
Character Skills Quotes

There are 236 quotes

"Quake is just insane if you know how to play this champion really, really well."
"Lupin carries an unassuming and playful demeanor, masking unrivaled ability in virtually every facet imaginable."
"Sasuke was jumping between dimensions using his sixth Tomoe Rinnegan to track the movements of the Otsutsuki."
"Lifeline is truly one of the greatest support legends in Apex."
"Only Azula has demonstrated the ability to bend completely blue flames, which are hotter than the orange flames produced by most other firebenders."
"Kurigiri's Quirk is coordinate-based so in order to use it he needs to know the exact location where he is supposed to open the exit portal."
"Gibraltar much like bloodhound has an entire kit of abilities that are honestly just incredible."
"Horizon's movement is incredible to outplay enemies... still an absolute unit to have on the team."
"Gabranth's EX mode capabilities had better reach and more potency."
"Pick up Revenant if you want to play a legend that's all about being super aggressive, very edgy, and you want to make some big plays."
"Fuse is once again an aggressive legend who is all about explosives and creating chaos."
"It's a lot, it's a lot of magic damage. Mordekaiser's autos have a bunch of on-hit damage."
"His first ability is known as shock - an arc of lightning out of his hand that will chain to all enemies within 50 meters."
"Aloy is a skilled hunter who moves with great precision like a cat in pursuit of its prey."
"Mona seems real cool though, her abilities seem really interesting. I love that the sprint turning into water thing."
"Your primary commander must have this talent tree. It is life-changing."
"Pick Ferry if you want a super quick-hitting Summoner with a ton of buffs and excellent damage."
"Lancelot should be first in line for your crew if being the king of the twin blades sounds good to you."
"Never to underestimate the skills of Jebediah Kerman."
"Omen's smokes are amazing as he's able to create easy to set up one ways."
"Link is obviously really good... incredible aerials... his short hop is like..."
"Elven accuracy with the ability to see in your own darkness spell is a great one-two combo."
"Reinhardt is so simple to understand: hold up your shield, protect your team, when it goes down, swing hammer, or pin enemies, and repeat."
"For mobility, I put a point in Aegis of Menhir's shield charged skill."
"Inkling has the best - in the entire game, has one of the best aerials in the entire game."
"Peach has the best standing grab in the entire game, the ability to combo off of basically anything."
"Frank really needs to learn how to hide better. That's twice now."
"Every character has various base health, base damage, passive skills, and their ultimate ability."
"Batman is referred to as the world's greatest detective... add something to that detective experience."
"Anna is the one exception... you can have a massive amount of game impact very easily just by providing good healing, good grenades, good sleep darts, and of course good Ultimates."
"Thresh... has great catch power with his hook while his Lantern and ultimate allow him to peel well at the same time."
"They each have their own movesets... I freaking love it."
"Yeah, it's like I think the best example, uh, basically like almost like an outlaw rogue if an outlaw rogue had like an entire spec built around attacking from range."
"Swamp Thing... just has a really unique moveset an awesome ultimate move as well just really awesome stuff."
"Rivali's abilities come together to create one of the most formidable warriors Hyrule has ever seen."
"Korra is actually a fairly skilled fighter in unarmed combat."
"Secret of protection... pretty much every character can make use of taking half as much damage for 30 seconds."
"Peter Parker fans love him... he's quick on his toes... uses his intelligence combined with a spider sense... to get the situation to bend to his favor."
"Carrying in jungle is like Rumble, Diana, Morgana."
"Salvador possesses a number of very useful skills... his guns irking action skill... easily the most powerful of all the action skills."
"Your second constellation is going to be one of your best."
"Map knowledge is a big component of playing Lucio properly because it gives him shortcuts and a really useful amount of mobility other supports don't have."
"Our hero can fight dragons as a hunter or a wizard, forge weapons or tasty meals as a blacksmith or cook, and even just fish up monster seafood as an angler."
"It takes perfect positioning and timing to truly excel on Evelyn."
"Katara's precision in her offensive abilities with bending."
"It's a little too easy to break but I won't deny it the sheer amount of the utility every character has with their command styles d-link along with their assortment of personal skills led to some highly fun combat and exploration."
"It beats the sorcerer it beats The Bard You're Now using your charisma for all of your attacks you know it's super gross too what the Warlock sorcerer Paladin it's pretty gross."
"Piercer feat: a must-have for dexterity-based combatants like rogues and rangers."
"Harus isn't a combat specialist, but he's still a thief. And what do thieves do best? They fight dirty. That's exactly what Harris intends to do."
"Beautiful use of the charge and Scarlett huh I'm digging it"
"He does whatever he wants all the time, his air mobility is crazy, his air dodge is amazing, his combos are great, his kill potential is arguably consistently the best in the game."
"Zero Suit Samus... she's so fast, she's the hardest character to hit in the game."
"Allows you to walk through walls pretty damn cool guy."
"He's one of the best melee combatants in the game."
"He's arguably the best spell caster out of all of them."
"The Fay Enchantress is arguably one of the best life spell casters in the game."
"Broly is not just a Powerhouse, he actually knows how to fight."
"The Rasengan which Naruto Jiraiya Kakashi Boruto and Konohamaru News was actually created by Minato."
"Cinderace says ever since it got Libero, you know, it rose up, you know, top 10 usage. Fantastic Pokemon."
"Pathfinder is the king of mobility and now that his cooldown on his grapple is a little bit more forgiving this is so good."
"For Mei's wall, it's great for blocking LOS or disabling abilities like immortality field or Orisa's supercharger."
"Fl4k boasts not only three skills to switch between like any other character in Borderlands 3 but also three pets."
"Knight faye is pretty much best across the board thanks to uh the soul binds that's what ended up happening."
"Zarya's new ability to choose where to place each of her two particle barriers often allows her to build up high energy very quickly."
"Jake seems very attuned with the realm due to his time alone surviving in the forest."
"Link's neutral air is crucial for how he plays, how he approaches, how he starts and ends combos, and how he edge guards."
"Arutaki Ito's elemental skill Masatsu Zetsugi Akarushi Burst aka when the local himbo throws a miniature dancing bowl at his enemies."
"It's actually one of the best fights in the whole story because Spidey has these amazing reflexes but like I've mentioned before Captain America might be the best hand-to-hand combat fighter in the MCU."
"Suze is the single best ability ever put in Overwatch and it's not close."
"Kiro is undoubtedly the strongest ability ever added to Overwatch, and it's not close."
"This build amplifies Fiora's true damage passive, letting her kill pretty much any Champion with just one combo."
"Game and Watch mains are in particular very creative."
"We're gonna pick up spirit shield...a really fantastic tanking ability."
"Sky is still extremely good, her flashes are probably some of the most broken in the game."
"Venti's burst can't be used everywhere, but where it can be used, he does it better than anyone else."
"So many things in 1.6 to figure out, like elemental mastery buffer, Electro Sucrose, and then the new catalyst, potentially new character like Kazuha."
"Ranger abilities... more interesting to play."
"Kirito is crazy in this game, dude, because it doesn't matter if they hold F, I can still use the second part of it."
"Thresh will always be a ridiculously strong support champion due to the massive amount of utility his kit creates."
"Annie has great lane pressure, she has one of the best all-in burst of any mage ever, and one of the best initiations."
"Sick has shown us just how aggressively you can play Sage, with well-timed abilities and additional aggression."
"Apparently there are ways to mitigate that, like up-b to fair and you can do bomb stuff."
"Cell, his neutral is great, his mix-ups are maybe not like that excellent. People are getting really good at blocking cell, but he's just a generally really great character."
"Majin Buu, mix machine, mix machine. Really good neutral structures."
"He tied them out with his pocket Pac-Man, like one of the second best characters in the game."
"Hammond is about disruption, initiation, and zonal control."
"Brock is good right now but it's hard to hit your shots compared to something like Gene."
"Ryu's balanced playstyle and emphasis on mastering basic techniques of fighting."
"Just frankly, a lot of her combos are heavily damaging."
"The Witcher is the ultimate all-rounder, dicing foes with sharpened steel, slaying beasts with a blade of silver, and unleashing hidden power of signs on anything that stands in his way."
"Caustic's gas traps are insane at keeping enemies off of you, and the gas grenade is still good at getting the drop on enemies."
"Wrecking ball is also good as well if you know good ball tech he actually received the buff near the end of the last beta."
"McCree is one of the most punishing characters in the game because if you don't have pinpoint accuracy, you don't do any damage."
"His experience, his ability, his weaponry, his dark blessings from the gods make him more, so much more than just the ex-captain of the lunar walls."
"She's got one of the sickest play styles ever."
"His precision on Echo too is just absolutely outstanding."
"But now she can definitely control the upper part of the screen by herself."
"Base Form Vegeta, he's always been one of the best characters in the game."
"Why wouldn't you want to play a rogue? They're sneaky, mean, and can kill with crazy moves."
"Ridiculously tough to enemy shooting, murderous in melee, and also has very good buffs as a support character."
"Her reliance on seismic sense from an early age is what allowed the young earthbender to hone the technique to a level that far exceeded any known Bender in the series."
"Sombra deals with so many things that you might think are going to be troublesome to deal with and almost single-handedly without any other characters being involved destroys the mercy Zen meta."
"Her new ultimate with the rework gave her tons of choices, way more tricky tools, and a completely new global mechanic."
"Wow, my W actually does more damage than my ult."
"Hooray, man! That one auto attack killed her at like 30 percent health."
"But when you can bleed the opponent and also any factors where you need a huge amount of regeneration, or Wolverine is your absolute dude."
"Learning burst-oriented assassins is actually the hardest out of any other champion in the game."
"Yana brings a very well-rounded gunfighting-based kit."
"William Tell: three-star arts DPS. He's a natural arts crit archer thanks to his dirty star bomb and star weight skill."
"The Yu Yen archers are highly skilled archers used for stealth missions."
"Asoka's greatest asset is her agility, using the Force to augment her physical attributes."
"Luke Skywalker has a natural ability with the lightsaber, even more so than with the Force itself."
"This is basically just a CC good for break bar."
"Vladimir: This dude, like good Vladimir players, are insanely strong."
"You want to maximize your dendro damage or your dendro reaction damage."
"Being better with McCree makes you a better 76."
"He hits so hard, he's got prepared for battle and over in a flash."
"He's still a dominant character because he can skill spam and just pretty much sit in the air 24/7 spamming skills against the enemy and they can just get frustrated."
"Jean's ability to isolate low-health targets and pull them through walls really cannot be undervalued."
"You really feel powerful as the Belmonts if you play them correctly."
"The last one is looking like a big check from the trailer, as Ori throws lighting spears… whacks goons with a bo staff… and gives this cheeky sod a bit of hammer time."
"Lucian's build flexibility covers weaknesses and allows for diverse approaches to team fights, from sustained damage to heavy burst."
"Targeting goes to frozen orb but raw damage, of course, goes to blizzard."
"Rodin has similar moves to Bayonetta, summoning his own limbs."
"Each fight is like a puzzle with the characters usually having to outwit the enemy."
"Understanding a hero, what they can and can't do, is the key to success."
"Killmonger, one of the true strike gods there."
"His tools set is so good that it's like he has everything you'd want and more in a character. It's fun."
"I love the flavor here, the Dean of Shadow where it's like 'I'm going to teach you a lesson' and so you get the plus one plus one counter but it's also like smack, dude."
"Samus and Dark Samus, one of the best zoning tools in the game."
"That's why she's one of video games greatest manipulators."
"As a Jedi combat specialist, Kyle Katarn excelled in telekinesis and physical augmentation."
"Mirage's kit is just made to do a ton of damage."
"He's just a monster and being able to counter him is going to be really important if you want to do really good in solo showdown high-end trophies."
"Peach is too good, I might have to try this one again."
"Mithra is a rush-down character similar to Sheik but with a sword."
"Soraka: Hitting Soraka's Q isn't just an option, it is a crucial part of her kit."
"Feenix's Immolate isn't a particularly strong ultimate, but that's offset by the fact that it charges fairly quickly, especially when utilizing From the Ashes."
"If you want to play Seraphine, you have to be able to hit her note, otherwise you have to play another champ. I don't make the rules, okay?"
"Yeah, I think Eraqus wins... he's classically trained in the Keyblade."
"Olimar continues to be the best owner in the game. He has the best projectiles, he has the best pivot grab, he has ridiculous damage output."
"Sasuke is a master of offensive defensive abilities."
"I love that Fitz is up to par with alien advanced technology."
"Tai Chi takes on Qasim while the other two square off against the girl; Rin uses her different kinds of magic to counter her attacks, and the enemy is surprised that she can use them combined so well."
"Snappy sniping: When Piper hits an enemy with her attack, she reloads point-three ammo instantly."
"Both of Aerith's Limit Breaks are unique and useful in different situations."
"One of the hardest characters to play in this game."
"Ryu is also the first fighter to allow command inputs to activate attacks."
"Darth Maul's Zeta leader ability is arguably one of the best in the game and it brings a lot of life to the Sith."
"Winona's utility shines with her catapults, making her excellent for wacky farms and combat against bosses."
"For Menat, it's all about footsies... her footsies bring you in."
"The simplest way to describe his rotation is support abilities first then elemental skill once or twice before activating the burst."
"Focus for faster charges and any kind of damage, affinity, and sharpness boosting skills."
"Godspeed: Kilua's lightning-fast abilities, manipulating aura to react autonomously, a genius amongst geniuses."
"Geralt can cast a series of different signs to produce a variety of effects."
"Vegeta might be more dangerous with his techniques like spirit fission."
"Exactly what about alham has enabled him to have one of the most consistently impressive resumes for a DPS character."
"Al ham can do anything and everything you would need from a dentro character."
"She's a nasty arena champion, that's what she is."
"Steve: the ability to place your own platforms is potentially extremely game-breaking."
"Her AoE damage, CC, and poke make her an insane carry threat after she buys a few items."
"It's too bad Giselle didn't have her Wonder Woman skills in tow; that could have actually helped obtain the prints without needing to sacrifice her own body."
"Yami has supreme intelligence and skill at learning things related to magic really fast."
"T'Challa was raised to be a diplomat, so his specific skill set would be advantageous in a warring universe."
"He's all about just being an offensive blender a lot of characters in this game have very strong offense and Brad's definitely one of them."
"Shaman, I'm gonna put her up in A tier, she still has a lot of unreactable cell phones and her bleed just into a bite is still incredibly strong."
"It helps make you feel like Batman, especially when you combine the glide mechanic with aerial takedowns in combat."
"Swapping between them, perma-freezing enemies and dealing insane amounts of damage."
"I don't think there's a single scenario in which you should be going fleet because... the identity of Silas is to be a skirmisher."
"This commander you'll want to work on pretty darn quickly in this game because she's so good at so many activities."
"Samus is godlike. She has some of the best zoning in the game, great edge trapping."
"Mega Man's zoning is obnoxious, crazy good out of shield options."
"Buff was to W and Q tag him dodge jet we're trying to work on our passive."
"Nova is unbelievably good, has some really really cool abilities and like is just a wickedly cool frame."
"Sethan's shadow manipulation: a unique and creative ability."
"She might be able to get meter-less like mix-ups or she might be able to just convert normally into regular raita without having to spend extra bar or kunai."
"Your passive and W cloning abilities give you endless amounts of ways to deceive, duke, and surprise your enemy team."
"Some people say that Master Yi is the hardest champion in League of Legends because of how hard intense his micro is... But then some people say he's so easy because you just right click and press Q. I honestly lean way more towards he's very hard."
"Using Squirtle's speed to get to the other side and then switch to Ivysaur... I thought that was so cool."
"With four Blizzard set, Ayaka's Q is very important."
"Warriors will be able to wield Arcane spells, Rogues can Master Divine magic."
"Each world's got a different dance. Mario could never."
"Kruger is the knight very very large hammer fatal damage will restore some of Marx's health from Sigma's blessing and a valiant charge so you are very much a frontline brawler kind of fighter."
"She has her ponytail and can hover midair, use bubblegum as a grab or attack."
"Sucrose, taser and crowd control, she's so freaking good."
"Mordekaiser's ultimate death realm is one of the most threatening abilities in the game."
"Nature's Balance may well be the talent to pick in this line for almost all situations."
"Lesion is a trap-based operator who can place little invisible goo mines across the map."
"Warlock is really good at zoning, arguably the best zoning variation in the game still."
"It's just in his character. So safe, best counter hits in the game, great mix-up utility, yeah, just amazing keep out and the damage."
"Demogorgon is a really cool killer, able to zone survivors and charge shred around corners."
"Gogeta's active skill is still like a top five animation."
"These fifth anniversary fusions excel in virtually every single aspect."
"Legendary Azura: The best dancer in the entire game."
"Having a high athletics character is super fun."
"Lucario's neutral B is actually here... it has a pit box on it while he's charging it..."
"Playing around her burst availability every 12 seconds is the simplest and easiest way to gain mileage from her multipliers."
"Jill Valentine starts out strong as the ultra-resourceful bomb disposal expert and young member of S.T.A.R.S.'s Alpha Team."
"Who needs a vine when you can jump like Mario?"
"Their late game is incredible... Aurelia's backline access tankyness and high damage make her one of the best late-game characters for carrying teamfights."