada region has long been the location of Sasquatch sightings."
"Jaime Avalos believes that the tracks he has documented around Mono Lake were made by the creature."
"Honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was a Sasquatch personally. It scared me so bad I stopped camping since that day."
"Sasquatch does not want to be seen and wants to be mainly left alone."
"This level of effort might be the only way one could hope that the subject of Sasquatch research is taken seriously."
"The Olympic project cabin is full of stories but at the end of the day it is not the stories that will prove the existence of Sasquatch but rather well-documented facts and evidence."
"But I think Sasquatch is related to some of these."
"What are the odds of that? The one time you're out and you get in a car accident, you end up running into the exact same Sasquatch that you know you assisted back during the eruption."
"For many native cultures, Sasquatch is a spiritual being and a real flesh and blood creature."
"In the end, we didn't prove Sasquatch to be real, but we definitely left feeling like there's probably something out there."
"Vancouver Island is a prime location for a Sasquatch to want to live."
"The Sasquatch have the ability to move between dimensions, communicate with a chosen few using telepathy or 'mine speak.' Some even claim to know these creatures on a first-name basis."
"It was the first time I was hunting with my dad's rifle, a lever-action Winchester. That day, I was hunting northwest of basket lake. When I got up to it, what do you think I saw? It was a Sasquatch."
"Welcome to Harrison Hot Springs, the Sasquatch capital of Canada."
"I may have not personally encountered a Sasquatch but not seeing them physically doesn't mean I don't see the truth when it's smacked in my face."
"What if the entire species of Sasquatch is extremely high functioning savant?"
"Is there compelling evidence right now? Is it on YouTube? Is there film footage that people have?"
"If Todd Stanley's footage is real look at it then holy crap because that's way more definitive than Patty."
"If there's a viable habitat for a Sasquatch, this is certainly it."
"It would be vitally important for me to tell everyone that I could what I know about these Sasquatch."
"Their visitor during the night had to be a sasquatch."
"My subsequent research on Sasquatch sightings revealed similar behaviors of fascination with human campsites and items."
"You're listening to Sasquatch Chronicles check us out online at sasquatchchronicles.com."
"The Sasquatch is a biped standing 8 ft tall, its body completely covered with long black hair."
"I don't know what I saw and I don't know what Sasquatch is."
"There's no reason to think that Sasquatches wouldn't do the same thing."
"There's a very high likelihood that this is a genuine piece of video evidence of Sasquatch."
"The sasquatches there are kind of hang out in the river beds essentially."
"There's a story, a legend really, that over a 200 mile radius there are one or two Sasquatch, and they use the area for hunting grounds."
"It's hard not to look around in British Columbia and be thinking to yourself that something akin to Sasquatch existing here would seem to make sense."
"John Green was one of the first to begin compiling a record of Sasquatch sightings, amassing more than 3,000 sightings from across North America."
"Harrison Hot Springs in Canada is the gateway to Sasquatch Country."
"There is literally no excuse for Sasquatch to not be accepted as an indigenous existing primate species."
"We hold indigenous secrets about Sasquatches families have talked to them I've met them that we don't want to share with the Western world."
"The name Sasquatch was coined here."
"It's so intertwined it's safe to say that their traditions couldn't survive without this supernatural beast."
"In the past for many indigenous peoples, encounters with the Sasquatch were considered a blessing of great wealth."
"thanks again justin and that's it for tonight everyone remember if you've had an encounter shoot me an email my email address is wes at sasquatch chronicles"
"I really appreciate you for sharing your encounter from the state of Idaho and for confirming the higher up people know about the Sasquatch it really takes a lot of courage to tell the truth even if that means risking your job and credibility."
"This is perfect habitat for Sasquatch. If there was one I wanted to hide right now, just walk downhill and we'd never see you. It's not thick, you can see through the woods, but the woods are so huge that they can just stay back, you know?"
"For Sasquatch, honoring the traditions of the mountain men means wasting nothing of the game he kills."
"History supports the possibility of a monster called Sasquatch."
"I knew at that moment that I had seen a Sasquatch."
"What's your opinion on Sasquatch at Harrison Lake? Did you witness something strange while camping in the area?"
"An enormous Sasquatch being stood up and yelled at them."
"I believed in Sasquatch from a young age."
"If you have a Sasquatch encounter that you want to get off your chest, you can contact me at [email protected]."
"Salt Forks resident naturalist has a unique perspective on the sightings and stories of Sasquatch in the Buckeye state."
"Now, we're in an area that is well known for Sasquatch sightings."
"Not only do we know that Sasquatch exists, but there are vast numbers of different breeds, sizes, and temperaments."
"What if Sasquatch didn't want to be found?"
"What are the odds of a Sasquatch now having said that there is always the possibility of a of an out of place or a an unusual encounter anytime you have a rare and uh and widely dispersed species with a very fragmented habitat there's going to be dispersal events."
"And Krantz also kind of ignored this when he wrote at length about plaster casts of various Sasquatch handprints that were sent to him by Marx."
"So according to the claims of bigfoot researcher John Green, the term sasquatch may have been first widely popularized by a man by the name of John W. Burns who was a teacher and an Indian agent."
"I'd love to hear from you if you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio."
"Because of Sasquatch, I became a wildlife conservationist."
"I 100% know that wasn't a deer, it wasn't an elk, it wasn't a bear. That thing was on two feet, two legs. 100% I know that's what it was. It had to be a Sasquatch."
"So whatever made that roar at that exact moment, it saved my life and it was him, it was a Sasquatch."
"Without a doubt, it was seen by many and that would certainly put a dent in the theory that Sasquatch is a mythological creature."
"sasquatch are unpredictable and are more intelligent than we give them credit for"
"Hunting for Sasquatch is not like the actors you see on television programs."
"I guess I've got a pretty wild story to tell now about the night I saw something that might have been a Sasquatch."
"I realized many people believe Sasquatch is a beast, monster, an apex predator. However, there exist many accounts which suggest this creature is intelligent, compassionate, protective of their own as well as humans."
"I hope this story helps spread awareness and a desire to learn more about Sasquatch."
"In my opinion, after having seen three thousand footprints myself, of six different sizes, I came to the conclusion this tracks to be made by a living foot, a creature with a foot like this, a Sasquatch rather than a man with artificial feet."
"One day, in that day's today, I would be going on an actual Sasquatch search in the mountains of Oregon with a group of people who have dedicated their lives to looking for the mysterious Bigfoot."
"The legend of Sasquatch didn't just come out of nowhere. Some of the very first people who started talking about this elusive creature were the indigenous tribes of today's northwestern United States and Canada."
"...they just don't care, at least not enough to give up their beliefs. And that's kind of cool because Sasquatch is freaking awesome."
"It's still unknown why the Sasquatch will come up to people's properties and watch them for long durations of time."
"...John said he knows he didn't see it himself directly but he knew what he experienced he knew what they all experienced and he believed what farshid's wife claimed she saw and knew that she had seen a Sasquatch in the Plumas National Forest October of 1998."
"I will say this, you know, there was a lot of intent in terms of creating the movements, the motions, the sounds of Sasquatch because, you know, you don't want four people going off on their own."
"He believes that this was a mother Sasquatch that lived in a nearby forest of New York."
"I find it to be one of if not the most compelling pieces of video evidence of an alleged Sasquatch ever to come forward."
"Just as it was time for breakfast, we headed downstairs to speak with the owner or manager or whatever they were. We mentioned the noises and the massive creature in the cornfield, and she said something like 'Yeah, the Sasquatches were active as heck last night.'"
"Looking back on it, it was my sighting of a lifetime, of a Sasquatch, and I'm tickled pink that it happened."
"Sasquatch lur goes back hundreds and hundreds of years, potentially thousands of years."
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he said. "This is Sasquatch's home."
"The famous Sasquatch, believe in yourself."
"He's a very trendy Sasquatch because you turn him around, you'll see why."
"A sasquatch wearing shoes in the city, that is pretty funny."
"I firmly believe that I saw a Sasquatch up here in the woods."
"I believe this area is heavily populated with sasquatches."
"I feel like the Sasquatch have had my back, even if it doesn't feel like it at the time."
"Thank you so much for joining us for our opening day of Sasquatch revealed."
"To the First Nations who represent 23% of the population of the Yukon, the Sasquatch deserves our respect."
"I truly believe this Sasquatch was older and starving to death."
"No one will ever convince me that I saw something other than a Sasquatch."
"I was excited; that was the first time I could say that I saw Sasquatch and knew I saw Sasquatch."
"The underlying reason for the whole trip was to investigate reports of Sasquatch."
"We could run into anything here, meaning Sasquatch or anything, you know, could even find a dinosaur."
"I have a true belief everyone wonders where Sasquatch and his like hide; where do they go, where do they put the bodies."
"It becomes a responsibility. I didn't ask for this to happen. I wasn't out looking for Sasquatch, but there it was, and I can't take it back."
"The Sasquatch I met saved my life and I don't want anyone to try and seek them out."
"This Sasquatch literally watched me grow up all my life."
"Sasquatch exists in them thar hills."
"Muscular and very large, it stood around 8 ft tall, was covered in hair similar to a Sasquatch, except where its arms should have been, there were wings."
"The only large bipedal creature that could cross the road in such a way would be a Sasquatch."
"The Sasquatch raised its hand in a mimicking fashion and stood there as long as I did with its hand up."
"Once you found out about the Sasquatch phenomenon, it was like a whole new world opened up for you."
"The first time I was to come across a Sasquatch was during a hunting trip in 1972."
"Sometimes you don't have to go to the most remote area to find a Sasquatch, and a lot of times they'll find you."