
Interactive Quotes

There are 255 quotes

"There are plenty of resources... in the form of pictures, infographics, assessment items... interactive games, worksheets, Virtual Lab contents, and quizzes."
"Jump into Adventureland to experience an epic treasure hunt, a pirate's Adventure, legend of the Seven Seas is an interactive Pirates of the Caribbean themed treasure hunt."
"A new type of story in which your decisions and your active participation affects the outcome."
"Thank you so much guys if you hit the like button. Let me know in the chat and I'll give you a special shout out."
"Great Riddler stories are intelligent mysteries that readers can solve right alongside Batman himself."
"DD2 is a very tactile interactive experience... everything felt so realistic."
"It's sort of a Choose Your Own Adventure Mad Lib book."
"Interactive resources make the learner involved in the process of learning."
"Interactive resource gives a scope of involving all the domains."
"It's the best way to learn math and science interactively."
"Roblox is a platform for all ages where no matter how old people are they can connect with friends and discover a wide range of relevant engaging and age-appropriate experiences."
"Leave a comment down below... Are you watching any animes right now?"
"But the mere fact that the game can process that on the fly, changing key and tempo, while letting you add signal processing and other effects, is kinda nuts."
"Kim Joy's Magic Bakery: bake treats for peckish patrons in a magical forest."
"It's so big and so vast and there's so many additional story elements and characters and things to do."
"This became a surprise hit for me overnight at a party supporting an entire room of players with joycons."
"Have you got a topic that you'd like me to talk about next week... I'll be taking the most interesting suggestions and making a poll on the next video."
"Star Wars Hyperspace Lounge offers otherworldly concoctions and interactive tasting experiences."
"For those of you who love learning, setting up a learning environment that is engaging, interactive, and fun is essential."
"Ask any further questions in the comments down below, I'll get back to you."
"Finally, the Logic Dive has the player snowboarding down logical routes in order to arrive at a decisive conclusion."
"Let's go skiing. Press key to enable the snowboard. Okay, it's enabled. All right, there we go."
"Let me know how you would survive Blackbeard's crew."
"Thanks for watching guys and leave your questions yes leave your questions because we're going to be just answering your questions in this format."
"We want to know your all's thoughts down below."
"Okay, we're gonna play a Kahoot game on YouTube."
"Join the community Discord, you can put in questions and we might use them."
"Let me know what you guys think of the event so far."
"Let me know in the comments down below what camera you guys think is the perfect fit for you."
"Feel free to comment below with your ideas or suggestions of what you want to see next."
"Let's spam hype in chat for this eyeball, yes it's really creepy, I'm really freaked out by it as well, it's very strange to actually see it being introduced in here and it really does ask a lot of questions in the Fortnite community."
"The eye itself is moving, it follows you, which is really interesting, which is freaky, look at this guys, I move to the left, I move to the right, the eye's still following me, it's like it's haunting me and it's desperate to take me out."
"Let's just do a Q&A and we'll ask some questions and see if we can't help one another out."
"Fortnite Festival just came out, and you can play all kinds of instruments and become part of a band."
"Super Mario Maker: Build your own Mario courses, or play Nintendo's custom levels."
"Absolutely love the dinosaur walkthroughs here."
"You guys want to learn how to get bits? That's what you're saying? You'll get your bits and everything like that."
"I think it's a good question to ask, whatever you guys think about it jump down to the comments section below."
"A private world that you can buy and then play with just whoever you want is coming."
"How did you like this video? Tell us what you think in the comments."
"I was like hey we're gonna have survival horror we're gonna have jump scares we're gonna have crazy stuff going on might as well have a drink have a facecam have fun with it right."
"So what do you think, you wanna take more or so we call it a day? Let's take another question."
"This was really fun I definitely want to do this again reading all of the books on the short list."
"Welcome to Hope Sabbath School, an in-depth, interactive study of the Word of God."
"Do you have what it takes to hunt a killer?"
"It's more of an interactive book, a story that you can tangibly take hold of."
"I love the learn by doing approach they take. Each course has something actionable with a project you can share and get feedback on."
"Experiment with Brilliant's interactive demos, you're building a real intuitive understanding that you can actually use in your daily life."
"Let's make this session as interactive as possible."
"...you now get an interactive map that you can drag around and you can even zoom in and out on that map."
"Now, this course is designed to be an interactive hands-on course."
"So, very, very cool, incredibly helpful. Make your documents nice and interactive, make it easier for your audience and your readers."
"Master Lumina is it's going to be eight chapters of a star's Journey falling from the sky and then making their way back home and so it's an interactive."
"...you'll get to watch this interactive experience and see the process of the wand choosing its wizard."
"I'm thinking of making this interactive story so you can decide the outcomes and the endings."
"We have a couple more interactive things... so we're going to start off with Ableton learning music... it's interactive it's very slick and it probably by number one stop like the first stop before we spend money on sentorial."
"So the way that Gupta Program works is it's 15 interactive video sessions and about 20 audio sessions which are all available online or on a USB stick if people don't use online, and it comes with a book as well."
"Never settle for those awkward feelings of being alone ever again. Mal o is an exciting and interactive experience that will keep you engaged and intrigued."
"Why can't people understand the potential of the medium instead of trying to make interactive movies?"
"TeamLab Planets offers a unique experience where your body becomes one with the exhibit."
"What's really awesome about Classroom Screen is if you make that interactive whiteboard the full screen you can really add any of the other widgets right on top of that."
"And a brand new interactive twist that will allow you to influence the game like never before."
"This was literally so much fun and we spent hours here all the rooms are immersive super interactive and really fun and this is also a must if you're looking for those killer Instagram pictures."
"It's like a modern-day choose-your-own-adventure."
"It's a better souvenir than most. Something interactive like that."
"That's the new, did you see that? There's an immersive interactive Squid Game experience coming to, like, several U.S. cities."
"There's a lot of interactive exhibits, more so than most museums I've seen."
"The best learning is hands-on and interactive learning, hands down."
"If you need a dessert that is easy, make ahead, and fun and interactive with your guests, try making cream brulee."
"What I really love about the space is that this is super interactive for the growing family when you have friends and family over."
"This is my favorite part about the app because the journeys are designed to be interactive specifically to engage your attention span."
"...what's great about Brilliant is the constant visuals interactive animations and constant practice problems that help you gain true intuition for even these more advanced topics so you can see exactly how they apply to the world around us."
"WonderWorks in Branson is a unique and interactive amusement park."
"The idea here is to create interactive tools to help people solve simple problems."
"The beauty of Q and QAnon in some ways was the first great interactive novel."
"This is kind of a Choose Your Own Adventure sort of thing."
"Genially is a platform that allows you to create interactive presentations for your students."
"It's really fun, it's very interactive, it's awesome, I think it's a great business idea."
"This area was based on this painting everything that you see in here you can touch and interact with and there's cabinets you can open so pretty cool spot."
"If you're a big fan of Scream, and always trying to figure out WHO KILLED WHO, then you'll love the interactive experience of playing as slasher movie victims."
"I love how interactive the song is."
"Fascinating to say another interactive experience just here."
"I choose Babel to learn languages because of the interactive style of learning."
"Threads are excellent for GUIs or interactive figures."
"Buttons, slide layers, and triggers allow you to create more intricate interactive content in Storyline."
"So, I hope you want to learn about our interactive wind system in God of War because that's what we're going to talk about today a lot."
"Netflix has been trying their hand with interactive movies."
"Getting out of debt is not passive, it's very interactive."
"This is our first ever Feast Interactive."
"It's all hands-on and interactive, a proper learn-by-doing course."
"Marvel at the Museum of Tomorrow, a futuristic interactive experience designed by renowned architect Santiago Calatrava."
"EF Online is online training for leadership, interactive."
"This infographic is fully dynamic and fully interactive."
"A little bit of fantasy, a lot of action, a lot of story, and your input and your actions get to change the world as it grows."
"One of the most unique and interactive lead generation activities available today"
"Our show has only grown, but boys and girls in chat, this is how the show works, called Hive Mind because you chatters are the people who decide the answers."
"The best way to learn something is interactively."
"This is actually a swing and you can put a single figure in there and there's just enough clearance for them to actually swing back and forth a little bit."
"I'm telling you, it is a fun and easy way to create an interactive card."
"The majority of this course is very hands-on, so hang tight, we have lots of fun labs coming up soon."
"This was really really fun and I just did one quick run through but there are so many different videos that you can watch on this little mini journey."
"They are outstanding here as far as parks and wildlife in their interpretation, their storytelling, the expression through the interactive displays."
"Games are really special because you're letting people be a part of it and own it."
"Video games can tell an amazing story and you can be a part of it, yeah. Video games, you can tell an amazing story and you can be a part of it, and it can be over 40, 50 hours, something that just movies can't really do, not books."
"Unearth the mysteries of the Earth's prehistoric past at the Discovery Center where you can scan eggs to see the baby dinosaurs inside."
"It feels like an escape room right at home and it's honestly the perfect opportunity to gather all of your friends and family or even if you want to play solo and spend the best time as a detective."
"During the process of this book you will get dirty you may find yourself covered in paint or any other number of foreign substances you will get wet you may be asked to do things you question you may grieve for the perfect state that you found the book in."
"It's very immersive and interactive and a lot of fun."
"Museums make history a lot more interesting if you can come and touch and see and feel and be hands-on."
"These touch pools are really, really fun."
"Brilliant has become my favorite place to learn math and computer science interactively."
"The thing that I like most about these... they promote more interactive gameplay."
"I read every single comment and I do my best to respond to as many of them as I can in a timely manner."
"The exhibition is multi-layered... there are pieces to discover, there's a trail for children, all sorts of different layers, a literature trail."
"You actually get to sit in the control seat, raise and lower the control rods, and watch the power of the reactor change in ways you probably won't expect."
"The museum is full of fun exhibits like the massive Light Bright, giant guitar, and all sorts of interactive innovations."
"I really like the guessing mode too because it has fun facts about different sea animals."
"This museum is super interactive and a really great way to learn about how Albany was involved in the first world war."
"The ultimate way to communicate a design idea has got to be using a fully interactive real-time walkthrough of your project."
"It's like a coloring book on the wall, and you can actually color it in with your hand."
"I love what they do for haunt - they theme up their train and they do like interactive characters on the train."
"It's great how it's interactive, fun for all ages."
"The app actually talks to you too; it's really cool."
"It turns your living room, your kitchen, your house, wherever you want to use them, it turns it into a real life Mario Kart circuit."
"Instead of just passively absorbing a lecture, they give you a fun problem-solving exercise to work out with every single topic."
"If you have questions, please feel free to interrupt me and ask."
"Look, Goosebumps, man, remember how they had those like choose your own path books? I love those, those were [__] cool."
"The interactive Shelby is a line of Furby friends released in 2001."
"They are all really exotic and interesting and some of them are interactive with lights and noises."
"Several of the stages include interactive platforms that are perfect for some of the most insane high spots you will ever see."
"Turn wait time into playtime with interactive games, trivia, and more."
"I love how you go up through the bridge and down again before you get to the crane."
"It's really fun, a nice interactive thing for folks to do online, and you get some awesome mini geodes."
"It's like a Choose Your Own Adventure kind of thing."
"It is a very hands-on interactive experience that is also perfect for onboard celebrations."
"...it's a really fun way to kind of engage with the history and very different from kind of this static print map."
"This is a live and interactive safari."
"They're fun, they're interactive, they're colorful, they're learning a lot of different information in a fun and interactive way."
"Welcome to our fourth very special back to school live Sunset Safari."
"We went to a really cool interactive immersive art exhibit."
"It's one they're gonna shake over and over again. It's really, really fun."
"This is interactive journalism, trying to get an idea as to what interests you the most when it comes to the stories that we cover."
"It's an immersive educational experience."
"Choose Your Own Adventure style, I had a great time with that."
"If you see any of the Rainbow Friends characters... comment down below when you saw them and I'll go investigate."
"Cloud doodles fill this book, pick up a pen and have a look."
"If you have any questions during the live presentation, I'm here to answer any of your questions."
"It goes into a roaring position, and the sound effects still work, actually."
"You're going to be able to learn with me because, well, if you're learning French, learning Chinese, or learning Spanish, you can tune in to those lessons and learn new words with me."
"Let's pull apart this breakfast sausage egg and cheese pull apart breakfast."
"That was so much fun learning while playing at this Hands-On Children's Museum in Olympia, Washington."
"Black Mirror Bandersnatch does exactly what it's set out to do."
"Imagine if Netflix, instead of just putting things out, would ask what you'd like to fund through subscriptions."
"Interactive banana particles... that's actually beautiful and everything I ever needed in my life."
"Brilliant is a learning experience that teaches you and challenges you with progressive and interactive programs."
"The audience really finds themselves within a world, one in which they are not simply passive observers."
"It's a brilliant interactive aspect of the experience and one you definitely need to check out yourself."
"Worlds of Marvel, an ambitious dining experience, will be an interactive superhero adventure while you eat dinner."
"It's a really cool interactive experience; you can learn about local foods, drinks, and also historical figures."
"My virtual sessions are fun, they're interactive."
"The jam stands for Joy, Art, Music, combining Joy, Art, and Music together to create an immersive interactive Museum."
"Noisy Farm... isolates one animal and you can only push that animal sound for each page."
"That is going to be super eerie when the lights go out at night, but it's very, very fun to play with."
"I have a question that was submitted, really excited to answer that question to do this haircut for you and with you guys."
"Let's make this session interactive; you ask questions, I'll ask questions."
"I like these streams to be more of a discussion."
"It's a fully interactive adventure where your choices dictate how the story unfolds."
"The idea for these sessions is that they're going to be interactive."
"Well folks, the crew has talked me into doing another one of these ask me anything or AMA they call them."
"This Four Acre Labyrinth is going to be 50 different interactive art exhibits, illuminating, fire breathing, kinetic."
"When I say bananas, you say yellow!"
"Not only are these activities a lot of fun, but they're also self-checking."
"Hey Mercedes, change ambient light to red."
"It's so interactive, and it's so warm."
"Carnival Kitchen is a unique dining experience where you not only get to enjoy the great food, but you also get to participate in how it's prepared."
"We wanted to make the flower letters as interactive as possible."
"You can download and watch the four turtles in action right at home."
"Fondue Bourguignon brings everyone around the pot where bite-sized pieces of meat are sizzled in hot oil then dipped in various sauces."
"Once we hover over it, the grayscale is set to zero and this emoji is growing just a little bit."
"This game is so good, it's like playing through a movie."
"Three card monty, this is a crowd pleaser no matter where you go."
"If they then take the chess pieces... and place them on the board in the positions described in the book, that as we placed the fourth piece will find... an LED light that was placed under the other pages of the image."
"So immersive, there were moments where you were at water and there were sprinkles of water at you."
"You have the lower crowds plus creative ways for kids to stay entertained between attractions."
"It's so much more than just a standard waxworks museum; there's lots to see, lots of fantastic photo opportunities, and interactive elements too."
"This place is like the best kind of museum because it's a museum but you can play with everything in it."
"We're going to bring a very interactive show."
"With Face Maker, you'll have fun creating your own funny faces and seeing them come to life."
"Look for a whole bunch of really great interactive activities that you could do with your friends, family at a home school, or even in the classroom."
"Through the power of technology and the internet and other stuff, I want you to tap your screens and select which one you want to see talked about first."
"By brushing Poppy's hair, you can activate cool Rainbow Lights."
"Beneath the surface, the series is an elaborate ARG and online treasure hunt filled with riddles, codes, and clues."
"It looks really good on display, but it still has play value."
"This next set of cards is so much fun because this is a triple lift the flap."
"And now our reveal wheel is all done and how cute is this, all these adorable little images are spinning in the reveal wheel."
"I love the soft colors and the fun reveal wheel with all the little doggies below."
"It's still going to be fun and interactive, all that good stuff."
"It was an honor, it's not every day that you go to a museum where you can open the doors, touch things."
"The total physical response method incorporates physical actions and commands as a means of language instruction."
"The preview is a wonderfully powerful thing because not only can you take a look at it and see what your song looks like, you can actually click on it and listen to the song without having to load it to the deck."