
Critical Assessment Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"It's not personal to Richard Arnold, it's not personal to John Murtough, it's not personal to Scott McTominay, or any player I think we should sell. It's just, I don't think we're very good at set pieces. I don't think we're very good at finishing. I don't think we're good at buying."
"The experiment of liberalism... really does feel like it's getting to its end right now."
"We got it wrong. It's a failure of American policy."
"Most of these content creators are kind of dog [ __ ] at business."
"In this time of national crisis, Donald Trump did what he always does: he lied, he bragged, he blamed, he never led because Donald Trump is not a leader."
"Donald Trump is great at promising and terrible at delivering. It's been true all his life." - Stuart Stevens
"Just look at the consequences. They're disastrous."
"Why am I promoting something that over the years so many times has burned you and me and burned our interest in it and really betrayed our faith in the product and our faith in the team and our faith in the story right?"
"She has important narcissistic and sociopathic traits."
"It's a big two weeks because if we fail to get Anthony and De Jong and we lose Ronaldo it's an absolute car crash of the transfer window."
"There has never been a day and there never will be a day that Harry Maguire is a better player than Rafael Varane."
"Herbert's good plays leave you in awe, but there's something missing."
"The Emperor does not share your optimistic appraisal of the situation."
"Not the top line number, it's what you actually want to fund."
"But you better believe that review that comes out is going to be a lot harder to land on a buy recommendation."
"Closing schools for that age group was a catastrophic error - perhaps one of the greatest policy errors of this pandemic."
"90% of business ideas suck. If you don't believe me, go on Shark Tank and look at the things they reject."
"A third installment is supposed to be the final test, the final conclusion of all the accumulated power and story. You don't get to cheat and just have something save your entire trilogy in the very last installment. It doesn't work that way."
"I'm the only shark that tells the truth. I don't worry about your feelings, I worry about your money."
"sure skyward sword may not be one of the best 3d zelda games"
"Generally speaking everything up until maybe the last five years or so has been done wrong."
"You can't waste any time in football; even though I like Ralph, we've wasted time by not getting the right manager and starting a new plan."
"It'd be a lot easier to dismiss Hogwarts Legacy if it weren't so good."
"So the Rolling Stone in all of their infinites rock wisdom compiled a list in 2015."
"Can he deliver a perfect pass...to an open Rudolph?"
"They got so caught up in the logistics, no one stopped to ask the question: Is it actually enjoyable?"
"That is not a man who has ever seriously attended a black Protestant Church."
"The biggest part of investing, literally what you're doing as an investor, is you're assessing what's important and what's not important."
"Trump was good at destroying things. He's the Undisputed world champion of that."
"This is a president that you simply have to judge on his actions and not on his words."
"It's such an impressively designed pay-to-win scam."
"This is the year that Dave I think has to acknowledge the best Booker was nowhere near the best Booker this year."
"I gave this four stars, to be honest with you I don't know what stopped me from giving it a five."
"Truly a magnificent specimen of pathological dishonesty."
"G4 F O, not surprising because everybody that works there seems to be an absolute [__] idiot."
"There are no Pro piece I mean you're you're hard-pressed to find anybody."
"Is it amazing overall? Yeah, but is it perfect? Right not really."
"Sir Alex Ferguson was ruthless. He changed his team every four years. How can Manchester United look at this situation and go, 'Yeah, let's give Jesse a new contract'?"
"We're running headlong in a wrong direction."
"Peak-level technology vs. bargain basement level."
"That distillation of what we're facing here is the most compelling way to put it."
"He's totally ill-equipped to be making remarks about tech by his own logic and his own admissions."
"The Vikings lost this game, they played pathetically on defense and when it counted most on offense they couldn't come through."
"If it's not a good quality movie then we've got real issues on here and I think the bigger issue is if it's good."
"If this is the defense at Trump's forthcoming trial... they'd better be psychiatrists."
"It's not like the Grinch is getting nominated for Best Picture... Green Book is way better than Bohemian Rhapsody, I'll say that."
"I don't care if it's controversial; I just think that she has a massive ego problem, which has led to her doing and saying a lot of bad and stupid things."
"Dak Prescott played the best game of his career... if not for some legendary stat padding at the end."
"This is psychotic. It's absolutely psychotic." - Commentary
"No situation where you could look at the Coyotes' tenure in Arizona and call it a success."
"It's just despicable and it's an act of a dog."
"There's nothing that would point to his time there being a huge failure."
"Absolutely foolish is is is the ultimate conclusion on this one."
"Your behavior, Mr. Johnson, makes a mockery of leadership."
"They are irrational, lacking in compassion, and lacking in humanity."
"It's always the most tenuous [__] ever like this garbage about Team Liquid here."
"That's such [__]! I'm not happy that's the case, but also I am happy because I was right."
"He comes across as more mature in this book than he does now. And that's not really saying much."
"It's not one of the greatest comic book films of all time, but damn it, it's great."
"The time to believe a thing is when there's evidence for it."
"If the long ago legendary Blizzard and Diablo names were not attached to Diablo 4, it would have faltered and died a swift death."
"You can't just judge policy by its intentions, you have to look at the results."
"He's also done a lot of bad and he shouldn't be looked at as some godly figure."
"I think the only thing where I would look at this game and say it's got to be better is, is this the substitutions." - Unknown speaker
"That just goes to show you the level of psychopathy."
"It's very rare that you watch a team and go, 'I'm appalled by them.'"
"It's unfortunate because a lot of the themes are there, they're just not executed correctly."
"It’s like the definition of 'good, not great.'"
"Everybody's on top of us, but us. And [expletive] ain't gonna work. We ain't gonna survive this the way it's going. It's just design."
"If United were winning more matches and he was producing his bits of magic which he has done I think you get away with it."
"If you took out the day one experience and if you took out the monetization, I'd honestly be tempted to throw a five-star rating at NBA 2k 20."
"A vote for Trump is insane, I think a vote for third party is equivalent of thoughts and prayers."
"There's no wiggle room here. It's there in black and white: out of Europe, humiliating results, nowhere near the top four."
"Nobody is going to be a legend from this current team based on what we're doing at the moment."
"Apparently he just does what he does on LCS just in scrims by the way guys, it's like... Yes, I think he... He's an over 80 win rate in all-time LCS games right now."
"Absolutely catastrophic. This much lauded counter-offensive has been an utter tragic, disgusting failure."
"I'm 90% confident that you gave this a sub two stars, maybe one star. We'll see."
"I just think I think when all he came in it was mission impossible and I said that at the time."
"I think the biggest strength of this United side... there is Echoes to all right... it's a wish version, It's a b-tech version, It's a poundland version... but I look back to that 99 season which I remember like the back of my hand..."
"Who cares about their opinion on what you're doing in your life when their life is in shambles?"
"Big red flag for me so this is a huge red flag huge red flag like I don't they have said so many filters it passed."
"Our military from a Personnel standpoint is weaker today than it has been in I can't remember how long."
"We're currently stuck with three idiots behind the scenes."
"Fetty WAP made basically every wrong decision one could make throughout his entire career."
"This may be a wake-up call for evangelical evaluation of Christianity."
"I have never given a product a minus ten on ten dorks. I give this kit a minus 10 dorks just because it was full of deception."
"The Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, opposed reconstruction, founded the Ku Klux Klan, imposed segregation, perpetrated lynchings, and fought against the Civil Rights Acts of the 1950s and 1960s."
"You may find that you're evaluating the practicalities of your partnerships."
"Twitter's not a perfect platform, but it's definitely the best platform."
"I've seen some absolutely rubbish takes on this and I don't normally say this but I actually think this is the ultimate best Premier League team of the season so far."
"It's damaging to the fabric of society, it actually is."
"Black celebrity is more problem than solution and that in the end you got to look at who you looking at dead on."
"When push comes to shove and you have to win a match, I think there is such an S-tier contention for stasis that you can't ignore it."
"Unfortunately, there's more whitening on that corner so all right I don't know I guess what I was thinking um I just like Charizard a lot but corners definitely 8.5."
"This opinion is absolutely full of [] and I'm not a lawyer but I can read it and be like this is this is lunacy this is [] crazy."
"The world has come closest to bringing about its own destruction."
"They had failures at the two majors, no one's questioning that."
"There's been a lot of damning evidence already..."
"Philip Rivers was god-awful. He was overthrowing everyone inside. He was desperate to be the hero when in reality he was the liability."
"I'm no expert, but I don't think that was a good move."
"I've seen enough from him now to say that I think he's not the guy."
"Marvel might have oversaturated the marketplace."
"When Arsenal play well, we're the first ones to compliment. But when we lose, we've got to be real."
"It really comes down to survival... you make an assessment of it, and in that assessment, you make a decision."
"This game is dreadful, but surprisingly decent for what it is."
"Words like scam and fraud are too small to encompass what is happening."
"Final Fantasy Type-0 is a very flawed game, yes, but it also shines in a lot of ways."
"We could have written a better film than this."
"Their debut was definitely good, you know, their debut full-length album."
"Just because it made money doesn't mean it's good."
"Qualify out more than you qualify in. You should be looking for all the reasons why you shouldn't be doing business with you because those things are gonna come up throughout the sales process anyways."
"The honest assessment of her by an objective but deeply caring confidant felt at this point in time like a literal matter of life and death."
"If I'm giving it three and a half stars, four stars, or God forbid five stars, I damn well better be sitting on that book and thinking about how much I like it."