
Profit Focus Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"These game executives could care less about their employees, the products they release, or the consumers; it's always going to be about the money."
"It's about the bottom line, it's about that money."
"They'll make an offer based on the profit they think the owner should be making... regardless of what the asking price is."
"Focus on locking in profits and... managing risk."
"The cryptocurrency market ends up suffering because you're so busy trying to make a very quick profit not understanding that the U.S dollar is collapsing right in front of your face."
"They're not there to make friends, they're there to make money."
"Most companies are just looking to make money and they increase their profit margins by using minimal dosages and charging top dollar for their supplements that don't work."
"When we are writing options, guys, your goal is to write that option, collect that premium, and get out as fast as possible."
"Capitalism can really go over a lot of really cool futuristic awesome technologies that could be brought to society in really cool ways but instead will be used to maximize profits."
"Executives who are only focused on the money don't seem to comprehend the value of customer goodwill."
"The world is increasingly about the bottom line and not so much about human respect or human dignity."
"His only interest was the bottom line, and to some these values felt evident in the CPC."
"The world is turning into a MacBook, worried about making a quarterly profit."
"Model 3 is the future... doubling down and focusing on margins."
"Maybe Hollywood shouldn't have prioritized identity politics over profit."
"Some of these gurus just show numbers, some of these gurus just show revenue. I'm here to show profit."
"If you're a serious affiliate, you go where the most money is." - Serious affiliates follow the money trail.
"The problem here is a business model of short-term profits at all costs."
"People will keep seeing these movies no matter what it seems like."
"They do not care about the art; they do not care about the film's quality; they care about the money."
"If you're making money, it really doesn't matter what you're selling, whether it's a trash bag or something trendy."
"It's very clear that American owners of Premier League clubs have a bottom-line orientation that doesn't sit well with many football fans."
"Drug companies prioritize profit over patient well-being."
"At the end of the day, where the money at? That's what Apple's saying."
"It's just good business. It's not about being generous, it's about good business."
"It's a money-making industry if y'all haven't gotten it at this point um you need to think twice about it."
"You're creating awareness for the client - you're literally just helping the parent company make more money."
"Stop focusing on the price of the property... focus on the profit... add value to the community."
"My goal of 2022 is to hit the pavement running and be specifically focused on making your P/L higher."
"We're already at a profit margin just being able to sit, take a bath, and auction off a few things."
"Return on investment is crucial in our business."
"The glazers just want to keep their money for as long as they can."
"I'd rather be someone that locks in profits versus someone that does not."
"We're going to become a profit-making machine."
"Glue Gunners are making me a lot, there you go, that's all that matters."
"I'm just about profit, so if I can make the profit, I don't care."
"...just ruthlessly prioritizing profit just has all these consequences that are really hard to predict..."
"Corporations have no conscience, all they have is a bottom line."
"Go on then, you're gonna make us loads of money because it's United, innit?"
"When all you care about is profit, we're all gonna lose in the long run."
"It's unprecedented, the extent of greed and hunger for profits of CEOs."
"And like always guys, let's make sure that we're ending the year on a green."
"Trading is not about picking exact lows and tops, it's about catching the meat of a move."
"For me, I don't marry the altcoins... I just want to get that middle chunk."
"Profit is profit. I don't care where it comes from."
"Aiming for consistent profits, not overnight success."
"It's not about being right, it's about making money."
"The biggest problem with trading and the biggest mistake that they make or approach that they take is trying to make money instead of not trying to lose money."
"You can be patient for revenue but impatient for profit."
"Their goal isn't to make Dungeons and Dragons the best role-playing game in the world, their goal is to increase profits."
"Focus on small losses and big wins."
"MCC lacks any compassion and only cares about cost-cutting and profits."
"There's a huge difference between being right and making money."
"Enough with the revenue vanity metrics. Let's start talking profit here."
"Profit, money in your pocket, and money in the bank, that is all that matters."