
Heat Wave Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"British Columbia was hit by the hottest and most deadly heat wave in the country's history."
"I'm not going to just let this heatwave destroy our power grid. I am going to take proactive measures in order to prevent catastrophe."
"Expect that it's going to be a very, very hot summer."
"We've got a heat wave spreading all across the country."
"Even the birds weren't flying, and people are walking their dogs in that heat and the dogs were like, I'm gonna... they look like they were drunk."
"46 million now sweltering as temperatures reach record highs."
"The heatwave is definitely here and I am loving it."
"Heat Wave 1998: The best pay-per-view in company history"
"...the clock of Destruction is ticking, a deadly heat wave is sweeping over the entire Earth..."
"It's hot, really hot, like everywhere. I haven't stopped sweating in three weeks."
"The summer of 1858 was a particularly hot summer and everyone was feeling it and smelling it."
"There is hope... Sydney gets set for a scorcher record heat wave."
"Australia was hitting over 50° C in recent days."
"Eating barbecue in the middle of a Texas Heat Wave gives a whole new meaning to the meat sweats y'all."
"We're in the middle of a very wonderful heat wave here in the UK."
"Wow, it's the most beautiful day, it's boiling. So have a great weekend, enjoy the heatwave that we might be having."
"We're going through a heat wave this weekend."
"It was the most severe heat wave in modern history."
"Britain is going to bask in temperatures supposedly hotter than Corfu in a mini heatwave that's going to take place over the next seven days."
"Milwaukee Public Schools is calling half a day today because of the heat. They said it's too hot for the kids."
"We're treating this heatwave as an exacting test of our national resilience."
"We're just looking at a few news articles here, but we are talking about a heat wave that's affecting like half the population of the planet."
"We know right now a lot of you are experiencing a heat wave."
"It's 6:10 in the AM, and already the temperature has reached a massive 92 degrees as this unprecedented heat wave continues."
"Watch out Gravity Falls, because at 110 degrees, we're looking at the hottest day of the summer."
"We don't have the infrastructure for hot weather here, you know. Everything shuts down, buses explode on fire, roads melt, old people die because they wear too many jumpers."
"More than 700 people died from a heat event that lasted just about two and a half to three days."
"The death rate in France from a heat wave that lasted three weeks was basically the same as the death rate in Chicago from a heat event that lasted just about two and a half to three days."
"This Sunday marks summer solstice already, then the heat will get even stronger next week."
"It's the hottest summer that we've had here."
"It's the hardest week ever on record in Thailand, capping off a month so intense that the heat index here in Bangkok has surged past 50 degrees Celsius."
"Big Heat Wave out west across the Rockies, across the Central and Southern Plains, a lot of heat out here."
"It's really warm at the moment, we're going through a kind of heat wave."
"The sun is trying to poke out here this morning; we're supposed to get a bunch of heat this week."
"Stay cool, stay inside, stay hydrated, and above all else, please stay sweet."
"Friday the 3rd of July 1959 was another scorching hot day in what folks were calling the never-ending summer."
"Yesterday and today have been the hottest days in New York."
"It's been a heatwave; it's been so nice."
"Record-breaking high temperatures tonight all the way through tomorrow."
"The hottest day on record in Washington."
"The heat wave is just baking huge parts of this country."
"It's nearly 30 degrees today, I do everything I can to keep this dog cool."
"Yesterday we had a heat advisory, and probably gonna be the same today."
"Things seemed worse than usual up there. It gets hot like this, and folks get dissatisfied with life; they start looking around for somebody to take it out on."
"Life is simple like this, I don't have to think very hard, and a day like today in this kind of heat, that's a good thing to have."
"Well if there's one way to stay cool when it's 110 degrees outside, it's going kayaking."
"It's been kind of hot lately, so today I'm working out of the sun in the greenhouses under the cover of some shade here."
"It is the beginning of the UK heatwave which is spectacular news; let's hope it lasts."
"I've just been enjoying summer. It's been really hot, which makes you not want to do much."
"I did like the effect of the heatwave where people seemed to set alight on fire and evaporate."
"I'm going to give you all of that soon, but for today, I just want to give you a tiny bit, just enough to keep you hydrated with this heat that's hitting us right now."
"The sun is out; it's gonna be a super, super heatwave across Europe today."
"Yes, it's too hot, guys, imagine how you walk under the sun, under this heat, in the summer of July."
"It's the hottest day of the year so far, 30 degrees Celsius right here now this afternoon."
"Apparently, it's going to be one of the hottest days ever recorded today."
"California had one of the worst heat waves in modern memory."
"My heart goes out to those who are struggling with the heat right now."
"Stay hydrated during this heat, especially."
"It was the worst summer that we have experienced here in Arizona; we had record temperatures all summer long."
"Being wow, is it hot! I just saw a chicken laying an omelet."
"What up gamers, it's a heatwave in the UK and I am melting."
"We're having such a heatwave right now."
"We're under attack, and the weapon is the weather, the extreme heat."
"Extreme weather warning after the storms, now the sun in the spotlight as MPs say 10,000 people could die as a result of heat waves."
"In the UK at the moment, we're going through what they call a heat wave."
"It's a heatwave and we had like 40 degrees a few days ago, so it's absolutely scorching right now in the UK."
"It is boiling here in the UK, I can hardly believe it."
"Please stay hydrated, especially during this heat wave."
"Chilled seafood dinner is a great way to go if it's really hot where you are."
"It's another scorcher of a day, so we're gonna just lounge in the water for the day, I think that's the plan."
"It's been such a nice few days here, we've actually had a bit of a heatwave."
"A major heat wave is gonna hit Portland Oregon tomorrow."
"Autopilot engaged, I left for work, it's sweltering hot already."
"Another super exciting thing that's happening, guys, here's my peppers. They have really grown this last week or so with this heatwave we've been having."
"The world has just experienced the hottest June of the last 150 years."
"A heat wave is a period of abnormally hot weather lasting more than two days."
"It's a warm day; in fact, I think there's a chance we might break 100 degrees Fahrenheit."
"The 40-degree heat wave that's just come about isn't some random freak event; it's happening because of an increase in greenhouse gas emissions."
"It's extremely hot here right now, we're having heat warnings, the heat index has gotten up to 120."
"It's been so hot this week in the high 90s, crazy for Washington."