
Creature Design Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"I love the idea of having billions and billions of critters just on the screen, and it would be ideal if we get that point."
"Everything from the sets, background CGI, and wildlife-looking creatures are stunning and believable."
"Did you know many of the creatures made for the Pokémon series first and second generations were revised or simply scrapped altogether?"
"There's nothing cuter than a Mogwai; this is a creature made for love." - Spencer
"Literally perfect, we've got Nag Boker, an evolution to Barboge, that's water rock type."
"Yo, like the bosses look creepy... nah this is hard... we're playing after this." - Lies of P.
"Oh my God, that half face, that half face on top of it! It was an octopus, centipede, spider kind of thing, but there was a half-shaped man's face on top of it!"
"I absolutely love them and I think the design of many of the creatures impressed me for sure."
"Underworld, are the Lycans. Something a little different here, played out by some CGI and some practical, all in all high budget work full of buff beasties and adrenaline. What can I say? They look great."
"These creatures are more what one might expect to emerge in this evolutionary timeframe."
"These two hooded figures come from the same species that has remained widely unnamed."
"More unique creatures are something that truly make an Elder Scrolls game feel more diverse and interesting."
"Homunculi are explained to be creatures artificially created in red-shaped jars where they mature in what's the main purpose of their existence and creation being to find other kind of living substance for consumption."
"Holy crap, that is an amazing creature design. Why is this not being used? That has to be put back, please guys, come on, use it."
"Monster Hunter is one of the finest examples of imaginative realism."
"Each game is packed with dozens of unique and compelling creatures."
"The main thing I loved about that series were the creature designs."
"Making creatures: simple ways you haven't thought of."
"This is gonna be our new strongest creature, hitting for over a million. Unreal!"
"This colossal creature isn't just about shock value."
"A horrifying giant worm creature that will exist in your nightmares forever."
"Thankfully, the metro series has never had really any problems here with uniquely detailed monsters and armor designs being a series staple at this point."
"The detail of the creatures, yeah, I thought it looked great for the most part."
"It all came true in this glorious creature mashup."
"That to me is the kind of reward that you give, and also a lot of it is just setting up, you know, I'm a sucker for an interesting monster."
"The way that Rico's first encounter with the split jaw is presented is another example of the series' striking visual presentation."
"Root bonnet bears a slight resemblance to a cross between a dinosaur and a mushroom."
"Legit though, Rockstar should have put, like, just a random sea monster in here. 1,000 chance of seeing a huge octopus."
"Ryze has a fantastic monster roster, and it can only get better in Sunbreak."
"Giger scripted an ending that was an all-out war between Sil and the military."
"The designers even created an animatronic suit for the gargantuan mutant sheep monster used in the final battle."
"The new monster... was easily one of the scariest and grossest that we've seen so far."
"Archeops is such a good take on the archaeopteryx."
"Hydreigon looks like it's straight out of a medieval fantasy or fairy tale."
"It resembled a horrible amalgamation of a man and a pig."
"He offers to craft anything the creature wants, so of course she asks for another eye."
"From the first moments you lay eyes on them, their zombified almost mummy-like skin and unnatural body design make them appear otherworldly."
"I think it's clear that in the first four generations, grass types are mostly plant-based creatures that started off with a darker theme but ended up diversifying into a type filled with cute cool beautiful and dangerous looking monsters."
"For Gyarados, I made it more serpentine, I made it so that there was still some hints of a fish, um, origin even though it went through a super miraculously fast evolution to something far more reptilian over time."
"Instead, it will be a Lightning Skelemental."
"The Necromorphs are some of the most disgusting creatures ever imagined for a video game."
"It's evolving, and if it had a mouth with pointy teeth and googly eyes, that would be way better."
"The mutated bear that mimics the screams of its victims is absolutely terrifying."
"This just looks extremely cute. It evolves into a Selgore, Bug Mystic type."
"Charmera, which is a mystic Fu dog Pokémon, and it's apparently a baby legendary. This thing is probably my favorite Pokémon of the entire region, I'm not even gonna lie to you."
"If I'm being super honest, and really a little bit selfish, werewolves are my favorite monster of all time, and I was just super, super excited to make some really big ones."
"There’s something about the Xenomorph that has repulsed and captivated audiences ever since it first slithered on screen, pulled from the mind of H.R. Giger."
"Gorgara stands tall as a near-perfect example of what a large beast boss should look like."
"Some really excellent creature and character model design."
"So in short, I'm very disappointed that there weren't more interesting creature types that arose."
"Well, this was a fun one to consider. I like creatures that are still slightly human-like but different enough."
"The creature designs looked really really cool."
"I have to applaud the gas spore... diseases in 5e were done rather well in 4e."
"They might be making the creatures the most realistic as possible as well."
"Those cute little animals you're seeing on Samus' gun-ship floor, are just X-parasite carriers."
"Yo, in terms of realism, your monster gets an A plus."
"Who would have thought that a game about giant mutated creatures tearing up the city, sometimes eating people, would be so adorable? And it was."
"The gooey ducks in this game are described by Moon as an ancient species of dangling mold that exudes smelly liquid spores unpleasant to think about."
"The fire starter, for instance, ties back to California and is heavily based on a Gila monster."
"Dropion's scary-looking ogre scorpion design is pretty fearsome."
"Powerful enough to tear through armored vehicles with its massive fangs, the War Bats are venom-winged monsters that hunt the hidden depths of the Hollow Earth."
"Dark Souls has these nasty little critters called mimics. They look like a regular old chest, but if you open one, they spring to life and attempt to eat you."
"Here is Phantump, the stump Pokemon, a Fairy Grass type. According to legend, these Pokemon possess the spirit of festivals held in forests of a specific region."
"The indominus rex is a magnificent creature."
"The Jim Henson Creature Shop helped create puppets and creatures for movies such as the Dark Crystal and Labyrinth."
"Creature design was fascinating and seeing a multi-million dollar Cthulhu creature towards the end was incredibly satisfying."
"I love designing creatures, like I just find it so fun."
"Being a creature designer that's very advantageous because if you have to come up with a creature from scratch and each thumbnail is a unique silhouette that's going to spark a lot of interest"
"Incredible creature design by the way, a snake made out of flesh that uses skulls for teeth."
"...The costume design of the creature is amazing, and within seconds of the reveal, beep suddenly has sharper features and jagged evil teeth."
"We always have to be aware of what we work on, the characteristics and skills of the creatures we're going to work on."
"Now we have a really cool menacing Rancor all nicely posed out for you."
"Dead Birds is a 2004 indie western horror period drama, that despite having some really cool creature designs, and a lot of fun haunted house shenanigans, is virtually impossible to get anybody to watch."
"I think Godzilla is one of the coolest creature designs ever in the 20th century."
"The design of the alien as a creature effect is just like it's the stuff of nightmares."
"It's all about the muscles when creating the lifelike otherworldly CGI creatures."
"Oh my god, the suspense, the motion of these creatures, the designs, the camerawork, everything is put together so well."
"The creature designs themselves were by the Chiodo Brothers... and the effects of the Crites in this film are the highest of the levels; it's a perfect balance."
"This is the first time I've seen anything in this clade that's really made me think, 'Oh, it's a real animal.'"
"I'm going to show you three very cool ways of creating wings for your creatures."
"It sure as hell is the most humanistic realistic creature I've ever seen."
"What really stood out was the creature design; the Alien was designed by Swiss surrealist H.R. Giger."
"The beast's skin looked fake yet real, very uncanny."
"The suspense levels in it are so well done that the creature design is great."
"This helped to create a more realistic look and feel to the creatures on the screen."
"This is so original and unique from the creature designs to the lore."
"The creature designing in this is phenomenal."
"The sand worms... weren't over-thought and seemed to hit a pitch-perfect note between being alien and also menacing."
"The designs of all the dragons are cool."