
Herbs Quotes

There are 256 quotes

"There's something about including natural herbs in your diet and playing around with essential oils that makes you feel really wholesome and fresh and connected to the earth."
"I'm going to start chopping up my herbs for layering in this beef."
"Oregano, warm and full of delicious aromatic oils, a staple of great Italian dishes and perfect sprinkled on pizzas or in pasta sauces."
"Great tip for using leftover herbs: simply chop finely, mix into butter, roll up in clingfilm, and freeze."
"Watercress has this great herbaceous peppery characteristic which is just so perfect."
"Reishi truly is one of the most potent and profound tonic herbs that I've had the privilege to include into my life."
"It's so herbal, like incense, in a very enjoyable way."
"And why not some herbs that we sliced up earlier... with our wheely good gadget?"
"Sage and thyme brought me on the road to recovery."
"I love when there's Rosemary involved in cooking."
"I love the herb drying racks in the pantry."
"If you're doing money magic, you can use different herbs to attract money or to clear negative energy with money."
"I use these all the time, no pun intended, all the time t-h-y-m-e."
"I'm stoked to have our own cilantro there this year, that plant is huge."
"Wormwood is used in spirits like absinthe and vermouth and has sort of psychoactive, poisonous medicinal properties."
"It's good for taking and making medicines and collecting herbs."
"Did you know that your cheese grater is like the perfect thing to destem your herbs? This like literally blew my mind because I've tried actual destemmers and this works better than ones that are designed for it."
"Oh it's so good it's like sweet naturally from all those herbs herbaceous chili Laden the oils of the fish."
"It's okay to kind of pile these on the trays because these herbs will shrink quite a bit after they start drying."
"One thing that I've really come to realize... is the power of herbs and just simple food."
"Mint is another staple herb in my garden."
"...if there's one thing that you could do in your garden to transform the way you cook and eat it's to actually grow your own herbs."
"There is so much more to herbs than just their edible characteristics."
"Having fresh herbs in the kitchen just fills the room with the most beautiful scent."
"The fresh herbs, there's nothing like it, nothing."
"Spices and herbs are just filled with polyphenols and very beneficial nutrients."
"Adaptogenic herbs make me feel my best."
"You're going to be growing the most delicious, fresh, organic herbs, and you'll have something to cut and bring into the kitchen every single day for the whole year."
"Support stress management by nourishing my adrenals with adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha and holy basil."
"Herbs and spices count and can really boost up your numbers."
"Starting with one single herb is going to give you the opportunity to really learn about that herb, the flavor profile, the aromas, the effect that the herb may have when you use it."
"It's really all about that sauce. It's full of herbs, explosion of flavor."
"Planting herbs is one of the greatest things you can do for your Garden because it's a plant once in Harvest for everything."
"In essence, pretty much every herb in one way or another is a medicinal herb."
"Most protective herbs are household items like rosemary, salt, eggshells."
"Doing medicinal herbs and culinary herbs is a no-brainer for getting into gardening. They're beautiful, they flow, they're perennial, they're low maintenance once you get them going."
"It's turkey with sage and rosemary, you can't go wrong."
"Something about cooking with fresh herbs really makes me feel like a chef."
"Ultimately, drying herbs is a very simple thing to do."
"So much in food depends on contrast and here, against that sweet meaty lamb stew, I'm chopping oregano, fresh oregano used dried in it."
"Herbs are like Nature's Pharmacy."
"It's a good start to a nice perennial herb garden that's going to supply you with all kinds of flavors throughout the summer season."
"What good is it to grow food if you don't have the herbs to flavor it all up?"
"Stinging nettles aren't really fun to deal with as far as going picking or brushing up against them but as far as your natural herbs and using them in your medicine cabinet they can be a powerhouse."
"They fancy when they put real herbs and plants on your latte and tea."
"...these flavones are and so you know thinking about using culinary herbs aren't just for flavor they're also really for health."
"The best thing I suggest is to grow your own because then you can be certain of the identification of the herbs."
"Herbs make such a difference. I think that's one of the best attempts at this that we've ever had. Nicely done."
"Always want to chop your herbs if you're going to splash them over something at the last second right at the last second because what happens is they start to release those essential oils and become absolutely delicious."
"I love that flavor Rosemary gives any soup."
"Herbs and spices make it diverse and interesting."
"Adding certain herbs and spices to your food can help with gas and bloating."
"We are going to feed our basil plants. You can just smell the basil, it's amazing."
"The herb's properties were so potent that it was said to be dangerous for mortal men to pluck, reserved only for the gods who wield power beyond human capabilities."
"Herbs are key you guys. I mean if you want like your [ __ ] to taste good at home, you gotta hit up the herb."
"Herbs and spices: expand your horizons."
"I do a lot of cocktails with herbs. My favorite is a gin and tonic with a little bit of pink peppercorns and a little bit of thyme in it."
"The flavors are much brighter, a lot more use of fresh herbs."
"Several of the herbs that they checked were able to eradicate these bacteria as effectively as any drug therapy."
"Herbs as a foundation are always the answer and the evidence is there to support it."
"The herbs are protecting cells and allowing ourselves to recover from stress."
"I love to cook with a lot of herbs too, add a lot of herbs."
"The Rosemary is my favorite fiddle of the lavender and the basil."
"Rosemary and lamb, they are like best friends."
"Herbs add so much flavor to your food, they can turn a very ordinary bland dish into a dish that has so much flavor and garden fresh pop to it. You're going to absolutely love it."
"Vietnamese coriander: the amazing substitute for cilantro."
"Ethnic herbs: embracing diversity in our cooking."
"Shiso: the hottest new herb in the kitchen."
"Mexican oregano: spicy, flavorful, and versatile."
"Lemongrass: adaptable, tropical, and a tea favorite."
"Hibiscus: from flower to tea, a versatile delight."
"Breakfast, sage lunch, rosemary dinner, thyme."
"My favorite herb for risotto, it's by far the most flavored and like it's almost like a sweet and savory."
"Fresh herbs have become one of my very favorite things to freeze dry."
"It's very nice flavor; it's got that smoke off the bacon and it's got the really nice of the herbs that we put into the meat plus into the sauce."
"Now basil is a great one to grow on a window sill or under grow lights, perfect at a grim time of year to reignite those senses of summer."
"Herbs are both medicinal as well as culinary, and they have a lot of wonderful nutrient-rich properties to them."
"If you get into the habit of using fresh herbs in the kitchen, you can very often transform something quite ordinary into something very special."
"Basil, said to be the king of herbs, really does have a lovely flavor with so many things."
"Using herbs like turmeric reduces your risk of heart disease."
"My favorite place is the balcony, making herbs such as chamomile, lavender, basil, rosemary, and mint."
"If you love your cooking, we've got rosemary, which is a must-have."
"Mint is such a lovely herb. Oh my God, I could just eat it. It's like the natural gum, right? The natural freshener."
"Don't skimp on the basil; the basil really adds a ton of flavor."
"Being able to go out into your garden and cut fresh herbs daily to put in your meal, there's nothing like that."
"This Magnificent blend of Citrus, herbs, musk, and Amber."
"Fresh rosemary, garlic powder, and cumin - so simple yet so strong."
"This smells so good, honestly. I've put some herbs and spices into it, and it just honestly makes it smell so good."
"Parsley is a really good herb to use in cooking and can add color and brightness and flavor to your food without adding a bunch of salt."
"Lettuce and herbs are such a key part of the cottage garden."
"I've been dying to grow my own herbs forever."
"The herbs make that for me, really pulls out the flavor."
"The herbs are for the healing of the nation."
"The pork is perfectly cooked and the herbs de Provence, it's not overwhelming, it's just a little fragrant."
"I have grown familiar with many healing herbs."
"I love growing herbs in the summertime and they look so beautiful hung to dry."
"If you're taking the time to grow your herbs and you're taking the time to pick your herbs and do all the things and preserve them, take the time to see what you can do to cook with them."
"I really like using the real herb in place of maybe an extract or an essential oil."
"I have come to the conclusion that I love sage."
"I feel like I am growing to love herbs a little bit more."
"Everything tastes better and you elevate the dish with fresh herbs."
"Oh, so appetizing, just sprinkle with herbs, it smells wonderful."
"I love to use herbs and in particular, I love various forms of thyme."
"I'm smelling that herbs de Provence, it smells so good."
"This side yard garden doesn't get quite as much sun, and so it really is ideal for growing most herbs."
"She can convert herbs into healing magic; isn't that amazing?"
"Having a basil plant here and a cilantro plant in the corner, it's so simple to come out here, grab a couple, bring it inside, chop it up, and then it just stays out here, gets the sun, I water it once a day, and that's it, very simple."
"A fragrant bouquet garni, basically a really nice aromatic tea bag."
"I started growing some herbs at the beginning of the summer, and here is my most recent harvest: some dill and cilantro."
"I am so excited about it; it is such a wonderful herb."
"I've always been a believer that herbs can heal, food is my medicine."
"I'm going to have an amazing herb garden just outside the house which will be wonderful."
"Herbs like Rosemary and Thyme can add so much flavor to your desserts."
"It's really bright and herbaceous with the herbs and the fresh basil."
"Italian seasoning... blends all of those traditional Italian herbs into one seasoning."
"Lots of fresh herbs make such a huge difference to anything that you cook."
"I think tarragon is going to be a staple for us because it just grows so well and prolific here."
"Oh, the flavor of the herbs really come through and that tarragon along with the fennel, perfect combination. Absolutely delicious."
"Herbs and onions, ginger, turmeric, things like this have been heavily studied by scientists and they have found that yes, they do indeed have certain properties that may be beneficial to our health."
"If I had to choose a favorite basil, Emerald Towers basil would be it."
"Another variety that I love to grow is holy basil."
"Fresh basil, it's gotta be fresh basil."
"I completely fell in love with the stuff; it's now probably my favorite fresh herb."
"He had never eaten so many medicinal herbs before."
"These are freeze-dried parsley, basil, dill, all that which tastes like fresh, they're amazing."
"I love Rosemary and Rosemary loves me."
"Just add tons of herbs to what you're eating."
"The fresh herbs just really change the flavor profile."
"Mint is fantastic in it and the fresh herbs just really change the flavor profile."
"Herbs are not only such a great way to add flavor into your sauces, pestos, your dressings but also they contain so many nutrients."
"Nothing gives you a better return on investment when it comes to fresh herbs versus how much you'll pay at the store."
"I love adding herbs into my potato salad or really any meal this time of year because I have such an abundance of herbs; they add so much flavor and there's some really great health benefits of adding herbs into your cooking."
"The whole key for herbs is to get them growing so you can use them in your kitchen."
"It's cough and cold season, so thyme is always very important in soups, stews, or curries not only for the medicinal benefits but it adds loads of flavor as well."
"Rosemary, which I think is probably my most favorite scent of all the herbs."
"Mint is not toxic; in fact, catnip, which my kitty loves, is in the mint family."
"Sage probably provides the single most potential health benefits."
"The right blend of herbs and spices can truly make or break a meal."
"Basil is shown to provide many medicinal benefits, improving memory and skin health, combating chronic inflammation, stress, and depression."
"Serve right away, garnished with fresh rosemary."
"Never know when you might need a herb; that's good advice for life, that is."
"You get this bright green color and just like the intense fresh aroma of the herb."
"This is actually parsley, which is my favorite herb of all time."
"Romel loves his steak with garlic and a little bit of rosemary and thyme."
"I think that fresh herbs are one of life's little luxuries."
"True perennial herbs actually will survive your winter."
"We probably saved the most amount of money on our grocery bill on herbs, believe it or not."
"You can keep using your home-grown herbs all winter."
"We love fresh herbs, don't we? Our basil and thyme and oregano."
"Wow, this is awesome, that's so easy, no way, you know what, I just recently had to cut up a bunch of herbs, and it's annoying with the knife, but look how easy it is with this thing."
"I love fresh herbs; they always make everything taste amazing."
"That's something I want to get better about, cooking and eating fresh herbs."
"Fresh herbs make it go along with that whole fresh vibe and makes it nice and refreshing."
"Parsley is a powerhouse packed herb."
"It's amazing, and generally some herbs as well."
"These are homegrown herbs and I just dehydrated them, or dried them, or whatever."
"Don't underestimate the power of adding fresh herbs; it's really amazing."
"Chives are very delicate and go a long way."
"If someone were to ask me what kind of herb should I grow... I would have to say, hands down, grow oregano."
"We've got enough rosemary and sage and thyme to last us forever."
"We have a new Green Stock planter that we plan to plant our herbs in this year."
"Replace the water every two to three days and this will help your green onions and any herbs to stay fresh a lot longer."
"It smells amazing in here with all the herbs."
"Basil has a beautiful sweet, fragrant herbaceousness that is just absolutely perfect with that sweet, salty, spicy meat."
"Maybe your goal this year is to start your own gardening and grow just herbs because it's easier, because you don't have a big space."
"The herbs are just decorative, but they're pretty."
"Marca collects herbs to help her mother, knowing that her mother feels happy because Marca is such a good child."
"Herbs are such great companion plants; they bring in a lot of beneficial insects, they're pest confusers."
"You just can't have too many herbs in your garden."
"Strawberries are doing good, the basil is doing amazing."
"The herbs are some of the highest anti-oxidant foods on the planet, even over, you know, things like berries and fruits and other things like that."
"Not everybody uses parsley, basil, and oregano, but I use all three."
"Herbs, if you can protect them over the winter, you can have them all year round."
"The rosemary is just fantastic because it has that very precise line shape to it."
"Every time so good you get the smell of the rosemary, each taste opens one by one."
"The flavor of tarragon pairs really nicely with the anise liquorish flavor of the fennel."
"Crispy, fatty, juicy, chock full of flavor from all the herbs that have been in there."
"Using fresh herbs to fill in those really small gaps... it really does feel really festive and elegant."
"Rosemary is a rich culinary herb but it is also said to be good for memory."
"Peppermint, rosemary, basil are the ones that I would go to for improving cognition."
"You can't go wrong with Greek oregano, French tarragon, English thyme."
"If you love Italian food like I do, oh that oregano is fantastic."
"I'm excited for everything but like herbs are just such a good thing to have on hand."
"The herbs are not some little garnish that goes on top, the herbs form part of the salad."
"We're also including herbs, obviously, we're including vegetables."
"I'm so excited, I love using fresh basil."
"It's kind of herby and plenty, this is pretty good."
"The name sage comes from the Latin word salvia, meaning health."
"Sweet marjorams, the herb of happiness."
"The magnificent perfume of the leaves makes a walk through the herb garden one of pure delight."
"A herb is the leaf of any plant whose smell and taste improves the quality of a meal."
"Herbs ask so little but they give so much."
"It's a great feeling to pluck off a few leaves and toss fresh herbs into a meal."
"These are herbs called chives and they're going to add lots of yummy flavor to our cooking."
"Herbs and spices have been a part of our cultures for thousands of years."
"Use more herbs and spices is the general recommendation."
"I am so excited about this coriander, seriously, seriously, what a joy!"
"The pharmaceuticals are based on herbs; it's all hand in hand."
"You just snip as these grow, you snip all winter long and use them in your cooking."
"Molly is so right, like stick the basil in."