
Historical Acknowledgment Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"We are descendants of the people who were enslaved by this current government... We are entitled to compensation from this same government."
"Refugees need to return, land needs to be given back, wealth needs to be redistributed, and a recognition of the Nakba needs to happen. That is the only way we could move forward."
"A Truth and Reconciliation approach to the ugliest parts of our history is important."
"Canada may have apologized for the schools, but their incredibly dark history absolutely cannot and should not be erased, and it needs to be spoken about and acknowledged."
"We can acknowledge historical fact without it thinking it leads to another line of thinking of like that means this nation, you know, these people need to be eradicated or they need to be moved."
"Reparations is not the way to right our country's wrong. If we're sincere about repaying black Americans for a loss, let's give us back our history."
"Reparations: making a wrong right, acknowledging the past."
"Symbolic gesture, symbolic gesture, to me it's signaled that Germany was taking responsibility."
"We are the testimony... We are the descendants of those who were enslaved in this country."
"The demand for reparations reflects the Mau people's desire for acknowledgement of the historical injustices they suffered under colonial rule."
"Pope Francis said he felt pain and sorrow for the discovery of the remains of more than 200 children at a former church school."
"Reparations are not just a demand but a moral obligation, an acknowledgement of the unpaid historical debt."
"History cannot be rewritten; the Armenian Genocide occurred."
"The truth is critical here. We can't live in a society where the public after having gone through everything that happened is sort of just brushed away like it didn't happen."
"We owe them for the price they paid and the paths they laid for us."
"What has happened to Iraq is not something that anyone can deny."
"It's a good thing, the visibility, the branding of American descendants of slavery that Yvette Carnell and Antonio Moore have done."
"He actually called slavery evil in a letter that he he freed black slaves on his own plantation"
"The Armenian Genocide happened. It existed. It's true." - Jank Uger
"A horrific past is one thing, but not truly addressing it."
"We need to acknowledge our past and how it affects our present."
"The horrors of the transatlantic slave trade should not be ignored, downplayed, or excused."
"Slaves built this country and we do... we do 40 acres and a mule, you can keep the mules, keep the 40." [Applause]
"You can't stand before the people and praise Dr. King and never mention the poor."
"Shout out to the legends, you know, so much information has come out afterwards to just affirm, like I said, from the universe."
"We need to say to them thank you now that you guys are acknowledging America's history of medical malpractice intentional and malicious that also is a reason for reparations."
"It is at least a real attempt to both acknowledge and redress harm."
"Two things can be true at once: you can be proud of being an American and you can also acknowledge that our country was founded on the genocide of one people native Americans and the enslavement of another Africans."
"Okay, I don't know how I could be any clearer than that. The Armenian genocide happened, it existed, it's true."
"There is no greater witness than when demanding reparations than Obama himself, acknowledging centuries of slavery and discrimination as the primary causes of our gaps."
"The overwhelming response to the truth and reconciliation commission, the apology, the dark legacy of unspeakable things we did to children in the name of erasing their very identity was indifference."
"If we fail to acknowledge the reality of our country, then how can we ever hope to remedy the problems of our history?"
"Honor their stories instead of sweeping them under the rug like they didn't happen."
"Reparations would be a great step to healing. That would be a great faith step to say, 'Hey look, we want to do the right thing as far as people in the dominant society.'"
"America is ours, so cut the check and don't you ever forget your mothers and fathers who created this America that you enjoy."
"So cut the check and don't you ever forget your mothers and fathers who created this America."
"I would like to start by acknowledging the 215 children who were found in British Columbia at the Kamloops Indian Residential School."
"Omega 7 happened. It existed. Those people died because you screwed up and you can't change that, no matter how hard you try to hide it."
"Britain wasn't enthusiastic participant in the transatlantic slave trade for oh just a couple of centuries or so."
"But history will always remember the people who made the Viking voyages."
"We cannot deny that it happened if we do that there is no way we can learn from it."
"You can't have this conversation without acknowledging first the victims, the atrocities that were committed by people who were following my father's orders."
"Acknowledging these historical facts helps counter the legacy of colonialism and promotes a more accurate and respectful understanding of African societies."
"It ignores that many histories have been erased on purpose, not by the simple passage of time."
"So you could see on the left-hand side two things: number one, he's waylaid through Africa and not only that if you study Pan-Africanism Congress of Azzani assemble the star is placed at Ghana an acknowledgement of Asaji for Dr. Kwame Nkrumah."
"We don't need no more displays of our story, we need ownership and we need reparative justice."
"The chancellor reported to the Parliament that 2third of German diplomats were in fact former Nazis."
"It's about honoring the mothers that gave us our lives and those mothers are black trans women."
"Queen Elizabeth II finally granted Alan Turing a posthumous Royal pardon recognizing and honoring his contributions."
"It's time that political leaders and teachers... start to acknowledge that this happened."
"The only kind of racial thing about it is that it threatens to destabilize... it is an acknowledgement that this country was built a large part by the backs of our ancestors."
"America has done more than any Nation on Earth to acknowledge its past sins."
"This university sits on stolen land, the land of the Duwamish people, the land of the Squamish people."
"It had in fact happened. The Holocaust did in fact happen. Residential schools was a real thing."
"Yes, we must acknowledge the bad things we did in the past. We must also think to the future."
"They do not want to harm us; they know that this was our home before they came."
"Indeed as Nebuchadnezzar would admit, God ruled in the kingdoms of men."
"Majority of Britain's support a formal apology for the slave trade."