
Viewer Retention Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"In a perfect world, you would want every single new viewer to transition into a return viewer as YouTube goes out to find more new viewers, and that would build up your core audience very, very quickly."
"The video hook: This usually happens within the first 5 seconds of the video where the stage is set or something is shown without context that leads us to keep watching."
"I'm so relaxed if you're still watching this that means that you made it all the way."
"It's gonna be so entertaining. You guys don't look away."
"You want people to stick around from beginning to end."
"The one metric today I think creators should be watching is retention."
"Create content that engages the viewer in the first few seconds of the video. This is crucial for retaining viewers."
"Create high-quality, engaging content consistently. Quality and consistency retain viewers and turn them into subscribers."
"We're captivating because that's the audience we're going for. People who can watch a long video like this and really get into it."
"Longer videos if they're engaging do very well on YouTube because YouTube has more opportunity to keep them there watching."
"People stick around for your personality more so than the specific genre of the content."
"Stop right there before you click away! I know this video is over but it doesn't have to be if you guys join the strawberry Channel membership."
"Make sure you subscribe, make sure you turn on notifications so you don't miss any future videos."
"Audience retention is the thing you've got to focus on."
"Session time is the total amount of time that someone spends on YouTube after they start watching your video."
"The golden ticket is to make sure your viewers want to watch all the way through your videos."
"Make things easy for your audience to keep watching your stuff."
"If you're listening to this or you're watching this, it's really important that, especially if you mess with us, yeah, that you stay and you like, you stay for the duration of the conversation."
"If you want to get more viewers and if you want those viewers to become subscribers, make valuable content that they would care about."
"Make the first three seconds count. The initial moments of your videos are crucial for capturing the viewer's attention. Give them exactly what they're looking for and create a sense of anticipation for what's to come."
"Make sure you guys stay subscribed over here on YouTube to make sure me and Teddy keep your cup full with all the tea."
"The more trust a viewer has, the more likely they are to continue to watch a video."
"If you're not creating content that's about the stuff that your audience is interested in or answering the questions that they have, well, they might see it and never come back."
"If it's less than 30 seconds, it needs to have over 100% retention or else it's not going to take off." - Jenny Hoyos
"94 average percentage view... people are actually watching through the entire video."
"You're going to want to subscribe so you don't miss out."
"Sit back and relax and make sure to watch this video all the way through because you don't want to miss out on the perfect camera for you."
"Remember to leave a like and a comment and subscribe if you aren't already. Only about one-third of the people who watch my videos are subscribed."
"Make sure you hit the subscribe button with the bell notification so that way you don't miss a single video."
"Mid-roll ads is a high friction leave point for me."
"If YouTube doesn't give viewers what they actually want, they won't stay on the platform."
"There's no reason to change anything unless it gets rid of viewers."
"The characters continue to be what keeps me hooked on the show."
"Every streamer knows the tragic fact: when a stream goes down, viewers leave, and many never come back."
"Younger viewers tend to start watching, but older viewers tend to stick around."
"The cast and the crew agree that the family being at the core of the show is what makes viewers want to keep watching."
"The overall goal of the YouTube algorithm is to help viewers find exactly what they are searching for, to find exactly what they want to watch, and then retain them and have them stay on that platform for as long as they possibly can."
"Make sure your content is worth watching the entire duration of the video."
"The most important engagement you can get is a viewer who actually engages with your video itself by watching it all the way to the end."
"You may as well put the time stamps in because this will give them an incentive to click through all the different timestamps instead of just clicking through to the end inadvertently."
"The first 30 seconds in the video is the most high stakes impactful. That's when people decide whether they're going to click or not. That's when the most drop-off happens."
"If you guys made it this far in the video, congratulations! Yay round of applause!"
"For all the geeks out there that want to say, 'Oh, they haven't gained an audience,' they're not building a new audience. Really? So on the flip side, I can tell you that WWE is losing an audience. WWE is not maintaining the audience that they have now."
"...if you made it all the way to the end of this video..."
"You want to give the viewer a bunch of different reasons to keep watching."
"You want to really, really, really be giving the viewer like a bunch of different reasons to keep watching."
"I challenge you to not click off and say okay Alex gotta get going moving on to the next video I want you to pause I really want you to pause."
"A video has to be well presented, well shot, well produced, good audio, and has to be edited and formatted in a way that keeps people watching."
"Wow, you've watched until the end. That means you've enjoyed this video."
"Give them something that keeps them watching, more importantly, something that lets them know what kind of a ride they're on."
"People will live with crappy video but if the audio's not good, they're going to just find something else to watch."
"There's only two things that matter to the algorithm: Do people click on your video and do they watch it?"
"I think a lot of people come to your channel for a video or a project, but if they like you and your style, they'll stick around for you."
"You still want to come in with a strong hook; this is not only going to ensure that you can make it past the first second but that the person actually watches the entirety of your ad."
"It's going to trigger emotion which is going to keep people watching."
"You need to stick right to the end so that you can fully grasp everything that I'm explaining to you."
"It's gonna make people want to keep watching the show."
"Thank you so much for sticking with me until the end of the video."
"What does YouTube want? They want people to click on a video and watch it."
"They're supposed to keep a viewer looking at your piece for a lot longer."